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Bureau of American Ethnology
[Bull. 59

married, to be '■halaUt/ti{ne') master na^ksaq may -liU pr.

may be elmr pr. mean, to -Hleht

he did not mean it tscns^he^^ne') means, by — of -mu suff . meat -ulahSy a^hu/lah

to dry meat -ctwa8(kIo)-

dried meat wa^tskaua

a piece of dried meat Oa'henmmuWla'k

fresh meat qo/tsuk medicine made of Artemisia discolor aahcnuk.lwcona^aJca avn/mo (see Oa^hnuk,-

luxona^ka) melt, to luq^iWko-

it melted strongly by heat t8Ema'^hHl'oq^mkups€' (see Iv^cn'ko-)

it melts -hoqlko'- middle qayaqa^wo (see qayaqa-) milk tsu^u

Milky Way (= dog's trail) aakmafe'8 xa^fjttscn (see Oa'hma^na'm) milt of fish Oa^qfa^nlup mind aak/lwey, '{c)lwey-, -Iwey mind, to -cntse- miss, to -yuk!kvnka{te')

Missoula, a place about 4 m. from Sand Point, Idaho Oa^kanu^k.le'l mistake, he makes a {n^)umnaqalpal7iefipooy -tstklmalcnijcc'n'e') mittens pa^Vya moccasin la'n^ money ru^lko monster, giant e'^ka moon nata^ne'k!

moon (=the one going up at night) ktsdmeHilnu^qka (see -nnqka-^ -miyd) moose mtsna^pku

bull moose kaqfa^le' more a:n- pr.

one more laok!f^eyse' (see la-) moss aakoWaP^^ C, al'a, (Lillagenilla rupestris) aakolavdte^yal mother ma mother-in-law t/te' mother's brother Iw/tsa. xoftsa mother's sister koki motion towards speaker k- pr. mountain -'Uqlyu(leet), aakuwuk.le^et, aakoqfyule^et

end of mountain wa>kaq!yuleytke' (see -qlyu-) '

foot of mountain aakuk/ple^ct

there is a mountain yish./' (see -le.d), sakqfyule/t.s' (see 'le,d) mouse e^ntsuk! mouth a^Jc/alma^na'm, {-kla)lma

in mouth -aqtuq!^-

with mouth -xa- suff. move, to -wan-, (?) -qsa-

he moved his arm wanWtlne' (see -wan-)

he moved it in the water wanuqk/n'e (see -wan-)

to move camp -uquna(me'k)