
Explanatory footnotes or Efn are footnotes which provide something other than, or more than, a reference to a source that supports the accompanying text.

Documentation icon Andoza hujjati]

The first unnamed parameter is displayed as the content of the footnote. Note that if the note's content contains an "=" character, a reference error will be displayed; precede the content with |1= (or one of its aliases, |text=, |reference=, or |content=) to fix the error.

The following explanation is transcluded from Help:Footnotes#Footnotes: predefined groups. Yordam:Footnotes

Example articles

  • Logic Theorist (a short article showing basic usage)
  • Chinese room (a long and complex article which uses all the features: named footnotes, list defined notes, etc.)
  • Empire of Brazil
  • John Diefenbaker (with name= and notes in {{notes}})
  • USS Monitor

Template data


Inserts an explanatory footnote. Notes can be named and grouped.

Andoza parametrlari„TemplateData“ni boshqarish

Note1 reference text content

Text of the note

    Ref. namename

    Reference name of the note

      Reference groupgroup

      Styled group to which the note belongs

        Taklif etilgan qiymatlar
        upper-alpha lower-greek note lower-roman upper-roman


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