Commons Link

Documentation for this module may be created at વિભાગ:Commons link/doc

require('Module:No globals')  -- Module to find commons galleries and categories based on wikidata entries local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno') local generateWarning = require('Module:If preview')._warning local p = {}  -- Check if string is a valid QID -- Argument: QID to check -- Returns: valid (bool) local function _validQID(qid) return qid and mw.ustring.find(qid,"^[Qq]%d+$") end  -- Check if string is a valid wikidata property string -- Argument: property string to check -- Returns: valid (bool) local function _validProp(prop) return prop and mw.ustring.find(prop,"^[Pp]%d+$") end  local function _lcfirst(s) return mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(s,1,1)),2) end  -- Format displayed linktext -- Arguments: --   s = string to display --   formatting = formatting table: --    formatting.linktext = if defined, override s --    formatting.lcfirst = lower case the first letter in display --    formatting.bold = whether to bold the display --    formatting.italic = whether to italicize the display --    formatting.nowrap = set nowrapping -- Returns: --   formatted string local function _formatResult(s, formatting) local resultVal = formatting.linktext or s if formatting.lcfirst then resultVal = _lcfirst(resultVal) end     local style = "" if formatting.italic then style = "font-style:italic; " end if formatting.bold then style = style.."font-weight:bold; " end if formatting.nowrap then style = style.."white-space:nowrap; " end     if style ~= "" then     resultVal = ''">'..resultVal..''     end return resultVal end  -- Get title, namespace, and QID for current page -- Arguments: --   qid = testing only: get title of alternative page with QID=qid --   nsQid = whether to return the ns of the qid page or current -- Returns: --   title, namespace (string), qid of current page (or test page) local function _getTitleQID(qid,nsQid) local titleObject = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- look up qid for current page (if not testing) local nsText = mw.ustring.gsub(titleObject.nsText,"_"," ") if not _validQID(qid) then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() return titleObject.text, nsText, qid end -- testing-only path: given a qid, determine title -- always use namespace from current page (to suppress tracking cat) qid = qid:upper() local title = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid) or "" -- strip any namespace from sitelink local firstColon = mw.ustring.find(title,':',1,true) local qidNsText = "" if firstColon then qidNsText = mw.ustring.sub(title,1,firstColon-1) title = mw.ustring.sub(title,firstColon+1) end if nsQid then return title, qidNsText, qid end return title, nsText, qid end  -- Lookup Commons gallery in Wikidata -- Arguments: --   qid = QID of current article --   fetch = whether to lookup Commons sitelink (bool) --   commonsSitelink = default value for Commons sitelink -- Returns: --   categoryLink = name of Commons category, nil if nothing is found --   consistent = multiple wikidata fields are examined: are they consistent? --   commonsSitelink = commons sitelink for current article local function _lookupGallery(qid,fetch,commonsSitelink) if not _validQID(qid) then return nil, true, nil end qid = qid:upper() local galleryLink = nil local consistent = true -- look up commons sitelink for article, use if not category if fetch then commonsSitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid,"commonswiki") or commonsSitelink end if commonsSitelink and mw.ustring.sub(commonsSitelink,1,9) ~= "Category:" then galleryLink = commonsSitelink end -- P935 is the "commons gallery" property for this article local P935 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, "P935")[1] if P935 and P935.mainsnak.datavalue then local gallery = P935.mainsnak.datavalue.value if galleryLink and galleryLink ~= gallery then consistent = false else galleryLink = gallery end end return galleryLink, consistent, commonsSitelink end  -- Find fallback category by looking up Commons sitelink of different page -- Arguments: --    qid = QID for current article --    property = property that refers to other article whose sitelink to return -- Returns: either category-stripped name of article, or nil local function _lookupFallback(qid,property) if not _validQID(qid) or not _validProp(property) then return nil end qid = qid:upper() property = property:upper() -- If property exists on current article, get value (other article qid) local value = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, property)[1] if value and value.mainsnak.datavalue and then -- Look up Commons sitelink of other article local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(,"commonswiki") -- Check to see if it starts with "Category:". If so, strip it and return if sitelink and mw.ustring.sub(sitelink,1,9) == "Category:" then return mw.ustring.sub(sitelink,10) end end return nil end  -- Find Commons category by looking in wikidata -- Arguments: --   qid = QID of current article --   fetch = whether to lookup Commons sitelink (bool) --   commonsSitelink = default value for Commons sitelink -- Returns: --   categoryLink = name of Commons category, nil if nothing is found --   consistent = multiple wikidata fields are examined: are they consistent? --   commonsSitelink = commons sitelink for current article local function _lookupCategory(qid, fetch, commonsSitelink) if not _validQID(qid) then return nil, true, nil end qid = qid:upper() local categoryLink = nil local consistent = true -- look up commons sitelink for article, use if starts with "Category:" if fetch then commonsSitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid,"commonswiki") or commonsSitelink end if commonsSitelink and mw.ustring.sub(commonsSitelink,1,9) == "Category:" then categoryLink = mw.ustring.sub(commonsSitelink,10) end -- P910 is the "topic's main category". Look for commons sitelink there local fallback = _lookupFallback(qid,"P910") if fallback then if categoryLink and categoryLink ~= fallback then consistent = false qid = nil else categoryLink = fallback end end -- P1754 is the "list's main category". Look for commons sitelink there fallback = _lookupFallback(qid,"P1754") if fallback then if categoryLink and categoryLink ~= fallback then consistent = false qid = nil else categoryLink = fallback end end     -- P373 is the "commons category" property for this article. This is     -- a low-quality field, so should only be used as a last resort.     if categoryLink == nil and _validQID(qid) then     local P373 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, "P373")[1]     if P373 and P373.mainsnak.datavalue then     categoryLink = P373.mainsnak.datavalue.value     consistent = true  -- P373 is never used if anything else is available end end return categoryLink, consistent, commonsSitelink end  -- Does the article have a Commons gallery, and is it consistent? -- Arguments: --   qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only) -- Returns: --   filename at Commons, bool: is wikidata consistent for this article? function p._hasGalleryConsistent(qid) local wp_title, wp_ns wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid) return _lookupGallery(qid,true) end  -- Does the article have a corresponding Commons gallery? -- Arguments: --   qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only) -- Returns: --   filename at Commons if so, false if not function p._hasGallery(qid) local galleryLink, consistent = p._hasGalleryConsistent(qid) return consistent and galleryLink end  -- Does the article have a Commons category? Is wikidata consistent for that? -- Arguments: --   qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only) --   prefix = whether to add "Category:" to return string (default true) -- Returns: --   filename at Commons, bool: consistent function p._hasCategoryConsistent(qid,prefix) if prefix == nil then prefix = true end local wp_title, wp_ns wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid) local categoryLink, consistent = _lookupCategory(qid,true) if categoryLink and prefix then categoryLink = "Category:"..categoryLink end return categoryLink, consistent end  -- Does the article have a corresponding Commons category? -- Arguments: --   qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only) --   prefix = whether to add "Category:" to return string (default true) -- Returns: --   filename at Commons if so, blank if not function p._hasCategory(qid,prefix) local categoryLink, consistent = p._hasCategoryConsistent(qid,prefix) return consistent and categoryLink end  -- Create Commons link corresponding to current article -- Arguments: --   namespace = namespace in Commons ("" for galleries) --   default = use as Commons link, don't access wikidata --   search = string to search for --   fallback = string to search for if wikidata fails --   formatting = formatting parameters --   qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only) -- Returns: --   formatted wikilink to Commons in specified namespace function p._getCommons(namespace,default,search,fallback,formatting,qid) local nsColon if not namespace or namespace == "" then nsColon = "" else nsColon = namespace..":" end if default then return "[[Commons:"..nsColon..default.."|".._formatResult(default,formatting).."]]" end if search then return "[[Commons:Special:Search/""|".._formatResult(search,formatting).."]]" end local wp_title, wp_ns wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid) local commonsLink = nil local consistent = true if nsColon == "" then commonsLink, consistent = _lookupGallery(qid,true) elseif namespace:lower() == "category" then commonsLink, consistent = _lookupCategory(qid,true) end -- use wikidata if consistent if commonsLink and consistent then return "[[Commons:"..nsColon..commonsLink.."|".._formatResult(commonsLink,formatting).."]]" end -- if not consistent, fall back to search and add to tracking cat -- construct default result (which searches for title) local searchResult = "[[Commons:Special:Search/"..nsColon..(fallback or wp_title) .."|".._formatResult(fallback or wp_title,formatting).."]]" if not consistent and wp_ns == "" then local friendlyNS if nsColon == "" then friendlyNS = "gallery" else friendlyNS = namespace:lower() end searchResult = searchResult.."[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons "..friendlyNS.."]]" end return searchResult end  -- Returns "best" Commons link: first look for gallery, then try category -- Arguments: --   default = use as Commons link, don't access wikidata --   search = string to search for --   fallback = string to search for if wikidata lookup fails --   formatting = formatting parameters --   qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only) -- Returns: --   formatted wikilink to Commons "best" landing page function p._getGalleryOrCategory(default, search, fallback, formatting, qid) if default then return "[[Commons:"..default.."|".._formatResult(default,formatting).."]]" end if search then return "[[Commons:Special:Search/""|".._formatResult(search,formatting).."]]" end local wp_title, wp_ns wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid) local trackingCats = "" local galleryLink, consistent, commonsSitelink = _lookupGallery(qid,true) -- use wikidata if either sitelink or P935 exist, and they both agree if galleryLink and consistent then return "[[Commons:"..galleryLink.."|".._formatResult(galleryLink,formatting).."]]" end if not consistent and wp_ns == "" then trackingCats = "[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons gallery]]" end -- if gallery is not good, fall back looking for category local categoryLink categoryLink, consistent = _lookupCategory(qid,false,commonsSitelink) if categoryLink and consistent then return "[[Commons:Category:"..categoryLink.."|".._formatResult(categoryLink,formatting).."]]"..trackingCats end if not consistent and wp_ns == "" then trackingCats = trackingCats.."[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons category]]" end -- return search result looking for title as last attempt return "[[Commons:Special:Search/" .. (fallback or wp_title) .. "|" .. _formatResult(fallback or wp_title,formatting) .. "]]" .. trackingCats end  -- Return link(s) Commons gallery, or category, or both from wikidata -- Arguments: --   defaultGallery = default gallery link to use, instead of wikidata --   defaultCategory = default category link to use, instead of wikidata --   categoryText = if both gallery and category, text to use in category link ("category" by default) --   oneSearch = only emit one search result --   formatting = formatting parameters --   qid = qid of page to lookup in wikidata (testing only) function p._getGalleryAndCategory(defaultGallery, defaultCategory,  categoryText, oneSearch, formatting, qid ) local wp_title, wp_ns wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid) categoryText = categoryText or "category" local trackingCats = "" local galleryLink, galleryConsistent local commonsSitelink = nil if defaultGallery then galleryLink = defaultGallery galleryConsistent = true else galleryLink, galleryConsistent, commonsSitelink = _lookupGallery(qid,true) end local galleryGood = galleryLink and galleryConsistent if not galleryConsistent and wp_ns == "" then trackingCats = "[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons gallery]]" end local categoryLink, categoryConsistent if defaultCategory then categoryLink = defaultCategory categoryConsistent = true else categoryLink, categoryConsistent = _lookupCategory(qid,defaultGallery,commonsSitelink) end local categoryGood = categoryLink and categoryConsistent if not categoryConsistent and wp_ns == "" then trackingCats = trackingCats.."[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons category]]" end local firstLink -- construct default result (which searches for title) local searchResult = "[[Commons:Special:Search/"..wp_title.."|".._formatResult(wp_title,formatting).."]]" if not oneSearch then searchResult = searchResult.." ([[Commons:Special:Search/Category:"..wp_title.."|"..categoryText.."]])" end local linkText = nil if galleryGood then firstLink = galleryLink linkText = galleryLink elseif categoryGood then firstLink = "Category:"..categoryLink linkText = categoryLink else return searchResult..trackingCats end local resultVal = "[[Commons:"..firstLink.."|".._formatResult(linkText,formatting).."]]" if galleryGood and categoryGood then resultVal = resultVal.." ([[Commons:Category:"..categoryLink.."|"..categoryText.."]])" end return resultVal..trackingCats end  -- Compare two titles with their namespaces stripped local function titleMatch(s1,s2) s1 = s1 or "" s2 = s2 or ""     s1 = mw.ustring.gsub(s1,"^[^:]+:","")     s2 = mw.ustring.gsub(s2,"^[^:]+:","")     return s1 == s2 end  local galleryTrackingCats = { commons_link_on_wikidata = '[[Category:Commons link is on Wikidata]]', commons_link_defined_as_pagename = '[[Category:Commons link is defined as the pagename]]', commons_link_locally_defined = '[[Category:Commons link is locally defined]]', commons_link_from_wikidata = '[[Category:Commons link from Wikidata]]', commons_link_is_pagename = '[[Category:Commons link is the pagename]]', inconsistent = '[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons gallery]]' }  local categoryTrackingCats = { commons_link_on_wikidata = '[[Category:Commons category link is on Wikidata]]', commons_link_defined_as_pagename = '[[Category:Commons category link is defined as the pagename]]', commons_link_locally_defined = '[[Category:Commons category link is locally defined]]', commons_link_from_wikidata = '[[Category:Commons category link from Wikidata]]', commons_link_is_pagename = '[[Category:Commons category link is the pagename]]', inconsistent = '[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons category]]' }  local function selectTrackingCat(trackingCats,wikidata,consistent,default,title) if not consistent then return trackingCats.inconsistent end if default then -- construct warning message if default == wikidata then return trackingCats.commons_link_on_wikidata end local warning = "" if wikidata then warning = generateWarning({ "Commons link does not match Wikidata – [[Template:Commons_category#Resolving_discrepancies|please check]]" }) end if titleMatch(default,title) then return trackingCats.commons_link_defined_as_pagename .. warning end return trackingCats.commons_link_locally_defined .. warning end if wikidata then return trackingCats.commons_link_from_wikidata end return trackingCats.commons_link_is_pagename end  -- Figure out tracking categories and editor warnings -- Arguments: --   default = Commons link argument passed to template --   fetchGallery = whether to fetch a gallery from Wikidata --   fetchCategory = whether to fetch a category from Wikidata --   qid = force a qid for testing -- Returns: --   tracking category and possible user warning -- -- Note: the logic for the tracking is quite different than the logic -- for generating Commons links (above). Thus, it is separated into another -- function for code clarity and maintainability. This should not seriously  -- affect performance: server time is dominated by fetching wikidata entities, -- and those entities should be cached and shared between the Commons generating -- code and this tracking code. function p._tracking(default, fetchGallery, fetchCategory, qid) local title, wp_ns, wp_qid = _getTitleQID(qid,true) if wp_ns ~= "" then title = wp_ns..":"..title end -- only track if test or namespace=article or namespace=category if not (qid or wp_ns == "" or wp_ns == "Category") then return "" end  -- determine title and namespace of wikidata and wp article local wikidata = nil local consistent = nil -- Tracking code works for all 4 cases of states of fetchGallery/Category -- fetchGallery takes precedence if fetchGallery then wikidata, consistent = p._hasGalleryConsistent(qid) if default or not fetchCategory or (consistent and wikidata) then return selectTrackingCat(galleryTrackingCats,wikidata,consistent,                      default,title) end end     if fetchCategory then local cat_wikidata, cat_consistent = p._hasCategoryConsistent(qid,true) if not fetchGallery or (cat_consistent and cat_wikidata) then return selectTrackingCat(categoryTrackingCats,cat_wikidata,                      cat_consistent,default,title) end return selectTrackingCat(galleryTrackingCats,wikidata,consistent,                      default,title)     end return "" -- nothing fetched, nothing tracked end  local function _createFormatting(args) local formatting = {} formatting.linktext = args.linktext formatting.lcfirst = yesNo(args.lcfirst) formatting.bold = yesNo(args.bold) formatting.italic = yesNo(args.italic) formatting.nowrap = yesNo(args.nowrap) return formatting end  -- Testing-only entry point for _getTitleQID function p.getTitleQID(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) local text, ns, qid = _getTitleQID(args[1],args[2]) return text..","..ns..","..(qid or "nil") end  -- Testing-only entry point for _lookupFallback function p.lookupFallback(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) local fallback = _lookupFallback(args[1],args[2]) return fallback or "nil" end  -- Find the Commons gallery page associated with article function p.getGallery(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) return p._getCommons("",args[1],,args.fallback,_createFormatting(args),args.qid) end  -- Find the Commons category page associated with article function p.getCategory(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) local retval = p._getCommons("Category", args[1],, args.fallback, _createFormatting(args), args.qid ) if args.tracking then local default = nil if args[1] then default = "Category:"..args[1] end retval = retval..p._tracking(default, false, true, args.qid) end return retval end  function p.getGalleryOrCategory(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) local retval = p._getGalleryOrCategory( args[1],, args.fallback, _createFormatting(args), args.qid ) if args.tracking then retval = retval..p._tracking(args[1],true,true,args.qid) end return retval end  function p.hasGallery(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) return p._hasGallery(args.qid) or "" end  function p.hasCategory(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) return p._hasCategory(args.qid) or "" end  function p.hasGalleryOrCategory(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) return p._hasGallery(args.qid) or p._hasCategory(args.qid) or "" end  function p.getGalleryAndCategory(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) return p._getGalleryAndCategory(args[1], args[2],  args.categoryText, args.oneSearch, _createFormatting(args), args.qid) end  function p.tracking(frame) local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false}) return p._tracking(args[1], args.fetchGallery, args.fetchCategory, args.qid) end  return p 


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