authority Control

Parameter, properti Wikidata, dan kategori pelacak

Parameter Bagian Ditampikan sebagai Properti Wikidata Kategori pelacak miwah jumlah Kaca
Suratan Kaca anganggé Kaca lain ID bermasalah
AAG Galeri seni miwah museum Auckland P3372: Auckland Art Gallery artist ID 0 0 2 0
ACM-DL Basis data ilmiah Association for Computing Machinery P864: ACM Digital Library author ID 0 0 2 0
ADB Kamus biografi Australia P1907: Australian Dictionary of Biography ID 0 0 2 0
AGSA Galeri seni miwah museum Australia Selatan P6804: Art Gallery of South Australia creator ID 0 0 2 0 Kamus biografi Uruguay P2558: ID 0 0 2 0
AWR Kamus biografi Australian Women's Register P4186: Australian Women's Register ID 0 0 2 0
BIBSYS Perpustakaan nasional Norwegia P1015: penanda BIBSYS 36 0 2 0
Bildindex Lembaga penelitian seni Bildindex (Jerman) P2092: Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID 0 0 2 0
BNC Perpustakaan nasional Chili P1890: CCAB ID 11 0 2 0
BNE Perpustakaan nasional Spanyol P950: ID BNE 108 0 2 0
BNF Perpustakaan nasional Prancis (data) P268: ID BnF 192 0 2 0
Botanist Basis data ilmiah International Plant Names Index P428: singkatan nama ahli botani 0 0 2 0
BPN Kamus biografi Belanda P651: Biografisch Portaal van Nederland ID 3 0 2 0
CANTIC Perpustakaan nasional Catalunya P1273: CANTIC ID (former scheme) 10 0 2 0
CINII Basis data ilmiah CiNii (Jepang) P271: NACSIS-CAT author ID 49 0 2 0
CWGC Lain-lain Commonwealth War Graves Commission P1908: CWGC person ID 0 0 2 0
DAAO Lembaga penelitian seni Australian Artists P1707: DAAO ID 0 0 2 0
DBLP Basis data ilmiah DBLP (computer science) P2456: penanda DBLP 1 0 2 0
DIB Kamus biografi Irlandia P6829: Dictionary of Irish Biography ID 0 0 2 0
DSI Lembaga penelitian seni Scientific illustrators P2349: Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators ID 0 0 2 0
FAST Lain-lain Faceted Application of Subject Terminology P2163: identifikasi FAST 110 0 2 0
FNZA Lembaga penelitian seni New Zealand Artists P6792: Find NZ Artists ID 0 0 2 0
GND Umum Integrated Authority File (Jerman) P227: penanda GND 523 0 2 0
HDS Lain-lain Historical Dictionary of Switzerland P902: HDS ID 16 0 2 0
IAAF Lain-lain World Athletics P1146: World Athletics athlete ID 0 0 2 0
ICCU Perpustakaan nasional Italia P396: penanda penulis SBN 0 0 2 0
ICIA Lembaga penelitian seni ICIA (Israel) P1736: Information Center for Israeli Art artist ID 0 0 2 0
IEU Lain-lain Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine P9070: Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine ID 0 0 2 0
ISNI Umum ISNI P213: penanda ISNI 144 0 0 0
Joconde Lembaga penelitian seni Joconde (Prancis) P347: penanda Jaconde 0 0 2 0
KULTURNAV Lembaga penelitian seni KulturNav (Norwegia) P1248: KulturNav-ID 1 0 2 0
LCCN Perpustakaan nasional Amerika Serikat P244: ID otoritas Perpustakaan Kongres Amerika Serikat 634 0 2 0
LIR Lain-lain Lexicon Istoric Retic (Swiss) P886: Lexicon istoric retic ID 0 0 2 0
LNB Perpustakaan nasional Latvia P1368: penanda LNB 36 0 2 0
Léonore Lain-lain Léonore (Prancis) P640: Léonore ID 1 0 0 0
MA Lain-lain Microsoft Academic P6366: penanda Microsoft Academic 120 0 2 0
MBA Lain-lain MusicBrainz artist P434: penanda artis MusicBrainz 27 0 2 0
MBAREA Lain-lain MusicBrainz area P982: penanda MusicBrainz 70 0 2 0
MBI Lain-lain MusicBrainz instrument P1330: MusicBrainz instrument ID 2 0 2 0
MBL Lain-lain MusicBrainz label P966: MusicBrainz label ID 0 0 2 0
MBP Lain-lain MusicBrainz place P1004: MusicBrainz place ID 18 0 2 0
MBRG Lain-lain MusicBrainz release group P436: MusicBrainz release group ID 1 0 2 0
MBS Lain-lain MusicBrainz series P1407: MusicBrainz series ID 0 0 2 0
MBW Lain-lain MusicBrainz work P435: Penanda karya MusicBrainz ID 4 0 2 0
MGP Basis data ilmiah Mathematics Genealogy Project P549: penanda Proyek Genealogi Matematika 0 0 2 0
NARA Lain-lain National Archives (US) P1225: U.S. National Archives Identifier 111 0 2 0
NCL Perpustakaan nasional Taiwan P1048: NCL ID 3 0 2 0
NDL Perpustakaan nasional Jepang P349: penanda otoritas NDL 123 0 2 0
NGV Galeri seni miwah museum Victoria P2041: National Gallery of Victoria artist ID 1 0 2 0
NKC Perpustakaan nasional Republik Ceko P691: penanda NKCR AUT 267 0 2 0
NLA Perpustakaan nasional Australia P409: penanda NLA 45 0 2 0
NLG Perpustakaan nasional Yunani P3348: National Library of Greece ID 17 0 2 0
NLI Perpustakaan nasional Israel P949: ID Perpustakaan Nasional Israel (lama) 81 0 2 0
NLK Perpustakaan nasional Korea P5034: ID Perpustakaan Nasional Korea 17 0 2 0
NLP Perpustakaan nasional Polandia P1695: NLP ID (old) 0 0 2 0
NLR Perpustakaan nasional Romania P1003: National Library of Romania ID 1 0 2 0
NSK Perpustakaan nasional Kroasia P1375: NSK ID 25 0 2 0
NTA Perpustakaan nasional Belanda P1006: penanda Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteurs 36 0 2 0
ORCID Umum ORCID P496: ORCID 2 0 0 0
PIC Lembaga penelitian seni Photographers' Identities P2750: Photographers’ Identities Catalog ID 0 0 2 0
PLWABN Perpustakaan nasional Polandia P7293: PLWABN ID 33 0 2 0
Publons Basis data ilmiah Publons (researchers) P3829: Publons author ID 0 0 2 0
RID Basis data ilmiah ResearcherID P1053: ResearcherID 0 0 2 0
RISM Lain-lain RISM (Prancis) P5504: RISM ID 0 0 0 0
RERO Lain-lain RERO (Swiss) P3065: penanda RERO 45 0 0 0
RKDartists Lembaga penelitian seni RKD Artists (Belanda) P650: RKDartists ID 2 0 2 0
RKDID Lembaga penelitian seni RKD ID (Belanda) P350: RKDimages ID 0 0 2 0
RSL Perpustakaan nasional Rusia P947: RSL ID (person) 5 0 2 0
SELIBR Perpustakaan nasional Swedia P906: penanda SELIBR 24 0 2 0
SIKART Lembaga penelitian seni SIKART (Swiss) P781: SIKART ID 0 0 2 0
SNAC-ID Lain-lain Social Networks and Archival Context P3430: SNAC ARK ID 19 0 2 0
SUDOC Lain-lain SUDOC (Prancis) P269: penanda idRef 184 0 0 0
S2AuthorId Basis data ilmiah Semantic Scholar P4012: Semantic Scholar author ID 1 0 2 0
TA98 Basis data ilmiah Terminologia Anatomica P1323: Terminologia Anatomica 98 ID 2 0 2 0
TDVİA Lain-lain Encyclopedia of Islam P7314: TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi ID 12 0 2 0
TePapa Galeri seni miwah museum Te Papa (Selandia Baru) P3544: Te Papa agent ID 8 0 2 0
TLS Lain-lain Theaterlexikon (Swiss) P1362: Theaterlexikon der Schweiz ID 0 0 2 0
Trove Lain-lain Trove (Australia) P1315: penanda NLA Trove 37 0 0 0
UKPARL Lain-lain UK Parliament P6213: UK Parliament ID 11 0 2 0
ULAN Lembaga penelitian seni Artist Names (Getty) P245: Union List of Artist Names ID 12 0 2 0
USCongress Lain-lain US Congress P1157: US Congress Bio ID 0 0 2 0
VcBA Perpustakaan nasional Vatikan P8034: penanda VcBA 19 0 2 0
VIAF Umum VIAF P214: penanda VIAF 701 0 0 0
WORLDCATID Umum WorldCat P7859: ID WorldCat Identities 442 0 0 0
Umum WorldCat (via Library of Congress) 5
Umum WorldCat (via VIAF) 259

require('Modul:No globals')  local p = {} local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local namespace = title.namespace local testcases = (string.sub(title.subpageText,1,9) == 'testcases')  --[[==========================================================================]] --[[                            Category functions                            ]] --[[==========================================================================]]  function p.getCatForId( id ) local catName = '' if namespace == 0 then catName = 'Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda ''' elseif namespace == 2 and not title.isSubpage then catName = 'Kaca anganggé sareng penanda ''' else catName = 'Kaca sareng penanda ''' end return '[[Kategori:'..catName..']]'..p.redCatLink(catName) end  function p.redCatLink( catName ) --catName == 'Blah' (not 'Category:Blah', not '[[Category:Blah]]') if catName and catName ~= '' and    testcases == false and, 14).exists == false then return '[[Kategori:Kaca sareng kategori pengawasan otoritas belum dibuat]]' end return '' end  function p.createRow( id, rawValues, link, links, withUid, specialCat, prefix) local catName = 'Suratan Wikipédia sareng kesalahan penanda '..(specialCat or id)..'' if links then -- all links[] use withUid = false; no check needed local row = '' if prefix then  row = row .. '*' .. prefix end for i, l in ipairs( links ) do if i == 1 and not prefix then row = row..'*' else           row = row..'\n**' end if l then row = row..''..l..'' else row = row..'' id '..rawValues[i]..' is not valid.[[Kategori:'..catName..']]'..p.redCatLink(catName) end end return row..'\n' elseif link then -- All IDs that have a prefix support multiple identifiers, so prefix is not needed if withUid then return '*''\n' end return '*''\n' end  return '*' id '..rawValues..' is not valid.[[Kategori:'..catName..']]'..p.redCatLink(catName)..'\n' end  --[[==========================================================================]] --[[                      Property formatting functions                       ]] --[[==========================================================================]]  -- If a link has a suitable entry in the global inter-wiki prefix table at [[:m:Interwiki_map]], please consider routing through this prefix rather than as external link URL. This will ease future maintenance as necessary updates to the link can be centrally carried out there rather than by updating this module. The "external link" icon would disappear for such entries.  function p.aagLink( id, label) --P3372's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'Auckland')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'AAG' ) end  function p.acmLink( id, label ) --P864's format regex: \d{11} (e.g. 12345678901) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Association for Computing Machinery')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ACM-DL' ) end  function p.adbLink( id, label ) --P1907's format regex: [a-z][-a-z]+-([1-2]\d|[1-9])\d{0,3} (e.g. barton-sir-edmund-toby-71) if not id:match( '^[a-z][-a-z]+-[1-2]%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and    not id:match( '^[a-z][-a-z]+-[1-9]%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Australia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ADB' ) end  function p.agsaLink( id, label ) --P6804's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 3625) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'Australia Selatan')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'AGSA' ) end  function p.autoresuyLink( id, label ) --P2558's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,4} (e.g. 12345) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Uruguay')..']'..p.getCatForId( '' ) end  function p.awrLink( id, label ) --P4186's format regex: (([A-Z]{3}\d{4})|([A-Z]{2}\d{5}))[a-z] (e.g. PR00768b) if not id:match( '^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]%d%d%d%d[a-z]$' ) and    not id:match( '^[A-Z][A-Z]%d%d%d%d%d[a-z]$' ) then return false end return '[''.htm '..(label or 'Australian Women\'s Register')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'AWR' ) end  function p.bibsysLink( id, label ) --P1015's format regex: [1-9]\d* or [1-9](\d{0,8}|\d{12}) (e.g. 1234567890123) --TODO: follow up @ [[d:Property talk:P1015#Discrepancy between the 2 regex constraints]] or escalate/investigate if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and    not id:match( '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Norwegia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'BIBSYS' ) end  function p.bildLink( id, label ) --P2092's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Bildindex (Jerman)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Bildindex' ) end  function p.bncLink( id, label ) --P1890's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Chili')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'BNC' ) end  function p.bneLink( id, label ) --P950's format regex: (XX|FF|a)\d{4,7}|(bima|bimo|bica|bis[eo]|bivi|Mise|Mimo|Mima)\d{10} (e.g. XX1234567) if not id:match( '^[XF][XF]%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and    not id:match( '^a%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and    not id:match( '^bi[mcsv][aoei]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and    not id:match( '^Mi[sm][eoa]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Spanyol')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'BNE' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.bnfLink( id, label ) --P268's format regex: \d{8}[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz] (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^c?b?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz]$' ) then return false end --Add cb prefix if it has been removed if not id:match( '^cb.+$' ) then id = 'cb' end return '['' ' .. (label or 'Prancis')..'] ['' (data)]'..p.getCatForId( 'BNF' ) end  function p.botanistLink( id, label ) --P428's format regex: ('t )?(d')?(de )?(la )?(van (der )?)?(Ma?c)?(De)?(Di)?\p{Lu}?C?['\p{Ll}]*([-'. ]*(van )?(y )?(d[ae][nr]?[- ])?(Ma?c)?[\p{Lu}bht]?C?['\p{Ll}]*)*\.? ?f?\.? (e.g. L.) --not easily/meaningfully implementable in Lua's regex since "(this)?" is not allowed... if not mw.ustring.match( id, "^[%u%l%d%. '-]+$" ) then --better than nothing return false end id = id:gsub(' +', '%%20') return '['' '..(label or 'International Plant Names Index')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Botanist' ) end  function p.bpnLink( id, label ) --P651's format regex: \d{6,8} (e.g. 00123456) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and --original format regex, changed 8/2019 to    not id:match( '^0?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and --allow 1-2 leading 0s, allowed by the website    not id:match( '^0?0?%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Belanda')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'BPN' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.canticLink( id, label ) --P1273's format regex: a\d{7}[0-9x] (e.g. a10640745) if not id:match( '^a%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dx]$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Catalunya')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'CANTIC' ) --no https as of 10/2019 end  function p.ciniiLink( id, label ) --P271's format regex: DA\d{7}[\dX] (e.g. DA12345678) if not id:match( '^DA%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then return false end return '[''?l=en '..(label or 'CiNii (Jepang)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'CINII' ) end  function p.cwgcLink( id, label ) --P1908's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 75228351) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'Commonwealth War Graves Commission')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'CWGC' ) end  function p.daaoLink( id, label ) --P1707's format regex: [a-z\-]+\d* (e.g. rolf-harris) if not id:match( '^[a-z%-]+%d*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Australian Artists')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'DAAO' ) end  function p.dblpLink( id, label ) --P2456's format regex: \d{2,3} /\d+(-\d+)?|[a-z] /[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*(-\d+)? (e.g. 123/123) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d?/%d+$' ) and    not id:match( '^%d%d%d?/%d+%-%d+$' ) and    not id:match( '^[a-z]/[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*$' ) and    not id:match( '^[a-z]/[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*%-%d+$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'DBLP (computer science)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'DBLP' ) end  function p.dibLink( id, label ) --P6829's format regex: a\d{4}\d?(-[A-D])? (e.g. a1953) if not id:match( '^a%d%d%d%d%d?%-?[A-D]?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Irlandia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'DIB' ) end  function p.dsiLink( id, label ) --P2349's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 1538) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Scientific illustrators')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'DSI' ) end  function p.fastLink( id, label ) --P2163's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,7} (e.g. 1916996) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'Faceted Application of Subject Terminology')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'FAST' ) end   function p.fnzaLink( id, label ) --P6792's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 9785) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'New Zealand Artists')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'FNZA' ) end  function p.gndLink( id, label ) --P227's format regex: 1[012]?\d{7}[0-9X]|[47]\d{6}-\d|[1-9]\d{0,7}-[0-9X]|3\d{7}[0-9X] (e.g. 4079154-3) if not id:match( '^1[012]?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9X]$' ) and    not id:match( '^[47]%d%d%d%d%d%d%-%d$' ) and    not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%-[0-9X]$' ) and    not id:match( '^3%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9X]$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Integrated Authority File (Jerman)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'GND' ) end  function p.hdsLink( id, label ) --P902's format regex: \d{6} (e.g. 050123) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Historical Dictionary of Switzerland')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'HDS' ) end  function p.iaafLink( id, label ) --P1146's format regex: [0-9][0-9]* (e.g. 012) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'World Athletics')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'IAAF' ) end   function p.iccuLink( id, label ) --P396's format regex: IT\\ICCU\\(\d{10}|\D\D[\D\d]\D\\\d{6}) (e.g. IT\ICCU\CFIV\000163) if not id:match( '^IT\\ICCU\\%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and    not id:match( '^IT\\ICCU\\%u%u[%u%d]%u\\%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then --legacy: %u used here instead of %D (but the faulty ID cat is empty, out of ~12k uses) return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Italia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ICCU' ) end function p.iciaLink( id, label ) --P1736's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'ICIA (Israel)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ICIA' ) end  function p.ieuLink( id, label ) --P9070's format regex: [A-Z]\\[A-Z]\\[A-Za-z0-9]+ (e.g. K\Y\Kyiv) if not id:match( '^[A-Z]\\[A-Z]\\%w+$' ) then return false end return '[\\'' '..(label or 'Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'IEU' ) end  function p.isniLink( id, label ) id = p.validateIsni( id ) --e.g. 0000-0000-6653-4145 if not id then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'ISNI')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ISNI' ) end  function p.jocondeLink( id, label ) --P347's format regex: [\-0-9A-Za-z]{11} (e.g. 12345678901) local regex = '^'..string.rep('[%-0-9A-Za-z]', 11)..'$' if not id:match( regex ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Joconde (Prancis)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Joconde' ) end  function p.kulturnavLink( id, label ) --P1248's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'KulturNav (Norwegia)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'KULTURNAV' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.lccnLink( id, label ) local parts = p.splitLccn( id ) --e.g. n78039510 if not parts then return false end local lccnType = parts[1] ~= 'sh' and 'names' or 'subjects' id = parts[1] .. parts[2] .. p.append( parts[3], '0', 6 ) return '['..lccnType..'/'' '..(label or 'Amerika Serikat')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'LCCN' ) end  function p.lirLink( id, label ) --P886's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '[''.450.0.html '..(label or 'Lexicon Istoric Retic (Swiss)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'LIR' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.lnbLink( id, label ) --P1368's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '[''&P_CON_LNG=ENG '..(label or 'Latvia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'LNB' ) end  function p.leonoreLink( id, label ) --P640's format regex: LH/\d{1,4}/\d{1,3}|19800035/\d{1,4}/\d{1,5}(Bis)?|C/0/\d{1,2} (e.g. LH/2064/18) if not id:match( '^LH/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?$' ) and             --IDs from       LH/1/1 to         LH/2794/54 (legionaries)    not id:match( '^19800035/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and --IDs from 19800035/1/1 to 19800035/385/51670 (legionnaires who died 1954-1977 & some who died < 1954)    not id:match( '^C/0/%d%d?$' ) then                          --IDs from        C/0/1 to             C/0/84 (84 famous legionaries) return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Léonore (Prancis)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Léonore' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.maLink( id, label ) --P6366's format regex: [1-9]\d{4,9} (e.g. 1498221862) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Microsoft Academic')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'MA' ) end  function p.mbaLink( id, label ) --P434's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBA (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' artist]' .. cat end end  function p.mbareaLink( id, label ) --P982's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz area' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBAREA (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' area]' .. cat end end  function p.mbiLink( id, label ) --P1330's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz instrument' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBI (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' instrument]' .. cat end end  function p.mblLink( id, label ) --P966's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz label' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBL (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' label]' .. cat end end  function p.mbpLink( id, label ) --P1004's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz place' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBP (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' place]' .. cat end end  function p.mbrgLink( id, label ) --P436's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz release group' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBRG (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' release group]' .. cat end end  function p.mbsLink( id, label ) --P1407's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz series' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBS (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' series]' .. cat end end  function p.mbwLink( id, label ) --P435's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not id:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end  local url = '' local cat = p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz work' )--special cat name if label then return '['..url..' '..label..']' else return '[[MBW (identifier)|MusicBrainz]] [' .. url .. ' work]' .. cat end end  function p.mgpLink( id, label ) --P549's format regex: \d{1,6} (e.g. 123456) if not id:match( '^%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Mathematics Genealogy Project')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'MGP' ) end  function p.naraLink( id, label ) --P1225's format regex: ^([1-9]\d{0,8})$ (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'National Archives (US)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NARA' ) end  function p.nclLink( id, label ) --P1048's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1081436) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '[''&CON_LNG=ENG '..(label or 'Taiwan')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NCL' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.ndlLink( id, label ) --P349's format regex: 0?\d{8} (e.g. 012345678) if not id:match( '^0?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Jepang')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NDL' ) end  function p.ngvLink( id, label ) --P2041's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 12354) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'Victoria')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NGV' ) end  function p.nkcLink( id, label ) --P691's format regex: [a-z]{2,4}[0-9]{2,14} (e.g. abcd12345678901234) if not id:match( '^[a-z][a-z][a-z]?[a-z]?%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '[''&CON_LNG=ENG '..(label or 'Republik Ceko')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NKC' ) end  function p.nlaLink( id, label ) --P409's format regex: [1-9][0-9]{0,11} (e.g. 123456789012) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Australia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NLA' ) end  function p.nlgLink( id, label ) --P3348's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Yunani')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NLG' ) end  function p.nliLink( id, label ) --P949's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '[''&local_base=nlx10'..' '..(label or 'Israel')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NLI' ) end  function p.nlkLink( id, label ) --P5034's format regex: KA.(19|20).{7} (e.g. KAC201501465) if not id:match( '^KA.19.......$' ) and    not id:match( '^KA.20.......$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Korea')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NLK' ) end  function p.nlpLink( id, label ) --P1695's format regex: 9810[0-9]\d* or A[0-9]{7}[0-9X] (e.g. 9810123456789012345 or A10414836) if not id:match( '^9810%d+$' ) and    not id:match( '^A%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Polandia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NLP' ) end  function p.nlrLink( id, label ) --P1003's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Romania')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NLR' ) end  function p.nskLink( id, label ) --P1375's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '[''&local_base=nsk10 '..(label or 'Kroasia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NSK' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.ntaLink( id, label ) --P1006's format regex: \d{8}[\dX] (e.g. 12345678X) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Belanda')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'NTA' ) end  function p.orcidLink( id, label ) id = p.validateIsni( id ) --e.g. 0000-0002-7398-5483 if not id then return false end id = id:sub( 1, 4 )..'-' 5, 8 )..'-' 9, 12 )..'-' 13, 16 ) return '['' '..(label or 'ORCID')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ORCID' ) end  function p.picLink( id, label ) --P2750's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Photographers\' Identities')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'PIC' ) end  function p.plwabnLink( id, label ) --P7293's format regex: 981[0-9]{8}05606 (e.g. 9810696457305606) if not id:match( '^981%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d05606*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Polandia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'PLWABN' ) end  function p.publonsLink( id, label ) --P3829's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 654601) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '[''/ '..(label or 'Publons (researchers)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Publons' ) end  function p.ridLink( id, label ) --P1053's format regex: [A-Z]{1,3}-\d{4}-(19|20)\d\d (e.g. AAS-5150-2020) if not id:match( '^[A-Z][A-Z]?[A-Z]?%-%d%d%d%d%-19%d%d$' ) and    not id:match( '^[A-Z][A-Z]?[A-Z]?%-%d%d%d%d%-20%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'ResearcherID')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'RID' ) end  function p.rismLink( id, label ) --P5504's format regex: (pe|ks)?\[1-9]d* (e.g. pe30006410) if not id:match( '^pe[1-9]%d*$' ) and --99% start with 'pe'    not id:match( '^ks[1-9]%d*$' ) and    not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'RISM (Prancis)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'RISM' ) end  function p.reroLink( id, label ) --P3065's format regex: 0[1-2]-[A-Z0-9]{1,10} (e.g. 02-A012345678) if not id:match( '^0[1-2]%-[A-Z%d][A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?[A-Z%d]?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'RERO (Swiss)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'RERO' ) end  function p.rkdartistsLink( id, label ) --P650's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 123456) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'RKD Artists (Belanda)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'RKDartists' ) end  function p.rkdidLink( id, label ) --P350's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 123456) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'RKD ID (Belanda)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'RKDID' ) end  function p.rslLink( id, label ) --P947's format regex: \d{1,9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '[''&CON_LNG=ENG '..(label or 'Rusia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'RSL' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.selibrLink( id, label ) --P906's format regex: [1-9]\d{4,5} (e.g. 123456) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Swedia')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'SELIBR' ) end  function p.sikartLink( id, label ) --P781's format regex: \d{7,9} (e.g. 123456789) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '[''&lng=en '..(label or 'SIKART (Swiss)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'SIKART' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.snacLink( id, label ) --P3430's format regex: \d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]* (e.g. A) if not id:match( '^%d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Social Networks and Archival Context')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'SNAC-ID' ) end  function p.sudocLink( id, label ) --P269's format regex: (\d{8}[\dX]|) (e.g. 026927608) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dxX]$' ) then --legacy: allow lowercase 'x' return false end return '['' '..(label or 'SUDOC (Prancis)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'SUDOC' ) end  function p.s2authoridLink( id, label ) --P4012's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 1796130) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Semantic Scholar')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Semantic Scholar author' ) --special cat name end  function p.ta98Link( id, label ) --P1323's format regex: A\d{2}\.\d\.\d{2}\.\d{3}[FM]? (e.g. A12.3.45.678) if not id:match( '^A%d%d%.%d%.%d%d%.%d%d%d[FM]?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Terminologia Anatomica')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'TA98' ) end  function p.tdviaLink( id, label ) --P7314's format regex: [a-z/-]+] (e.g. barkan-omer-lutfi) if not id:match( '^[a-z/-]+$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Encyclopedia of Islam')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'TDVİA' ) end  function p.tepapaLink( id, label ) --P3544's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not id:match( '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Te Papa (Selandia Baru)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'TePapa' ) end  function p.tlsLink( id, label ) id = id:gsub(' +', '_') --P1362's format regex: \p{Lu}[\p{L}\d_',\.\-\(\)\*/–]{3,59} (e.g. Abcd) local class = "[%a%d_',%.%-%(%)%*/–]" local regex = "^%u"..string.rep(class, 3)..string.rep(class.."?", 56).."$" if not mw.ustring.match( id, regex ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Theaterlexikon (Swiss)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'TLS' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.troveLink( id, label ) --P1315's format regex: [1-9]\d{5,7} (e.g. 12345678) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Trove (Australia)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'Trove' ) end  function p.ukparlLink( id, label ) --P6213's format regex: [a-zA-Z\d]{8} (e.g. AQUupyiR) if not id:match( '^[a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d][a-zA-Z%d]$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'UK Parliament')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'UKPARL' ) end  function p.ulanLink( id, label ) --P245's format regex: 500\d{6} (e.g. 500123456) if not id:match( '^500%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'Artist Names (Getty)')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'ULAN' ) end  function p.uscongressLink( id, label ) --P1157's format regex: [A-Z]00[01]\d{3} (e.g. A000123) if not id:match( '^[A-Z]00[01]%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '['' '..(label or 'US Congress')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'USCongress' ) --no https as of 9/2019 end  function p.vcbaLink( id, label ) --P8034's format regex: \d{3}\/[1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 494/9793) if not id:match( '^%d%d%d\/[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end id = id:gsub('\/', '_') return '['' '..(label or 'Vatikan')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'VcBA' ) end  function p.viafLink( id, label ) --P214's format regex: [1-9]\d(\d{0,7}|\d{17,20}) (e.g. 123456789, 1234567890123456789012) if not id:match( '^[1-9]%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and    not id:match( '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end -- If the "VIAF" entry at [[:m:Interwiki map]] would resolve to "$1" (rather than "$1", as it currently still does), the code below could change from '['' '']' to '[[:VIAF:''|'']]'. return '['' '..(label or 'VIAF')..']'..p.getCatForId( 'VIAF' ) end  --[[=========================== Helper functions =============================]]  function p.append(str, c, length) while str:len() < length do str = c .. str end return str end  --Returns the ISNI check digit isni must be a string where the 15 first elements are digits, e.g. 0000000066534145 function p.getIsniCheckDigit( isni ) local total = 0 for i = 1, 15 do local digit = isni:byte( i ) - 48 --Get integer value total = (total + digit) * 2 end local remainder = total % 11 local result = (12 - remainder) % 11 if result == 10 then return "X" end return tostring( result ) end  --Validate ISNI (and ORCID) and retuns it as a 16 characters string or returns false if it's invalid --See function p.validateIsni( id ) --P213 (ISNI) format regex: [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{3}[0-9X] (e.g. 0000-0000-6653-4145) --P496 (ORCID) format regex: 0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d{3}-\d{3}[\dX] (e.g. 0000-0002-7398-5483) id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper() if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then return false end if p.getIsniCheckDigit( id ) ~= string.char( id:byte( 16 ) ) then return false end return id end  function p.splitLccn( id ) --P244's format regex: (n|nb|nr|no|ns|sh)([4-9][0-9]|00|20[0-1][0-9])[0-9]{6} (e.g. n78039510) if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then id = id:gsub( '^(%l+)(%d+)(%d%d%d%d%d%d)$', '%1/%2/%3' ) end if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?/%d%d%d?%d?/%d+$' ) then return mw.text.split( id, '/' ) end return false end  --[[==========================================================================]] --[[                    Wikidata & documentation functions                    ]] --[[==========================================================================]]  function p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, property ) local ids = {} local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( itemId, property ) if statements then for _, statement in ipairs( statements ) do if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then table.insert( ids, statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) end end end return ids end  -- Creates a human-readable standalone wikitable table-responsive  version of p.conf, and tracking categories with page counts, for use in the documentation function p.docConfTable( frame ) local wikiTable = '{| class="duhoc-ban wikitable table-responsive  sortable"\n'..   '! rowspan=2 | Parameter\n'..   '! rowspan=2 | Bagian\n'..   '! rowspan=2 | Ditampikan sebagai\n'..   '! rowspan=2; data-sort-type=number | Properti Wikidata\n'..   '! colspan=4 | Kategori pelacak miwah jumlah Kaca\n'..   '|-\n'..   '! [[:Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng informasi pengawasan otoritas|'..       'Suratan]]\n'..   '! [[:Kategori:Kaca anganggé sareng informasi pengawasan otoritas|'..               'Kaca anganggé]]\n'..   '! [[:Kategori:Kaca sareng informasi pengawasan otoritas|'..      'Kaca lain]]\n'..   '! [[:Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng informasi pengawasan otoritas bermasalah|'..'ID bermasalah]]\n'..   '|-\n' local lang = mw.getContentLanguage() for _, conf in pairs( p.conf ) do local param, pid, section = conf[1], conf[2], conf[4] local appearsAs if param == "WORLDCATID" then -- WorldCat is special appearsAs = "[ WorldCat]" elseif conf.prefix then appearsAs = conf.prefix else appearsAs = conf[3](conf[5]) end local link = or param .. ' (identifier)' local category = conf.category or param local args = { id = 'f', pid } local wpl = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata property link', args = args } --cats local articleCat = 'Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda '..category..' ' local userCat =    'Kaca anganggé sareng penanda '..category..' ' local miscCat =    'Kaca sareng penanda '..category..' ' local faultyCat =  'Suratan Wikipédia sareng sareng penanda '..category..' bermasalah' --counts local articleCount = lang:formatNum(, 'pages') ) local userCount =    lang:formatNum(, 'pages') ) local miscCount =    lang:formatNum(, 'pages') ) local faultyCount =  lang:formatNum(, 'pages') )  --concat wikiTable = wikiTable..'\n'.. '|-\n'.. '||[[''|'..param..']]'.. '||'..section.. '||'..appearsAs.. '||data-sort-value=''|'..wpl.. '||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Kategori:'..articleCat..'|'..articleCount..']]'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Kategori:'..   userCat..'|'..   userCount..']]'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Kategori:'..   miscCat..'|'..   miscCount..']]'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Kategori:'.. faultyCat..'|'.. faultyCount..']]' end  --append derivative WorldCat cats local wcd = { 'WorldCat-LCCN', 'WorldCat-VIAF' } for _, w in pairs(wcd) do local articleCat = 'Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda '..w..' ' local articleCount = lang:formatNum(, 'pages') ) local appearsAs  if w == "WorldCat-LCCN" then appearsAs = "[ WorldCat (via Library of Congress)]" else appearsAs = "[ WorldCat (via VIAF)]" end wikiTable = wikiTable..'\n'.. '|-\n'.. '||'..'—'.. '||Umum'.. '||'..appearsAs.. '||data-sort-value='..w..'|'..'—'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Kategori:'..articleCat..'|'..articleCount..']]'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|—'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|—'.. '||style="text-align: right;"|—' end  return require("Module:Suppress categories").main(wikiTable)..'\n|}' end  --[[==========================================================================]] --[[                              Configuration                               ]] --[[==========================================================================]]  -- If a specific "(identifier) redirect" exists for an identifier, please route through this particular redirect rather than linking directly to the target page. This reduces clutter in "What links here" and improves reverse lookup of articles where a manifestation of this particular identifier is used.   -- Parameter format: { 'parameter name', propertyId # in Wikidata, formatting/validation function, section, example ID for documentation } -- Optional named parameters: `link` to override the link in the documentation (defaults to parameter + (identifer)), -- category to override the ID in category names (defaults to parameter), -- prefix to include a prefix (usually a wikilink explaining what the identifier is) before the external link itself p.conf = { { 'AAG', 3372, p.aagLink, "Galeri seni miwah museum", "1"}, { 'ACM-DL', 864, p.acmLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "12345678901", link="ACM DL (identifier)"}, { 'ADB', 1907, p.adbLink,"Kamus biografi", "barton-sir-edmund-toby-71"}, { 'AGSA', 6804, p.agsaLink, "Galeri seni miwah museum", "3625"}, { '', 2558, p.autoresuyLink, "Kamus biografi", "12345"}, { 'AWR', 4186, p.awrLink, "Kamus biografi", "PR00768b"}, { 'BIBSYS', 1015, p.bibsysLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "1234567890123"}, { 'Bildindex', 2092, p.bildLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "1"}, { 'BNC', 1890, p.bncLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'BNE', 950, p.bneLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "XX1234567"}, { 'BNF', 268, p.bnfLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'Botanist', 428, p.botanistLink , "Basis data ilmiah", "L."}, { 'BPN', 651, p.bpnLink , "Kamus biografi", "12345678"}, { 'CANTIC', 1273, p.canticLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "a12345678"}, { 'CINII', 271, p.ciniiLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "DA12345678", link = "CiNii (identifier)"}, { 'CWGC', 1908, p.cwgcLink, "Lain-lain", "1234567"}, { 'DAAO', 1707, p.daaoLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "rolf-harris"}, { 'DBLP', 2456, p.dblpLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "123/123"}, { 'DIB',  6829, p.dibLink, "Kamus biografi", "a1234"}, { 'DSI', 2349, p.dsiLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "1538"}, { 'FAST', 2163, p.fastLink, "Lain-lain", "1"}, { 'FNZA', 6792, p.fnzaLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "12"}, { 'GND', 227, p.gndLink, "Umum", "4079154-3"}, { 'HDS', 902, p.hdsLink, "Lain-lain", "050123"}, { 'IAAF', 1146, p.iaafLink, "Lain-lain", "123"}, { 'ICCU', 396, p.iccuLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "IT\\ICCU\\CFIV\\000163"}, --formerly SBN { 'ICIA', 1736, p.iciaLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "1"}, { 'IEU', 9070, p.ieuLink, "Lain-lain", "N\\A\\NationalAcademyofArtandArchitecture"}, { 'ISNI', 213, p.isniLink, "Umum", "0000-0000-6653-4145", prefix = '[[ISNI (identifier)|ISNI]]'}, { 'Joconde', 347, p.jocondeLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "12345678901"}, { 'KULTURNAV', 1248, p.kulturnavLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", link="KulturNav (identifier)"}, { 'LCCN', 244, p.lccnLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "n78039510"}, { 'LIR', 886, p.lirLink, "Lain-lain", "1"}, { 'LNB', 1368, p.lnbLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'Léonore', 640, p.leonoreLink, "Lain-lain", "LH/1/1", prefix = "[[Léonore (identifier)|Léonore (Prancis)]]"}, { 'MA', 6366, p.maLink, "Lain-lain", "123456789"}, { 'MBA', 434, p.mbaLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz'}, --special cat name { 'MBAREA', 982, p.mbareaLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz area' }, --special cat name { 'MBI', 1330, p.mbiLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz instrument' }, --special cat name { 'MBL', 966, p.mblLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz label' }, --special cat name { 'MBP', 1004, p.mbpLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz place' }, --special cat name { 'MBRG', 436, p.mbrgLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz release group' }, --special cat name { 'MBS', 1407, p.mbsLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz series' }, --special cat name { 'MBW',  435, p.mbwLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB", category = 'MusicBrainz work' }, --special cat name { 'MGP', 549, p.mgpLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "123456"}, { 'NARA', 1225, p.naraLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678"}, { 'NCL', 1048, p.nclLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "1081436"}, { 'NDL', 349, p.ndlLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "012345678"}, { 'NGV', 2041, p.ngvLink, "Galeri seni miwah museum", "12354"}, { 'NKC', 691, p.nkcLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "abcd12345678901234"}, { 'NLA', 409, p.nlaLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789012"}, { 'NLG', 3348, p.nlgLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "12345678"}, { 'NLI', 949, p.nliLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'NLK', 5034, p.nlkLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "KAB197000000"}, { 'NLP', 1695, p.nlpLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "9810123456789012345"}, { 'NLR', 1003, p.nlrLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'NSK', 1375, p.nskLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'NTA', 1006, p.ntaLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "12345678X"}, { 'ORCID', 496, p.orcidLink, "Umum", "0000-0002-7398-5483", prefix = '[[ORCID (identifier)|ORCID]]'}, { 'PIC', 2750, p.picLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "1"}, { 'PLWABN',  7293, p.plwabnLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "9812345678905606"}, { 'Publons', 3829, p.publonsLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "2776255"}, { 'RID', 1053, p.ridLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "A-1234-1934"}, { 'RISM', 5504, p.rismLink, "Lain-lain", "pe1",  prefix = '[[RISM (identifier)|RISM (Prancis)]]'}, { 'RERO', 3065, p.reroLink, "Lain-lain", "02-A012345678", prefix = '[[RERO (identifier)|RERO (Swiss)]]'}, { 'RKDartists', 650, p.rkdartistsLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "123456"}, { 'RKDID', 350, p.rkdidLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "123456"}, { 'RSL', 947, p.rslLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456789"}, { 'SELIBR', 906, p.selibrLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "123456"}, { 'SIKART', 781, p.sikartLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", '123456789'}, { 'SNAC-ID', 3430, p.snacLink, "Lain-lain", "A"}, { 'SUDOC', 269, p.sudocLink, "Lain-lain", "026927608", prefix = '[[SUDOC (identifier)|SUDOC (Prancis)]]'}, { 'S2AuthorId', 4012, p.s2authoridLink, "Basis data ilmiah", "1796130", category = 'Semantic Scholar author' }, --special cat name { 'TA98', 1323, p.ta98Link, "Basis data ilmiah", "A12.3.45.678"}, { 'TDVİA', 7314, p.tdviaLink, "Lain-lain", "asim-b-behdele"}, { 'TePapa', 3544, p.tepapaLink, "Galeri seni miwah museum", "1"}, { 'TLS',  1362, p.tlsLink, "Lain-lain", "Abcd"}, { 'Trove', 1315, p.troveLink, "Lain-lain", "12345678", prefix = '[[Trove (identifier)|Trove (Australia)]]'}, --formerly NLA-person { 'UKPARL', 6213, p.ukparlLink, "Lain-lain", "AQUupyiR"}, { 'ULAN', 245, p.ulanLink, "Lembaga penelitian seni", "500123456"}, { 'USCongress', 1157, p.uscongressLink, "Lain-lain", "A000123", link = "Kongres AS (identifier)"}, { 'VcBA', 8034, p.vcbaLink, "Perpustakaan nasional", "494/9793"}, { 'VIAF', 214, p.viafLink, "Umum", "123456789", prefix = "[[VIAF (identifier)|VIAF]]"}, { 'WORLDCATID', 7859, nil, "Umum", nil, link = "WorldCat Identities (identifier)"}, }  -- Legitimate aliases to p.conf, for convenience -- Format: { 'alias', 'parameter name in p.conf' } p.aliases = { { 'DNB', 'GND' }, --Deutsche Nationalbibliothek -> Gemeinsame Normdatei { 'Leonore', 'Léonore' }, --alias name without diacritics { 'leonore', 'Léonore' }, --lowercase variant without diacritics { 'MusicBrainz', 'MBA' }, { 'MusicBrainz artist', 'MBA' }, { 'MusicBrainz label', 'MBL' }, { 'MusicBrainz release group', 'MBRG' }, { 'MusicBrainz work', 'MBW' }, { 'SBN', 'ICCU' }, --SBN alias to be deprecated at a later stage { 'TDVIA', 'TDVİA' }, --alias name without diacritics { 'tdvia', 'TDVİA' }, --lowercase variant without diacritics }  -- Deprecated aliases to p.conf; tracked in [[Category:Wikipedia articles with deprecated authority control identifiers]] -- Format: { 'deprecated parameter name', 'replacement parameter name in p.conf' } p.deprecated = { { 'GKD', 'GND' }, { 'PND', 'GND' }, { 'RLS', 'RSL' }, { 'SWD', 'GND' }, { 'NARA-organization', 'NARA' }, { 'NARA-person', 'NARA' }, }  --[[==========================================================================]] --[[                                   Main                                   ]] --[[==========================================================================]]  function p.authorityControl( frame ) local resolveEntity = require( "Module:ResolveEntityId" ) local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args --WD IDs added here later local iParentArgs = 0 --count original/manual parent args only later local worldcatCat = '' local multipleIdCat = '' local suppressedIdCat = '' local deprecatedIdCat = '' local differentOnWDCat = '' local sameOnWDCat = ''  --Redirect aliases to proper parameter names for _, a in pairs( p.aliases ) do local alias, param = a[1], a[2] if (parentArgs[param] == nil or parentArgs[param] == '') and parentArgs[alias] then parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[alias] end end  --Redirect deprecated parameters to proper parameter names, and assign tracking cat for _, d in pairs( p.deprecated ) do local dep, param = d[1], d[2] if (parentArgs[param] == nil or parentArgs[param] == '') and parentArgs[dep] then parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[dep] if namespace == 0 then deprecatedIdCat = '[[Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda pengawasan otoritas usang|'..dep..']]' end end end  --Use QID= parameter for testing/example purposes only local itemId = nil if namespace ~= 0 then local qid = parentArgs['qid'] or parentArgs['QID'] if qid then itemId = 'Q', '^[Qq]', '') itemId = resolveEntity._id(itemId) --nil if unresolvable end else itemId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end  --Wikidata fallback if available if itemId then local iMatches = 0 for _, params in ipairs( p.conf ) do if params[2] > 0 then local val = parentArgs[mw.ustring.lower(params[1])] or parentArgs[params[1]] if val == nil or val == '' then local wikidataIds = p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, 'P'..params[2] ) if wikidataIds[1] then if val == '' and (namespace == 0 or testcases) then suppressedIdCat = '[[Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda pengawasan otoritas sané kaengkebang|'..params[1]..']]' else parentArgs[params[1]] = wikidataIds[1] --add ID from WD end end else iParentArgs = iParentArgs + 1 local wikidataIds = p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, 'P'..params[2] ) if wikidataIds[1] and differentOnWDCat == '' then local bMatch = false for _, wd in pairs( wikidataIds ) do if val == wd then iMatches = iMatches + 1 bMatch = true end end if bMatch == false then differentOnWDCat = '[[Kategori:Kaca sané nganggén pengawasan otoritas sareng parameter malénan saking Wikidata|'..params[1]..']]' endendendendend if iMatches > 0 and iMatches == iParentArgs then sameOnWDCat = '[[Kategori:Kaca sané nganggén pengawasan otoritas sareng makejang parameter anteb sareng Wikidata]]' end end --Configured rows local rct = 0 local sectionOrder = {"Umum","Perpustakaan nasional","Galeri seni miwah museum",   "Lembaga penelitian seni","Kamus biografi","Basis data ilmiah",   "Lain-lain"} local sections = { ["Umum"] = {}, ["Perpustakaan nasional"] = {}, ["Galeri seni miwah museum"] = {}, ["Lembaga penelitian seni"] = {}, ["Kamus biografi"] = {}, ["Basis data ilmiah"] = {}, ["Lain-lain"] = {} } -- Don't show NLP is PLWABN is present, since they both go to the National Library of Polandia -- and the library has deprecated NLP IDs in favor of PLWABN IDs if parentArgs.PLWABN or parentArgs.plwabn then parentArgs.NLP = '' parentArgs.nlp = '' end for _, params in ipairs( p.conf ) do local val = parentArgs[mw.ustring.lower(params[1])] or parentArgs[params[1]] local tval, tlinks = {}, {} --init tables if val and val ~= '' and type(params[3]) == 'function' then table.insert( tval, val ) if params.prefix then  table.insert( tlinks, params[3]( val, "1" ) ) else table.insert( tlinks, params[3]( val ) ) end end --collect Lain-lain unique vals (IDs) from WD, if present if itemId and tval[1] then local nextIdVal = 2 local wikidataIds = p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, 'P'..params[2] ) for _, v in pairs( wikidataIds ) do local bnew = true for _, w in pairs( tval ) do if v == w then bnew = false end end if bnew then table.insert( tval, v ) table.insert( tlinks, params[3]( v, tostring(nextIdVal) ) ) nextIdVal = nextIdVal + 1 end end end --assemble if tval[1] then table.insert( sections[params[4]], p.createRow( params[1], tval, nil, tlinks, true, params.category, params.prefix) ) rct = rct + 1 if tval[2] then multipleIdCat = p.getCatForId( 'ganda' ) end end  end  --WorldCat local worldcatId = parentArgs['worldcatid'] or parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] if worldcatId and worldcatId ~= '' then --if WORLDCATID present & unsuppressed table.insert( sections["Umum"], p.createRow( 'WORLDCATID', worldcatId, '[', 'PATH')..' WorldCat]', nil, false ) ) --Validation? worldcatCat = p.getCatForId( 'WORLDCATID' ) rct = rct + 1 elseif worldcatId == nil then --if WORLDCATID absent but unsuppressed local viafId = parentArgs['viaf'] or parentArgs['VIAF'] local lccnId = parentArgs['lccn'] or parentArgs['LCCN'] if viafId and viafId ~= '' and p.viafLink( viafId ) then --VIAF must be present, unsuppressed, & validated table.insert( sections["Umum"], p.createRow( 'VIAF', viafId, '['..viafId..' WorldCat (via VIAF)]', nil, false ) ) if namespace == 0 then  worldcatCat = '[[Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda WorldCat-VIAF]]' end rct = rct + 1 elseif lccnId and lccnId ~= '' and p.lccnLink( lccnId ) then --LCCN must be present, unsuppressed, & validated local lccnParts = p.splitLccn( lccnId ) if lccnParts and lccnParts[1] ~= 'sh' then local lccnIdFmtd = lccnParts[1]..lccnParts[2]..'-'..lccnParts[3] table.insert( sections["Umum"], p.createRow( 'LCCN', lccnId, '['..lccnIdFmtd..' WorldCat (via Library of Congress)]', nil, false ) ) if namespace == 0 then worldcatCat = '[[Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda WorldCat-LCCN]]' end end rct = rct + 1 end elseif worldcatId == '' then --if WORLDCATID suppressed suppressedIdCat = '[[Kategori:Suratan Wikipédia sareng penanda pengawasan otoritas sané kaengkebang|WORLDCATID]]' end  local Navbox = require('Module:Navbox') local elementsCat = '' if rct == 0 or rct >= 25 then local eCat = 'AC sareng '..rct..' élemén' elementsCat  = '[[Kategori:'..eCat..']]'..p.redCatLink(eCat) end  local outString = '' if rct > 0 then local sectionID = 1 local args = { pid = 'identifiers' } -- #target the list of identifiers if testcases and itemId then args = { pid = 'identifiers', qid = itemId } end --expensive local pencil = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'EditAtWikidata', args = args} local navboxArgs = { name  = 'Pengawasan otoritas', navboxclass = 'authority-control', bodyclass = 'hlist', state = parentArgs.state or 'autocollapse', navbar = 'off' } for _, sectName in ipairs(sectionOrder) do if #sections[sectName] ~= 0 then navboxArgs["group" .. sectionID] = sectName navboxArgs["list" .. sectionID] = table.concat(sections[sectName]) sectionID = sectionID + 1 end end if navboxArgs.group2 then     navboxArgs.title = "[[Wantuan:Pengawasan otoritas|Pengawasan otoritas]]" .. pencil else local sect = navboxArgs.group1 if sect == "Umum" or sect == "Lain-lain" then -- Just say "Authority control" with no label if only Umum or only Lain-lain IDs are present -- since "Umum" is redundant and "Lain-lain" is silly when there's nothing to contrast it with navboxArgs.group1 = "[[Wantuan:Pengawasan otoritas|Pengawasan otoritas]]" .. pencil else  navboxArgs.group1 = "[[Wantuan:Pengawasan otoritas|Pengawasan otoritas: " .. sect .. "]] " .. pencil end end outString = Navbox._navbox(navboxArgs) end  local auxCats = worldcatCat .. elementsCat .. multipleIdCat .. suppressedIdCat ..  deprecatedIdCat .. differentOnWDCat .. sameOnWDCat if testcases then auxCats = mw.ustring.gsub(auxCats, '(%[%[)(Category)', '%1:%2') --for easier checking end outString = outString .. auxCats if namespace ~= 0 then outString = mw.ustring.gsub(outString, '(%[%[)(Category:Suratan Wikipédia)', '%1:%2') --by definition end  return outString end  return p 

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