
Documentation icon ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်းထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ

For adding yellow highlight to specified text. The highlight color can be changed, and the highlight can also be set to expire at a certain date. Please keep template usage to talk pages only.


{{highlight | text | color (optional) | expiration (optional) }}


  • text (parameter 1): Enter the text to be highlighted.

Optional parameters

These parameters are optional, but unused parameters must be separated by a pipe (see examples below):

  • color (parameter 2): Colors may be specified by word (e.g., "red", "blue", "lightgreen") or in hexadecimal format (e.g., "#FF0066", "#C0C0C0"). If no value is given for the color, the template defaults to yellow.
  • expiration (parameter 3): Highlights may be set to expire on a certain date, which leaves the text as-is, but removes the highlight color. The expiration value can be specified in any format.


code output notes
{{highlight | text }} text The default highlight color is yellow
{{highlight | text | lightblue }} text The second parameter is the highlight color
{{highlight | text | lightblue | 2011-01-01 }} text This is not highlighted since 1 January 2011 is in the past
{{highlight | text | lightblue | 2024-04-28 }} text There is no highlighting on the expiration date (purge this page's server cache if today's date is not shown)
{{highlight | text | #00FF00 | 1 January 2099 }} text This is highlighted since 1 January 2099 is in the future
{{highlight | text || January 1, 2099 }} text Note the color parameter, left blank, is still represented
with a pipe (followed by the expiration parameter pipe)


  • {{Highlight round}} – highlights the included text using a rounded box with shadows
  • {{tq}} – for quoting text on talk pages
  • {{font color}}


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