

local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')  local mExtra -- [[Module:UserLinks/extra]] local mArguments -- [[Module:Arguments]] local mToolbar -- [[Module:Toolbar]] local mCategoryHandler -- [[Module:Category handler]] local mTableTools -- [[Module:TableTools]] local interwikiTable -- [[Module:InterwikiTable]]  local mShared = require('Module:UserLinks/shared') local raiseError = mShared.raiseError local maybeLoadModule = mShared.maybeLoadModule local makeWikitextError = mShared.makeWikitextError local makeWikilink = mShared.makeWikilink local makeUrlLink = mShared.makeUrlLink local makeFullUrlLink = mShared.makeFullUrlLink local message = mShared.message  local p = {}  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Link table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function p.getLinks(snippets)  local links, linkFunctions = {}, {}  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Link functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  function linkFunctions.u(snippets) -- User page return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, 2, snippets.username, snippets.username ) end  function -- User page (no ping) return '' .. makeFullUrlLink( snippets.interwiki, 2, snippets.username, '', snippets.username ) .. '' end  function linkFunctions.t(snippets) -- User talk page return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, 3, snippets.username, message('display-talk') ) end  function linkFunctions.c(snippets) -- Contributions return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Contribs/' .. snippets.username, message('display-contributions') ) end  function linkFunctions.c64(snippets) -- Contributions local first64 = snippets.username:match('^%x+:%x+:%x+:%x+:') or snippets.username:match('^%x+:%x+:%x+:') or snippets.username:match('^%x+:%x+:') or snippets.username:match('^%x+:') return first64 and makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Contribs/' .. first64 .. ':/64', '(/64)' ) or '' end  function linkFunctions.ct(snippets) -- Edit count return makeUrlLink( { host = '', path = '/ec/', query = { username = snippets.username, project = snippets.toolLang .. '.' .. snippets.projectLong .. '.org' } }, message('display-count') ) end  function linkFunctions.m(snippets) -- Page moves return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/move/' .. snippets.username, message('display-moves') ) end  function linkFunctions.l(snippets) -- Logs return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/' .. snippets.username, message('display-logs') ) end  function -- Automated edits (and non-automated contributions). return makeUrlLink( { host = '', path = '/autoedits/', query = { username = snippets.username, project = snippets.toolLang .. '.' .. snippets.projectLong .. '.org' } }, message('display-autoedits') ) end  function -- Block log return makeFullUrlLink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/block', {page = 'User:' .. snippets.username}, message('display-blocklog') ) end  function linkFunctions.bls(snippets) -- Blocks return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/block/' .. snippets.username, message('display-blocks') ) end  function linkFunctions.bu(snippets) -- Block user return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Block/' .. snippets.username, message('display-blockuser') ) end  function -- Central auth return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'CentralAuth/' .. snippets.username, message('display-centralauth') ) end  function linkFunctions.dc(snippets) -- Deleted contribs return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'DeletedContributions/' .. snippets.username, message('display-deletedcontributions') ) end  function linkFunctions.e(snippets) -- Email return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'EmailUser/' .. snippets.username, message('display-email') ) end  function -- Edit summaries return makeUrlLink( { host = '', path = '/editsummary/', query = { username = snippets.username, project = snippets.toolLang .. '.' .. snippets.projectLong .. '.org' } }, message('display-editsummaries') ) end  function linkFunctions.del(snippets) -- Deletions return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/delete/' .. snippets.username, message('display-deletions') ) end  function -- List user return makeFullUrlLink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'ListUsers', {limit = 1, username = snippets.username}, message('display-listuser') ) end  function linkFunctions.sul(snippets) -- SUL return makeWikilink( nil, nil, 'sulutil:' .. snippets.username, message('display-sul') ) end  function -- Target logs return makeFullUrlLink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log', {page =[2].name .. ':' .. snippets.username}, message('display-targetlogs') ) end  function linkFunctions.efl(snippets) -- Edit filter log return makeFullUrlLink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'AbuseLog', {wpSearchUser = snippets.username}, message('display-abuselog') ) end  function -- Protections return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/protect/' .. snippets.username, message('display-protections') ) end  function linkFunctions.rl(snippets) -- User rights return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/rights/' .. snippets.username, message('display-rights') ) end  function -- Renames return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Log/renameuser/' .. snippets.username, message('display-renames') ) end  function linkFunctions.rfa(snippets) -- Requests for adminship return makeWikilink( nil, -1, 'PrefixIndex/' .. message('page-rfa') .. '/' .. snippets.username, message('display-rfa') ) end  function linkFunctions.api(snippets) -- API user data return makeUrlLink( { host = snippets.fullDomain, path = '/w/api.php', query = { action = 'query', list = 'users', usprop = 'groups|editcount', ususers = snippets.username } }, message('display-api') ) end  function linkFunctions.up(snippets) -- Uploads return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'ListFiles/' .. snippets.username, message('display-uploads') ) end  function linkFunctions.nuke(snippets) -- Mass delete/Special:Nuke return makeWikilink( snippets.interwiki, -1, 'Nuke/' .. snippets.username, message('display-nuke')  ) end  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End of link functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -- Define the metatable that memoizes the link functions, and fetches link -- functions from [[Module:UserLinks/extra]] if necessary.  -- Lazily initialise the extraLinkFunctions table. We only want to load -- [[Module:UserLinks/extra]] as necessary, so it has a low transclusion -- count. local extraLinkFunctions  -- Define functions for shared code in the metatable. local function validateCode(code) -- Checks whether code is a valid link code - i.e. checks that it is a -- string and that it is not the blank string. Returns the code if -- the check passes, and nil if not. if type(code) == 'string' and code ~= '' then return code else return nil end end  local function getExtraLinkFunctions() -- Loads the table of extra link functions from the /extra module. -- If there is a problem with loading it, return false. We use the -- distinction between false and nil to record whether we have already -- tried to load it. if extraLinkFunctions ~= nil then return extraLinkFunctions end if mExtra == nil then -- If loading the module fails, maybeLoadModule returns false. -- Here we use the distinction between false and nil to record -- whether we have already tried to load the /extra module. mExtra = maybeLoadModule('Module:UserLinks/extra') end if type(mExtra) == 'table' and type(mExtra.linkFunctions) == 'table' then extraLinkFunctions = mExtra.linkFunctions else extraLinkFunctions = false end return extraLinkFunctions end  local function memoizeExtraLink(code, func) local success, link = pcall(func, snippets) if success and type(link) == 'string' then links[code] = link return link end return nil end  -- Define the metatable. setmetatable(links, { __index = function (t, key) local code = validateCode(key) if not code then raiseError( message('error-malformedlinkcode'), message('error-malformedlinkcode-section') ) end local linkFunction = linkFunctions[code] local link if linkFunction then link = linkFunction(snippets) links[code] = link else extraLinkFunctions = getExtraLinkFunctions() if extraLinkFunctions then local extraLinkFunction = extraLinkFunctions[code] if type(extraLinkFunction) == 'function' then link = memoizeExtraLink(code, extraLinkFunction) end end end if link then return link else raiseError( message('error-invalidlinkcode', code), message('error-invalidlinkcode-section') ) end end, __pairs = function () extraLinkFunctions = getExtraLinkFunctions() if extraLinkFunctions then for code, func in pairs(extraLinkFunctions) do if validateCode(code) and type(func) == 'function' then memoizeExtraLink(code, func) end end end -- Allow built-in functions to overwrite extra functions. for code, func in pairs(linkFunctions) do local link = func(snippets) links[code] = link end return function (t, key) return next(links, key) end end }) return links end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- User data snippets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function p.getSnippets(args)  local snippets, snippetFunctions = {}, {} setmetatable(snippets, { __index = function (t, key) local snippetFunction = snippetFunctions[key] if snippetFunction then snippets[key] = snippetFunction() or '' return snippets[key] else raiseError( message('error-nosnippet', key), message('error-nosnippet-section') ) end end })   local function snippetExists(key)  return snippets[key] ~= '' end  local function getSnippet(key) local ret = snippets[key] if ret == '' then return nil else return ret end end   function snippetFunctions.username()  local username = args.user or args.User return username or raiseError( message('error-nousername'), message('error-nousername-section') ) end  function snippetFunctions.usernameHtml()  return mw.uri.encode(snippets.username) end  function snippetFunctions.project()  local project = args.Project or args.project if not project then return nil end local projectValidated, interwikiTableKey = p.validateProjectCode(project) if not projectValidated then if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(project) then if not snippetExists('lang') then snippets.lang = project end else raiseError( message('error-invalidproject', project), message('error-invalidproject-section') ) end end snippets.interwikiTableKey = interwikiTableKey return project end  function snippetFunctions.interwikiTableKey()  return rawget(snippets, 'interwikiTableKey') end  function snippetFunctions.toolProject()  local project = getSnippet('project') if not project then return message('snippet-project-default') else return project end end  function snippetFunctions.projectLong()  local key = getSnippet('interwikiTableKey') if not key then return message('snippet-projectlong-default') end interwikiTable = interwikiTable or mw.loadData('Module:InterwikiTable') local prefixes = interwikiTable[key].iw_prefix  return prefixes[2] or prefixes[1]  end  function snippetFunctions.lang()  local lang = args.lang or args.Lang if not lang then return nil end if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(lang) then return lang else raiseError( message('error-invalidlanguage', lang), message('error-invalidlanguage-section') ) end end  function snippetFunctions.toolLang()  return getSnippet('lang') or message('snippet-lang-default') end  function snippetFunctions.interwiki()  local project = getSnippet('project') local lang = getSnippet('lang') if not project and not lang then return nil end local ret = {} ret[#ret + 1] = project ret[#ret + 1] = lang return table.concat(ret, ':') end  function snippetFunctions.fullDomain()  local fullDomain local lang = getSnippet('toolLang') local key = getSnippet('interwikiTableKey') if key then interwikiTable = interwikiTable or mw.loadData('Module:InterwikiTable') local domain = interwikiTable[key].domain local takesLangPrefix = interwikiTable[key].takes_lang_prefix if takesLangPrefix then fullDomain = lang .. '.' .. domain else fullDomain = domain end else fullDomain = lang .. '' end return fullDomain end    return snippets end   function p.validateProjectCode(s)  interwikiTable = interwikiTable or mw.loadData('Module:InterwikiTable') for key, t in pairs(interwikiTable) do for i, prefix in ipairs(t.iw_prefix) do if s == prefix then return s, key end end end return nil, nil end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function makeInvokeFunction(funcName)  return function (frame) mArguments = require('Module:Arguments') local args = mArguments.getArgs(frame) return p[funcName](args) end end  p.main = makeInvokeFunction('_main')  function p._main(args)  local options = p.getOptions(args) local snippets = p.getSnippets(args) local codes = p.getCodes(args) local links = p.getLinks(snippets)  local success, result = pcall(p.export, codes, links, options) if success then return result else return makeWikitextError(result, options.isDemo) end end  function p.getOptions(args)  local options = {} options.isDemo = yesno(args.demo) or false options.noPing = yesno(args.noPing) or yesno(args.noping) or yesno( or false options.toolbarStyle = yesno(args.small) and 'font-size: 90%;' or nil options.sup = yesno(args.sup, true) options.separator = args.separator options.span = args.span return options end  function p.getCodes(args)  mTableTools = maybeLoadModule('Module:TableTools') local codes if mTableTools then codes = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(args) else codes = {} for i, code in ipairs(args) do codes[i] = code end end return codes end  function p.export(codes, links, options)  local userLink = options.noPing and or links.u   if #codes < 1 then return userLink end   mToolbar = require('Module:Toolbar') local toolbarArgs = {} for i, code in ipairs(codes) do local link = links[code] toolbarArgs[#toolbarArgs + 1] = link end = options.toolbarStyle toolbarArgs.separator = options.separator or 'dot' toolbarArgs.span = options.span local toolbar = mToolbar.main(toolbarArgs)   if options.sup then toolbar = '' .. toolbar .. '' end   local space = mw.isSubsting() and ' ' or ' '  return userLink .. space .. toolbar end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Single link function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  p.single = makeInvokeFunction('_single')  function p._single(args)  local options = p.getOptions(args) local snippets = p.getSnippets(args) local links = p.getLinks(snippets) local code = args[1] local success, link = pcall(p.exportSingle, links, code) if success then return link else return makeWikitextError(link, options.isDemo) end end  function p.exportSingle(links, code)  if not code then raiseError( message('error-nolinkcode'), message('error-nolinkcode-section') ) end return links[code] end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Link table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function p.linktable()  local args = {user = 'Example'} local snippets = p.getSnippets(args) local links = p.getLinks(snippets)   local firstCodes = {'u', 't', 'c'} local firstLinks, firstCodesKeys = {}, {} for i, code in ipairs(firstCodes) do firstCodesKeys[code] = true firstLinks[#firstLinks + 1] = {code, links[code]} end local secondLinks = {} for code, link in pairs(links) do if not firstCodesKeys[code] then secondLinks[#secondLinks + 1] = {code, link} end end table.sort(secondLinks, function(t1, t2) return t1[1] < t2[1] end) local links = {} for i, t in ipairs(firstLinks) do links[#links + 1] = t end for i, t in ipairs(secondLinks) do links[#links + 1] = t end   local ret = {} ret[#ret + 1] = '{| class="duhoc-uz wikitable table-responsive  plainlinks sortable"' ret[#ret + 1] = '|-' ret[#ret + 1] = '! ' .. message('linktable-codeheader') ret[#ret + 1] = '! ' .. message('linktable-previewheader') for i, t in ipairs(links) do local code = t[1] local link = t[2] ret[#ret + 1] = '|-' ret[#ret + 1] = "| '''" .. code .. "'''"  ret[#ret + 1] = '| ' .. link end ret[#ret + 1] = '|}' return table.concat(ret, '\n') end   return p 


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