template Call Code

Для документации этого модуля может быть создана страница Модуль:Template call code/doc

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local ru = mw.language.new('ru')  local p = {}  -- Используется для того, чтобы можно было удалять элементы из таблицы local function copy(other) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(other) do res[k] = v end return res end  local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName) return function (frame) local args = copy(getArgs(frame, { trim = false, removeBlanks = false })) return p[funcName](args) end end  p.withoutParams = makeInvokeFunc('_withoutParams')  function p._withoutParams(args) local name = args[1] table.remove(args, 1)  -- Вещи типа «=» в первом параметре if not name then for k, v in pairs(args) do if not k:find('^_') then name = k .. '=' .. v args[k] = nil break end end end  local flags = {} for i, v in ipairs(args) do if v == 'nl' or v == 'nolink' then flags.noLink = true elseif v == 's' then flags.subst = true elseif v == 'п' then flags.podst = true elseif v == 'g' then flags.global = true elseif v == 'nav' then flags.nav = true elseif v == 'noredir' then flags.noRedirect = true elseif v == 'u' then flags.ucFirst = true elseif v == 'b' then flags.black = true end end  if name then local trimmedName = mw.text.trim(name) if ru:lc(mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 1, 6)) == 'subst:' then flags.subst = true name = mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 7) end if ru:lc(mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 1, 6)) == 'подст:' then flags.podst = true name = mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 7) end end  if args.text == '' then args.text = nil end if args.comment == '' then args.comment = nil end if args.lang == '' then args.lang = nil end if args.sister == '' then args.sister = nil end  local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- При опущенном первом параметре берём имя шаблона из названия страницы if name == '' or not name then local currentTitleRoot = currentTitle.rootText if not flags.ucFirst and ((ru:uc(currentTitleRoot) ~= currentTitleRoot and -- Книга:Литературное наследство, TranslateDate not mw.ustring.match(currentTitleRoot, '^[А-Яа-яA-Za-z]+:?[А-ЯA-Z]') ) or #currentTitleRoot == 1 ) then name = ru:lcfirst(currentTitleRoot) else name = currentTitleRoot end end  local global = flags.global or mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, 1) == ':'  -- Начинаем собирать код local linkBody, titleObject, linkBegin, linkDivider, linkEnd  local prefixes = {} if args.lang then table.insert(prefixes, args.lang) end if args.sister then table.insert(prefixes, args.sister) end linkBody = table.concat(prefixes, ':')  if #linkBody ~= 0 then linkBody = ':' .. linkBody end if mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= ':' then linkBody = linkBody .. ':' end if not global then linkBody = linkBody .. 'Template:' end linkBody = linkBody .. name titleObject = mw.title.new(linkBody)  local noLink = flags.noLink or currentTitle == titleObject local takeBracketsInLink = not noLink and mw.ustring.len(name) == 1 and not flags.black and not flags.subst and not flags.podst  if not noLink then if not flags.noRedirect or ( flags.noRedirect and not args.lang and not args.sister and not titleObject.exists ) then linkBegin = '[[' linkEnd = ']]' linkDivider = '|' else linkBegin = '[' linkEnd = ']' linkDivider = ' ' linkBody = titleObject:fullUrl('redirect=no') end end  local text = '' if flags.nav and currentTitle == titleObject then text = text .. '\'\'\'' end if not flags.black then text = text .. '' end text = text .. '{' if not takeBracketsInLink then text = text .. '{' end if flags.subst then text = text .. 'subst:' elseif flags.podst then text = text .. 'подст:' end if not flags.black then text = text .. '' end  text = text .. ''  local commentedLabel if args.comment then -- https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T200704 -- commentedLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'comment', args = {(args.text or name), args.comment}}) commentedLabel = '.. args.comment .. '" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;">' .. (args.text or name) .. '' end local label = (commentedLabel or args.text or name) if not noLink then if flags.noRedirect then text = text .. '' end text = text .. linkBegin .. linkBody .. linkDivider if not noLink and takeBracketsInLink then text = text .. '{' end text = text .. label if not noLink and takeBracketsInLink then text = text .. '}' end text = text .. linkEnd if flags.noRedirect then text = text .. '' end else text = text .. label end  text = text .. ''  if not flags.black then text = text .. '' end text = text .. '}' if not takeBracketsInLink then text = text .. '}' end if not flags.black then text = text .. '' end if flags.nav and currentTitle == titleObject then text = text .. '\'\'\'' end  return text end  function addParams(args, params) local text, equals_pos, param, value = '', 0, '', ''  function addPipe() if params.spaced then text = text .. ' ' end text = text .. ' if not params.black then text = text .. ' class="duhoc-alt wp-templatelink"' end if not params.spaced then text = text .. ' style="margin:0 2px;"' end text = text .. '>|' end  for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' then  -- Неименованные параметры equals_pos = v:find('=') if equals_pos and v:find('{{=}}') == equals_pos - 2 then equals_pos = nil end if equals_pos then  -- Содержащие «=» преобразуем в именованные param = v:sub(1, equals_pos - 1) value = v:sub(equals_pos + 1) addPipe() text = text .. param .. '=' .. value else  -- Истинно неименованные addPipe() text = text .. v end elseif not k:find('^_') then  -- Именованные параметры, исключая модификаторы внешнего вида addPipe() text = text .. k .. '=' .. v end end  return text end  p.withParams = makeInvokeFunc('_withParams')  function p._withParams(args) local name = args[1] table.remove(args, 1)  -- Вещи типа «=» в первом параметре if not name then for k, v in pairs(args) do if not k:find('^_') then name = k .. '=' .. v args[k] = nil break end end end  local optpText if name then local spanOffset = mw.ustring.find(name, ')  -- След использования шаблона optp if spanOffset then optpText = mw.ustring.sub(name, spanOffset) name = mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, spanOffset - 1) end end  local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')  local nobr = yesno(args._nobr, false) local tag = args._tag or 'span' local style = args._style local spaced = yesno(args._spaced, false) local subst = yesno(args._s, false) local podst = yesno(args['_п'], false) local global = yesno(args._g, false) or name and mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, 1) == ':' local lang = args._lang local sister = args._sister local nav = yesno(args._nav, false) local ucFirst = yesno(args._u, false) local black = yesno(args._b, false) or tag ~= 'span' local noLink = yesno(args._nolink or args._nl, false) or not yesno(args._link, false) local textInPlaceOfName = args._text local comment = args._comment local noRedirect = yesno(args._noredir, false) local prefix = args._prefix local postfix = args._postfix  if textInPlaceOfName == '' then textInPlaceOfName = nil end if comment == '' then comment = nil end if lang == '' then lang = nil end if sister == '' then sister = nil end  if name then local trimmedName = mw.text.trim(name) if ru:lc(mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 1, 6)) == 'subst:' then subst = true name = mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 7) end if ru:lc(mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 1, 6)) == 'подст:' then podst = true name = mw.ustring.sub(trimmedName, 7) end end  local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- При опущенном первом параметре берём имя шаблона из названия страницы if name == '' or not name then local currentTitleRoot = currentTitle.rootText if not ucFirst and ((ru:uc(currentTitleRoot) ~= currentTitleRoot and -- Книга:Литературное наследство, TranslateDate not mw.ustring.match(currentTitleRoot, '^[А-Яа-яA-Za-z]+:?[А-ЯA-Z]') ) or #currentTitleRoot == 1 ) then name = ru:lcfirst(currentTitleRoot) else name = currentTitleRoot end end  -- Начинаем собирать код local linkBody, titleObject, linkBegin, linkDivider, linkEnd  local prefixes = {} if lang then table.insert(prefixes, lang) end if sister then table.insert(prefixes, sister) end linkBody = table.concat(prefixes, ':')  if #linkBody ~= 0 then linkBody = ':' .. linkBody end if mw.ustring.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= ':' then linkBody = linkBody .. ':' end if not global then linkBody = linkBody .. 'Template:' end linkBody = linkBody .. name titleObject = mw.title.new(linkBody)  local noLink = noLink or currentTitle == titleObject local takeBracketsInLink = not noLink and mw.ustring.len(name) == 1 and not black and not subst and not podst  if not noLink then if not noRedirect or ( noRedirect and not lang and not sister and not titleObject.exists ) then linkBegin = '[[' linkEnd = ']]' linkDivider = '|' else linkBegin = '[' linkEnd = ']' linkDivider = ' ' linkBody = titleObject:fullUrl('redirect=no') end end  local text = '' if tag then text = text .. '<' .. tag .. ' class="duhoc-alt templateCallCode' if nobr then text = text .. ' nowrap' end text = text .. '"' if style then text = text .. ' style="' .. style .. '"' end text = text .. '>' end if prefix then text = text .. prefix end  if not black then text = text .. '' end text = text .. '{{' if subst then text = text .. 'subst:' elseif podst then text = text .. 'подст:' end if not black then text = text .. '' end  if nav and currentTitle == titleObject then text = text .. '\'\'\'' end  local commentedLabel if comment then -- https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T200704 -- commentedLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'comment', args = {(text or name), comment}}) commentedLabel = '.. comment .. '" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;">' .. (textInPlaceOfName or name) .. '' end local label = (commentedLabel or textInPlaceOfName or name) if not noLink then if noRedirect then text = text .. '' end text = text .. linkBegin .. linkBody .. linkDivider .. label .. linkEnd if noRedirect then text = text .. '' end else text = text .. label end  if nav and currentTitle == titleObject then text = text .. '\'\'\'' end  if optpText then text = text .. optpText end  text = text .. addParams(args, { spaced = spaced, black = black, })  if spaced then text = text .. ' ' end  if not black then text = text .. '' end text = text .. '}}' if not black then text = text .. '' end  if postfix then text = text .. postfix end if tag then text = text .. ' .. tag .. '>' end  return text end  p.onlyParams = makeInvokeFunc('_onlyParams')  function p._onlyParams(args) local span = mw.html.create('span') span:css( 'color', mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({ title = 'optp/color' }) )  local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')  span:wikitext(addParams(args, { spaced = yesno(args._spaced, false), black = true, }))  return tostring(span) end  return p 


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