Shape of You

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  • Shape of You》係英國創作歌手Ed Sheeran嘅歌。隻歌係2017年1月6號透過數碼下載發行,同《Castle on the Hill》一齊作為佢第三張錄音室專輯《÷》嘅主打單曲。 "÷ (Deluxe) by Ed Sheeran". iTunes. 喺2017-02-13搵到. "ACE...
  • YouTube上面嘅《聲音的抉擇》 EP11 完整版 〈張天與滿舒克首度合作EP主打歌曲,《冬日異想》正式上線引轟動〉. 《大風號》. 2019-03-22. 〈《冬日異想》〉. 《QQ音樂》. "TIEN's music". 《蝦米音樂》. YouTube上面嘅Breathless YouTube上面嘅I...
  • Johnny McDaid 嘅縮圖
    August 2014). "Courteney Cox is a 'wee pet' - Johnny McDaid's mum gives seal of approval after engaged stars visit Derry". Belfast Telegraph. 原先內容歸檔喺4 December...
  • x, position.y); rotate(theta); beginShape(TRIANGLES); vertex(0, -r*2); vertex(-r, r*2); vertex(r, r*2); endShape(); popMatrix(); } // Wraparound void...
  • 唱針 嘅縮圖
    Types" (英文). Audio-Technica. 喺2023年3月25號搵到. Ledermann, Peter. Stylus Shape part 1 of 2 (美國英文). Soundsmith. 喺2023年3月26號搵到. Priddle, Noah (2020年5月19號). "DJ...
  • 人工神經網絡 嘅縮圖
    invasive cancer cell shape using Zernike moments". Integrative Biology. 8 (11): 1183–1193. Lyons, Samanthe (2016). "Changes in cell shape are correlated with...
  • 機械學習 嘅縮圖
    Lüthi, M., Jud, C., & Vetter, T. (2013, September). A unified approach to shape model fitting and non-rigid registration. In International workshop on machine...
  • 遊戲設計 嘅縮圖
    (2022). Time, engagement and video games: How game design elements shape the temporalities of play in massively multiplayer online role‐playing games. Information...
  • 理神論 嘅縮圖
    ISBN 978-1-58834-312-3 Palmer, Elihu. The Principles of Nature. Deism: A Revolution in Religion, A Revolution in You. An Answer to C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity...
  • 喺2018-08-31搵到. 〈蕭敬騰、林宥嘉當導師 《聲林之王》海選會松菸開跑〉. 原著喺2018-08-24歸檔. 喺2018-08-31搵到. ETtoday星光雲嘅facebook頁 YouTube上面嘅聲林之王嘅頻道 聲林之王嘅官方網站-ETtoday 聲林之王嘅官方網站-台視 聲林之王嘅官方網站-中天...
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    概率同統計學詞彙表 (類 Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags)
    Cambridge University Press. pp. 109–130. MacGillivray, HL (1992). "Shape properties of the g- and h- and Johnson families". Communications in Statistics...
  • 軍事科幻 嘅縮圖
    Fiction to Shape the Future of War. OneZero. Franklin, H. B. (2008). War Stars: the superweapon and the American imagination. University of Massachusetts...
  • Rick Price 嘅縮圖
    2017搵到. N.B. The HP column displays the highest peak reached. "To Be with You" (ARIA) peak: "The ARIA Australian Top 100 Singles Chart – Week Ending 11...
  • 法輪功 嘅縮圖
    on getting back into shape. .. . The Falun Gong broadcast had played on eight channels for 50 minutes, garnering an audience of over one million people...
  • C AllStar 嘅縮圖
  • 音楽ダウンロード・音楽配信サイト〉. Mora. 原先內容歸檔喺2018-08-15. 喺August 14, 2018搵到. 〈オリコンランキング情報サービス「you大樹」〉 [Oricon Ranking Information Service 'You Taiju']. Oricon. 喺August 11, 2018搵到....
  • 同星加坡。另外,美國嘅天下衛視都喺太平洋時間1月12號開始逢星期五夜晚9點同湖南衛視24小時內同日播出呢季節目。 因版權問題,呢季節目開播初期所有YouTube影片都喺馬來西亞禁止播放,後續曾短暫解鎖李聖傑同張天嘅競演片段。截至1月19號,所有歌手嘅競演片段都已全部解鎖,之後喺1月21號解鎖節目正片。...
  • 伊利沙伯綫 嘅縮圖
    date finally announced". Evening Standard (英文). "Crossrail trains take shape". Crossrail. Crossrail. 喺14 November 2015搵到. "Crossrail demonstrates commitment...
  • Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help) "The Concorde takes shape : Test programme and construction proceeding according to schedule". Aircraft...
  • Steve Mac 嘅縮圖
    Non-album single Y Y "Thumbs" 2017 Sabrina Carpenter Evolution Y Y "Shape of You" (solo / featuring Stormzy) Ed Sheeran ÷ Y Y "2005" James Blunt The Afterlove...

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