


喺1930年代初期,當法西斯主義納粹主義興起嘅時候,唔少人都因爲一次大戰嘅經歷而唔希望重蹈覆轍,所以比較偏向支持反戰主義。仲有,有啲人覺得梵爾賽條約對德國太嚴格而同情佢哋,亦有其他相信法西斯主義可以幫助反共產主義。到1938年,英國已經出現強烈反對綏靖嘅聲音,包括左右兩黨嘅唔少成員同埋唔少民眾。但係上層階級英國皇室、同主流媒體等等,就仍然堅決支持用綏靖手法嚟維持和平。當時嘅英國首相 Neville Chamberlain 喺簽咗慕尼黑協定之後,宣佈成功維持咗“我哋時代嘅和平”(英文peace for our time)。不過,唔到一年之後,納粹德國入侵波蘭,而英國跟住之後因爲咁而向德國宣戰,證明當時嘅綏靖政策未能夠保持長期嘅和平





  • Barros, Andrew, Talbot C. Imlay, Evan Resnick, Norrin M. Ripsman, and Jack S. Levy. "Debating British Decision-making toward Nazi Germany in the 1930s." International Security 34#1 (2009): 173–98. online.
  • Cole, Robert A. "Appeasing Hitler: The Munich Crisis of 1938: A Teaching and Learning Resource," New England Journal of History (2010) 66#2 pp. 1–30.
  • Dimuccio, Ralph BA. "The study of appeasement in international relations: Polemics, paradigms, and problems." Journal of peace research 35.2 (1998): 245–259.
  • Finney, Patrick. "The romance of decline: The historiography of appeasement and British national identity." Electronic Journal of International History 1 (2000). online; comprehensive evaluation of the scholarship
  • Hughes, R. Gerald. "The Ghosts of Appeasement: Britain and the Legacy of the Munich Agreement." Journal of Contemporary History (2013) 48#4 pp. 688–716.
  • Record, Jeffrey. "Appeasement Reconsidered – Investigating the Mythology of the 1930s" (Strategic Studies Institute, 2005) online
  • Roi, Michael. "Introduction: Appeasement: Rethinking the Policy and the Policy-Makers." Diplomacy and Statecraft 19.3 (2008): 383–390.
  • Strang, G. Bruce. "The spirit of Ulysses? Ideology and british appeasement in the 1930s." Diplomacy and Statecraft 19.3 (2008): 481–526.
  • Van Tol, David. "History extension 2019: Constructing history case study: Appeasement." Teaching History 51.3 (2017): 35+.
  • Walker, Stephen G. "Solving the Appeasement Puzzle: Contending Historical Interpretations of British Diplomacy during the 1930s." British Journal of International Studies 6#3 (1980): 219–46. online.
  • Watt, D. C. "The Historiography of Appeasement", in Crisis and Controversy: Essays in Honour of A. J. P. Taylor, ed. A. Sked and C. Cook (London, 1976)


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