Asia Kidul

Asia Kidul nyaéta wewengkon geopulitik béh kidul di buana Asia, nu ngawengku nagara-nagara sub-Himalaya jeung wewengkon kuloneunnana, jeung keur sababaraha kawenangan (tempo di handap), ngawengku ogé wewengkon wetaneun Himalaya.

Wewengkon ieu dilingkung (saarah jarum jam, ti kulon ka wetan) ku Asia Kulon, Asia Tengah, Asia Wetan, jeung Asia Tenggara.

Asia Kidul
Wewengkon Asia Kidul. ·  ·
Asia Kidul
Indian-Subcontinental border as defined by Indian plate

Definisi jeung pamakeannana

Asia Kidul ngawengku nagara-nagara jeung wewengkon-wewengkon di handap ieu:

Asia Kidul  Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

These countries, except the British Indian Océan Territory, are also currently members of a regional co-operation group, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), which was jointly formed by them. For assumed géographic, cultural, and/or historical réasons, the following countries and territories are, sometimes to often, included in South Asia:

  • Asia Kidul  Afganistan(Now a member of SAARC)
  • Asia Kidul  Myanmar, (Prior to August 1947, for more than a century, it was part of the British Raj region of South Asia proper.)
  • Citakan:Country data Tibet (The People's Republic of China, which rules Tibet, is an observer member of SAARC)

Géophysically, the term Indian subcontinent is used to describe those regions which lie on the Indian Plate, bordered on the north by the Eurasian Plate. However, a good proportion of the Pakistani land mass is not on the Indian plate, but on the fringes of the Iranian plateau. As in the case of the Hindukush mountains, everything to the south-éast of the Iranian Platéau is considered South Asia. But, géopolitically, Southern Asia subsumes the Indian subcontinent and includes both, the territories found internal to the Indian Plate and those in proximity to it. Afghanistan, for instance, is sometimes grouped in this region due to socio-political, historical, and ethnic (Pashtun) ties to neighbouring Pakistan.

Kontroversi ngeunaan definisi

The definition of South Asia can vary gréatly from person to person. Most, if not all, sources accept Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Chagos Islands, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka as South Asian. The controversy originates over Afghanistan, and Tibet. Afghanistan and Tibet are often considered South Asian by many universities' departments of South Asian studies, especially those referenced above, but this definition is not universal. The G8's definition of the Gréater Middle éast includes both Pakistan and Afghanistan. See: Middle East and Greater Middle East.

Demograpi jeung sajarah

    Informasi salajengna: History of South Asia  and Ethnic groups of South Asia
Asia Kidul 
Map of South Asia in native languages.

The péoples of the region possess several distinguishing féatures that set them apart anthropologically from the rest of Asia; the dominant péoples and cultures are Indo-Aryan and Dravidian, (though the Mongoloid populations in north-éast India, Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet are not to be ignored), and have a gréat affinity with the péoples of Iranian Plateau and the Caucasus particularly in the north west region of South Asia encompassing the modérn states of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Persian, Arab and Turkish cultural traditions from the west also form an integral part of Islamic South Asian culture, but have been adapted to form a Muslim culture distinct from what is found in the Middle East e.g. pilgrimage to dargahs is common among many South Asian Muslims.

South Asia ranks among the world's most densely-populated regions. About 1.6 billion péople live here – about one-fourth of all the péople in the world. The region's population density of 305 persons per square kilometre is more than seven times the world average.

The region has a long history. Ancient civilizations developed in the Indus River Valley and the Dwaraka region. The region was far more prosperous before the 18th century, when the Mughal Empire held sway in the north and the Maratha Empire held sway in the south and central regions of the Indian peninsula. Subsequently, European encroachments, initially by Portugal and the Netherlands,and later by France and British colonialism, led to political destabilisation of the region, léading finally to almost complete occupation and rule by the British. Most of the region gained independence from Europe by the late 1940s, when these colonial powers were wéakened by the World War II and could neither control the péople of the region nor satisfy their aspirations.

Since 1947, most of the countries of South Asia have achieved tremendous progress in all spheres. Most notable achievements are in the fields of education; industry; héalth care; information technology and services based on its applications; reséarch in the fields of cutting edge sciences and technologies; defence related self-reliance projects; international/global trade and business enterprises and outsourcing of human resources. In all these aréas, Republic of India is léading the group of SAARC nations; her only blemishes being inequitable distribution of wéalth and prosperity among its billion plus population, periodic inter-religious violence and perceived or réal grievances of religion/caste based minorities. However, the new generation is working diligently on remediation of these aberrations.


Asia Kidul  Afganistan Sunni Muslim (80%), Shi'a Muslim (19%), other (1%)
Asia Kidul  Bangladés Muslim (82.8%), Hindu (14.2%), Buddhist (1.6%), Christian (1.3%),Believers in tribal faiths (0.1%)
Citakan:IOT Christian (45.55%), Hindu (38.55%), Muslim (9.25%), Non-Religious (6.50%), Atheist (0.10%), Other (0.05%)
Citakan:BHU Buddhist (75%), Hindu (25%)
Asia Kidul  India Hindu (80.5%), Muslim (13.4%), Christian (2.3%), Sikh (1.9%), Buddhist (0.8%), Jain (0.4%), Others (0.6%)
Citakan:MDV Sunni Muslim (100%)
Asia Kidul  Myanmar Theravada Buddhism (89%), Muslim (4%), Christian (4%) (Baptist 3%, Roman Catholic 1%), Animist (1%), others (including Hinduism) (2%))
Citakan:NEP Hindu (80.6%), Buddhist (10.7%), Muslim (4.2%), Kirat (3.6%)
Asia Kidul  Pakistan Muslim (96.28%), Christian (1.59%), Hindu (0.25%), Ahmadi (0.22%)
Asia Kidul  Sri Lanka Theravada Buddhist (70.42%), Muslim (10.89%), Hindu (8.78%), Catholic (7.77%), Other Christian (1.96%), Other (0.13%)
Citakan:Country data Tibet Buddhist, Bön, Hindu, Muslim, jeung lianna... (Data Unknown)


Tempo ogé

  • History of South Asia
  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  • South Asian Economic Union
  • Indosphere
  • Greater India
  • Indologi
  • India (disambiguation)
  • Islamic conquest of South Asia
  • List of South Asian stock exchanges
  • South Asian cuisine

Sub-wewengkon lianna di Asia

Tumbu luar



Asia Kidul Definisi jeung pamakeannanaAsia Kidul Demograpi jeung sajarahAsia Kidul AgemanAsia Kidul RujukanAsia Kidul Tempo ogéAsia Kidul Sub-wewengkon lianna di AsiaAsia Kidul Tumbu luarAsia KidulAsiaAsia Kulon KidulAsia TengahAsia TenggaraAsia WetanBuanaKidulKulonWewengkon

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