Panon Hideung

Panon Hideung (Basa Rusia: Очи чёрные; alih abjad: Ochi chyornye) nyaéta kawih tradisional Sunda nu diadaptasi ku Ismail Marzuki tina lagu romansa Rusia, Ochi chyornye.

Ieu kawih téh geus ngulit daging pikeun masarakat Sunda, loba nu nganggap ieu téh mangrupa kawih Sunda temen, nu padahal mah lain. Pernah midang dina pilem Eastern Promises karya David Cronenberg (2007), dibawakeun ku gitaris Django Reinhardt (2005) dina aransemén jazz, ogé kungsi dimaénkeun dina haleuangna bouzouki ku pakarna John Stamatiou Sporos, jeung loba deui ti éta.

Panon Hideung
Jan Osin keur mawakeun lagu Ochi Chyornye (Panon Hideung)

Ochi chyornye

Rumpaka orisinal "Panon Hideung" atawa nu leuwih dipikawanoh dina basa Rusiana Ochi chyornye, ditulis ku bujangga sakaligus panulis Ukraina, Yevhen Hrebinka. Publikasi munggaran éta puisi téh aya dina tarjamahan Rusia Hrebinka sorangan di Literaturnaya Gazeta tanggal 17 Januari 1843.

Dina buku The Book of World-famous Music: Classical, Popular, and Folk, nu dipedal taun 2000, ku panulis, J. Fuld, mértélakeun yén musikolog Soviet geus ngalaporkeun ka manéhna yéh éta lagu téh lain "lagu tradisional Rusia tapina lagu kabarét", dipedal dina buku lagu ku A. Gutheil taun 1897 sarta disebutkeun ogé dina kaca 131, minangka "romansa gipsi nu didasarkeun kana mélodi Florian Hermann's Valse Hommage. Sanajan aya klaim nu dijieun ku Fuld yén,"Ti panulis mélodi aslina mah, Florian Hermann, euweuh hiji gé skor musik nu dipikanyaho," lambaran musik pikeun karya Hermann jeung karya-karyana nu lian euweuh nu bisa kapanggih. Kieu yeuh Rêverie russe-na" mah:

Ari vérsi nu pangkakoncarana tina ieu lagu téh nyaéta nu ditulis ku Adalgiso Ferraris, sarta dipedal nalika masih di Uni Soviét taun 1910, jeung éditor asal Jérman Otto Kuhl, kalawan judulna "Schwarze Augen". Ferraris tuluy medalkeunna deui taun 1931 ku Paris Editions Salabert, minangka "Tes yeux noirs (russe kesan)" sarta bareng jeung Jacques Liber, tanggal 9 Oktober 1931.

Adalgiso Ferraris, saurang komposer Inggris gelaran Italia, geus méakkeun mangtaun-taun di Soviét saméméh taun 1915. Ieu lagu jadi salah sahiji kasuksésan utamana di taun 1920-an jeung 1930-an, nu ogé dipaénkeun ku Albert Sandler jeung Leslie Jeffries dina taun 1939, nu dinyanyikeun ogé ku Al Bowlly dina taun 1939 kalawan rumpakana beunang Albert Mellor. Dicatet ogé ku Max Jaffa.

Ferraris sorangan bisa ditempo dina pilem British Pathé taun 1934 ti Alfrédo jeung band Gypsy-na nu maénkeun "Panon Hideung", diuk di orkéstra di tukangeun pingpinan Alfrédo.

"Panon Hideung" Ferrari direkam ku Harry Parry jeung radio sextetna taun 1941, sarta vérsi harita mah masih maénkeun kénéh ku loba seniman. Chet Atkins maénkeun interprétasi asli lagu dina gitar listrik. Féodor Chaliapin ogé mopulerkeun ieu lagu di luar negri.

Ieu lagu sacara singget dipaénkeun ku Three Tenors di konsérna taun 1990 di Roma. Ieu gas jadi salah sahiji lagu ciri mandiri opera bariton Dmitri Hvorostovsky dina konsérna.


Puisi (vérsi orisinal ku Hrebinka)

Rusia Alih abjad Tarjamahan Inggris
    Очи чёрные, очи страстные,
    Очи жгучие и прекрасные!
    Как люблю я вас, как боюсь я вас!
    Знать, увидел вас я в недобрый час!
    Ох, недаром вы глубины темней!
    Вижу траур в вас по душе моей,
    Вижу пламя в вас я победное:
    Сожжено на нём сердце бедное.
    Но не грустен я, не печален я,
    Утешительна мне судьба моя:
    Всё, что лучшего в жизни Бог дал нам,
    В жертву отдал я огневым глазам!
    Ochi chornyye, ochi strastnyye,
    Ochi zhguchiye i prekrasnyye!
    Kak lyublyu ya vas, kak boyus' ya vas!
    Znat' uvidel vas ya v nedobryi chas!
    Okh nedarom vy glubiny temnei!
    Vizhu traur v vas po dushe moyei,
    Vizhu plamya v vas ya pobednoye:
    Sozhzheno na nyom serdtse bednoye.
    No ne grusten ya, ne pechalen ya,
    Uteshitel'na mne sud'ba moya:
    Vsyo chto luchshevo v zhizni Bog dal nam,
    V zhertvu otdal ya ognevym glazam!:
    Black eyes, passionate eyes,
    Burning and beautiful eyes!
    How I love you, how I fear you,
    It seems I met you in an unlucky hour!
    Oh, not for nothing are you darker than the deep!
    I see mourning for my soul in you,
    I see a triumphant flame in you:
    A poor heart immolated in it.
    But I am not sad, I am not sorrowful,
    My fate is soothing to me:
    All that is best in life that God gave us,
    In sacrifice I returned to the fiery eyes!

Di handap ieu mangrupa tarjemahan métrik (nyaéta nu bisa dinyanyikeun ku mélodi).

Oh, these gorgeous eyes, dark and glorious eyes,
Burn-with-passion eyes, how you hypnotise!
How I adore you so, how I fear you though,
Since I saw you glow! Now my spirit’s low!

Darkness yours conceal mighty fires real;
They my fate will seal: burn my soul with zeal!
But my love for you, when the time is due,
Will refresh anew like the morning dew!

No, not sad am I, nor so mad am I;
All my comforts lie in my destiny.
Just to realise my life’s worthiest prize
Did I sacrifice for those ardent eyes!.

Tarjamahan Peter Farnbank Archived 2011-08-16 di Wayback Machine

Tarjamahan ritmikal lianna nu mirip aslina

Oh you dark black eyes, full-of-passion-eyes
Oh you burning eyes, how you hypnotise
Now I love you so, but I fear you though
Since you glanced at me not so long ago.

Oh I see you now, you are dark and deep
I see grief and feel that my soul will weep
I see now in you a winning burning glow
in my poor heart will a fire grow.

I’ m not sorrowful, I’m not repenting
I accept all that my fate’s presenting
All the best in life, God has given us-
this I sacrifice, to you dark black eyes.

ku Stefan Bogdanov

Vérsi Chaliapin

Panon Hideung vérsi Chaliapin
Russian (Abjad Sirillik) Translatisasi (Abjad Latén) Tarjamahan Inggris
Очи чёрные, очи жгучие,

Очи страстные и прекрасные,

Как люблю я вас, как боюсь я вас,

Знать увидел вас я не в добрый час.

Очи чёрные, очи пламенны

И манят они в страны дальные,

Где царит любовь, где царит покой,

Где страданья нет, где вражды запрет.

Очи чёрные, очи жгучие,

Очи страстные и прекрасные,

Как люблю я вас, как боюсь я вас,

Знать увидел вас я не в добрый час.

Не встречал бы вас, не страдал бы так,

Я бы прожил жизнь улыбаючись,

Вы сгубили меня очи чёрные

Унесли на век моё счастье.

Очи чёрные, очи жгучие,

Очи страстные и прекрасные,

Как люблю я вас, как боюсь я вас,

Знать увидел вас я не в добрый час.

Ochi chyornye, ochi zhguchie

Ochi strastnye i prekrasnye

Kak lyublyu ya vas, kak boyus' ya vas

Znat' uvidel vas ya ne v dobryi chas

Ochi chyornye, ochi plamenny

I manyat oni v strany dal'nye

Gde tsarit lyubov', gde tsarit pokoi

Gde stradan'ya nyet, gde vrazhdy zapryet

Ochi chyornye, ochi zhguchie

Ochi strastnye i prekrasnye

Kak lyublyu ya vas, kak boyus' ya vas

Znat' uvidel vas ya ne v dobryi chas

Ne vstrechal by vas, ne stradal by tak

Ya by prozhil zhizn' ulybayuchis'

Vy zgubili menya ochi chyornye

Unesli na vek moyo schast'ye

Ochi chyornye, ochi zhguchie

Ochi strastnye i prekrasnye

Kak lyublyu ya vas, kak boyus' ya vas

Znat' uvidel vas ya ne v dobryi chas

Dark eyes, burning eyes

Passionate and splendid eyes

How I love you, How I fear you

Truly, I saw you at a sinister hour

Dark eyes, flaming eyes

They implore me into faraway lands

Where love reigns, where peace reigns

Where there is no suffering, where war is forbidden

Dark eyes, burning eyes

Passionate and splendid eyes

I love you so, I fear you so

Truly, I saw you at a sinister hour

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be suffering so

I would have lived my life smiling

You have ruined me, dark eyes

You have taken my happiness away forever

Dark eyes, burning eyes

Passionate and splendid eyes

I love you so, I fear you so

Truly, I saw you at a sinister hour

Tarjamahan Katya ti ([1])

Diadaptasi kana basa Sunda

Ismail Marzuki nulis rumpaka kawih versi Sundana kurang leuwih dina taun 1936-1937. Mangsa harita manéhna jeung orkésna, diperedih ngeusi acara radio di Bandung dina ségmén lagu-lagu Kulon. Mangsa-mangsa harita mémang mimiti jorojoy karepna pikeun neuleuman lagu-lagu kulon jeung lagu tradisionalna. Loba lagu Kulon nu digubah sarta ditarjamahkeun. Salah sahijina nyaéta Ochi Chyornye ieu, nu judulna jadi Panon Hideung, dibantuan ku Zarkov, saurang seniman asal Uni Soviét nu dumuk di Bandung. Jaman harita loba seniman asal Uni Soviét nu darumuk di Nusantara, malah mah aya orkés asal Soviét nu gelar maneuh di Hotel Des Indes salila 10 taun, atawa mun di Surabaya mah aya Pedro (atawa Pyotr: Peter), nu ngadegkeun téater Dardanella.

Miss Eulis

Diadaptasina kawih Panon Hideung ku Ismail Marzuki leuwih dibeungbeuratan ku ayana Miss Eulis nu asup kana kahirupan Ismail Marzuki. Miss Eulis saurang béntang radio sarta panyanyi kroncong teureuh Sunda Arab. Peran Miss Eulis ieu nu mangaruhan kana rumpaka kawih Panon Hidueng nu ditulis Ismail, samodél kecap pipi konéng jeung irung mancung. Lagu Ochi Chyornye téh digubah wéh ku Ismail nurutkeun kaayaan haténa waktu harita.

Taun 1940 Ismail Marzuku nikah jeung Miss Eulis, sarta dipaparin ngaran Eulis Zuraidah. Saenyana sakumna jalma, utamana di wewengkon Pasundan yakin yén kawih Panon Hideung téh mangrupa lagu tradisional Pasundan. Padahal mah nu saenyana ieu lagu téh diadaptasi tina lagu tradisional rahayat Rusia. Sok sanajan kitu, hal ieu teu mangaruhan kana éksisténsi lagu Ochi Chyornye di Rusia.

Rumpaka vérsi Ismail Marzuki

Panon hideung pipi konéng
Irung mancung Putri Bandung
Putri saha di mana bumina?
Abdi resep ka anjeunna
Siang wengi kaimpi-impi
Haté abdi sararedih
Teu émut dahar
Teu émut nginum
Émut ka nu geulis
Panon Hideung

Gurat mangsa

"Panon Hideung" geus jadi standar jazz.

  • 1910 - Adalgiso Ferraris mawakeun éta lagu dina basa Jérman minangka "Schwarze Augen"
  • 1931 - Adalgiso Ferraris mawakeun lagu dina basa Perancis minangka "Tes Yeux Noirs"
  • 1933 - Krazy Kat jeung bébénéna nyanyikeun éta lagu dina kartun Russian Dressing.
  • 1934 - Al Jolson ngahaleuangkeun vérsi basa Rusiana pikeun pilem Wonder Bar.
  • 1936 - Dina pilem The Princess Comes Across, karakter King Mantell (Fred MacMurray) maénkeun sababaraha bar dina concertina.
  • 1936 - Dina pilem My Man Godfrey, karakter Carlo (Mischa Auer) sok ngahaleuangkeun ieu lagu méméh interupsi.
  • 1936 - Ismail Marzuki nulis rumpaka basa Sundana pikeun ieu lagu, kalawan judul "Panon Hideung".
  • 1937 - Tommy Dorsey jeung orkéstrana nyatet potongan éta lagu minangka fitur trombone.
  • 1937 - Ritz Brothers mawakeun parodi ieu lagu dina pilem On the Avenue.
  • 1937 - Dina tungtung pilem Shall We Dance, Fred Astaire nari jeung sakelompok panari awéwé nu sakabéhna maké kedok Ginger Rogers, kalawan Ginger Rogers nu saenyana nyamuni di antara maranéhanna. Sanggeus Rogers sacara cunihin nyebut "ochi chyornye!", Astaire ngajemputna ti antara éta kelompok sarta langsung dansa.
  • 1938 - Maxine Sullivan nyatet vérsi haleuangna dina basa Rusia jeung Inggris, dibaturan ku Claude Thornhill jeung anggota sixtets John Kirby.
  • 1939 - Dipaénkeun ku Leslie Jeffries dikolaborasikeun jeung Brahms jll.
  • 1940 - Ernst Lubitsch's movie The Shop Around the Corner, based on the play La Parfumerie, features cigarette boxes which play "Ochi chyornye". The song is mentioned frequently and is heard in the background during the cafe scene.
  • 1940 - Django Reinhardt recorded three instrumental versions under the French translation "Les yeux noirs".
  • 1941 - A recording of "Dark Eyes" played by Harry Parry and his radio sextet was made.
  • 1941 - Jack Teagarden recorded a swinging version with his sextet. His opening cadenza remains an inspiration and a challenge for any trombonist.
  • 1941 - Gloria Jean sings "Ochi chyornye" in the movie Never Give a Sucker an Even Break.
  • 1942 - In Raymond Chandler's novel The High Window, detective Philip Marlowe hears the song performed in a night club.
  • 1942 - Spike Jones recorded a parody of this song called "Hotcha Cornya".
  • 1943 - The Warner Bros. cartoon Falling Hare uses this song in a scene where Bugs Bunny unsuccessfully tries to break down an airplane door in order to find a gremlin who has been taunting him.
  • 1944 - In the Universal Pictures cartoon Ski For Two, Woody Woodpecker sings a refrain of the song while ice-skating.
  • 1945 - Danny Kaye sings a comical version of the song in the film Wonder Man with lyrics modified by Sylvia Fine.
  • 1945 - In Rene Clair's film adaptation of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None, Prince Nikita Starloff Mischa Auer) dies shortly after playing the first measures of "Ochi chyornye" on a piano (a reference to Auer's earlier appearance in My Man Godfrey).
  • 1947 - Wingy Manone and Edmond Hall recorded a version of "Dark Eyes" featuring a clarinet solo by Hall and humorous nonsense vocal by Manone.
  • 1950s - A very original interpretation of the song, for electric guitar, was first played by Chet Atkins.
  • 1951 - A Finnish version sung by Tauno Palo was used in the movie Ylijäämänainen
  • 1954 - Louis Armstrong did a version called "Otchi-Tchor-Ni-Ya", which in his unique New Orleans Creole patois sounded like "Oh Cha Chunya". The words were quite different from the proper translation of the song from Russian to English.
  • 1955 - In Disney's Lady and the Tramp Boris (Borzoi) calls Lady "little ochi chyornyee".
  • 1957 - David Seville aka Ross Bagdasarian arranges an instrumental version called "Pretty Dark Eyes".
  • 1957- A version in Yiddish and appeared on Cadence Records' The Barry Sisters Sing Traditional Jewish Songs.
  • 1958 - Jazz organist Jimmy Smith performs the song as an instrumental on the live album Cool Blues.
  • 1958 - Wynton Kelly performs the song as an instrumental with Kenny Burrell, Paul Chambers, and Philly Joe Jones on the album Piano.
  • 1959 - The song is mentioned in Kay Thompson's book Eloise in Moscow. Eloise sings it in the bath, commenting that "Nanny loves it but I had to stop because it hurt Weenie's ears."
  • 1959 - The song is referenced in Robert Heinlein's novel Starship Troopers.
  • 1960 - The first rock and roll version of the song is performed by the Tillman Brothers.
  • 1966 - This song is featured in the 1966 movie Batman during Bruce Wayne's date with a Soviet journalist, Miss Kitka (who unbeknownst to him is really Catwoman in disguise).
  • 1969 - A version of this song called "Ja lubljú tebjá (Ich liebe dich)" is sung by Alexandra on the album Sehnsucht - Ein Portrait In Musik.
  • 1970 - Violetta Villas recorded the song, which later became her signature hit in Poland.
  • 1973 - Sara Montiel recorded a pop-rock version in Spanish, entitled "Ojos Negros".
  • 1982 - "Nostalgie (Nathalie)", sung by Julio Iglesias, uses this song as a refrain.
  • 1987 - The song gives its name to Nikita Mikhalkov's film Dark Eyes.
  • 1987 - Romanian gymnast Daniela Silivaș uses the song as a part of her floor music during the 1987 World Championships. She scored a perfect 10 to become the World Champion.
  • 1990 - The song is performed on the best-selling classical music album of all time, The Three Tenors in Concert.
  • 1991 - The song is performed by Elya Baskin in War and Peace, a Season 2 episode of Northern Exposure.
  • 1994 - The song is performed in The Leningrad Cowboys' Total Balalaika Show, featuring the full 160-member Alexandrov Ensemble.
  • 1996 - Red Elvises feature a version entitled "Scorchi Chorniye" on their debut album Grooving to the Moscow Beat.
  • 1999 - Sabine Azéma sings this song in the French film La Bûche.
  • 2000 - A version recorded by the American band DeVotchKa is featured on their debut album SuperMelodrama.
  • 2000 - An instrumental variation by composer Rachel Portman is used in the film Chocolat. The piece is titled "Chocolate Sauce" on the film's soundtrack.
  • 2002 - The computer adventure game Syberia featured the chorus of the song in the last part of the game. It is sung by the NPC Helena in the Epilogue.
  • 2004 - The song was used as the main theme for the TV mini-series The Mystery of Natalie Wood, a biopic about the actress Natalie Wood.
  • 2004 - The song is performed by the jazz vocalist Sophie Milman on her album Milman.
  • 2005 - In the 2005 film Hostel Oli (Eythor Gudjonsson) and Natalya (Barbara Nedeljáková) sing "Ochi chyornye" together in the sauna.
  • 2006 - A recording by Judy Morris features in the animated film Happy Feet.
  • 2006 - American figure skater Sasha Cohen uses this song for her short program at the Winter Olympics.
  • 2006 - Swedish duo The Knife release the single "Marble House", the vocal melody of which is reminiscent of "Dark Eyes" (though possibly unintentionally so).
  • 2007 - The song is featured the David Cronenberg film Eastern Promises, performed by singer and accordion player Igor Outkine.
  • 2007–present - Folk metal band Turisas frequently incorporates a unique interpretation of "Ochi chyornye" as a finale for their song "In the Court of Jarislief" during live performances.
  • 2008 - Canadian ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir used the song as their original dance music.
  • 2008 - Russian-born American gymnast Nastia Liukin used the version of "Ochi chyornye" from the Well-Tempered Productions CD Gypsy as her floor exercise music at the Summer Olympics, where she won a gold medal in the Women's All-Around Final.
  • 2009 - A Japanese version was used in the Hime Uta 2 character CD for Strike Witches.
  • 2010 - American gymnast Rebecca Bross uses a remix of the song as her floor music.
  • 2010 - Used in the Spots vs. Stripes advert for Cadbury's dairy milk.
  • 2010 - Russian singer Vitas covered this song on his album Masterpieces of Three Centuries.
  • 2010 - Featured in the movie Fortress of War by Aleksandr Kott.
  • 2010 - Israeli artist Yoni Eilat recorded a Yiddish cover of this song for his album Tzigayner Neshume.
  • 2011 - Performed by actor Benoît Poelvoorde in the restaurant scene in the French movie Les Émotifs anonymes.
  • 2012 - Russian figure skater Elizaveta Tuktamysheva uses the piece for her free skate/long program.
  • 2015 - A gypsy band covers the song live for an episode of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown in Budapest, Hungary.



Panon Hideung Ochi chyornyePanon Hideung RumpakaPanon Hideung Diadaptasi kana basa SundaPanon Hideung Gurat mangsaPanon Hideung RujukanPanon Hideung20052007Basa RusiaIsmail MarzukiJazz

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