message Box

За да ползвате настоящия модул в друг Lua модул, е необходимо първо да го заредите.


local messageBox = require('Модул:Message box') 

Използвайте main функцията, за да създадете съобщително каре (message box). Като самата функция приема два аргумента: първия е типа на карето (като символен низ), а втория е таблица съдържаща параметрите на карето.

local box = messageBox.main( boxType, {     param1 = param1,     param2 = param2,     -- Още параметри... }) 

Достъпни са седен вида кутии:

Тип на каре Шаблон Предназначение
mbox {{mbox}} При съобщителни карета с множество Именни пространства (Namespaces)
ambox {{ambox}} При съобщителни карета за статии
cmbox {{cmbox}} При съобщителни карета за категории
fmbox {{fmbox}} При съобщителни карета за горни и долни колонтитули на потребителски страници, както и за системни съобщения
imbox {{imbox}} При съобщителни карета за файлови Именни пространства (Namespaces)
tmbox {{tmbox}} При съобщителни карета за беседи
ombox {{ombox}} При съобщителни карета в други Именни пространства (Namespaces)

За повече информация отностно параметрите им се обърнете към шаблона за съответното каре.

Употреба чрез #invoke

Освен main функцията, настоящия модул съдържа и функции за всеки отделен вид каре. Достъпа до които става посредством следния код {{#invoke:Message box|mbox|...}}, {{#invoke:Message box|ambox|...}} и т.н. Така дадените изрази функционират при извикването им от други модули, но тъй като обработката на кода преминава първо през #invoke, то извикването им по този начин не по непродуктивно в сравнение с директното извикване на main.

Технически подробности

Модулът ползва един и същ базов код за всеки от шаблоните описани по-горе; разликите между всеки един от тях са конфигурирани ползвайки данните от Модул:Message box/configuration. По-долу е даден набор от конфигурационни опции заедно с тяхното значение:

  • types - a table containing data used by the type parameter of the message box. The table keys are the values that can be passed to the type parameter, and the table values are tables containing the class and the image used by that type.
  • default - the type to use if no value was passed to the type parameter, or if an invalid value was specified.
  • showInvalidTypeError - whether to show an error if the value passed to the type parameter was invalid.
  • allowBlankParams - usually blank values are stripped from parameters passed to the module. However, whitespace is preserved for the parameters included in the allowBlankParams table.
  • allowSmall - whether a small version of the message box can be produced with "small=yes".
  • smallParam - a custom name for the small parameter. For example, if set to "left" you can produce a small message box using "small=left".
  • smallClass - the class to use for small message boxes.
  • substCheck - whether to perform a subst check or not.
  • classes - an array of classes to use with the message box.
  • usePlainlinksParam - whether to allow "plainlinks=no" to turn off the plainlinks class.
  • imageEmptyCell - whether to use an empty ... cell if there is no image set. This is used to preserve spacing for message boxes with a width of less than 100% of the screen.
  • imageEmptyCellStyle - whether empty image cells should be styled.
  • imageCheckBlank - whether "image=blank" results in no image being displayed.
  • imageSmallSize - usually, images used in small message boxes are set to 30x30px. This sets a custom size.
  • imageCellDiv - whether to enclose the image in a div enforcing a maximum image size.
  • useCollapsibleTextFields - whether to use text fields that can be collapsed, i.e. "issue", "fix", "talk", etc. Currently only used in ambox.
  • imageRightNone - whether imageright=none results in no image being displayed on the right-hand side of the message box.
  • sectionDefault - the default name for the "section" parameter. Depends on useCollapsibleTextFields.
  • allowMainspaceCategories - allow categorisation in the main namespace.
  • templateCategory - the name of a category to be placed on the template page.
  • templateCategoryRequireName - whether the name parameter is required to display the template category.
  • templateErrorCategory - the name of the error category to be used on the template page.
  • templateErrorParamsToCheck - an array of parameter names to check. If any are absent, the templateErrorCategory is applied to the template page.

-- This is a meta-module for producing message box templates, including -- {{mbox}}, {{ambox}}, {{imbox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{ombox}}, {{cmbox}} and {{fmbox}}.  -- Load necessary modules. require('Модул:No globals') local getArgs local categoryHandler = require('Модул:Category handler')._main local yesno = require('Модул:Yesno')  -- Get a language object for formatDate and ucfirst. local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function getTitleObject(...) -- Get the title object, passing the function through pcall -- in case we are over the expensive function count limit. local success, title = pcall(, ...) if success then return title end end  local function union(t1, t2) -- Returns the union of two arrays. local vals = {} for i, v in ipairs(t1) do vals[v] = true end for i, v in ipairs(t2) do vals[v] = true end local ret = {} for k in pairs(vals) do table.insert(ret, k) end table.sort(ret) return ret end  local function getArgNums(args, prefix) local nums = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do local num = mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$') if num then table.insert(nums, tonumber(num)) end end table.sort(nums) return nums end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Box class definition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local MessageBox = {} MessageBox.__index = MessageBox  function, args, cfg) args = args or {} local obj = {}  -- Set the title object and the namespace. obj.title = getTitleObject( or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()  -- Set the config for our box type. obj.cfg = cfg[boxType] if not obj.cfg then local ns = obj.title.namespace -- boxType is "mbox" or invalid input if ns == 0 then obj.cfg = cfg.ambox -- main namespace elseif ns == 6 then obj.cfg = cfg.imbox -- file namespace elseif ns == 14 then obj.cfg = cfg.cmbox -- category namespace else local nsTable =[ns] if nsTable and nsTable.isTalk then obj.cfg = cfg.tmbox -- any talk namespace else obj.cfg = cfg.ombox -- other namespaces or invalid input end end end  -- Set the arguments, and remove all blank arguments except for the ones -- listed in cfg.allowBlankParams. do local newArgs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if v ~= '' then newArgs[k] = v end end for i, param in ipairs(obj.cfg.allowBlankParams or {}) do newArgs[param] = args[param] end obj.args = newArgs end  -- Define internal data structure. obj.categories = {} obj.classes = {}  return setmetatable(obj, MessageBox) end  function MessageBox:addCat(ns, cat, sort) if not cat then return nil end if sort then cat = string.format('[[Категория:%s|%s]]', cat, sort) else cat = string.format('[[Категория:%s]]', cat) end self.categories[ns] = self.categories[ns] or {} table.insert(self.categories[ns], cat) end  function MessageBox:addClass(class) if not class then return nil end table.insert(self.classes, class) end  function MessageBox:setParameters() local args = self.args local cfg = self.cfg  -- Get type data. self.type = args.type local typeData = cfg.types[self.type] self.invalidTypeError = cfg.showInvalidTypeError and self.type and not typeData typeData = typeData or cfg.types[cfg.default] self.typeClass = typeData.class self.typeImage = typeData.image  -- Find if the box has been wrongly substituted. self.isSubstituted = cfg.substCheck and args.subst == 'SUBST'  -- Find whether we are using a small message box. self.isSmall = cfg.allowSmall and ( cfg.smallParam and args.small == cfg.smallParam or not cfg.smallParam and yesno(args.small) )  -- Add attributes, classes and styles. = self:addClass( cfg.usePlainlinksParam and yesno(args.plainlinks or true) and 'plainlinks' ) for _, class in ipairs(cfg.classes or {}) do self:addClass(class) end if self.isSmall then self:addClass(cfg.smallClass or 'mbox-small') end self:addClass(self.typeClass) self:addClass(args.class) = self.attrs = args.attrs  -- Set text style. self.textstyle = args.textstyle  -- Find if we are on the template page or not. This functionality is only -- used if useCollapsibleTextFields is set, or if both cfg.templateCategory -- and cfg.templateCategoryRequireName are set. self.useCollapsibleTextFields = cfg.useCollapsibleTextFields if self.useCollapsibleTextFields or cfg.templateCategory and cfg.templateCategoryRequireName then = if then local templateName = mw.ustring.match(, '^[tT][eE][mM][pP][lL][aA][tT][eE][%s_]*:[%s_]*(.*)$' ) or templateName = 'Шаблон:' .. templateName self.templateTitle = getTitleObject(templateName) end self.isTemplatePage = self.templateTitle and mw.title.equals(self.title, self.templateTitle) end  -- Process data for collapsible text fields. At the moment these are only -- used in {{ambox}}. if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then -- Get the self.issue value. if self.isSmall and args.smalltext then self.issue = args.smalltext else local sect if args.sect == '' then sect = '' .. (cfg.sectionDefault or 'страница') elseif type(args.sect) == 'string' then sect = '' .. args.sect end local issue = args.issue issue = type(issue) == 'string' and issue ~= '' and issue or nil local text = args.text text = type(text) == 'string' and text or nil local issues = {} table.insert(issues, sect) table.insert(issues, issue) table.insert(issues, text) self.issue = table.concat(issues, ' ') end  -- Get the value. local talk = -- Show talk links on the template page or template subpages if the talk -- parameter is blank. if talk == '' and self.templateTitle and ( mw.title.equals(self.templateTitle, self.title) or self.title:isSubpageOf(self.templateTitle) ) then talk = '#' elseif talk == '' then talk = nil end if talk then -- If the talk value is a talk page, make a link to that page. Else -- assume that it's a section heading, and make a link to the talk -- page of the current page with that section heading. local talkTitle = getTitleObject(talk) local talkArgIsTalkPage = true if not talkTitle or not talkTitle.isTalkPage then talkArgIsTalkPage = false talkTitle = getTitleObject( self.title.text,[self.title.namespace] ) end if talkTitle and talkTitle.exists then local talkText = ' Моля, вижте съответната дискусия на' if talkArgIsTalkPage then talkText = string.format( '%s [[%s|%s]].', talkText, talk, talkTitle.prefixedText ) else talkText = string.format( '%s [[%s#%s|беседата]].', talkText, talkTitle.prefixedText, talk ) end         local tagStyle = 'style="font-size: 90%"' = string.format("%s", tagStyle, talkText) end end  -- Get other values. self.fix = args.fix ~= '' and args.fix or nil local date if and ~= '' then date = elseif == '' and self.isTemplatePage then date = lang:formatDate('j F Y') end if date then = string.format(" ''(%s)''", date) end = end  -- Set the non-collapsible text field. At the moment this is used by all box -- types other than ambox, and also by ambox when small=yes. if self.isSmall then self.text = args.smalltext or args.text else self.text = args.text end  -- Set the below row. self.below = cfg.below and args.below  -- General image settings. self.imageCellDiv = not self.isSmall and cfg.imageCellDiv self.imageEmptyCell = cfg.imageEmptyCell if cfg.imageEmptyCellStyle then self.imageEmptyCellStyle = 'border:none;padding:0px;width:1px' end  -- Left image settings. local imageLeft = self.isSmall and args.smallimage or args.image if cfg.imageCheckBlank and imageLeft ~= 'blank' and imageLeft ~= 'none' or not cfg.imageCheckBlank and imageLeft ~= 'none' then self.imageLeft = imageLeft if not imageLeft then local imageSize = self.isSmall and (cfg.imageSmallSize or '30x30px') or '40x40px' self.imageLeft = string.format('[[Файл:%s|%s|link=|alt=]]', self.typeImage or 'Imbox notice.png', imageSize) end end  -- Right image settings. local imageRight = self.isSmall and args.smallimageright or args.imageright if not (cfg.imageRightNone and imageRight == 'none') then self.imageRight = imageRight end end  function MessageBox:setMainspaceCategories() local args = self.args local cfg = self.cfg  if not cfg.allowMainspaceCategories then return nil end  local nums = {} for _, prefix in ipairs{'cat', 'category', 'all'} do args[prefix .. '1'] = args[prefix] nums = union(nums, getArgNums(args, prefix)) end  -- The following is roughly equivalent to the old {{Ambox/category}}. local date = date = type(date) == 'string' and date local preposition = 'from' for _, num in ipairs(nums) do local mainCat = args['cat' .. tostring(num)] or args['category' .. tostring(num)] local allCat = args['all' .. tostring(num)] mainCat = type(mainCat) == 'string' and mainCat allCat = type(allCat) == 'string' and allCat if mainCat and date and date ~= '' then local catTitle = string.format('%s %s %s', mainCat, preposition, date) self:addCat(0, catTitle) catTitle = getTitleObject('Category:' .. catTitle) if not catTitle or not catTitle.exists then self:addCat(0, 'Статии с невалидна дата в шаблона') end elseif mainCat and (not date or date == '') then self:addCat(0, mainCat) end if allCat then self:addCat(0, allCat) end end end  function MessageBox:setTemplateCategories() local args = self.args local cfg = self.cfg  -- Add template categories. if cfg.templateCategory then if cfg.templateCategoryRequireName then if self.isTemplatePage then self:addCat(10, cfg.templateCategory) end elseif not self.title.isSubpage then self:addCat(10, cfg.templateCategory) end end  -- Add template error categories. if cfg.templateErrorCategory then local templateErrorCategory = cfg.templateErrorCategory local templateCat, templateSort if not and not self.title.isSubpage then templateCat = templateErrorCategory elseif self.isTemplatePage then local paramsToCheck = cfg.templateErrorParamsToCheck or {} local count = 0 for i, param in ipairs(paramsToCheck) do if not args[param] then count = count + 1 end end if count > 0 then templateCat = templateErrorCategory templateSort = tostring(count) end if self.categoryNums and #self.categoryNums > 0 then templateCat = templateErrorCategory templateSort = 'C' end end self:addCat(10, templateCat, templateSort) end end  function MessageBox:setAllNamespaceCategories() -- Set categories for all namespaces. if self.invalidTypeError then local allSort = (self.title.namespace == 0 and 'Main:' or '') .. self.title.prefixedText self:addCat('all', 'Параметър на съобщителното каре се нуждае от корекция', allSort) end if self.isSubstituted then self:addCat('all', 'Страници с неправилно заместени шаблони') end end  function MessageBox:setCategories() if self.title.namespace == 0 then self:setMainspaceCategories() elseif self.title.namespace == 10 then self:setTemplateCategories() end self:setAllNamespaceCategories() end  function MessageBox:renderCategories() -- Convert category tables to strings and pass them through -- [[Module:Category handler]]. return categoryHandler{ main = table.concat(self.categories[0] or {}), template = table.concat(self.categories[10] or {}), all = table.concat(self.categories.all or {}), nocat = self.args.nocat, page = } end  function MessageBox:export() local root = mw.html.create()  -- Add the subst check error. if self.isSubstituted and then root:tag('b') :addClass('error') :wikitext(string.format( 'Шаблонът %s[[Шаблон:%s|%s]]%s е неправилно заменен.', mw.text.nowiki('{{'),,, mw.text.nowiki('}}') )) end  -- Create the box table. local boxTable = root:tag('table') boxTable:attr('id', or nil) for i, class in ipairs(self.classes or {}) do boxTable:addClass(class or nil) end boxTable :cssText( or nil) :attr('role', 'presentation')  if self.attrs then boxTable:attr(self.attrs) end  -- Add the left-hand image. local row = boxTable:tag('tr') if self.imageLeft then local imageLeftCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-image') if self.imageCellDiv then -- If we are using a div, redefine imageLeftCell so that the image -- is inside it. Divs use style="width: 52px;", which limits the -- image width to 52px. If any images in a div are wider than that, -- they may overlap with the text or cause other display problems. imageLeftCell = imageLeftCell:tag('div'):css('width', '52px') end imageLeftCell:wikitext(self.imageLeft or nil) elseif self.imageEmptyCell then -- Some message boxes define an empty cell if no image is specified, and -- some don't. The old template code in templates where empty cells are -- specified gives the following hint: "No image. Cell with some width -- or padding necessary for text cell to have 100% width." row:tag('td') :addClass('mbox-empty-cell') :cssText(self.imageEmptyCellStyle or nil) end  -- Add the text. local textCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-text') if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then -- The message box uses advanced text parameters that allow things to be -- collapsible. At the moment, only ambox uses this. textCell:cssText(self.textstyle or nil) local textCellDiv = textCell:tag('div') textCellDiv :addClass('mbox-text-span') :wikitext(self.issue or nil) if not self.isSmall then textCellDiv:tag('span') :addClass('hide-when-compact') :wikitext( and (' ' .. or nil) :wikitext(self.fix and (' ' .. self.fix) or nil) end textCellDiv:wikitext( and (' ' .. or nil) if not self.isSmall then textCellDiv :tag('span') :addClass('hide-when-compact') :wikitext( and (' ' .. or nil) end else -- Default text formatting - anything goes. textCell :cssText(self.textstyle or nil) :wikitext(self.text or nil) end  -- Add the right-hand image. if self.imageRight then local imageRightCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-imageright') if self.imageCellDiv then -- If we are using a div, redefine imageRightCell so that the image -- is inside it. imageRightCell = imageRightCell:tag('div'):css('width', '52px') end imageRightCell :wikitext(self.imageRight or nil) end  -- Add the below row. if self.below then boxTable:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.imageRight and '3' or '2') :addClass('mbox-text') :cssText(self.textstyle or nil) :wikitext(self.below or nil) end  -- Add error message for invalid type parameters. if self.invalidTypeError then root:tag('div') :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(string.format( 'Настоящото съобщително каре ползва невалиден "type=%s" параметър и се нуждае от корекция.', self.type or '' )) end  -- Add categories. root:wikitext(self:renderCategories() or nil)  return tostring(root) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local p, mt = {}, {}  function p._exportClasses() -- For testing. return { MessageBox = MessageBox } end  function p.main(boxType, args, cfgTables) local box =, args, cfgTables or mw.loadData('Модул:Message box/configuration')) box:setParameters() box:setCategories() return box:export() end  function mt.__index(t, k) return function (frame) if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Модул:Arguments').getArgs end return t.main(k, getArgs(frame, {trim = false, removeBlanks = false})) end end  return setmetatable(p, mt) 


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