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--script that retrieves basic data stored in Wikidata, for the datamodel, see  local p = {}  local linguistic = require('Module:Linguistic') local selectClaims = require('Module:Wikidata/GetClaims') local tools = require('Module:Wikidata/Tools') local entities = require('Module:Wikidata/FormatEntity') local dates = require('Module:Wikidata/Dates') local weblink = require('Module:Weblink')  local langSwitch = require('Module:LangSwitch')._langSwitch local fb = require('Module:Fallback') local i18nmessages = mw.loadData('Module:i18n/wikidata')  -- Wiki-specific parameters local defaultlang = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('Int', 'Lang') local defaultlink = 'wikidata'  local function i18n(str, lang) local message = i18nmessages[str] if type(message) == 'string' then return message end return langSwitch(message, lang or defaultlang) end  local function formatError(key, text) return error(i18n(key) .. ' ' .. (text or ''), 2) end  p.getClaims = selectClaims.getClaims  local function removeBlanks(args) for i = #args, 1, -1 do if (args[i] == '') or (args[i] == '-') then table.remove(args, i) end end return args end  local function formatTheUnknown() -- See if we can grant/adapt the usage of 'unknown' return i18n('somevalue') end  local function getQualifiers(statement, qualifs, params) if not statement.qualifiers then return nil end if type(qualifs) == 'string' then qualifs = mw.text.split(qualifs, ',') end local vals = {} for i, j in pairs(qualifs) do j = string.upper(j) if statement.qualifiers[j] then local inserted = false if statement.qualifiers[j][1].datatype == 'monolingualtext' then local in_preferred_lang for _, language in pairs(fb.fblist(params.lang or defaultlang)) do for _, snak in pairs(statement.qualifiers[j]) do if isInLanguage(snak, language) then in_preferred_lang = snak break end end if in_preferred_lang then break end end if in_preferred_lang then table.insert(vals, in_preferred_lang) inserted = true end end if not inserted then for _, snak in pairs(statement.qualifiers[j]) do table.insert(vals, snak) end end end end if #vals == 0 then return nil end return vals end  function p.formatSnak(snak, params) -- special values: 'novalue' and 'somevalue' local datatype = snak.datatype if datatype == 'somevalue' then return formatTheUnknown() elseif datatype == 'novalue' then return i18n('novalue') --todo end local value = snak.datavalue.value -- user-defined displayformat local displayformat = params.displayformat if type(displayformat) == 'function' then return displayformat(snak, params)  end if datatype == 'wikibase-item' or datatype == 'wikibase-property' then return entities.formatEntity(tools.getId(snak), params) elseif datatype == 'url' then return weblink.makelink(value, params.text, params.displayformat) elseif datatype == 'math' then return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag('math', value) elseif datatype == 'string' or datatype == 'external-id' or datatype == 'commonsMedia' then if params.urlpattern then local urlpattern = params.urlpattern if type(urlpattern) == 'function' then urlpattern = urlpattern(value) end value = '[' .. mw.ustring.gsub(urlpattern, '$1', value) .. ' ' .. (params.text or value) .. ']' end return value elseif datatype == 'time' then -- format example: +00000001809-02-12T00:00:00Z return dates.formatTimeSnak(snak, params)  elseif datatype == 'globe-coordinate' then -- default return a table with latitude, longitude, precision and globe that can be used by another module if displayformat == 'latitude' then return value.latitude elseif displayformat == 'longitude' then return value.longitude elseif displayformat == 'qualifier' then local coord = require('Module:Coordinates') value.globe = require('Module:Wikidata/Globes')[value.globe] value.precision = nil return coord._coord(value) else value.globe = require('Module:Wikidata/Globes')[value.globe] -- get English name for geohack return value end elseif datatype == 'quantity' then -- TODO: handle precision parameters if displayformat == 'raw' then return tonumber(value.amount) else local formatNum = require('Module:Formatnum') local number = formatNum.formatNum(value.amount) local unit = mw.ustring.match(value.unit, '(Q%d+)') if unit then number = number .. ' ' .. entities.formatEntity(unit, params) end return number end elseif datatype == 'monolingualtext' then if displayformat == 'raw' then -- Don't use HTML local byte, char = string.byte, mw.ustring.char local lang = value.language:lower() local tag = {} table.insert(tag, char(0x2068)) -- U+2068: First Strong Isolate (FSI) table.insert(tag, char(0xE0001)) -- U+E0001: Language tag for i = 1, #lang do local b = byte(lang, i) if b >= 0x61 and b <= 0x7A or b == 0x2D or b == 0x5F then -- 'a'..'z', '-', '_' table.insert(tag, char(0xE0000 + b)) -- U+E0020..U+E007E: Tag characters (remaps ASCII only) end end table.insert(tag, value.text) table.insert(tag, char(0xE007F)) -- U+E007F: Cancel Tag table.insert(tag, char(0x2069)) -- U+2069: Pop Directional Isolate (PDI) return table.concat(tag) else return '.. value.language .. '">' .. value.text .. '' end else return formatError('unknown-datavalue-type', datatype ) end end  function p.formatStatementQualifiers(statement, qualifs, params) if not params then params = {} end local qualiftable = getQualifiers(statement, qualifs, params) if not qualiftable then return nil end for i, j in pairs(qualiftable) do local params = params if j.datatype == 'globe-coordinate' then params.displayformat = 'qualifier' end qualiftable[i] = p.formatSnak(j, params) end return linguistic.conj(qualiftable, params.lang or defaultlang) end  function p.formatStatement(statement, args) if not statement.type or statement.type ~= 'statement' then return formatError('unknown-claim-type', statement.type) end if not args then args = {} end local lang = args.lang or defaultlang local str = p.formatSnak(statement.mainsnak, args)  local qualifs = args.showqualifiers if qualifs then local qualifStr = p.formatStatementQualifiers(statement, qualifs, args) if qualifStr then if args.delimiter then str = str .. args.delimiter .. qualifStr else -- str = str .. linguistic.inparentheses(qualifStr, lang) str = str .. ' (' .. qualifStr .. ')' end end end  if args.showdate then -- when `showdate` and `p.chronosort` are both set, date retrieval is performed twice local params local date = dates.getFormattedDate(statement, params) if date then -- str = str .. ' ' .. linguistic.inparentheses(date, lang) .. '' str = str .. ' (' .. date ..')' end end  if args.showsource and statement.references then local cite = require('Module:Cite') local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local sourcestring = '' for i, ref in pairs(statement.references) do if ref.snaks.P248 then for j, source in pairs(ref.snaks.P248) do if not tools.isSpecial(source) then local page if ref.snaks.P304 and not tools.isSpecial(ref.snaks.P304[1]) then page = ref.snaks.P304[1].datavalue.value end local s = cite.citeitem('Q' .. source.datavalue.value['numeric-id'], lang, page) s = frame:extensionTag('ref', s) sourcestring = sourcestring .. s end end elseif ref.snaks.P854 and not tools.isSpecial(ref.snaks.P854[1]) then s = frame:extensionTag('ref', p.getDatavalue(ref.snaks.P854[1])) sourcestring = sourcestring .. s end end str = str .. sourcestring end return str end  function p._getDescription(entity, lang) if not entity then return i18n('no description') end if type(entity) == 'string' and (not lang or lang == defaultlang) then return mw.wikibase.description(entity) end entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(entity) local descriptions = entity.descriptions if not descriptions then return i18n('no description') end local langlist = fb.fblist(lang or defaultlang) -- list of fallback languages if no label in the desired language for i, lg in pairs(langlist) do if descriptions[lg] then return descriptions[lg].value end end return i18n('no description') end  -- == FUNCTIONS HANDLING SEVERAL STATEMENTS ===  function p.stringTable(args) -- find the relevant claims, and formats them as a list of strings -- Get claims local claims = p.getClaims(args) if not claims then return nil end -- Define the formatter function local formatterFun = p.formatStatement if args.type == 'date' then formatterFun = dates.getFormattedDate elseif args.type == 'qualifiers' then formatterFun = formatStatementQualifiers end -- Format claims for i = #claims, 1, -1 do claims[i] = formatterFun(claims[i], args) if not claims[i] then table.remove(claims, i) end end return claims end  function p.formatStatements(args)--Format statements and concat them cleanly -- If a value is already set, use it if args.value == '-' then return nil end if args.value then return args.value end -- Obsolete parameters  if args.item then args.entity = args.item end local values = p.stringTable(args) -- gets statements, and format each of them if not values then return nil end return linguistic.conj(values, args.lang or defaultlang, args.conjtype) -- concatenate them end  -- == FRAME FUNCTIONS ==  function p.getDescription(frame) -- simple for simple templates like {{Q|}}} local entity = frame.args.entity local lang = frame.args.lang return p._getDescription(entity, lang) end  function p.formatStatementsE(frame) local args = {} if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = frame:getParent().args -- paramètres du modèle appelant (est-ce vraiment une bonne idée ?) for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do args[k] = v end else args = frame end args = removeBlanks(args) return p.formatStatements(args) end  function p._getLabel(entity, args)  return entities.formatEntity(entity, args) end function p.getLabel(frame) -- simple for simple templates like {{Q|}}} local args = removeBlanks(frame.args) local entity = args.entity or args[1] if string.sub(entity, 1, 10) == 'Property:P' then entity = string.sub(entity, 10) elseif string.sub(entity, 1, 1) ~= 'P' and string.sub(entity, 1, 1) ~= 'Q' or not tonumber(string.sub(entity, 2)) then return i18n('invalid-id') end return entities.formatEntity(entity, args) end  function p._wikidataDate(prop, item, params) local claims = p.getClaims{entity = item, property = prop} if not claims then return nil end params = params or {} local vals = {} for i, j in pairs(claims) do local v = dates.getFormattedDate(j, params) if v then table.insert(vals, v) end end return linguistic.conj(vals, params.conjtype or 'or') end  function p.wikidataDate(frame)  p._wikidataDate(frame.args[property], frame.args[params], frame.args) end  function p._main_date(entity) -- First try with P580/P582 local startpoint = p._wikidataDate('P580', entity) local endpoint = p._wikidataDate('P582', entity) if startpoint or endpoint then return (startpoint or '') .. ' – ' .. (endpoint or '') end -- Else use P585 return p._wikidataDate('P585', entity) end  function p.main_date(frame) return p._main_date(frame.args[1]) end  -- returns the page id (Q...) of the current page or nothing of the page is not connected to Wikidata function p.pageId(frame) local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() return entity and end  return p 


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