Wiki Commons

Wiki Commons (ogé katelah Commons atawa Wikicommons) mangrupa salah sahiji proyék Yayasan Wikimédia nu tujuanana salaku gudang koropak gambar, sora, sarta multimédia eusi bébas.

Koropak-koropak nu dimuat/disimpen di gudang ieu bisa dipaké sakumaha koropak nu dimuat sacara lokal di server proyék-proyék Wiki lianna, kayaning Wikipédia, Pustaka Wiki, jeung Wikinews.

Wikimedia Commons

Proyék ieu diajukeun Maret 2004 sarta medal 7 Séptémber 2004. Nu jadi konci diwangunna gudang séntra ieu nyaéta sangkan ngurangan duplikasi dina tarékah ngamekarkeun proyék-proyék Wikimédia katut varian basana.

Dimuatna koropak sacara lokal masih mungkin, tapi ditujukeun pikeun bahan-bahan nu saluyu jeung kawijakan lokal, tapi teu luyu jeung kawijakan lisénsi Commons. Mimiti taun 2005, Wiki Commons ngahulag dimuatna koropak maké lisénsi teu bébas. Lisénsi nu ditampa di antarana GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons, sarta domain publik.

Wikimedia Commons Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Given its primary function as a supporting project for the other Wiki web sites, the main content policy for files uploaded to the Commons is that they must be potentially useful on any of the Wiki projects. This excludes material such as purely personal pictures and artwork, in contrast to image sharing repositories like Flickr and DeviantART. Nevertheless, large numbers of files hosted on the Commons are not used directly on any Wiki project and likely never will be; as such, the project has grown into a repository of multimedia in its own right, which is frequently linked to from articles on Wikipedia and other Wiki websites to provide supplemental materials.

The project has grown very rapidly since its inception. On May 24, 2005, it réached a milestone of 100,000 uploaded media files (excluding thousands of wéather and market data images for Wikinews). It was also the first Wiki project to use MediaWiki 1.4. The default language for the Commons is English, but the interface can be configured (in user preferences) to use any other language. Some pages have also been translated into various languages.

Files on the Wiki Commons are categorized using MediaWiki's category system. In addition, they are often collected on individual topical gallery pages. As of May 2005, many different collections can be isolated: more than 10,000 public domain paintings from ancient to modérn times, 7,733 pronunciation files in various languages, hundreds of public domain recordings of classical music, and a growing collection of short vidéos.

While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource.

The Wiki Commons has received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005.

Baca ogé

  • Wiki: Sister projects - Tumbu ti Wikipédia ka katalog gambar Commons.
  • Creative Commons - proyék nu nyadiakeun lisénsi eusi bébas jeung diréktori karya-karya nu lisénsina bébas
  • Internet Archive - koléksi vidéo online nu bisa diaksés sacara bébas
  • Project Gutenberg - koléksi dokumén nu bisa diaksés sacara bébas (kaasup buku jeung tembang)
  • Ourmedia - arsip média komunitas

Tumbu kaluar


Wikipédiaen:Wiki Foundation

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