
}} फेसबुक पर

Facebook टेम्पलेट बिबरनलेख


Linking to a profile or Page

In this example, the Facebook user account is zuck and the description in the link is Mark Zuckerberg:

In this example, there's an ID instead of user name:

On the article about an individual, the display name and the article title will usually be identical and can be omitted. For example, on the article page Facebook, linking to their own Facebook profile could be done with:

Generally, Wikidata should contain article subjects' Facebook IDs in property P2013, allowing the ID parameter to be omitted:

    {{Facebook |name=NAME }}

Linking to a specific section

Links to specific sections on a Facebook page used to include the '=' symbol in the URL but no longer need to. Because '=' is a special character in Wikipedia template syntax (which separates a parameter's name from its value), it cannot be used directly in the id. If you want the link to arrive at a specific section, use the newer URL syntax, for example to link directly to the Photos section of a profile, add /photos to the username:


This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

TemplateData for Facebook

Generate a link to a Facebook profile in a standard format.

Template parametersEdit template data

Account IDid 1

ID of the Facebook account (part of the web page address, for www.facebook.com/example/ the account id is "example").

    Wikidata property P2013
Display namename 2

Display name for the Facebook account

    Name of the page

Tracking category

  • श्रेणी:Facebook template missing ID (0)

इहो देखल जाय

  • Template:Facebook Page
  • Wiki: FACEBOOK
  • {{Facebook navbox}}
  • {{Google+}}



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