Ēastrīce-Ungerland: Constitutional monarchic union from 1867 to October 1918

Þæt Ēastrīces-Ungeriscan Rīce, ēac Ēastrīce-Ungerland ġehāten, ƿæs land in Middelre Europan of 1867 oþ 1918, þurh þā Ǣrestan Ƿoruldgūðe.

Ēastrīce-Ungerland: Constitutional monarchic union from 1867 to October 1918
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Ēastrīce-Ungerland: Constitutional monarchic union from 1867 to October 1918
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Ēastrīce-Ungerland: Constitutional monarchic union from 1867 to October 1918
Ēastrīce-Ungerland, 1867

Ēastrīce-Ungerland: Constitutional monarchic union from 1867 to October 1918 
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