Nominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp

Artikel ieu kaasup daptar nagara di dunya dumasar kana gross domestic product (GDP), nila sakabéh barang tur jasa nu dihasilkeun ku éta nagara dina taun nu ditaliti.

Nilai GDP dollar nu ditaksir di dieu diitung tina nilai tukeur mata uang boh dumasar kana pasar atawa pamaréntah.

Nominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp
Nagara-nagara dumasar kana nominal GDP.
Sumber: IMF (2005)

Di handap tabel taun 2005 keur sakabéh anggota International Monetary Fund (IMF), nu aya inpormasina. Data dina milyar dolar Amerika.

Catetan, teu kaasup Liberia, Somalia, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, jeung sababaraha nagara leutik di Eropa (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Vatican City) jeung Pasifik (Palau, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru sarta Tuvalu).

Rank Country GDP (millions of USD)
World economy 44,433,002
Uni Eropa 13,446,050
1 United States 12,485,725
2 Jepang 4,571,314
3 Germany 2,797,343
4 People's Republic of China Citakan:Fn 2,224,811
5 United Kingdom 2,201,473
6 France 2,105,864
7 Italy 1,766,160
8 Canada 1,130,208
9 Spain 1,126,565
10 South Korea 793,070
11 Brazil 792,683
12 India 775,410
13 Mexico 768,437
14 Russia 766,180
15 Australia 707,992
16 Netherlands 625,271
17 Belgium 372,091
18 Switzerland 367,513
19 Turkey 362,461
20 Sweden 358,819
21 Republic of China (Taiwan) 346,141
22 Saudi Arabia 307,770
23 Austria 307,036
24 Poland 300,533
25 Norway 296,017
26 Indonesia 276,004
27 Denmark 259,746
28 South Africa 239,144
29 Greece 222,878
30 Republic of Ireland 199,722
31 Iran 196,409
32 Finland 193,491
33 Portugal 183,436
34 Argentina 181,662
35 Hong Kong, PRC 177,723
36 Thailand 168,774
37 United Arab Emirates 133,768
38 Venezuela 132,848
39 Malaysia 130,796
40 Czech Republic 123,603
41 Israel 123,526
42 Colombia 122,269
43 Pakistan 118,472
44 Singapore 117,882
45 Chile 113,956
46 Hungary 109,483
47 New Zealand 108,547
48 Algeria 102,026
49 Nigeria 99,147
50 Romania 98,566
51 Philippines 97,653
52 Egypt 93,045
53 Ukraine 81,664
54 Peru 78,576
55 Kuwait 74,598
56 Bangladesh 61,218
57 Kazakhstan 56,088
58 Morocco 51,986
59 Vietnam 50,900
60 Slovakia 46,763
61 Libya 38,735
62 Qatar 37,852
63 Croatia 37,553
64 Luxembourg 34,184
65 Slovenia 34,030
66 Ecuador 33,062
67 Oman 30,326
68 Tunisia 30,185
69 Belarus 29,566
70 Dominican Republic 29,209
71 Angola 28,860
72 Sudan 27,699
73 Guatemala 27,366
74 Bulgaria 26,719
75 Syria 26,442
76 Serbia and Montenegro 26,215
77 Lithuania 25,726
78 Sri Lanka 23,514
79 Lebanon 22,052
80 Costa Rica 19,782
81 Kenya 19,184
82 Turkmenistan 17,666
83 Cameroon 16,991
84 El Salvador 16,900
85 Cyprus 16,652
86 Latvia 16,648
87 Côte d'Ivoire 16,204
88 Uruguay 15,926
89 Trinidad and Tobago 15,870
90 Iceland 15,823
91 Panama 15,234
92 Yemen 15,193
93 Estonia 13,108
94 Bahrain 12,921
95 Jordan 12,861
96 Azerbaijan 12,561
97 Tanzania 12,167
98 Uzbekistan 11,685
99 Ethiopia 11,174
100 Ghana 10,694
101 Jamaica 9,730
102 Bolivia 9,650
103 Bosnia and Herzegovina 9,425
104 Botswana 9,231
105 Gabon 8,917
106 Uganda 8,710
107 Albania 8,352
108 Senegal 8,332
109 Honduras 8,275
110 Nepal 7,516
111 Paraguay 7,247
112 Democratic Republic of the Congo 7,169
113 Afghanistan 7,139
114 Zambia 7,066
115 Equatorial Guinea 6,752
116 Mozambique 6,728
117 Brunei 6,399
118 Georgia 6,398
119 Mauritius 6,233
120 Namibia 6,121
121 The Bahamas 6,020
122 Republic of the Congo 5,865
123 Burkina Faso 5,749
124 Chad 5,431
125 Malta 5,428
126 Cambodia 5,419
127 Myanmar 5,378
128 Mali 5,255
129 Makédonia Kalér 5,018
130 Nicaragua 5,008
131 Madagascar 4,713
132 Zimbabwe 4,491
133 Benin 4,425
134 Haiti 4,211
135 Papua New Guinea 3,960
136 Armenia 3,774
137 Niger 3,493
138 Guinea 3,296
139 Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands 3,204
140 Barbados 3,166
141 Moldova 2,976
142 Fiji 2,861
143 Laos 2,735
144 Swaziland 2,532
145 Kyrgyzstan 2,441
146 Tajikistan 2,311
147 Rwanda 2,133
148 Togo 2,114
149 Malawi 2,072
150 Mauritania 1,938
151 Mongolia 1,881
152 Central African Republic 1,381
153 Suriname 1,345
154 Lesotho 1,270
155 Sierra Leone 1,193
156 Belize 1,068
157 Cape Verde 993
158 Eritrea 954
159 Antigua and Barbuda 857
160 Saint Lucia 825
161 Maldives 817
162 Bhutan 812
163 Burundi 801
164 Guyana 782
165 Djibouti 702
166 Seychelles 694
167 Grenada 474
168 The Gambia 459
169 Saint Kitts and Nevis 453
170 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 422
171 Comoros 370
172 Timor-Leste 355
173 Samoa 336
174 Vanuatu 332
175 Guinea-Bissau 288
176 Solomon Islands 288
177 Dominica 283
178 Tonga 219
179 São Tomé and Príncipe 70
180 Kiribati 63
  • Citakan:Fnb Gambar teu kaasup wewengkon administrasi husus Hong Kong jeung Macau.


International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2006 [1]

  • World and EU, International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2006 [2]

Daptar dumasar kana buana

  • List of African countries by GDP
  • List of Asian countries by GDP
  • List of European countries by GDP
  • List of Latin American countries by GDP

Tempo oge

  • List of countries by GDP estimates for 2006 (nominal)
  • List of countries by GDP estimates for 2007 (nominal)
  • List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - GDP at market or government official exchange rates per inhabitant
  • List of countries by GDP (PPP) - GDP calculated at purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates
  • List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - GDP at purchasing power parity exchange rates per inhabitant
  • List of countries by past GDP (nominal) - for the yéars between 1998 and 2003
  • List of countries by past GDP (PPP) - for the periods between 1 CE and 1998 CE


Wiki Basa Inggris, Juli 2006.

Nominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp  Daptar nagara katut réngkingna *Kaasup peta
Lega* · Garis basisir · Titik pangluhurna* · Kapadetan · Rasio basisir/lega · Titik pangkalérna

Populasi · (grafis) · Kapadetan pangeusi* · Harepan hirup* · Angka mortalitas orok · Angka kasuburan* · Angka kalahiran* · Angka maot* · Indéks Kamekaran Manusa* · Kasajajaran pangala* · Angka beunta aksara* · Angka kajadian HIV/AIDS sawawa* · Nu nandangan HIV/AIDS* · Angka nelasan manéh · Angka panganggur* · Perséntase populasi miskin

GDP (nominal) * · GDP (PPP) * · GDP (nominal) per kapita* · GDP (PPP) per kapita* · past GDP (nominal), past GDP (PPP) · Current account balance* · Imports* · Exports* · External debt* · Public debt* · Agricultural output*

Political rights and civil liberties* · Press freedom* · Capital punishment* · Homosexuality law* · Abortion law* · Date of nationhood* · UN peacekeepers currently deployed* · Possession of nuclear weapons* · Military expenditures* · Number of active troops* · Conscription* · Perception of corruption* · Economic freedom*

Émisi karbon dioksida* (Per kapita)* · GDP per émisi* · Émisi per GDP per kapita

Konsumsi listrik* · Konsumsi gas alam


Nominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp SumberNominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp Daptar dumasar kana buanaNominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp Tempo ogeNominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar Gdp RujukanNominal Daptar Nagara Dumasar GdpGross domestic product

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