
La documentación pa esti módulu pue crease en Módulu:Lang/data/usu

local lang_obj = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); local this_wiki_lang_tag = lang_obj.code;-- get this wiki's language tag   --[[--------------------------< L A N G _ N A M E _ T A B L E >------------------------------------------------  primary table of tables that decode: lang -> language tags and names script -> ISO 15924 script tags region -> ISO 3166 region tags variant -> iana registered variant tags suppressed -> map of scripts tags and their associated language tags  all of these data come from separate modules that are derived from the IANA language-subtag-registry file  key_to_lower() avoids the metatable trap and sets all keys in the subtables to lowercase. Many language codes have multiple associated names; Module:lang is only concerned with the first name so key_to_lower() only fetches the first name.  ]]  local function key_to_lower (module, src_type) local out = {}; local source = (('var_sup' == src_type) and require (module)) or mw.loadData (module);-- fetch data from this module; require() avoids metatable trap for variant data if 'var_sup' == src_type then for k, v in pairs (source) do out[k:lower()] = v;-- for variant and suppressed everything is needed end  elseif 'lang' == src_type and then-- for ~/iana_languages (active) for k, v in pairs ( do out[k:lower()] = v[1];-- ignore multiple names; take first name only end  elseif 'lang_dep' == src_type and source.deprecated then-- for ~/iana_languages (deprecated) for k, v in pairs (source.deprecated) do out[k:lower()] = v[1];-- ignore multiple names; take first name only end  else-- here for all other sources for k, v in pairs (source) do out[k:lower()] = v[1];-- ignore multiple names; take first name only end end return out; end  local lang_name_table_t = { lang = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana languages', 'lang'), lang_dep = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana languages', 'lang_dep'), script = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana scripts'),-- script keys are capitalized; set to lower region = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana regions'),-- region keys are uppercase; set to lower variant = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana variants', 'var_sup'), suppressed = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana suppressed scripts', 'var_sup'),-- script keys are capitalized; set to lower }   --[[--------------------------< I 1 8 N   M E D I A W I K I   O V E R R I D E >--------------------------------  For internationalization; not used at  The language names taken from the IANA language-subtag-registry file are given in English. That may not be ideal. Translating ~8,000 language names is also not ideal.  MediaWiki maintains (much) shorter lists of language names in most languages for which there is a Wikipedia edition.  When desired, Module:Lang can use the MediaWiki  language list for the local language.  Caveat lector: the list of MediaWiki language names for your language may not be complete or may not exist at all. When incomplete, MediaWiki's list will 'fall back' to another language (typically English).  When that happens add an appropriate entry to the override table below.  Caveat lector: the list of MediaWiki language names for your language may not be correct.  At, the MediaWiki language names do not agree with the IANA language names for these ISO 639-1 tags.  Often it is simply spelling differences: bh: IANA: Bihari languages MW: Bhojpuri – the ISO 639-3 tag for Bhojpuri is bho bn: IANA: Bengali MW: Bangla – Bengali is the exonym, Bangla is the endonym dv: IANA: Dhivehi MW: Divehi el: IANA: Modern Greek MW: Greek ht: IANA: Haitian MW: Haitian Creole ky: IANA: Kirghiz MW: Kyrgyz li: IANA: Limburgan MW: Limburgish or: IANA: Oriya MW: Odia os: IANA: Ossetian MW: Ossetic "pa: IANA: Panjabi MW: Punjabi "ps: IANA: Pushto MW: Pashto "to: IANA: Tonga MW: Tongan "ug: IANA: Uighur MW: Uyghur use the override table to override language names that are incorrect for your project  To see the list of names that MediaWiki has for your language, enter this in the Debug colsole: =mw.dumpObject (mw.language.fetchLanguageNames ('', 'all')) (replacing  with the language tag for your language)  Use of the MediaWiki language names lists is enabled when media_wiki_override_enable is set to boolean true.  ]]  local media_wiki_override_enable = false;-- set to true to override IANA names with MediaWiki names; always false at -- caveat lector: the list of MediaWiki language names for your language may not be complete or may not exist at all if true == media_wiki_override_enable then local mw_languages_by_tag_t = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames (this_wiki_lang_tag, 'all');-- get a table of language tag/name pairs known to MediaWiki for tag, name in pairs (mw_languages_by_tag_t) do-- loop through each tag/name pair in the MediaWiki list if lang_name_table_t.lang[tag] then-- if the tag is in the main list lang_name_table_t.lang[tag] = name;-- overwrite exisiting name with the name from MediaWiki end end end   --[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E >--------------------------------------------------------------  Language codes and names in this table override the BCP47 names in lang_name_table.  indexes in this table shall always be lower case  ]]  local override = { ------------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 - 1 >------------------------------------------------------------ ["ab"] = {"Abkhasianu"},-- IANA name is Abkhazian; override wp_languages {"Abkhaz"}; to achieve this, use |label= ["bh"] = {"Llingües bihari"},-- only ISO 639-1 collective; defined here to override improper redefinition (Bihari) in wp_languages ["cu"] = {"Eslavu eclesiásticu"},-- 2nd IANA name; ["de-at"] = {"Alemán d'Austria"},-- these code-region and code-variant to match article names ["de-ch"] = {"Alemán de Suiza"}, ["en-au"] = {"Inglés d'Australia"}, ["en-ca"] = {"Inglés de Canadá"}, ["en-emodeng"] = {"Inglés modernu primitivu"}, ["en-gb"] = {"Inglés británicu"}, ["en-ie"] = {"Inglés d'Irlanda"}, ["en-nz"] = {"Inglés de Nueva Zelanda"}, ["en-us"] = {"Inglés d'Estaos Xuníos"}, ["en-za"] = {"Inglés sudafricanu"}, ["fy"] = {"Frisón occidental"},-- IANA name is Western Frisian ["ps"] = {"Pastún"},-- IANA name is Pushto ["sr-cyrl"] = {"Serbiu"},-- override wp_languages Serbian Cyrillic; to achieve this, use |label=  -- ISO 639-2, -3 codes ["arc"] = {"Araméu"},-- IANA names are: Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE), Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE); ["ber"] = {"Llingües bereberes"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["bua"] = {"Buryat"},-- IANA name Buriat; this is a macro language; these four use wp preferred transliteration; ["bxm"] = {"Mongol de Buryat"},-- IANA name Mongolia Buriat; these three all redirect to Buryat ["bxr"] = {"Rusu de Buryat"},-- IANA name Russia Buriat; ["bxu"] = {"Chinu de Buryat"},-- IANA name China Buriat; ["cel"] = {"Llíngües céltiques"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override improper redefinition ('Proto-Celtic') in wp_languages; use cel-x-proto instead ["egy"] = {"Antiguu exipcianu"},-- IANA name is Egyptian (Ancient); distinguish from contemporary arz: Egyptian Arabic  ["frr"] = {"Frisón del norte"},-- IANA name is Northern Frisian ["frs"] = {"Frisón del este Baxu saxón"},-- IANA name is Eastern Frisian ["gem"] = {"Llíngües xermániques"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override improper redefinition ('Proto-Germanic') in wp_languages; use gem-x-proto instead ["jam"] = {"Patois xamaicanu"},-- IANA name is Jamaican Creole English ["mhr"] = {"Meadow Mari"},-- IANA name is Eastern Mari ["mid"] = {"Mandaicu modernu"},-- IANA name is Mandaic ["mla"] = {"Tamambo"},-- wp_languages name is Medieval Latin; IANA and ISO 639-1 name is Malo ["myn"] = {"Llíngües mayes"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["nah"] = {"Llíngües nahuatl"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["nrf"] = {"Normandu"},-- not quite a collective - IANA name: Jèrriais; categorizes to Norman-language text ["orv"] = {"Eslavu oriental antiguu"},-- IANA name is Old Russian ["pra"] = {"Llíngües prakrit"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["roa"] = {"Llíngües romances"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override improper redefinition (Jèrriais) in wp_language; IANA name is "Romance languages" ["sal"] = {"Llíngües salishan"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["sla"] = {"Llíngües eslaves"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["son"] = {"Llíngües songhai"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["stq"] = {"Frisón de Saterland"},-- IANA name is Saterfriesisch ["und"] = {"indeterminada"},-- capitalization to match existing category ["wen"] = {"Llíngües de Sorbia"},-- ISO 639-2 collective; defined here to override redefinition in wp_languages ["wrg"] = {"Warrongo"},-- IANA name is Warungu ["xal-ru"] = {"Kalmyk"},-- to match article title  -- private use codes ["cel-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Célticu"},-- cel in IANA is Celtic languages ["gem-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Xermánicu"},-- gem in IANA is Germanic languages ["grc-x-aeolic"] = {"Griegu Aeólicu"},-- these grc-x-... codes are preferred alternates to the non-standard catchall code grc-gre ["grc-x-attic"] = {"Griegu Áticu"}, ["grc-x-biblical"] = {"Griegu Bíblicu"}, ["grc-x-byzant"] = {"Griegu Bizantín"}, ["grc-x-classic"] = {"Griegu Clásicu"}, ["grc-x-doric"] = {"Griegu Dóricu"}, ["grc-x-hellen"] = {"Griegu Helenísticu"}, ["grc-x-ionic"] = {"Griegu Xónicu"}, ["grc-x-koine"] = {"Griegu Koinē"}, ["grc-x-medieval"] = {"Griegu Medieval"}, ["grc-x-patris"] = {"Griegu Patrísticu"}, ["grk-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Griegu"},-- grk in IANA is Greek languages ["iir-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Indo-Iranín"},-- iir in IANA is Indo-Iranian Languages ["ira-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Iranín"},-- ira in IANA is Iranian languages ["itc-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Itálicu"},-- itc in IANA is Italic languages ["sla-x-proto"] = {"Proto-Eslavu"},-- sla in IANA is Slavic languages ["yuf-x-hav"] = {"Havasupai"},-- IANA name for these three is Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai ["yuf-x-wal"] = {"Walapai"}, ["yuf-x-yav"] = {"Yavapai"}, }   --[[--------------------------< A R T I C L E _ L I N K >------------------------------------------------------  for those rare occasions when article titles don't fit with the normal '-language', this table maps language code to article title. Use of this table should be avoided and the use of redirects preferred as that is the long-standing method of handling article names that don't fit with the normal pattern  ]]  local article_name = { ["lij"] = "Ligurian (Romance language)",-- Ligurian; see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab ['mnh'] = "Mono language (Congo)",-- Mono (Democratic Republic of Congo); see Template_talk:Lang#Mono_languages ['mnr'] = "Mono language (California)",-- Mono (USA) ['mru'] = "Mono language (Cameroon)",-- Mono (Cameroon) ["xlg"] = "Ligurian (ancient language)",-- see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab }   --[=[-------------------------< R T L _ S C R I P T S >--------------------------------------------------------  ISO 15924 scripts that are written right-to-left. Data in this table taken from [[ISO 15924#List of codes]]  last update to this list: 2017-12-24  ]=]  local rtl_scripts = { 'adlm', 'arab', 'aran', 'armi', 'avst', 'cprt', 'egyd', 'egyh', 'hatr', 'hebr', 'hung', 'inds', 'khar', 'lydi', 'mand', 'mani', 'mend', 'merc', 'mero', 'narb', 'nbat', 'nkoo', 'orkh', 'palm', 'phli', 'phlp', 'phlv', 'phnx', 'prti', 'rohg', 'samr', 'sarb', 'sogd', 'sogo', 'syrc', 'syre', 'syrj', 'syrn', 'thaa', 'wole', };   --[[--------------------------< T R A N S L I T _ T I T L E S >------------------------------------------------  This is a table of tables of transliteration standards and the language codes or language scripts that apply to those standards. This table is used to create the tool-tip text associated with the transliterated text displayed by some of the {{lang-??}} templates.  These tables are more-or-less copied directly from {{transl}}. The standard 'NO_STD' is a construct to allow for the cases when no |std= parameter value is provided.  ]]  local translit_title_table = { ['ahl'] = { ['default'] = 'Academy of the Hebrew Language transliteration', },  ['ala'] = { ['default'] = 'American Library Association – Library of Congress transliteration', },  ['ala-lc'] = { ['default'] = 'American Library Association – Library of Congress transliteration', },  ['batr'] = { ['default'] = 'Bikdash Arabic Transliteration Rules', },  ['bgn/pcgn'] = { ['default'] = 'Board on Geographic Names / Permanent Committee on Geographical Names transliteration', },  ['din'] = { ['ar'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['fa'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['ku'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['ps'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['tg'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['ug'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['ur'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic', ['arab'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabic',  ['default'] = 'DIN transliteration', },  ['eae'] = { ['default'] = 'Encyclopaedia Aethiopica transliteration', },  ['hepburn'] = { ['default'] = 'Hepburn transliteration', },  ['hunterian'] = { ['default'] = 'Hunterian transliteration', },  ['iast'] = { ['default'] = 'International Alphabet of Sanskrit transliteration', },  ['iso'] = {-- when a transliteration standard is supplied ['ab'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['ba'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['be'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['bg'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['kk'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['ky'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['mn'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['ru'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['tg'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['uk'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['bua'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['sah'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['tut'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['xal'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic', ['cyrl'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillic',  ['ar'] = 'ISO 233 Arabic', ['ku'] = 'ISO 233 Arabic', ['ps'] = 'ISO 233 Arabic', ['ug'] = 'ISO 233 Arabic', ['ur'] = 'ISO 233 Arabic', ['arab'] = 'ISO 233 Arabic',  ['he'] = 'ISO 259 Hebrew', ['yi'] = 'ISO 259 Hebrew', ['hebr'] = 'ISO 259 Hebrew',  ['el'] = 'ISO 843 Greek', ['grc'] = 'ISO 843 Greek',  ['ja'] = 'ISO 3602 Japanese', ['hira'] = 'ISO 3602 Japanese', ['hrkt'] = 'ISO 3602 Japanese', ['jpan'] = 'ISO 3602 Japanese', ['kana'] = 'ISO 3602 Japanese',  ['zh'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese', ['chi'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese', ['pny'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese', ['zho'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese', --['han'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese',-- unicode alias of Hani? doesn't belong here? should be Hani? ['hans'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese', ['hant'] = 'ISO 7098 Chinese',  ['ka'] = 'ISO 9984 Georgian', ['kat'] = 'ISO 9984 Georgian',  ['arm'] = 'ISO 9985 Armenian', ['hy'] = 'ISO 9985 Armenian',  ['th'] = 'ISO 11940 Thai', ['tha'] = 'ISO 11940 Thai',  ['ko'] = 'ISO 11941 Korean', ['kor'] = 'ISO 11941 Korean',  ['awa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['bho'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['bn'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['bra'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['doi'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['dra'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['gon'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['gu'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['hi'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['inc'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['kn'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['kok'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['ks'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['mag'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['mai'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['ml'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['mr'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['ne'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['new'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['or'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['pa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['raj'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['sa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['sat'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['sd'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['si'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['ta'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['tcy'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['te'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['beng'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['brah'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['deva'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['gujr'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['guru'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['knda'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['mlym'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['orya'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['sinh'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['taml'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic', ['telu'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',  ['default'] = 'ISO transliteration', },  ['jyutping'] = { ['default'] = 'Jyutping transliteration', },  ['mlcts'] = { ['default'] = 'Myanmar Language Commission Transcription System', },  ['mr'] = { ['default'] = 'McCune–Reischauer transliteration', },  ['nihon-shiki'] = { ['default'] = 'Nihon-shiki transliteration', },  ['no_std'] = {-- when no transliteration standard is supplied ['akk'] = 'Semitic transliteration', ['sem'] = 'Semitic transliteration', ['phnx'] = 'Semitic transliteration', ['xsux'] = 'Cuneiform transliteration', },  ['pinyin'] = { ['default'] = 'Pinyin transliteration', },  ['rr'] = { ['default'] = 'Revised Romanization of Korean transliteration', },  ['rtgs'] = { ['default'] = 'Royal Thai General System of Transcription', },  ['satts'] = { ['default'] = 'Standard Arabic Technical Transliteration System transliteration', },  ['scientific'] = { ['default'] = 'scientific transliteration', },  ['ukrainian'] = { ['default'] = 'Ukrainian National system of romanization', },  ['ungegn'] = { ['default'] = 'United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names transliteration', },  ['wadegile'] = { ['default'] = 'Wade–Giles transliteration', },  ['wehr'] = { ['default'] = 'Hans Wehr transliteration', }, };   return { this_wiki_lang_tag = this_wiki_lang_tag, this_wiki_lang_dir = lang_obj:getDir(),-- wiki's language direction  article_name = article_name, lang_name_table = lang_name_table_t, override = override, rtl_scripts = rtl_scripts, special_tags_table = special_tags_table, translit_title_table = translit_title_table, }; 


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