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local p = {}  local digits = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'  function normalizeFullWidthChars(s)     return mw.ustring.gsub(s, '[!-~]', function(s)          return mw.ustring.char(mw.ustring.codepoint(s, 1) - 0xFEE0)      end)     end  function _convert(n, base, from, precision, width, default, prefix, suffix)     n = '' .. n   -- convert to a string          -- strip off any leading '0x' (unless x is a valid digit in the input base)     from = tonumber(from)     if not from or from < 34 then         local c         n, c = n:gsub('^(-?)0[Xx]', '%1')         if c > 0 and not from then from = 16 end     end      -- check for a negative sign. Do this while the input is still in string form,     -- because tonumber doesn't support negative numbers in non-10 bases.     local sign = ''     local c     n, c = n:gsub('^-', '')     if c > 0 then sign = '-' end          -- replace any full-width Unicode characters in the string with their ASCII equivalents     n = normalizeFullWidthChars(n)          -- handle scientific notation with whitespace around the 'e' e.g. '5 e7'     n = n:gsub('%s*[eE]%s*', 'e')          from = from or 10     local num = tonumber(n, from)     base = tonumber(base)     precision = tonumber(precision)     width = tonumber(width)          if not num or not base then return default or n end          local i, f = math.modf(num)      local t = {}     repeat         local d = (i % base) + 1         i = math.floor(i / base)         table.insert(t, 1, digits:sub(d, d))     until i == 0     while #t < (width or 0) do         table.insert(t, 1, '0')      end     local intPart = table.concat(t, '')          -- compute the fractional part     local tf = {}     while f > 0 and #tf < (precision or 10) do         f = f * base         i, f = math.modf(f)         table.insert(tf, digits:sub(i + 1, i + 1))     end          -- add trailing zeros if needed     if precision and #tf < precision then         for i = 1, precision - #tf do             table.insert(tf, '0')          end     end      fracPart = table.concat(tf, '')          -- remove trailing zeros if not needed     if not precision then         fracPart = fracPart:gsub('0*$', '')     end          -- add the radix point if needed     if #fracPart > 0 then         fracPart = '.' .. fracPart     end          return (prefix or '') .. sign .. intPart .. fracPart .. (suffix or '') end  function p.convert(frame)     -- Allow for invocation via #invoke or directly from another module     local args     if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then         args = frame.args     else         args = frame     end          local n = args.n     local base = args.base     local from = args.from     local precision = args.precision     local width = args.width     local default = args.default     local prefix = args.prefix     local suffix = args.suffix     return _convert(n, base, from, precision, width, default, prefix, suffix) end  return p 


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