Partially Ordered Set

All definitions tacitly require the homogeneous relation R be transitive: for all a , b , c , if a R b and b R c then a R c .

Transitive binary relations
Symmetric Antisymmetric Connected Well-founded Has joins Has meets Reflexive Irreflexive Asymmetric
Total, Semiconnex Anti-
Equivalence relation Green tickY Green tickY
Preorder (Quasiorder) Green tickY
Partial order Green tickY Green tickY
Total preorder Green tickY Green tickY
Total order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Prewellordering Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Well-quasi-ordering Green tickY Green tickY
Well-ordering Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Lattice Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Join-semilattice Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Meet-semilattice Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Strict partial order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Strict weak order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Strict total order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
Symmetric Antisymmetric Connected Well-founded Has joins Has meets Reflexive Irreflexive Asymmetric
Definitions, for all and
Green tickY indicates that the column's property is always true the row's term (at the very left), while indicates that the property is not guaranteed in general (it might, or might not, hold). For example, that every equivalence relation is symmetric, but not necessarily antisymmetric, is indicated by Green tickY in the "Symmetric" column and in the "Antisymmetric" column, respectively.

In mathematics, especially order theory, a partial order on a set is an arrangement such that, for certain pairs of elements, one precedes the other. The word partial is used to indicate that not every pair of elements needs to be comparable; that is, there may be pairs for which neither element precedes the other. Partial orders thus generalize total orders, in which every pair is comparable.

Partially Ordered Set
Fig. 1 The Hasse diagram of the set of all subsets of a three-element set ordered by inclusion. Sets connected by an upward path, like and , are comparable, while e.g. and are not.

Formally, a partial order is a homogeneous binary relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. A partially ordered set (poset for short) is an ordered pair of a set (called the ground set of ) and a partial order on . When the meaning is clear from context and there is no ambiguity about the partial order, the set itself is sometimes called a poset.

Partial order relations

The term partial order usually refers to the reflexive partial order relations, referred to in this article as non-strict partial orders. However some authors use the term for the other common type of partial order relations, the irreflexive partial order relations, also called strict partial orders. Strict and non-strict partial orders can be put into a one-to-one correspondence, so for every strict partial order there is a unique corresponding non-strict partial order, and vice versa.

Partial orders

A reflexive, weak, or non-strict partial order, commonly referred to simply as a partial order, is a homogeneous relation ≤ on a set Partially Ordered Set  that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. That is, for all Partially Ordered Set  it must satisfy:

  1. Reflexivity: Partially Ordered Set , i.e. every element is related to itself.
  2. Antisymmetry: if Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  then Partially Ordered Set , i.e. no two distinct elements precede each other.
  3. Transitivity: if Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  then Partially Ordered Set .

A non-strict partial order is also known as an antisymmetric preorder.

Strict partial orders

An irreflexive, strong, or strict partial order is a homogeneous relation < on a set Partially Ordered Set  that is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive; that is, it satisfies the following conditions for all Partially Ordered Set 

  1. Irreflexivity: not Partially Ordered Set , i.e. no element is related to itself (also called anti-reflexive).
  2. Asymmetry: if Partially Ordered Set  then not Partially Ordered Set .
  3. Transitivity: if Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  then Partially Ordered Set .

Irreflexivity and transitivity together imply asymmetry. Also, asymmetry implies irreflexivity. In other words, a transitive relation is asymmetric if and only if it is irreflexive. So the definition is the same if it omits either irreflexivity or asymmetry (but not both).

A strict partial order is also known as an asymmetric strict preorder.

Correspondence of strict and non-strict partial order relations

Partially Ordered Set 
Fig. 2 Commutative diagram about the connections between strict/non-strict relations and their duals, via the operations of reflexive closure (cls), irreflexive kernel (ker), and converse relation (cnv). Each relation is depicted by its logical matrix for the poset whose Hasse diagram is depicted in the center. For example Partially Ordered Set  so row 3, column 4 of the bottom left matrix is empty.

Strict and non-strict partial orders on a set Partially Ordered Set  are closely related. A non-strict partial order Partially Ordered Set  may be converted to a strict partial order by removing all relationships of the form Partially Ordered Set  that is, the strict partial order is the set Partially Ordered Set  where Partially Ordered Set  is the identity relation on Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  denotes set subtraction. Conversely, a strict partial order < on Partially Ordered Set  may be converted to a non-strict partial order by adjoining all relationships of that form; that is, Partially Ordered Set  is a non-strict partial order. Thus, if Partially Ordered Set  is a non-strict partial order, then the corresponding strict partial order < is the irreflexive kernel given by

Partially Ordered Set 
Conversely, if < is a strict partial order, then the corresponding non-strict partial order Partially Ordered Set  is the reflexive closure given by:
Partially Ordered Set 

Dual orders

The dual (or opposite) Partially Ordered Set  of a partial order relation Partially Ordered Set  is defined by letting Partially Ordered Set  be the converse relation of Partially Ordered Set , i.e. Partially Ordered Set  if and only if Partially Ordered Set . The dual of a non-strict partial order is a non-strict partial order, and the dual of a strict partial order is a strict partial order. The dual of a dual of a relation is the original relation.


Given a set Partially Ordered Set  and a partial order relation, typically the non-strict partial order Partially Ordered Set , we may uniquely extend our notation to define four partial order relations Partially Ordered Set  Partially Ordered Set  Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set , where Partially Ordered Set  is a non-strict partial order relation on Partially Ordered Set , Partially Ordered Set  is the associated strict partial order relation on Partially Ordered Set  (the irreflexive kernel of Partially Ordered Set ), Partially Ordered Set  is the dual of Partially Ordered Set , and Partially Ordered Set  is the dual of Partially Ordered Set . Strictly speaking, the term partially ordered set refers to a set with all of these relations defined appropriately. But practically, one need only consider a single relation, Partially Ordered Set  or Partially Ordered Set , or, in rare instances, the strict and non-strict relations together, Partially Ordered Set .

The term ordered set is sometimes used as a shorthand for partially ordered set, as long as it is clear from the context that no other kind of order is meant. In particular, totally ordered sets can also be referred to as "ordered sets", especially in areas where these structures are more common than posets. Some authors use different symbols than Partially Ordered Set  such as Partially Ordered Set  or Partially Ordered Set  to distinguish partial orders from total orders.

When referring to partial orders, Partially Ordered Set  should not be taken as the complement of Partially Ordered Set . The relation Partially Ordered Set  is the converse of the irreflexive kernel of Partially Ordered Set , which is always a subset of the complement of Partially Ordered Set , but Partially Ordered Set  is equal to the complement of Partially Ordered Set  if, and only if, Partially Ordered Set  is a total order.

Alternative definitions

Another way of defining a partial order, found in computer science, is via a notion of comparison. Specifically, given Partially Ordered Set  as defined previously, it can be observed that two elements x and y may stand in any of four mutually exclusive relationships to each other: either x < y, or x = y, or x > y, or x and y are incomparable. This can be represented by a function Partially Ordered Set  that returns one of four codes when given two elements. This definition is equivalent to a partial order on a setoid, where equality is taken to be a defined equivalence relation rather than the primitive notion of set equality.

Wallis defines a more general notion of a partial order relation as any homogeneous relation that is transitive and antisymmetric. This includes both reflexive and irreflexive partial orders as subtypes.

A finite poset can be visualized through its Hasse diagram. Specifically, taking a strict partial order relation Partially Ordered Set , a directed acyclic graph (DAG) may be constructed by taking each element of Partially Ordered Set  to be a node and each element of Partially Ordered Set  to be an edge. The transitive reduction of this DAG is then the Hasse diagram. Similarly this process can be reversed to construct strict partial orders from certain DAGs. In contrast, the graph associated to a non-strict partial order has self-loops at every node and therefore is not a DAG; when a non-strict order is said to be depicted by a Hasse diagram, actually the corresponding strict order is shown.


Partially Ordered Set 
Fig. 3 Graph of the divisibility of numbers from 1 to 4. This set is partially, but not totally, ordered because there is a relationship from 1 to every other number, but there is no relationship from 2 to 3 or 3 to 4

Standard examples of posets arising in mathematics include:

  • The real numbers, or in general any totally ordered set, ordered by the standard less-than-or-equal relation ≤, is a partial order.
  • On the real numbers Partially Ordered Set , the usual less than relation < is a strict partial order. The same is also true of the usual greater than relation > on Partially Ordered Set .
  • By definition, every strict weak order is a strict partial order.
  • The set of subsets of a given set (its power set) ordered by inclusion (see Fig. 1). Similarly, the set of sequences ordered by subsequence, and the set of strings ordered by substring.
  • The set of natural numbers equipped with the relation of divisibility. (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 6)
  • The vertex set of a directed acyclic graph ordered by reachability.
  • The set of subspaces of a vector space ordered by inclusion.
  • For a partially ordered set P, the sequence space containing all sequences of elements from P, where sequence a precedes sequence b if every item in a precedes the corresponding item in b. Formally, Partially Ordered Set  if and only if Partially Ordered Set  for all Partially Ordered Set ; that is, a componentwise order.
  • For a set X and a partially ordered set P, the function space containing all functions from X to P, where fg if and only if f(x) ≤ g(x) for all Partially Ordered Set 
  • A fence, a partially ordered set defined by an alternating sequence of order relations a < b > c < d ...
  • The set of events in special relativity and, in most cases, general relativity, where for two events X and Y, XY if and only if Y is in the future light cone of X. An event Y can be causally affected by X only if XY.

One familiar example of a partially ordered set is a collection of people ordered by genealogical descendancy. Some pairs of people bear the descendant-ancestor relationship, but other pairs of people are incomparable, with neither being a descendant of the other.

Orders on the Cartesian product of partially ordered sets

Fig. 4a Lexicographic order on Partially Ordered Set 
Fig. 4b Product order on Partially Ordered Set 
Fig. 4c Reflexive closure of strict direct product order on Partially Ordered Set  Elements covered by (3, 3) and covering (3, 3) are highlighted in green and red, respectively.

In order of increasing strength, i.e., decreasing sets of pairs, three of the possible partial orders on the Cartesian product of two partially ordered sets are (see Fig. 4):

All three can similarly be defined for the Cartesian product of more than two sets.

Applied to ordered vector spaces over the same field, the result is in each case also an ordered vector space.

See also orders on the Cartesian product of totally ordered sets.

Sums of partially ordered sets

Another way to combine two (disjoint) posets is the ordinal sum (or linear sum), Z = XY, defined on the union of the underlying sets X and Y by the order aZ b if and only if:

  • a, bX with aX b, or
  • a, bY with aY b, or
  • aX and bY.

If two posets are well-ordered, then so is their ordinal sum.

Series-parallel partial orders are formed from the ordinal sum operation (in this context called series composition) and another operation called parallel composition. Parallel composition is the disjoint union of two partially ordered sets, with no order relation between elements of one set and elements of the other set.

Derived notions

The examples use the poset Partially Ordered Set  consisting of the set of all subsets of a three-element set Partially Ordered Set  ordered by set inclusion (see Fig. 1).

  • a is related to b when ab. This does not imply that b is also related to a, because the relation need not be symmetric. For example, Partially Ordered Set  is related to Partially Ordered Set  but not the reverse.
  • a and b are comparable if ab or ba. Otherwise they are incomparable. For example, Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  are comparable, while Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  are not.
  • A total order or linear order is a partial order under which every pair of elements is comparable, i.e. trichotomy holds. For example, the natural numbers with their standard order.
  • A chain is a subset of a poset that is a totally ordered set. For example, Partially Ordered Set  is a chain.
  • An antichain is a subset of a poset in which no two distinct elements are comparable. For example, the set of singletons Partially Ordered Set 
  • An element a is said to be strictly less than an element b, if ab and Partially Ordered Set  For example, Partially Ordered Set  is strictly less than Partially Ordered Set 
  • An element a is said to be covered by another element b, written ab (or a <: b), if a is strictly less than b and no third element c fits between them; formally: if both ab and Partially Ordered Set  are true, and acb is false for each c with Partially Ordered Set  Using the strict order <, the relation ab can be equivalently rephrased as "a < b but not a < c < b for any c". For example, Partially Ordered Set  is covered by Partially Ordered Set  but is not covered by Partially Ordered Set 


Partially Ordered Set 
Fig. 5 The figure above with the greatest and least elements removed. In this reduced poset, the top row of elements are all maximal elements, and the bottom row are all minimal elements, but there is no greatest and no least element.

There are several notions of "greatest" and "least" element in a poset Partially Ordered Set  notably:

  • Greatest element and least element: An element Partially Ordered Set  is a greatest element if Partially Ordered Set  for every element Partially Ordered Set  An element Partially Ordered Set  is a least element if Partially Ordered Set  for every element Partially Ordered Set  A poset can only have one greatest or least element. In our running example, the set Partially Ordered Set  is the greatest element, and Partially Ordered Set  is the least.
  • Maximal elements and minimal elements: An element Partially Ordered Set  is a maximal element if there is no element Partially Ordered Set  such that Partially Ordered Set  Similarly, an element Partially Ordered Set  is a minimal element if there is no element Partially Ordered Set  such that Partially Ordered Set  If a poset has a greatest element, it must be the unique maximal element, but otherwise there can be more than one maximal element, and similarly for least elements and minimal elements. In our running example, Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  are the maximal and minimal elements. Removing these, there are 3 maximal elements and 3 minimal elements (see Fig. 5).
  • Upper and lower bounds: For a subset A of P, an element x in P is an upper bound of A if a ≤ x, for each element a in A. In particular, x need not be in A to be an upper bound of A. Similarly, an element x in P is a lower bound of A if a ≥ x, for each element a in A. A greatest element of P is an upper bound of P itself, and a least element is a lower bound of P. In our example, the set Partially Ordered Set  is an upper bound for the collection of elements Partially Ordered Set 
Partially Ordered Set 
Fig. 6 Nonnegative integers, ordered by divisibility

As another example, consider the positive integers, ordered by divisibility: 1 is a least element, as it divides all other elements; on the other hand this poset does not have a greatest element. This partially ordered set does not even have any maximal elements, since any g divides for instance 2g, which is distinct from it, so g is not maximal. If the number 1 is excluded, while keeping divisibility as ordering on the elements greater than 1, then the resulting poset does not have a least element, but any prime number is a minimal element for it. In this poset, 60 is an upper bound (though not a least upper bound) of the subset Partially Ordered Set  which does not have any lower bound (since 1 is not in the poset); on the other hand 2 is a lower bound of the subset of powers of 2, which does not have any upper bound. If the number 0 is included, this will be the greatest element, since this is a multiple of every integer (see Fig. 6).

Mappings between partially ordered sets

Fig. 7a Order-preserving, but not order-reflecting (since f(u) ≼ f(v), but not u Partially Ordered Set  v) map.
Fig. 7b Order isomorphism between the divisors of 120 (partially ordered by divisibility) and the divisor-closed subsets of {2, 3, 4, 5, 8} (partially ordered by set inclusion)

Given two partially ordered sets (S, ≤) and (T, ≼), a function Partially Ordered Set  is called order-preserving, or monotone, or isotone, if for all Partially Ordered Set  Partially Ordered Set  implies f(x) ≼ f(y). If (U, ≲) is also a partially ordered set, and both Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  are order-preserving, their composition Partially Ordered Set  is order-preserving, too. A function Partially Ordered Set  is called order-reflecting if for all Partially Ordered Set  f(x) ≼ f(y) implies Partially Ordered Set  If f is both order-preserving and order-reflecting, then it is called an order-embedding of (S, ≤) into (T, ≼). In the latter case, f is necessarily injective, since Partially Ordered Set  implies Partially Ordered Set  and in turn Partially Ordered Set  according to the antisymmetry of Partially Ordered Set  If an order-embedding between two posets S and T exists, one says that S can be embedded into T. If an order-embedding Partially Ordered Set  is bijective, it is called an order isomorphism, and the partial orders (S, ≤) and (T, ≼) are said to be isomorphic. Isomorphic orders have structurally similar Hasse diagrams (see Fig. 7a). It can be shown that if order-preserving maps Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  exist such that Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  yields the identity function on S and T, respectively, then S and T are order-isomorphic.

For example, a mapping Partially Ordered Set  from the set of natural numbers (ordered by divisibility) to the power set of natural numbers (ordered by set inclusion) can be defined by taking each number to the set of its prime divisors. It is order-preserving: if x divides y, then each prime divisor of x is also a prime divisor of y. However, it is neither injective (since it maps both 12 and 6 to Partially Ordered Set ) nor order-reflecting (since 12 does not divide 6). Taking instead each number to the set of its prime power divisors defines a map Partially Ordered Set  that is order-preserving, order-reflecting, and hence an order-embedding. It is not an order-isomorphism (since it, for instance, does not map any number to the set Partially Ordered Set ), but it can be made one by restricting its codomain to Partially Ordered Set  Fig. 7b shows a subset of Partially Ordered Set  and its isomorphic image under g. The construction of such an order-isomorphism into a power set can be generalized to a wide class of partial orders, called distributive lattices; see Birkhoff's representation theorem.

Number of partial orders

Sequence A001035 in OEIS gives the number of partial orders on a set of n labeled elements:

Number of n-element binary relations of different types
Elem­ents Any Transitive Reflexive Symmetric Preorder Partial order Total preorder Total order Equivalence relation
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 16 13 4 8 4 3 3 2 2
3 512 171 64 64 29 19 13 6 5
4 65,536 3,994 4,096 1,024 355 219 75 24 15
n 2n2 2n(n−1) 2n(n+1)/2 n
k!S(n, k)
n! n
S(n, k)
OEIS A002416 A006905 A053763 A006125 A000798 A001035 A000670 A000142 A000110

Note that S(n, k) refers to Stirling numbers of the second kind.

The number of strict partial orders is the same as that of partial orders.

If the count is made only up to isomorphism, the sequence 1, 1, 2, 5, 16, 63, 318, ... (sequence A000112 in the OEIS) is obtained.

Linear extension

A partial order Partially Ordered Set  on a set Partially Ordered Set  is an extension of another partial order Partially Ordered Set  on Partially Ordered Set  provided that for all elements Partially Ordered Set  whenever Partially Ordered Set  it is also the case that Partially Ordered Set  A linear extension is an extension that is also a linear (that is, total) order. As a classic example, the lexicographic order of totally ordered sets is a linear extension of their product order. Every partial order can be extended to a total order (order-extension principle).

In computer science, algorithms for finding linear extensions of partial orders (represented as the reachability orders of directed acyclic graphs) are called topological sorting.

In category theory

Every poset (and every preordered set) may be considered as a category where, for objects Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  there is at most one morphism from Partially Ordered Set  to Partially Ordered Set  More explicitly, let hom(x, y) = {(x, y)} if xy (and otherwise the empty set) and Partially Ordered Set  Such categories are sometimes called posetal. In differential topology, homology theory (HT) is used for classifying equivalent smooth manifolds M, related to the geometrical shapes of M.

Posets are equivalent to one another if and only if they are isomorphic. In a poset, the smallest element, if it exists, is an initial object, and the largest element, if it exists, is a terminal object. Also, every preordered set is equivalent to a poset. Finally, every subcategory of a poset is isomorphism-closed. In differential topology, homology theory (HT) is used for classifying equivalent smooth manifolds M, related to the geometrical shapes of M. In homology theory is given an axiomatic HT approach, especially to singular homology.[clarification needed] The HT members are algebraic invariants under diffeomorphisms. The axiomatic HT category is taken in G. Kalmbach from the book Eilenberg–Steenrod (see the references) in order to show that the set theoretical topological concept for the HT definition can be extended to partial ordered sets P. Important are chains and filters in P (replacing shapes of M) for defining HT classifications, available for many P applications not related to set theory.

Partial orders in topological spaces

If Partially Ordered Set  is a partially ordered set that has also been given the structure of a topological space, then it is customary to assume that Partially Ordered Set  is a closed subset of the topological product space Partially Ordered Set  Under this assumption partial order relations are well behaved at limits in the sense that if Partially Ordered Set  and Partially Ordered Set  and for all Partially Ordered Set  Partially Ordered Set  then Partially Ordered Set 


A convex set in a poset P is a subset I of P with the property that, for any x and y in I and any z in P, if xzy, then z is also in I. This definition generalizes the definition of intervals of real numbers. When there is possible confusion with convex sets of geometry, one uses order-convex instead of "convex".

A convex sublattice of a lattice L is a sublattice of L that is also a convex set of L. Every nonempty convex sublattice can be uniquely represented as the intersection of a filter and an ideal of L.

An interval in a poset P is a subset that can be defined with interval notation:

  • For ab, the closed interval [a, b] is the set of elements x satisfying axb (that is, ax and xb). It contains at least the elements a and b.
  • Using the corresponding strict relation "<", the open interval (a, b) is the set of elements x satisfying a < x < b (i.e. a < x and x < b). An open interval may be empty even if a < b. For example, the open interval (0, 1) on the integers is empty since there is no integer x such that 0 < x < 1.
  • The half-open intervals [a, b) and (a, b] are defined similarly.

Whenever ab does not hold, all these intervals are empty. Every interval is a convex set, but the converse does not hold; for example, in the poset of divisors of 120, ordered by divisibility (see Fig. 7b), the set {1, 2, 4, 5, 8} is convex, but not an interval.

An interval I is bounded if there exist elements Partially Ordered Set  such that I[a, b]. Every interval that can be represented in interval notation is obviously bounded, but the converse is not true. For example, let P = (0, 1)(1, 2)(2, 3) as a subposet of the real numbers. The subset (1, 2) is a bounded interval, but it has no infimum or supremum in P, so it cannot be written in interval notation using elements of P.

A poset is called locally finite if every bounded interval is finite. For example, the integers are locally finite under their natural ordering. The lexicographical order on the cartesian product Partially Ordered Set  is not locally finite, since (1, 2) ≤ (1, 3) ≤ (1, 4) ≤ (1, 5) ≤ ... ≤ (2, 1). Using the interval notation, the property "a is covered by b" can be rephrased equivalently as Partially Ordered Set 

This concept of an interval in a partial order should not be confused with the particular class of partial orders known as the interval orders.

See also

  • Antimatroid, a formalization of orderings on a set that allows more general families of orderings than posets
  • Causal set, a poset-based approach to quantum gravity
  • Comparability graph – Graph linking pairs of comparable elements in a partial order
  • Complete partial order – term used in mathematical order theory
  • Directed set – Mathematical ordering with upper bounds
  • Graded poset – partially ordered set equipped with a rank function, sometimes called a ranked poset
  • Incidence algebra – associative algebra used in combinatorics, a branch of mathematics
  • Lattice – Set whose pairs have minima and maxima
  • Locally finite poset – Mathematics
  • Möbius function on posets – associative algebra used in combinatorics, a branch of mathematics
  • Nested set collection
  • Order polytope
  • Ordered field – Algebraic object with an ordered structure
  • Ordered group – Group with a compatible partial order
  • Ordered vector space – Vector space with a partial order
  • Poset topology, a kind of topological space that can be defined from any poset
  • Scott continuity – continuity of a function between two partial orders.
  • Semilattice – Partial order with joins
  • Semiorder – Numerical ordering with a margin of error
  • Szpilrajn extension theorem – every partial order is contained in some total order.
  • Stochastic dominance – Partial order between random variables
  • Strict weak ordering – strict partial order "<" in which the relation "neither a < b nor b < a" is transitive.
  • Total order – Order whose elements are all comparable
  • Tree – Data structure of set inclusion
  • Zorn's lemma – Mathematical proposition equivalent to the axiom of choice




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Partially Ordered Set Partial order relationsPartially Ordered Set NotationPartially Ordered Set Alternative definitionsPartially Ordered Set ExamplesPartially Ordered Set Derived notionsPartially Ordered Set Mappings between partially ordered setsPartially Ordered Set Number of partial ordersPartially Ordered Set Linear extensionPartially Ordered Set In category theoryPartially Ordered Set Partial orders in topological spacesPartially Ordered Set IntervalsPartially Ordered Set CitationsPartially Ordered SetHomogeneous relationTransitive relation

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