National Anthem Of Yemen

United Republic (Arabic: الجمهورية المتحدة, romanized: al-Jomhuriyah al-Mottaḥedah), also known by its incipit as Repeat, O World, my song (Arabic: رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي, romanized: Raddedi ʾayatuhâ d-donyâ našîdî), is the national anthem of Yemen.

It was written by Abdullah Noman and composed by Ayoob Tarish. It was formerly used as the national anthem of South Yemen but was adopted by Yemen when the country was unified in 1990.

al-Jomhuriyah al-Mottaḥedah
English: United Republic
Arabic: الجمهورية المتحدة
National Anthem Of Yemen

National anthem of Yemen
Former national anthem of South Yemen
Also known asArabic: رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي (English: Repeat, O World, my song)
LyricsAbdollah Abdolwahâb Noʿmân, 1979
MusicʾAyub Ṭâreš, ext. 1979
Adopted1979 (by South Yemen)
22 May 1990 (by Yemen)
Relinquished1990 (by South Yemen)
instrumental recording by the United States Navy Band

During its usage by South Yemen from 1979 to 1990, the title was "National Anthem of People's Democratic Republic of Yemen" (Arabic: النشيد الوطني لجمهورية اليمن الديمقراطية الشعبية, romanizedn-Našid al-Waṭane al-Jomhuriyat l-Yaman d-Dimoqrâṭiya š-Šaʿbiya).


Official lyrics (Since 2006)

Arabic original Arabic romanization IPA transcription English translation

رَدِّدِيْ أَيَتُهَا الدُّنْيَا نَشِيْدِيْ
رَدِّدِيْهِ وَأَعَيْدِيْ وَأَعِيْدِيْ
وَاذْكُرِيْ فِيْ فَرْحَتِيْ كُلَّ شَهِيْدِ
وَامْنَحِيْهِ حُلَلاً مِّنْ ضَوْءِ عَيْدِيْ
𝄇 رَدِّدِيْ أَيَتُهَا الدُّنْيَا نَشِيْدِيْ 𝄆

وَحْدَتِيْ، وَحْدَتِيْ
يَانَشِيْداً رَائِعاً يَمْلَاُ نَفْسِيْ
أَنْتِ عَهْدٌ عَالِقٌ فِيْ كُلِّ ذِمَّة
رَايَتِيْ، رَايَتِيْ
يَانَسِيْجاً حِكْتُهُ مِنْ كُلِّ شَمْسِ
أُخْلُدِيْ خَافِقَةً فِيْ كُلِّ قِمَّة
أُمَّتِيْ، أُمَّتِيْ
اِمْنَحِيْنِي الْبَأسَ يَامَصْدَرَ بَأسِيْ
وَاذْخُرِيْنِيْ لَكِ يَا أَكْرَمَ أُمَّة

عِشْتُ إِيْمَانِيْ وَحُبِّيْ سَرْمَدِياً
وَمَسِيْرِيْ فَوْقَ دَرْبِيْ عَرَبِيَّا
وَسَيَبْقٰى نَبْضُ قَلْبِيْ يَمَنِيَّا
لَنْ تَرَى الدُّنْيَا عَلٰى أَرْضِيْ وَصِيَّا

Raddedi ʾayatuhâ d-donyâ našîdî
Raddedihe wa-ʾaʿîdî wa-ʾaʿîdî
Wā-đkori fî farḥati kolla šahîde
Wā-menaḥihe ḥolllân men ḍawʾe ʿîdî.
𝄆 Raddedi ʾayatuhâ d-donyâ našîdî 𝄇

Waḥdati, waḥdati
Yâ našîdân râʾeʿan yamlaʾo nafsi
Ante ʿahdon ʿâleqon fî kolle đemma
Râyati, râyati
Yâ nasijan ḥektoho men kolle šams
Oxlodi xâfeqatan fî kolle qemma
Ummati, ummati
Emnaḥini l-baʾsa yâ maṣdare baʾs
Wa-đxorini lake yâ akrama omma

ʿEšto Imâni wa ḥobbe sarmadiyâ
Wa masiri fawqa darbi ʿarabiyâ
Wa sayabqâ nabḍo qalbi yamaniyâ
Lan tarâ d-donyâ ʿalâ arḍi waṣiyâ.

[ræd.dɪ.di ʔæ.jæ.tʊ.hæː‿d.dʊn.jæː næ.ʃiː.diː]
[ræd.dɪ.di.hɪ wɑ.ʔɑ.ʕɪː.diː wɑ.ʔɑ.ʕɪː.diː]
[wɑːð.kʊ.ri fiː fɑr.ħɑ.ti kʊl.læ ʃæ.hiː.di]
[wɑːm.nɑ.ħɪ.hi ħʊ.læ.læːn mɪn dˤɑw.ʕɪ ʕɪː.diː]
𝄆 [ræd.dɪ.di ʔæ.jæ.tʊ.hæː‿d.dʊn.jæː næ.ʃiː.diː] 𝄇

[wɑħ.dæ.ti wɑħ.dæ.ti]
[jæː næ.ʃiː.dæn rɑ̯ː.ʔɪ.ʕɑn jæm.læ.ʔʊ næ]
[æn.tɪ ʕɑh.dʊn ʕɑ.lɪ.qʊn fiː kʊl.lɪ ðɪm.mæ]
[rɑː.jæ.ti rɑː.jæ.ti]
[jæː næ.si.ʄæn ħɪk.tʊ.hu mɪn kʊl.lɪ ʃæ]
[ʊχ.lʊ.di χɑ.fɪ.qɑ.tæn fiː kʊl.lɪ qɪm.mæ]
[ʊm.mæ.ti ʊm.mæ.ti]
[ɪm.nɑ.ħɪ.nɪ‿l.bæʔ.sæ jæː mɑsˤ.dɑ.rɪ bæʔ.si]
[wɑð.χʊ.rɪ.ni læ.ki jæː æk.rɑ.mæ ʊm.mɑ]

[ʕɪʃ.tʊ i.mæː.ni wɑ.ħʊ u.mæ.mi.jæ]
[wɑ mæ.sɪ.ri fɑw.qɑ dɑ ʕɑ.rɑ.bi.jæ]
[wɑ sæ.jæb.qɑː nɑb.dˤʊ qɑ jæ.mæ.ni.jæ]
[læn tɑ.rɑː‿d.dʊn.jæː ʕɑ.læ ɑr.dˤɪ wɑ.sˤɪ.jæ]

Repeat, O World, my song.
Echo it over and over again.
Remember, through my joy, each martyr.
Clothe her with the shining mantles of our festivals.
𝄆 Repeat, O World, my song. 𝄇

My unity, my unity
O marvelous song which fills my heart,
You are the promise of all to come,
My banner, my banner
O cloth nailed from every sun
Raised forever, on every peak
My nation, my nation
give me strength, o source of strength
And save me for you, the best of nations.

In faith and love I am part of mankind,
And I shall march first among the Arabs.
And my heart beat shall remain that of a Yemenite.
No foreigner shall ever hold dominion over Yemen.

1979–2006 Version

Arabic original Arabic romanization English translation

رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي
ردديه وأعيدي وأعيدي
واذكري في فرحتي كل شهيد
وأمنحيه حللاً من ضوء عيدي
𝄇 رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي 𝄆

يـا بلادي نحن أبنـاء وأحفاد رجالك
سوف نحمي كل ما بين يدينا من جلالـك
وسيبقى خالد الضوء على كل المسالك
كل صخرة في جبالك
كل ذرة في رمالك

كـل أنداءفي ضـلالـك
إنـها ملك أمـانينا الـكبيرة
𝄇 جاء من أمجاد ماضيك المثيرة 𝄆


وحدتي … وحدتي
يا نشيدا رائـعاً يملأ نـفسي أنتِ عـهد عالق في كل ذمة
رايتي … رايتي
يا نسيجاً حكته من كل شـمس اخـلدي خافقة في كل قمة
أمتي … أمتي
امنحيني البأس يا مصدر بأسي واذخريني لك يا أكرم أمة

عشت إيماني وحبي سرمديا
ومسيري فوق دربي عربيا
وسيبقى نبـض قلبي يمنيا
لن ترى الدنيا على أرضي وصيا
𝄇 رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي 𝄆


Raddedi ʾayatuhâ d-donyâ našîdî
Raddedihe wa-ʾaʿîdî wa-ʾaʿîdî
Wā-đkori fî farḥati kolla šahîde
Wā-menaḥihe ḥolllân men ḍawʾe ʿîdî.
𝄆 Raddedi ʾayatuhâ d-donyâ našîdî 𝄇

Yâ Belâdi, naḥno ʾabnâʾo wa-ʾaḥfâdo rejâlek
Sawfa naḥmi kolla mâ bayna yadayna men jalâlek
Wa sayabqâ xâleda ḍ-ḍawʾe ʿalâ kolle al-masâlek
Kollo ṣaxre fî jebâlek,
Kollo đarrate fî remâlek.

Kollo ʾandâʾ fî ḍelâlek,
ʾEnnahâ melko ʾamâninâ l-kabira,
Jâʾa men ʾamjâde mâḍike l-moþira.


Waḥdati, waḥdati
Yâ našîdân râʾeʿan yamlaʾo nafsi, ante ʿahdon ʿâleqon fî kolle đemma
Râyati, râyati
Yâ nasijan ħektoho men kolle šams oxlodi xâfeqatan fî kolle qemma
Ommati, ommati
Emnaḥini l-baʾsa yâ maṣdare baʾs wa-đxorini lake yâ akrama omma

ʿEšto Imâni wa ḥobbe sarmadiyâ
Wa masiri fawqa darbi ʿarabiyâ
Wa sayabqâ nabḍo qalbi yamaniyâ
Lan tarâ d-donyâ ʿalâ arḍi waṣiyâ.
𝄆 Raddedi ʾayatuhâ d-donyâ našîdî 𝄇


Repeat, O World, my song.
Echo it over and over again.
Remember, through my joy, each martyr.
Clothe her with the shining mantles of our festivals.
𝄆 Repeat, O World, my song. 𝄇

O my country, we are children and grandchildren of your men.
We will guard all of your majesty in our hands.
Its light will remain for ever, in every place.
Every rock of your mountains,
Every particle of your soil.

All the moisture of your waters
Are ours.
It is the sovereign of our hopes,
Our rights.
They come from the great glories of your past.


My unity, my unity
O marvelous song which fills my heart, you are the promise of all to come,
My banner, my banner
O cloth nailed from every sun raised forever, on every peak
My nation, my nation
Give me strength, o source of strength, and save me for you, the best of nations.

In faith and love I am part of mankind,
And I shall march first among the Arabs.
And my heart beat shall remain that of a Yemenite.
No foreigner shall ever hold dominion over Yemen.
𝄆 Repeat, O World, my song. 𝄇


See also



This article uses material from the Wikipedia English article National anthem of Yemen, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license ("CC BY-SA 3.0"); additional terms may apply (view authors). Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.
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National Anthem Of Yemen LyricsNational Anthem Of YemenAbdullah Abdulwahhab Nu'manArabic languageAyoob TarishIncipitNational anthemRomanization of ArabicSouth YemenYemenYemeni unification

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