Eliżabetta Ii

Eliżabetta II (Elizabeth Alexandra Marija; twieldet fil-21 ta' April 1926 u mietet fit-8 ta' Settembru 2022) kienet il-monarka kostituzzjonali ta' 16-il stat sovran (magħrufa bħala r-realms tal-Commonwealth) u territorji tagħhom u d-dipendenzi, kif ukoll kap tal-Commonwealth tan-Nazzjonijiet ta' 54 membru.

Kienet Gvernatur Suprem tal-Knisja tal-Ingilterra u, f'xi realms tagħha, twettaq it-titolu tad-Difensur tal-Fidi bħala parti mit-titlu sħiħ tagħha.

Eliżabetta II
Eliżabetta Ii
monarka ta' Saint Kitts u Nevis

19 Settembru 1983 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Antigwa u Barbuda

1 Novembru 1981 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Belize

21 Settembru 1981 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Saint Vincent u l-Grenadini

27 Ottubru 1979 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Saint Lucia

22 Frar 1979 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Tuvalu

1 Ottubru 1978 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka tal-Gżejjer Solomon

7 Lulju 1978 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Papua New Guinea

16 Settembru 1975 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka ta' Grenada

7 Frar 1974 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka tal-Bahamas

10 Lulju 1973 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka tad-Dominju ta' Fiġi

1970 - 6 Ottubru 1987
← no value - no value →
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth ta' Mauritius

12 Marzu 1968 - 12 Marzu 1992
← no value - no value →
monarka tal-Barbados

30 Novembru 1966 - 29 Novembru 2021
← no value
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth tal-Guyana

1966 - 1970
← no value - no value →
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth tal-Gambja

1965 - 1970
← no value - no value →
monarka tal-Istat ta' Malta

1964 - 1974
← no value - no value →
monarka tal-Malawi

1964 - 1966
← no value - no value →
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth tal-Kenja

1963 - 1964
← no value - no value →
monarka tal-Ġamajka

6 Awwissu 1962 - 8 Settembru 2022
← no value - Karlu III
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth ta' Trinidad u Tobago

1962 - 1976
← no value - no value →
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth tal-Uganda

1962 - 1963
← no value - no value →
Queen of Trinidad and Tobago (en) Translate

1962 - 1976
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth ta' Sierra Leone

1961 - 1971
← no value - no value →
monarka ta' Tanganyika

1961 - 1962
← no value - no value →
monarka tal-Federazzjoni tan-Niġerja

1960 - 1963
← no value - no value →
monarka tar-realm tal-Commonwealth tal-Gana

1957 - 1960
← no value - no value →
monarka tal-Awstralja

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022
George VI (en) Translate - Karlu III
monarka tal-Kanada

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022
George VI (en) Translate - Karlu III
Lord ta' Mann

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022 - Karlu III
Duka ta' Lancaster

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022 - Karlu III
Kap tal-Commonwealth

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022 - Karlu III
monarka tar-Renju Unit

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022
George VI (en) Translate - Karlu III
monarka ta' New Zealand

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022
George VI (en) Translate - Karlu III
monarka tad-Dominju tal-Pakistan

6 Frar 1952 - 1956
George VI (en) Translate - no value →
monarka tal-Unjoni tal-Afrika t'Isfel

6 Frar 1952 - 1961
George VI (en) Translate - no value →
Gvernatur Suprem tal-Knisja tal-Ingilterra

6 Frar 1952 - 8 Settembru 2022
monarka tad-Dominju tas-Sri Lanka

6 Frar 1952 - 1972
George VI (en) Translate - no value →
Kmandant Kap tal-Forzi Kanadiżi

1952 -
eredi preżuntiva

11 Diċembru 1936 - 6 Frar 1952
Isem propju Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Twelid Mayfair, 21 April 1926
Nazzjonalità Renju Unit
Residenza Palazz ta' Buckingham
Kastell ta' Windsor
Kastell ta' Balmoral
Sandringham House
Palazz ta' Holyrood
L-ewwel lingwa Ingliż
Mewt Kastell ta' Balmoral, 8 Settembru 2022
Post tad-dfin King George VI Memorial Chapel (en) Translate
Kawża tal-mewt kawżi naturali (senility (en) Translate
unknown value)
Missier George VI
Omm Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
Konjuga/i Prinċep Philip, id-Duka ta' Edinburgu  (20 Novembru 1947 -  9 April 2021)
  • Karlu III
    Anna, il-Prinċipessa Rjali
    Prinċep Andrew, id-Duka ta' York
    Prinċep Edward, il-Konti ta' Wessex
  • Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon (en) Translate
Tribù familja ta' Windsor
Lingwi Ingliż
Għalliema Marion Crawford (en) Translate
Henry Marten (en) Translate
William Henry Harris (en) Translate
Okkupazzjoni monarka
kollezzjonista tal-arti
Għoli 64 in
  • Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour  (1948)
    Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic  (9 Mejju 1958)
    Grand Order of King Tomislav Grand Order of King Tomislav  (12 Diċembru 2001)
    Order of the White Eagle Order of the White Eagle  (1996)
    Collar of the Order of the White Lion  (1996)
    Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece  (1989)
    Order of the Crown of India Order of the Crown of India
    Order of the Garter Order of the Garter
    Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Saint Olav‎ Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Saint Olav‎  (24 Ġunju 1955)
    Order of the Three Stars, 1st Class Order of the Three Stars, 1st Class  (1996)
    Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany  (29 Settembru 1958)
    Collar of the Order of the Star of Romania  (2000)
    Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland  (1991)
    Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion  (1950)
    Collar of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana Collar of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana  (19 Ottubru 2006)
    Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the Falcon Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the Falcon  (19 Novembru 1963)
    Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold  (1963)
    Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross  (1968)
    Grand Cross with collar of the Order of Vytautas the Great Grand Cross with collar of the Order of Vytautas the Great  (17 Ottubru 2006)
    Time Person of the Year  (1952)
    Order of Freedom of the Republic of Slovenia Order of Freedom of the Republic of Slovenia  (2001)
    Order of the Nile Order of the Nile  (1975)
    Order of the Yugoslavian Great Star Order of the Yugoslavian Great Star  (1972)
    Order of the Supreme Sun Order of the Supreme Sun  (1971)
    Defence Medal Defence Medal  (1945)
    War Medal 1939–1945 War Medal 1939–1945  (1945)
    King George VI Coronation Medal King George VI Coronation Medal  (1937)
    Royal Family Order of George VI Royal Family Order of George VI  (1937)
    Grand Order of Mugunghwa Grand Order of Mugunghwa  (1986)
    Decoration for Exceptional Merits Decoration for Exceptional Merits  (2008)
    Order of the Star of Ghana Order of the Star of Ghana  (2007)
    Order of the Tribute to the Republic Order of the Tribute to the Republic  (23 Novembru 2005)
    Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya  (1972)
    Order of the Crown of the Realm Order of the Crown of the Realm  (1972)
    Order of the Republic of The Gambia Order of the Republic of The Gambia  (1974)
    Order of the Crown of Brunei Order of the Crown of Brunei  (1972, 1992)
    Order of Kuwait Order of Kuwait  (1995)
    Darjah Utama Temasek Darjah Utama Temasek  (1972)
    Order of the Niger Order of the Niger  (1969)
    Order of Valour Order of Valour  (1993)
    Grand Cordon of the National Order of the Leopard Grand Cordon of the National Order of the Leopard  (1973)
    Order of Independence Order of Independence  (1961)
    Order of the Republic Order of the Republic  (1980)
    Star of the Republic of Indonesia Star of the Republic of Indonesia  (1974)
    National Order of the Ivory Coast National Order of the Ivory Coast  (1961)
    Order of the Star of Africa Order of the Star of Africa  (1962)
    Order of the Pioneers of Liberia Order of the Pioneers of Liberia  (1961, 1979)
    Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Meritu Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Meritu  (28 Mejju 1992, 23 Ottubru 2000)
    Order of Independence Order of Independence  (1961)
    Grand Cross of the National Order of the Lion Grand Cross of the National Order of the Lion  (1961)
    Order of the Virtues Order of the Virtues  (1948)
    Order of Ojaswi Rajanya Order of Ojaswi Rajanya  (1949)
    Order of Oman Order of Oman  (1979)
    Order of the Star of Jordan Order of the Star of Jordan
    Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud  (1979)
    Order of al-Hussein bin Ali Order of al-Hussein bin Ali  (1953, 1984)
    Grand Collar of the Order of Good Hope Grand Collar of the Order of Good Hope  (1995)
    Grand Cross of the Sash of the Three Orders Grand Cross of the Sash of the Three Orders
    Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau  (1972)
    Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali  (1961)
    Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero  (1953)
    Order of Solomon Order of Solomon  (1954)
    Order of the Equatorial Star Order of the Equatorial Star  (1969)
    Collar of the Order of Merit Collar of the Order of Merit  (1965)
    Order of Merit for Distinguished Services Order of Merit for Distinguished Services  (1998)
    Order of the Golden Fleece Order of the Golden Fleece  (1989)
    Grand Cross of the Order of the White Double Cross‎ Grand Cross of the Order of the White Double Cross‎ : Ivan Gašparovič (en) Translate  (23 Ottubru 2008)
    Order of the Royal House of Chakri Order of the Royal House of Chakri  (1960)
    Grand Collar of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword Grand Collar of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword  (27 April 1993)
    Royal Order of the Seraphim Royal Order of the Seraphim  (1953, 1975)
    Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III  (1986)
    Order of Boyacá Order of Boyacá  (1993)
    Order of State of Republic of Turkey Order of State of Republic of Turkey  (14 Mejju 2008)
    Order of Mubarak the Great Order of Mubarak the Great  (1979)
    Star of the Socialist Republic of Romania Star of the Socialist Republic of Romania  (1978)
    Albert Medal  (1958)
    Order of the Elephant Order of the Elephant  (1947)
    Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
    Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria  (1966)
    Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword
    honorary doctor of the Royal College of Music  (1973)
    Order of the Redeemer Order of the Redeemer
    Member of the Order of Canada Member of the Order of Canada
    Order of Idris I Order of Idris I  (1954)
    Order of the Seal of Solomon Order of the Seal of Solomon  (1954)
    Order of Charles III Order of Charles III  (1986)
    Hungarian Order of Merit Hungarian Order of Merit  (1991)
    Order of the Aztec Eagle Order of the Aztec Eagle  (1973)
    Order of Sālote Tupou III Order of Sālote Tupou III  (19 Diċembru 1953)
    Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland  (10 Mejju 1961)
Sħubija Soċjetà Rjali
Servizz militari
Fergħa militari Servizz Territorjali Awżiljarju

Fuq l-adeżjoni tagħha fis-6 ta' Frar 1952, ir-Reġina Eliżabetta saret Kap tal- Commonwealth u reġina ta' seba' pajjiżi tal-Commonwealth indipendenti: ir-Renju Unit, il-Kanada, l-Awstralja, New Zealand, l-Afrika t'Isfel, il-Pakistan u s-Sri Lanka. Mill-1956 sal-1992, l-għadd ta' realms tagħha varjaw minn territorji kisbu l-indipendenza u xi realms saru repubbliki. Flimkien mal-ewwel erba' pajjiżi msemmija hawn fuq, ir-Reġina Eliżabetta kienet monarka tal-Ġamajka, il-Barbados, il-Baħamas, il-Grenada, Papwa Gwinea l-Ġdida, il-Gżejjer Solomon, Tuvalu, Santa Luċija, San Vinċenz u l-Grenadini, il-Beliże, Antigwa u Barbuda u San Kitts u Nevis. Ir-renju tagħha huwa l-itwal wieħed għal monarka Brittanika; ir-Reġina Victoria saltnet għal iktar minn 63 sena u r-renju tagħha kien it-tieni l-itwal.

Eliżabetta twieled f'Londra u ġiet edukata privatament id-dar. Missierha aderixxa għat-tron bħala Ġorġ VI fl-1936 wara l-abdikazzjoni ta' ħuh Edward VIII; minn dak iż-żmien kienet l-eredi għat-tron. Hija bdiet biex twettaq doveri pubbliċi matul it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, li fihom serviet fis-servizz territorjali awżiljarju. Fl-1947 hija żżewġet lill-Prinċep Philip, Duka ta' Edinburgu, u miegħu kellha erbat itfal: Charles, Anne, Andrew, u Edward. Is-Servizz nkurunat tagħha sar fl-1953 u kien l-ewwel li xxandar.

Ir-Reġina għamlet żjarat u laqgħat storiċi ħafna li jinkludu ż-żjara statali lir-Repubblika tal-Irlanda u żjarat reċiproċi għand l-Papa u minnu. Ir-Reġina rat bidliet kostituzzjonali ewlenin fir-realms tagħha, bħad-devoluzzjoni fir-Renju Unit u l-patriation tal-kostituzzjoni Kanadiża. Żminijiet ta' importanza personali tagħha kienu jinkludu t-twelid u ż-żwiġijiet tat​​-tfal tagħha, it-twelid tan-neputijiet tagħha, l-investitura tal-Prinċep ta' Wales, u ċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta' tragwardi bħall-ġublew tal-fidda, tad-deheb, tad-djamanti u tal-platinu tagħha, fl-1977, fl-2002, fl-2012 u fl-2022 rispettivament.

Eliżabetta Ii



Commonwealth tan-NazzjonijietRenju Unit

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