
  • Аԥсны Аҳәынҭқарра (Abkhazian)
    Apsny Ahwyntkarra
  • Республика Абхазия (ရတ်ႈသျၼ်း)
    Respublika Abkhaziya
ၸွမ်ပိဝ် [[Abkhazia| Emblem and logo]]
ၵႂၢမ်းၸိုင်ႈမိူင်း: Аиааира (Abkhazian)
Map centered on the Caucasus indicating Abkhazia (orange), and Georgia proper and South Ossetia (both grey).
Map centered on the Caucasus indicating Abkhazia (orange),
and Georgia proper and South Ossetia (both grey).
သၢႆငၢႆယၢမ်းလဵဝ် Unrecognised state
Recognised by the United Nations as de jure part of Georgia
လႄႈ ဝဵင်းယႂ်ႇသေပိူၼ်ႈ
43°00′N 40°59′E / 43.000°N 40.983°E / 43.000; 40.983
ၽႃႇသႃႇၵႂၢမ်း ၸႂ်ႉၼႂ်းလုမ်း 
  • Abkhaz
  • Russiana
Spoken languages
  • Abkhaz
  • Russian
  • Georgian
  • Mingrelian
  • Svan
  • Armenian
  • Abkhaz
  • Abkhazian
လူင်ပွင်ၸိုင်ႈ Unitary semi-presidential republic
• President
Aslan Bzhania
• Prime Minister
Alexander Ankvab
လုမ်းတႅၼ်းၽွင်းသၢင်ႈမိူင်း People's Assembly
Partially recognised independence from Georgia
• Georgian annulment of Soviet-era laws and treaties
20 June 1990
• Abkhazian declaration of sovereigntyb
25 August 1990
• Georgian declaration of independence
9 April 1991
• Dissolution of the Soviet Union
26 December 1991
• Abkhazian declaration of Independence
23 July 1992
• Act of state independencec
12 October 1999
• First
international recognitiond

26 August 2008
ပိုၼ်ႉတီႈ ဢၼ်ပိူင်ႇ
• 2018 လၢမ်း
245,246 (ၸၼ်ႉ - 185th)
• 2011 သဵၼ်ႈမၢႆႁူဝ်ႁိူၼ်း
GDP (nominal) လၢမ်း2010 
• ႁူမ်ႈ
US$0.5 billion
• Per capita
  • Abkhazian apsar
  • Russian rublee
ၶၢဝ်းယၢမ်းၼႃႈလိၼ် MSK (UTC+3)
ပိူင်သၢႆလူတ်ႉ မိုဝ်းၶႂႃ
ၶူတ်ႉတႄႇလီႇၾူင်း +7 840 / 940 and +995 44
  1. (Article 6 of the Constitution) guarantees the right to use their mother tongue for all ethnic groups.
  2. Annulled by Georgia immediately thereafter.
  3. To establish, retroactively, de jure independence since the 1992–1993 war.
  4. 5 UN member states recognize Abkhazia's independence.
  5. De facto currency. Several Abkhazian apsar commemorative coins have been issued. The apsar is on a fixed exchange rate, pegged to the Russian ruble (1 ruble = 0.10 apsar).


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