message Box/Configuration

Documentation for this module may be created at Modulu:Message box/configuration/dok

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --                          Message box configuration                         -- --                                                                            -- -- This module contains configuration data for [[Module:Message box]].        -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  return { ambox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'ambox-speedy', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, delete = { class = 'ambox-delete', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, content = { class = 'ambox-content', image = 'Ambox important.svg' }, style = { class = 'ambox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'ambox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { class = 'ambox-protection', image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, notice = { class = 'ambox-notice', image = 'Information icon4.svg' }, completar = { class = 'ambox-completar', image = 'ViquiCat.svg' } }, default                     = 'notice', allowBlankParams            = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'}, allowSmall                  = true, smallParam                  = 'left', smallClass                  = 'mbox-small-left', substCheck                  = true, classes                     = {'metadata', 'plainlinks', 'ambox'}, imageEmptyCell              = true, imageCheckBlank             = true, imageSmallSize              = '20x20px', imageCellDiv                = true, useCollapsibleTextFields    = true, imageRightNone              = true, sectionDefault              = 'article', allowMainspaceCategories    = true, templateCategory            = "Plantilles de missatges d'articles",         templateCategoryRequireName = true, templateErrorCategory       = "Plantilles de missatges d'articles amb els paràmetres que falten", templateErrorParamsToCheck  = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'} },  cmbox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'cmbox-speedy', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, delete = { class = 'cmbox-delete', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, content = { class = 'cmbox-content', image = 'Ambox important.svg' }, style = { class = 'cmbox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'cmbox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { class = 'cmbox-protection', image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, notice = { class = 'cmbox-notice', image = 'Information icon4.svg' } }, default              = 'notice', showInvalidTypeError = true, classes              = {'plainlinks', 'cmbox'}, imageEmptyCell       = true },  fmbox = { types = { warning = { class = 'fmbox-warning', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, editnotice = { class = 'fmbox-editnotice', image = 'Information icon4.svg' }, system = { class = 'fmbox-system', image = 'Information icon4.svg' } }, default              = 'system', showInvalidTypeError = true, allowId                = true, classes              = {'plainlinks', 'fmbox'}, imageEmptyCell       = false, imageRightNone       = false },  imbox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'imbox-speedy', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, delete = { class = 'imbox-delete', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, content = { class = 'imbox-content', image = 'Ambox important.svg' }, style = { class = 'imbox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'imbox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { class = 'imbox-protection', image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, license = { class = 'imbox-license licensetpl', image = 'Imbox license.png' -- @todo We need an SVG version of this }, featured = { class = 'imbox-featured', image = 'Cscr-featured.svg' }, notice = { class = 'imbox-notice', image = 'Information icon4.svg' } }, default              = 'notice', showInvalidTypeError = true, classes              = {'imbox'}, usePlainlinksParam   = true, imageEmptyCell       = true, below                = true, templateCategory     = 'File message boxes' },  ombox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'ombox-speedy', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, delete = { class = 'ombox-delete', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, content = { class = 'ombox-content', image = 'Ambox important.svg' }, style = { class = 'ombox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'ombox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { class = 'ombox-protection', image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, notice = { class = 'ombox-notice', image = 'Information icon4.svg' } }, default              = 'notice', showInvalidTypeError = true, classes              = {'plainlinks', 'ombox'}, allowSmall           = true, imageEmptyCell       = true, imageRightNone       = true },  tmbox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'tmbox-speedy', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, delete = { class = 'tmbox-delete', image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, content = { class = 'tmbox-content', image = 'Ambox important.svg' }, style = { class = 'tmbox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'tmbox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { class = 'tmbox-protection', image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, notice = { class = 'tmbox-notice', image = 'Information icon4.svg' } }, default              = 'notice', showInvalidTypeError = true, classes              = {'plainlinks', 'tmbox'}, allowId              = true, allowSmall           = true, imageRightNone       = true, imageEmptyCell       = true, imageEmptyCellStyle  = true, templateCategory     = 'Talk message boxes' } } 


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