cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca

Ditarjamahkeun ti kaca How to edit a page

cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Wikipédia téh mangrupa WikiWiki, nu hartina sing saha waé bisa kalawan gampang ngédit artikel mana waé nu teu dijaga sarta sacepetna ngamuat parobahanana.

Ngédit kaca Wiki mah gampang pisan, cukup ku ngaklik tab "Édit kaca ieu" di luhureun (atawa tumbu édit di katuhueun atawa handapeun) kaca Wiki, sahingga anjeun asup ka kaca kotak téks nu bisa dirobah. Mun anjeun rék ukur nyobaan, mangga pidamel dina kaca kotrétan, ulah di dieu.

Anjeun ogé bisa ngaklik tab "Sawala" (atawa tumbu "Sawalakeun kaca ieu") pikeun nempo kaca omongan nu patali, nu ngandung pamanggih ngeunaan kacana ti pamaké Wikipédia séjénna. Klik tab "+" (atawa "Édit kaca ieu") pikeun ngedalkeun pamanggih anjeun.

Kasalahan tatabasa umum

Tempo Wikipédia: kasalahan tatabasa.

Leuwih lengkep ngeunaan ngédit kaca Wiki

Kaca ieu mangrupa acuan pikeun wiki markup, saterusna anjeun bisa tuluy ngalenyepan ngeunaan

  • Cara nyieun artikel
  • Tips informal ngeunaan nyumbang ka Wikipédia
  • Pancén-pancén ngédit sacara umum dina Wikipédia:NLD ngédit
  • Ngarobah ngaran kaca sangkan leuwih payus, dina Wikipédia:Cara ngarobah ngaran (mindahkeun) hiji kaca
  • Témbongan pinilih artikel anjeun, dina tungtunan témbongan (tempo ogé en:Wikipedia:Boilerplate text)
  • Kasapukan gaya dina Wikipédia:Tungtunan gaya
  • Kawijakan umum dina Wikipédia:Kawijakan jeung tungtunan
  • Wikipédia:Kasapukan ngaran pikeun cara méré ngaran artikel
  • Mun anjeun nyien artikel ngeunaan hiji hal nu kagolongkeun kana sarupaning jejer (dayeuh, objék astronomis, aksara Cina, jsb.), pariksa sugan aya proyék Wiki dina jejer éta.
  • Panungtung, pikeun daptar artikel ngeunaan ngédit dina Wikipédia ngacu ka en:Wikipedia:Style_and_How-to_Directory atawa en:Wikipedia:Utilities.

Tips ngédit artikel Wikipédia

Mangga pigunakeun jihat nétral sarta sebutkeun ogé rujukanana sangkan batur bisa mariksa sarta neruskeun karya anjeun.

Leuwih hadé édit heula artikel anjeun dina éditor téks, lajeng pindahkeun kana panyungsina (browser) pikeun nempo sawanganana. Ku cara ieu, anjeun jadi boga cadangan lokal artikel karangan anjeun sarta bisa ngédit sacara offline. Sababaraha édiitor téks bisa sacara husus nyaluyukeun pikeun ngédit artikel Wikipédia: tempo Wikipédia:nyirian rumpaka.

Mun anjeun hayang nempo deui vérsi nu kiwari, buka "Batal" dina jandéla anyar, sahingga éditan anjeun teu leungit.

Satutasna nyieun artikel anyar, hadéna

  • bari muka kacana, pigunakeun Nu numbu ka dieu pikeun mariksa artikel-artikel nu geus numbu ka dinya, sarta pastikeun yén nu dimaksud téh sarua;
  • pigunakeun tombol Téang pikeun ngajalankeun panyungsi Google pikeun artikel Wikipédia nu judulna anyar éta, kapanggih teu ku Google;
  • pariksa artikel nu patali dina Wikipédia basa séjén nu anjeun ngarti.

Éditan minor

Tempo ogé Wikipédia: éditan minor

Nalika ngédit hiji kaca, pamaké nu geus asup log bisa nandaan éditanana salaku "minor". Éditan minor hartina koréksi éjahan, format, sarta susunan ulang téks minor. Éditan minor bisa disumputkeun nalika muka parobahan anyar. Nandaan parobahan badag salaku éditan minor dianggap salaku watek goréng, komo mun ngawengku ngahapus sabagian eusi téks. Mun teu kahaja nandaan salaku éditan minor, jalmana kudu ngédit sumberna sakali deui, tandaan salaku mayor (nyaéta mastikeun yén kotak-contréng pikeun "Ieu éditan minor" teu dicontréng), jeung, dina simpulan, sebutkeun yén parobahan saméméhna téh mayor.

Markup Wiki

Dina kolom kénca dina tabel di handap ieu anjeun bisa nempo pangaruh naon nu bisa dijieun, sedengkeun dina kolom katuhu anjeun bisa nempo cara nyieunna.

Mun can apal mah, anjeun bisa sakaligus tetep muka kaca ieu dina panyungsi séjén pikeun acuan dina nulis artikel. Mun anjeun hayang nyoba-nyoba tanpa sieun ngaruksak, mangga pidamel dina kotrétan.

Bagian, alinéa, daptar, jeung garis

Kumaha katempona Kumaha ngetikna

Mimitian bab anjeun luyu jeung nu di handap:

Bab anyar



  • Mimitian ku lulugu hambalan kadua (==); ulah maké lulugu hambalan kahiji (=).
  • Hambalan ulah luluncatan (conto, hambalan kadua dituturkeun ku hambalan kaopat).
  • Daptar Eusi bakal ditambahkeun sacara otomatis kana artikel nu mibanda minimal opat bab.
==Bab anyar==  ===Subbab===  ====Sub-subbab==== 

Baris anyar tunggal sacara umum moal mangaruhan kana témbonganana. Ieu bisa dipaké pikeun misahkeun kalimat-kalimat nu saalinéa. Sababaraha éditor ngarasakeun yén hal ieu nguntungkeun sarta ngaronjatkeun fungsi diff (dipaké internal pikeun ngabandingkeun vérsi nu béda dina hiji kaca).

Baris kosong bakal ngahasilkeun alinéa anyar.

  • Mun dilarapkeun kana daptar, baris anyar mangaruhan témbongan (tempo di handap).
[[Baris anyar]] tunggal sacara umum moal mangaruhan kana témbonganana. Ieu bisa dipaké pikeun misahkeun kalimat-kalimat nu saalinéa. Sababaraha éditor ngarasakeun yén hal ieu nguntungkeun sarta ngaronjatkeun fungsi ''diff'' (dipaké internal pikeun ngabandingkeun vérsi nu béda dina hiji kaca).  Baris kosong bakal ngahasilkeun alinéa anyar. 

Anjeun bisa megatkeun baris
tanpa ngamimitian alinéa anyar.

  • Gunakeun kalawan hémat.
  • Tutup tanda antar baris, tong dimimitian ku link atawa citak déngdék atawa citak kandel dina sabaris.
Anjeun bisa megatkeun baris
tanpa ngamimitian alinéa anyar.
  • Nyieun daptar carana gampang:
    • Mimitian unggal baris ku tanda béntang.
      • Leuwih loba béntang hartina hambalanana leuwih jero.
        • Baris anyar dina daptar nandakeun tungtung daptar.
  • Baris kosong bakal muka daptar anyar.
* Nyieun daptar carana gampang: ** Mimitian unggal baris ku tanda béntang. *** Leuwih loba béntang hartina hambalanana leuwih jero. **** Baris anyar dina daptar nandakeun tungtung daptar.  * Baris kosong bakal muka daptar anyar. 
  1. Daptar nu dinomeran ogé alus
    1. rapih
    2. gampang nuturkeunana
      1. sarua gampangna
# Daptar nu dinomeran ogé alus ## rapih ## gampang nuturkeunana ### sarua gampangna 
  • Daptarna bisa dicampur
    1. disusun
      • kawas kieu
* Daptarna bisa dicampur *# disusun *#* kawas kieu 
    Daptar définisi
    daptar tina rupa-rupa définisi
    définisi tina hal
    hal séjénna
    Définisi tina hal séjénna
  • Hiji hal dina unggal baris, hiji baris anyar bisa muncul saméméh titik dua, tapi maké hiji spasi saméméh titik dua bakal nambahan parsing.
;Daptar définisi: daptar tina rupa-rupa définisi ; hal : définisi tina hal ; hal séjénna : Définisi tina hal séjénna 
    hiji titik dua ngésérkeun hiji baris atawa paragraf.

Hiji baris anyar sacara manual ngamimitian hiji paragraf anyar.

  • Ieu tujuan utamana pikeun hal anu dipintonkeun, tapi ogé dipaké keur sawala dina Kaca Obrolan.
: hiji titik dua ngésérkeun hiji baris atawa paragraf. Hiji baris anyar sacara manual ngamimitian hiji paragraf anyar. 
UPAMA hiji baris dimimitian ku hiji spasi MANGKA éta bakal diformat otomatis saperti anu diketikkeun. dina ukuran font anu tangtu; lines won't wrap; baris bakal moal jadi;  
  • Ieu téh gunana keur:
    • ngaliwatan téks anu can diformat;
    • déskripsi alogaritma;
    • kodeu sumber program;
    • ASCI art;
    • struktur kimia;
  • PERHATIAN: lamun anjeun nyieun kaca anu rubak page widening force the whole page to be wide jeung matak hésé dibacana, utamana keur jalma anu maké résolusi handap. Ulah ngamimitian baris biasa maké spasi.
 UPAMA hiji baris dimimitian ku hiji spasi MANGKA   éta bakal diformat otomatis  saperti anu diketikkeun.  dina ukuran font anu tangtu;  lines won't wrap;  baris bakal moal jadi;  
Téks nengah.
  • Catet, cara ngéjahna maké gaya Amérika "center" (lain "centre").
Téks nengah.
garis pamisah horisontal: 

ieu luhureunana

Jeung ieu handapeunana.

  • Utamana dipaké keur misahkeun jujutan dina Kaca Obrolan
  • Ogé dipaké keur disambigu kana artikel tanpa nyieun kaca anu misah.
 [[garis horisontal pamisah]]: ieu luhureunana ---- Jeung ieu handapeunana. 

Rarambat (link) jeung URL

Kumaha katempona Kumaha ngetikna

Garut mangrupa salah sahiji kabupaten di propinsi Jawa Barat.

  • link kana artikel Wikipedia lainna.
  • Sacara internal, hurup kahiji dina kaca tujuan otomatis bakal jadi hurup kapital jeung spasi bakal diwakilan ku garis handap (underscores). Ngetikkeun underscore dina link boga éfék anu sarua jeung ngetikkeun spasi, tapi teu disarankeun.
  • Thus the link above is to the URL, which is the Wikipedia article with the name "Public transport". See also Wikipedia:Canonicalization.
  • Éta link di luhur téh kana URL, anu mangrupa artikel dina Wikipédia judulna "Public transport". Tingali ogé Wikipedia:Canonicalization.
Garut mangrupa salasahiji [[kabupaten]] di propinsi [[Jawa Barat]]. 

San Fransisco téh boga public transportation.

  • Targétna sarua, ngaranna béda.
  • Ieu téh piped link
San Fransisco téh boga  [[public transport|public transportation]]. 

San Fransisco téh boga

public transportation. 

Contona nyaéta buses, taxis jeung streetcars.

  • Ahiranana ngahiji jeung link.
  • Gaya anu disarankeun leuwih hadé ti batan piped link, lamun dimungkinkeun.
San Fransisco téh boga  [[public transport]]ation.  Contona nyaéta [[bus]]es, [[taxi]]s and [[streetcar]]s. 

Tingali Wikipedia:Pituduh Gaya.

  • link kana kaca séjénna ngaranjudul.
Tingali [[Wikipedia:Pituduh Gaya]]. 

Automatically hide stuff in parentheses: kingdom.

Automatically hide namespace: Village Pump.

Or both: Manual of Style

But not: [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style#Links|]]

  • The server fills in the part after the pipe character (|) when you save the page. The next time you open the edit box you will see the expanded piped link. When previewing your edits, you will not see the expanded form until you press Save and Edit again. The same applies to links to sections within the same page (see previous entry).
Automatically hide stuff in parentheses: [[kingdom (biology)|]].  Automatically hide namespace:  [[Wikipedia:Village Pump|]].  Or both: [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style (headings)|]]  But not: [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style#Links|]] 

The weather in London is a page that doesn't exist yet.

  • You can créate it by clicking on the link (but pléase don't do so with this particular link).
  • To créate a new page:
    1. Créate a link to it on some other (related) page.
    2. Save that page.
    3. Click on the link you just made. The new page will open for editing.
  • For more information, see How to start a page and check out Wikipedia's naming conventions.
  • Pléase do not créate a new article without linking to it from at léast one other article.
[[The weather in London]] is a page  that doesn't exist yet. 

Wiki: How to edit a page is this page.

  • Self links appéar as bold text when the article is viewed.
  • Do not use this technique to maké the article name bold in the first paragraph; see the Manual of Style.
[[Wikipedia:How to edit a page]] is this page. 

When adding a comment to a Talk page, you should sign it by adding three tildes to add your user name:

    Ben Brockert

or four to add user name plus date/time:

    Ben Brockert 00:18, Nov 19, 2004 (UTC)

Five tildes gives the date/time alone:

    00:18, Nov 19, 2004 (UTC)
  • The first two both provide a link to your user page.
When adding a comment to a Talk page, you should sign it by adding three tildes to add your user name: : ~~~ or four for user name plus date/time: : ~~~~ Five tildes gives the date/time alone: : ~~~~~ 
  • Redirect one article title to another by placing a directive like the one shown to the right on the first line of the article (such as at a page titled "USA").
  • Note that, while it is possible to link to a section, it is not possible to redirect to a section. For example, "#REDIRECT [[United States#History]]" will redirect to the United States page, but not to any particular section on it. This féature will not be implemented in the future, so such redirects should not be used.
#REDIRECT [[United States]] 
  • Link to a page on the same subject in another language by using a link of the form: [[language code:Title]].
  • It does not matter where you put these links while editing as they will always show up in the same place when you save the page, but placement at the end of the edit box is recommended.
  • Pléase see Wikipedia:Interlanguage links and the list of languages and codes.

What links here and Related changes pages can be linked as: Special:Whatlinkshere/Wiki:How to edit a page and Special:Recentchangeslinked/Wiki:How to edit a page

'''What links here''' and '''Related changes''' pages can be linked as: [[Special:Whatlinkshere/Wiki:How to edit a page]] and [[Special:Recentchangeslinked/Wiki:How to edit a page]] 

A user's Contributions page can be linked as: Special:Contributions/UserName or Special:Contributions/

A user's '''Contributions''' page can be linked as: [[Special:Contributions/UserName]] or [[Special:Contributions/]] 
  • To put an article in a Wikipedia:Category, place a link like the one to the right anywhere in the article. As with interlanguage links, it does not matter where you put these links while editing as they will always show up in the same place when you save the page, but placement at the end of the edit box is recommended.
[[Category:Character sets]] 
  • To link to a Wikipedia:Category page without putting the article into the category, use an initial colon (:) in the link.
[[:Category:Character sets]] 

Linking to other wikis:

  1. Interwiki link: Wiktionary:Hello
  2. Named interwiki link: Hello
  3. Interwiki link without prefix: Hello

Linking to another language's wiktionary:

  1. Wiktionary:fr:Bonjour
  2. Bonjour
  3. fr:Bonjour
Linking to other wikis: # [[Interwiki]] link: [[Wiktionary:Hello]] # Named interwiki link: [[Wiktionary:Hello|Hello]] # Interwiki link without prefix: [[Wiktionary:Hello|]]  Linking to another language's wiktionary: # [[Wiktionary:fr:Bonjour]] # [[Wiktionary:fr:Bonjour|Bonjour]] # [[Wiktionary:fr:Bonjour|]] 

ISBN 012345678X

ISBN 0-123-45678-X

  • Link to books using their ISBN numbers. This is preferred to linking to a specific online bookstore, because it gives the réader a choice of vendors.
  • ISBN links do not need any extra markup, provided you use one of the indicated formats.
ISBN 012345678X  ISBN 0-123-45678-X 

Date formats:

  1. July 20, 1969
  2. 20 July 1969
  3. 1969-07-20
  • Link dates in one of the above formats, so that everyone can set their own display order. If logged in, you can use Special:Preferences to change your own date display setting.
  • All of the above dates will appéar as "20 July 1969" if you set your date display preference to "15 January 2001", but as "July 20, 1969" if you set it to "January 15, 2001".
Date formats: # [[July 20]], [[1969]] # [[20 July]] [[1969]] # [[1969]]-[[07-20]] 


  • To include links to non-image uploads such as sounds, use a "media" link. For images, see next section.

Some uploaded sounds are listed at Wikipedia:Sound.


Ngasupkeun Rujukan

Kumaha katempona Kumaha ngetikna

  • rujukan tina buku.
 Pangarang.2007."Judul Buku".Tempat medal:Pamedal {{id}}  
  • Rujukan tina internet
  [ Hadro] (Diakses tanggal 24 Oktober 2011) {{id}}  

  • Rujukan berulang di tiap ahir kalimah.


Némbonganana Ngetikna
A picture: cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 

or, with alternative text: cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 

or, floating to the right side of the page and with a caption:

cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 
Wiki Encyclopedia

or, floating to the right side of the page without a caption:

cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 
Wiki Encyclopedia

  • Only images that have been uploaded to Wikipedia can be used. To upload images, use the upload page. You can find the uploaded image on the image list.
  • See the image use policy, extended image markup/syntax (also possibly image HTML markup) for more hints.
  • Alternative text, used when the image isn't loaded, in a text-only browser, or when spoken aloud, is strongly encouraged. See Alternate text for images for help on choosing it.
  • The frame tag automatically floats the image right.
A picture: [[Image:Wiki.png]]  or, with alternative text: [[Image:Wiki.png|jigsaw globe]]  or, floating to the right side of the page and with a caption: [[Image:Wiki.png|frame|Wikipedia Encyclopedia]]  or, floating to the right side of the page ''without'' a caption: [[Image:Wiki.png|right|Wikipedia Encyclopedia]]

Clicking on an uploaded image displays a description page, which you can also link directly to: Image:Wiki.png


To include links to images shown as links instéad of drawn on the page, use a "media" link.

Image of a Tornado

   [[media:Tornado aircraft.jpg|Image of a Tornado]]  

Format aksara

Témbonganana Ngetikna

Emphasize, strongly, very strongly.

  • These are double and triple apostrophes (single-quote marks), not double-quote marks.
''Emphasize'', '''strongly''', '''''very strongly'''''. 

cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 
sinx + lny

cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 
x = 0

Ordinary text should use wiki markup for emphasis, and should not use or . However, mathematical formulas often use italics, and sometimes use bold, for réasons unrelated to emphasis. Complex formulas should use markup, and simple formulas may use ; or and ; or '' and '''. According to WikiProject Mathematics, wiki markup is preferred over HTML markup like and .

\sin x + \ln y sin''x'' + ln''y''  \mathbf{x} = 0 '''x''' = 0 

A typewriter font for monospace text or for computer code: int main()

  • For semantic réasons, using where applicable is preferable to using .
A typewriter font for monospace text or for computer code: int main() 

You can use small text for captions.

You can use small text for captions. 

You can strike out deleted material and underline new material.

You can also mark deleted material and inserted material using logical markup rather than visual markup.

  • When editing regular Wikipedia articles, just maké your changes and don't mark them up in any special way.
  • When editing your own previous remarks in talk pages, it is sometimes appropriate to mark up deleted or inserted material.
You can strike out deleted material and underline new material.  You can also mark deleted material and inserted material using logical markup rather than visual markup. 

Diacritical marks:
è é ê ë ì í

Ú Û Ü ß à á
â ã ä å æ ç
è é ê ë ì í
î ï ñ ò ó ô
œ õ ö ø ù ú
û ü ÿ

è é ê ë ì í  À Á Â Ã Ä Å  Æ Ç È É Ê Ë  Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò  Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù  Ú Û Ü ß à á  â ã ä å æ ç  è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô  œ õ ö ø ù ú  û ü ÿ 

¿ ¡ § ¶
† ‡ • – —
‹ › « »
‘ ’ “ ”

¿ ¡ § ¶ † ‡ • – — ‹ › « » ‘ ’ “ ” 

Commercial symbols:
™ © ® ¢ € ¥
£ ¤

™ © ® ¢ € ¥  £ ¤ 

x1 x2 x3

x1 x2 x3 or x¹ x² x³

  • The latter method of superscripting can't be used in the most general context, but is preferred when possible (as with units of méasurement) because most browsers have an éasier time formatting lines with it.

ε0 = 8.85 × 10−12 C² / J m.

1 hectare = 1 E4 m²

x1 x2 x3 
x1 x2 x3 or x¹ x² x³  ε0 = 8.85 × 10−12 C² / J m.  1 [[hectare]] = [[1 E4 m²]] 

Greek characters:
α β γ δ ε ζ
η θ ι κ λ μ ν
ξ ο π ρ σ ς
τ υ φ χ ψ ω

α β γ δ ε ζ  η θ ι κ λ μ ν  ξ ο π ρ σ ς τ υ φ χ ψ ω Γ Δ Θ Λ Ξ Π  Σ Φ Ψ Ω 

Math characters:
∫ ∑ ∏ √ − ± ∞
≈ ∝ ≡ ≠ ≤ ≥ →
× · ÷ ∂ ′ ″
∇ ‰ ° ∴ ℵ ø
∈ ∉ ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇
¬ ∧ ∨ ∃ ∀ ⇒ ⇔
→ ↔

  • See also WikiProject Mathematics.

∫ ∑ ∏ √ − ± ∞ ≈ ∝ ≡ ≠ ≤ ≥ → × · ÷ ∂ ′ ″ ∇ ‰ ° ∴ ℵ ø ∈ ∉ ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ¬ ∧ ∨ ∃ ∀ ⇒ ⇔ → ↔ 

Spacing in simple math formulas:
Obviously, x² ≥ 0 is true.

  • To space things out without allowing line bréaks to interrupt the formula, use non-bréaking spaces: .

Obviously, ''x''² ≥ 0 is true. 

Complicated formulas:

    cara Ngédit Eusi Kaca 
  • See m:Help:Formula for how to use .
  • A formula displayed on a line by itself should probably be indented by using the colon (:) character.

: \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!} 

Suppressing interpretation of markup:
Link → (''to'') the [[Wikipedia FAQ]]

  • Used to show literal data that would otherwise have special méaning.
  • Escape all wiki markup, including that which looks like HTML tags.
  • Does not escape HTML character references.
  • To escape HTML character references such as use

Link → (''to'')  the [[Wikipedia FAQ]] 

Commenting page source:
not shown when viewing page

  • Used to léave comments in a page for future editors.
  • Note that most comments should go on the appropriate Talk page.


(Tempo ogé: Chess symbols in Unicode)


Nempatkeun Daptar Eusi [Daptar Eusi (DE)]

Dina status basa markup wiki kiwari, mibanda minimal opat lulugu dina hiji kaca bakal micu némbonganana DE hareupeun lulugu kahiji (atawa satutasna bab bubuka). Nambahkeun __TOC__ di mana baé bakal nyababkeun némbonganana DE dina posisi éta (lain di luhureun lulugu munggaran). Nambahkeun __NOTOC__ di mana baé bakal nyababkeun DE ngaleungit. Tempo DE_ringkes pikeun lulugu alfabét jeung taun.

Ngajaga lulugu teu némbongan dina Daptar Eusi

Mun anjeun hayang, sublulugu bisa teu némbongan dina Daptar Eusi ku cara kieu:

Ganti == Lulugu 2 == ku

Lulugu 2

Ganti === Lulugu 3 === ku

Lulugu 3

jeung saterusna.

Pikeun conto, perhatikeun yén lulugu di handap ieu mibanda aksara nu sarua jeung sublulugu séjén dina bab "Tabel" ieu, tapi lulugu di handap ieu teu némbongan dina Daptar Eusi pikeun kaca ieu.

This héader has the h4 font, but is NOT in the Table of Contents

This effect is obtained by the following line of code.

This header has the h4 font, but is NOT in the Table of Contents


Aya dua cara nyieun tabel: