Namespace Detect/Data

モジュール:Namespace detect用のデータモジュールです。モジュール本体からの読み込みにmw.loadDataが使われているため、本モジュールは1ページを通して1回しか読み込まれません(require関数を使用した場合は#invokeによるモジュール呼び出し毎に読み込まれる)。

Namespace Detect/Data モジュールの解説

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --                          Namespace detect data                             -- -- This module holds data for [[Module:Namespace detect]] to be loaded per    -- -- page, rather than per #invoke, for performance reasons.                    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local cfg = require('Module:Namespace detect/config')  local function addKey(t, key, defaultKey) if key ~= defaultKey then t[#t + 1] = key end end  -- Get a table of parameters to query for each default parameter name. -- This allows wikis to customise parameter names in the cfg table while -- ensuring that default parameter names will always work. The cfg table -- values can be added as a string, or as an array of strings.  local defaultKeys = { 'main', 'talk', 'other', 'subjectns', 'demospace', 'demopage' }  local argKeys = {} for i, defaultKey in ipairs(defaultKeys) do argKeys[defaultKey] = {defaultKey} end  for defaultKey, t in pairs(argKeys) do local cfgValue = cfg[defaultKey] local cfgValueType = type(cfgValue) if cfgValueType == 'string' then addKey(t, cfgValue, defaultKey) elseif cfgValueType == 'table' then for i, key in ipairs(cfgValue) do addKey(t, key, defaultKey) end end cfg[defaultKey] = nil -- Free the cfg value as we don't need it any more. end  local function getParamMappings() --[[ -- Returns a table of how parameter names map to namespace names. The keys -- are the actual namespace names, in lower case, and the values are the -- possible parameter names for that namespace, also in lower case. The -- table entries are structured like this: -- { --   [''] = {'main'}, --   ['wikipedia'] = {'wikipedia', 'project', 'wp'}, --   ... -- } --]] local mappings = {} local mainNsName =[0].name mainNsName = mw.ustring.lower(mainNsName) mappings[mainNsName] = mw.clone(argKeys.main) mappings['talk'] = mw.clone( for nsid, ns in pairs( do if nsid ~= 0 then -- Exclude main namespace. local nsname = mw.ustring.lower( local canonicalName = mw.ustring.lower(ns.canonicalName) mappings[nsname] = {nsname} if canonicalName ~= nsname then table.insert(mappings[nsname], canonicalName) end for _, alias in ipairs(ns.aliases) do table.insert(mappings[nsname], mw.ustring.lower(alias)) end end end return mappings end  return { argKeys = argKeys, cfg = cfg, mappings = getParamMappings() } 


モジュール:Namespace detect

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