authority Control

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Authority control/doc

require('Module:No globals')  local function getCatForId( id )     local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()     local namespace = title.namespace     if namespace == 0 then         return '[[Category:Wikipedia articles with ' .. id .. ' identifiers]]'     elseif namespace == 2 and not title.isSubpage then         return '[[Category:User pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers]]'     else         return '[[Category:Miscellaneous pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers]]'     end end  local function viafLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'VIAF' ) end  local function kulturnavLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' id]'  end  local function sikartLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. '&lng=en ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function tlsLink( id ) local id2 = mw.ustring.gsub(id, '%s', function(s) return mw.uri.encode(s, 'WIKI') end)     return '[' .. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end   local function ciniiLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. '?l=en ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function bneLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end   local function uscongressLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function narapersonLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function naraorganizationLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function botanistLink( id ) local id2 = mw.ustring.gsub(id, '%s', function(s) return mw.uri.encode(s, 'PATH') end)     return '[' .. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function mgpLink( id )     -- TODO Implement some sanity checking regex     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function rslLink( id )     -- TODO Implement some sanity checking regex     return '[' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']' end  local function leonoreLink( id ) -- Identifiants allant de LH/1/1 à LH/2794/54 (légionnaires) -- Identifiants allant de C/0/1 à C/0/84 (84 légionnaires célèbres) -- Identifiants allant de 19800035/1/1 à 19800035/385/51670 (légionnaires décédés entre 1954 et 1977, et quelques dossiers de légionnaires décédés avant 1954)     if not string.match( id, '^LH/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?$' ) and        not string.match( id, '^C/0/%d%d?$' ) and    not string.match( id, '^19800035/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then         return false     end     return '[//' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function sbnLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%u%u[%d%u]%u\\%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' end  local function nkcLink( id ) return '[' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function nclLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function ndlLink( id ) return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function sudocLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dxX]$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  end  local function hlsLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. '.php ' .. id .. ']' end  local function lirLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. '.450.0.html ' .. id .. ']' end  local function splitLccn( id )     if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then         id = id:gsub( '^(%l+)(%d+)(%d%d%d%d%d%d)$', '%1/%2/%3' )     end     if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?/%d%d%d?%d?/%d+$' ) then          return mw.text.split( id, '/' )     end     return false end  local function append(str, c, length)     while str:len() < length do         str = c .. str     end     return str end  local function lccnLink( id )     local parts = splitLccn( id )     if not parts then         return false     end     local lccnType = parts[1] ~= 'sh' and 'names' or 'subjects'     id = parts[1] .. parts[2] .. append( parts[3], '0', 6 )     return '[' .. lccnType .. '/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'LCCN' ) end  local function mbLink( id )     -- TODO Implement some sanity checking regex     return '[//' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz' ) end  --Returns the ISNI check digit isni must be a string where the 15 first elements are digits local function getIsniCheckDigit( isni )     local total = 0     for i = 1, 15 do         local digit = isni:byte( i ) - 48 --Get integer value         total = (total + digit) * 2     end     local remainder = total % 11     local result = (12 - remainder) % 11     if result == 10 then         return "X"     end     return tostring( result ) end  --Validate ISNI (and ORCID) and retuns it as a 16 characters string or returns false if it's invalid --See local function validateIsni( id )     id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper()     if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then         return false     end     if getIsniCheckDigit( id ) ~= string.char( id:byte( 16 ) ) then         return false     end     return id end  local function isniLink( id )     id = validateIsni( id )     if not id then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. ' '  .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. ' '  .. id:sub( 13, 16 ) .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'ISNI' ) end  local function orcidLink( id )     id = validateIsni( id )     if not id then         return false     end     id = id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. '-'  .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. '-'  .. id:sub( 13, 16 )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'ORCID' ) end  local function gndLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'GND' ) end  local function selibrLink( id ) if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then         return false     end     return '[//' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'SELIBR' ) end  local function bnfLink( id )     --Add cb prefix if it has been removed     if not string.match( id, '^cb.+$' ) then         id = 'cb' .. id     end      return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. '] [' .. id .. ' (data)]' .. getCatForId( 'BNF' ) end  local function bpnLink( id )     if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then         return false     end     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'BPN' ) end  local function ridLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'RID' ) end  local function bibsysLink( id )     return '[' .. id .. '&feltselect=bs.autid ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'BIBSYS' ) end  local function ulanLink( id )     return '[//' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'ULAN' ) end  local function nlaLink( id ) return '[//' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'NLA' ) end  local function getIdsFromWikidata( item, property )     local ids = {}     if not[property] then         return ids     end     for _, statement in pairs([property] ) do         table.insert( ids, statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value )     end     return ids end  local function matchesWikidataRequirements( item, reqs )     for _, group in pairs( reqs ) do         local property = 'p' .. group[1]         local qid = group[2]         if[property] ~= nil then             for _, statement in pairs ([property] ) do             if statement.mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil then                 if statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == qid then                     return true                 end             end             end         end     end     return false end  local function createRow( id, label, rawValue, link, withUid )     if link then         if withUid then             return '* ' .. label .. ' ' .. link .. '\n'         else             return '* ' .. label .. ' ' .. link .. '\n'         end     else         return '*  .. id .. ' id ' .. rawValue .. ' is not valid.[[Category:Wikipedia articles with faulty authority control identifiers (' .. id .. ')]]\n'     end end  --In this order: name of the parameter, label, propertyId in Wikidata, formatting function local conf = {     { 'VIAF', '[[Virtual International Authority File|VIAF]]', 214, viafLink },     { 'LCCN', '[[Library of Congress Control Number|LCCN]]', 244, lccnLink },     { 'ISNI', '[[International Standard Name Identifier|ISNI]]', 213, isniLink },     { 'ORCID', '[[ORCID]]', 496, orcidLink },     { 'GND', '[[Integrated Authority File|GND]]', 227, gndLink },     { 'SELIBR', '[[LIBRIS|SELIBR]]', 906, selibrLink },     { 'SUDOC', '[[Système universitaire de documentation|SUDOC]]', 269, sudocLink },         { 'BNF', '[[Bibliothèque nationale de France|BNF]]', 268, bnfLink },     { 'BPN', '[[Biografisch Portaal|BPN]]', 651, bpnLink },     { 'RID', '[[ResearcherID]]', 0, ridLink },     { 'BIBSYS', '[[BIBSYS]]', 1015, bibsysLink },     { 'ULAN', '[[Union List of Artist Names|ULAN]]', 245, ulanLink },     { 'HDS', '[[Historical Dictionary of Switzerland|HDS]]', 902, hlsLink },     { 'LIR', '[[Historical Dictionary of Switzerland#Lexicon_Istoric_Retic|LIR]]', 886, lirLink },     { 'MBA', '[[MusicBrainz]]', 434, mbLink },     { 'MGP', '[[Mathematics Genealogy Project|MGP]]', 549, mgpLink },         { 'NLA', '[[National Library of Australia|NLA]]', 409, nlaLink },     { 'NDL', '[[National Diet Library|NDL]]', 349, ndlLink },     { 'NCL', '[[National Central Library|NCL]]', 1048, nclLink },     { 'NKC', '[[National Library of the Czech Republic|NKC]]', 691, nkcLink },     { 'Léonore', '[[:fr:Base Léonore|Léonore]]', 640, leonoreLink },      { 'SBN', '[[Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico|ICCU]]', 396, sbnLink },          { 'RLS', '[[Russian State Library|RLS]]', 947, rslLink },     { 'Botanist', '[[Author citation (botany)|Botanist]]', 428, botanistLink },     { 'NARA-person', '[[National Archives and Records Administration|NARA]]', 1222, narapersonLink },     { 'NARA-organization', '[[National Archives and Records Administration|NARA]]', 1223, naraorganizationLink },     { 'USCongress', '[[Biographical Directory of the United States Congress|US Congress]]', 1157, uscongressLink },     { 'BNE', '[[Biblioteca Nacional de España|BNE]]', 950, bneLink },     { 'CINII', '[[CiNii]]', 271, ciniiLink },     { 'TLS', '[[Theaterlexikon der Schweiz|TLS]]', 0, tlsLink },     { 'SIKART', '[[SIKART]]', 781, sikartLink },     { 'KULTURNAV', '[[KulturNav]]', 1248, kulturnavLink }, }  -- Check that the Wikidata item has this property-->value before adding it local reqs = {} reqs['MBA'] = {     { 106, 177220 }, -- occupation -> singer     { 31, 177220 }, -- instance of -> singer     { 106, 13385019 }, -- occupation -> rapper     { 31, 13385019 }, -- instance of -> rapper     { 106, 639669 }, -- occupation -> musician     { 31, 639669 }, -- instance of -> musician     { 106, 36834 }, -- occupation -> composer     { 31, 36834 }, -- instance of -> composer     { 106, 488205 }, -- occupation -> singer-songwriter     { 31, 488205 }, -- instance of -> singer-songwriter     { 106, 183945 }, -- occupation -> record producer     { 31, 183945 }, -- instance of -> record producer     { 106, 10816969 }, -- occupation -> club DJ     { 31, 10816969 }, -- instance of -> club DJ     { 106, 130857 }, -- occupation -> DJ     { 31, 130857 }, -- instance of -> DJ     { 106, 158852 }, -- occupation -> conductor     { 31, 158852 }, -- instance of -> conductor     { 31, 215380 }, -- instance of -> band      { 31, 5741069 }, -- instance of -> rock band }  local p = {}  function p.authorityControl( frame )     local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args     --Create rows     local elements = {}      --redirect PND to GND     if (parentArgs.GND == nil or parentArgs.GND == '') and parentArgs.PND ~= nil and parentArgs.PND ~= '' then         parentArgs.GND = parentArgs.PND     end      --Wikidata fallback if requested     local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity()     if item ~= nil and ~= nil then         for _, params in pairs( conf ) do             if params[3] ~= 0 then                 local val = parentArgs[params[1]]                 if not val or val == '' then                 local canUseWikidata = nil                     if reqs[params[1]] ~= nil then                         canUseWikidata = matchesWikidataRequirements( item, reqs[params[1]] )                     else                         canUseWikidata = true                     end                     if canUseWikidata then                         local wikidataIds = getIdsFromWikidata( item, 'p' .. params[3] )                         if wikidataIds[1] then                             parentArgs[params[1]] = wikidataIds[1]                         end                     end                 end             end         end     end      --Worldcat     if parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] and parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] ~= '' then         table.insert( elements, createRow( 'WORLDCATID', '', parentArgs['WORLDCATID'], '[//' .. parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] .. ' WorldCat]', false ) ) --Validation?     elseif parentArgs['LCCN'] and parentArgs['LCCN'] ~= '' then         local lccnParts = splitLccn( parentArgs['LCCN'] )         if lccnParts then             table.insert( elements, createRow( 'LCCN', '', parentArgs['LCCN'], '[//' .. lccnParts[1] .. lccnParts[2] .. '-' .. lccnParts[3] .. ' WorldCat]', false ) )         end     end      --Configured rows     local rct = 0     for k, params in pairs( conf ) do         local val = parentArgs[params[1]]         if val and val ~= '' then             table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], params[2] .. ':', val, params[4]( val ), true ) )             rct = rct + 1         end     end     local Navbox = require('Module:Navbox')     local elementscats = ''     if rct > 13 then     elementscats  = '[[Category:AC with ' .. rct .. ' elements]]' end  if table.maxn(elements) ~= 0 then return Navbox._navbox( { name  = 'Authority control', bodyclass = 'hlist', group1 = '[[ການຄວບຄຸມລາຍການຫຼັກຖານ]]' .. elementscats, list1 = table.concat( elements ) } ) else return "" end end  return p 


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