wikiproject Mathematics/List Of Mathematics Articles

♯P -- P (complexity) -- P-adic analysis -- P-adic cohomology -- P-adic distribution -- P-adic exponential function -- P-adic gamma function -- P-adic Hodge theory -- P-adic L-function -- P-adic modular form -- P-adic number -- P-adic Teichmüller theory -- P-adic valuation -- P-adically closed field -- P-basis -- P-compact group -- ♯P-complete -- ♯P-completeness of 01-permanent -- P-constrained group -- P-core -- P-curvature -- P-derivation -- P-FEM -- P-group -- P-group generation algorithm -- P-Laplacian -- P-matrix -- P-recursive equation -- P-rep -- P-residual subgroup -- P-soluble group -- P-space -- P-stable group -- P-value -- P-variation -- P versus NP problem -- P-y method --


P p

P/poly -- P2-irreducible manifold -- PA degree -- Pace count beads -- Pachner moves -- Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences -- Pacific Journal of Mathematics -- Package-merge algorithm -- Packed storage matrix -- Packet erasure channel -- Packing density -- Packing dimension -- Packing in a hypergraph -- Packing measure -- Packing problem -- Pacman conjecture -- Padding argument -- Padé approximant -- Padé table -- Paden–Kahan subproblems -- Padmakar–Ivan index -- Padovan cuboid spiral -- Padovan polynomials -- Padovan sequence -- Padua points -- Page's trend test -- PageRank -- Paid survey -- Painlevé conjecture -- Painlevé transcendents -- Painter's algorithm -- Pair of pants (mathematics) -- Pair of spaces -- Paired comparison analysis -- Paired data -- Paired difference test -- Pairing -- Pairing function -- Pairwise -- Pairwise compatibility graph -- Pairwise error probability -- Pairwise independence -- Pairwise Stone space -- Pairwise summation -- Paitamaha Siddhanta --


Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology -- Pakistan Mathematical Society -- Pakistan Statistical Society -- Palais–Smale compactness condition -- Palais theorem -- Palatini identity -- Paley construction -- Paley graph -- Paley–Wiener integral -- Paley–Wiener theorem -- Paley–Zygmund inequality -- Palindromic number -- Palindromic prime -- Palm calculus -- Palm–Khintchine theorem -- Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians -- Pan-African Mathematics Olympiads -- Pancake graph -- Panconnectivity -- Pancyclic graph -- Pandiagonal magic cube -- Pandiagonal magic square -- Pandigital number -- Paneitz operator -- Panel data -- Panichatra -- Panjer recursion -- Pansu derivative -- Pantachy -- Pantelides algorithm -- Pantriagonal magic cube --


Paper bag problem -- Pappus chain -- Pappus configuration -- Pappus graph -- Pappus's area theorem -- Pappus's centroid theorem -- Pappus's hexagon theorem -- Pappus's theorem -- Pappus's theorem (disambiguation) -- Parabiaugmented dodecahedron -- Parabiaugmented hexagonal prism -- Parabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron -- Parabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Parabigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron -- Parabola -- Parabola of safety -- Parabolic constant -- Parabolic coordinates -- Parabolic cylinder function -- Parabolic cylindrical coordinates -- Parabolic fractal distribution -- Parabolic geometry -- Parabolic geometry (differential geometry) -- Parabolic geometry (disambiguation) -- Parabolic induction -- Parabolic Lie algebra -- Parabolic line -- Parabolic partial differential equation -- Paraboloid -- Paraboloidal coordinates -- Paracompact space -- Paracompact uniform honeycombs -- Paraconsistent logic -- Paraconsistent mathematics -- Paradiseo -- Paradox of enrichment -- Paradoxes of set theory -- Paradoxes of the Infinite -- Paradoxical set -- Parafactorial local ring -- Parafree group -- Paragyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Parallax -- Parallel (geometry) -- Parallel (operator) -- Parallel all-pairs shortest path algorithm -- Parallel analysis -- Parallel breadth-first search -- Parallel coordinates -- Parallel curve -- Parallel mesh generation -- Parallel metaheuristic -- Parallel parking problem -- Parallel postulate -- Parallel projection -- Parallel redrawing -- Parallel single-source shortest path algorithm -- Parallel tempering -- Parallel transport -- Parallelepiped -- Parallelizable manifold -- Parallelization (mathematics) -- Parallelogon -- Parallelogram -- Parallelogram law -- Parallelogram of force -- Parallelohedron -- Parameter -- Parameter space -- Parameter word -- Parameterized complexity -- Parametric array -- Parametric derivative -- Parametric equation -- Parametric family -- Parametric model -- Parametric oscillator -- Parametric programming -- Parametric search -- Parametric statistics -- Parametric surface -- Parametrix -- Parametrization -- Parametrization (geometry) -- Paramodular group -- Paranormal operator -- Paranormal space -- Paranormal subgroup -- Paraproduct -- Parareal -- Parasitic number -- Parasitic oscillation -- Parastatistics -- Paratingent cone -- Paratopological group -- Paravector -- Parbelos -- Pareigis Hopf algebra -- Parent function -- Pareto analysis -- Pareto chart -- Pareto distribution -- Pareto efficiency -- Pareto index -- Pareto interpolation -- Pareto principle -- Pareto set -- Pariah group -- Paris–Harrington theorem -- Parity (mathematics) -- Parity bit -- Parity-check matrix -- Parity function -- Parity game -- Parity graph -- Parity learning -- Parity of a permutation -- Parity of zero -- Parity P -- Parity plot -- Parity problem (sieve theory) -- Park test -- Parker–Sochacki method -- Parker vector -- Parovicenko space -- Parrondo's paradox -- Parry–Daniels map -- Parry point (triangle) -- Parry–Sullivan invariant -- Parseval–Gutzmer formula -- Parseval's identity -- Parseval's theorem -- Parshin chain -- Parshin's conjecture -- Parsimonious reduction -- Part III of the Mathematical Tripos -- Part number -- Part-of-speech tagging -- Parthasarathy's theorem -- Partial algebra -- Partial autocorrelation function -- Partial correlation -- Partial cube -- Partial cyclic order -- Partial derivative -- Partial differential algebraic equation -- Partial differential equation -- Partial element equivalent circuit -- Partial equivalence relation -- Partial evaluation -- Partial fraction decomposition -- Partial fractions in complex analysis -- Partial function -- Partial geometry -- Partial group algebra -- Partial groupoid -- Partial inverse of a matrix -- Partial isometry -- Partial k-tree -- Partial least squares path modeling -- Partial least squares regression -- Partial leverage -- Partial linear space -- Partial order reduction -- Partial permutation -- Partial products algorithm -- Partial regression plot -- Partial residual plot -- Partial return reverse swap -- Partial trace -- Partial word -- Partially observable Markov decision process -- Partially ordered group -- Partially ordered ring -- Partially ordered set -- Partially ordered space -- Participation inequality -- Particle filter -- Particle in a box -- Particle in a ring -- Particle in a spherically symmetric potential -- Particle-in-cell -- Particle method -- Particle physics and representation theory -- Particle statistics -- Particle swarm optimization -- Particular point topology -- Particular values of the gamma function -- Particular values of the Riemann zeta function -- Partisan game -- Partition (number theory) -- Partition algebra -- Partition cardinal -- Partition cardinal (disambiguation) -- Partition function (mathematics) -- Partition function (number theory) -- Partition matroid -- Partition of a set -- Partition of an interval -- Partition of sums of squares -- Partition of unity -- Partition regularity -- Partition topology -- Parts-per notation -- Party-list proportional representation -- Parvaresh–Vardy code --


Pascal matrix -- Pascal's calculator -- Pascal's mugging -- Pascal's pyramid -- Pascal's rule -- Pascal's simplex -- Pascal's theorem -- Pascal's triangle -- Pascal's wager -- Pasch's axiom -- Pasch's theorem -- Passive sampling -- Pasta by Design -- Pasting lemma -- Patch test (finite elements) -- Path (graph theory) -- Path (topology) -- Path analysis (statistics) -- Path-based strong component algorithm -- Path coefficient -- Path coloring -- Path cover -- Path dependence -- Path graph -- Path integral -- Path integral (disambiguation) -- Path integral formulation -- Path integral molecular dynamics -- Path integral Monte Carlo -- Path of least resistance -- Path ordering (term rewriting) -- Path space -- Path space (algebraic topology) -- Path space fibration -- Pathani Samanta -- Pathological (mathematics) -- Pathwidth -- Patlak plot -- Pattern -- Pattern Blocks -- Pattern calculus -- Pattern formation -- Pattern search (optimization) -- Pattern theory -- Patterns in nature -- Patterson function --


Paul Erdős Award -- Paul Erdős Prize -- Paul Grice -- Paul R. Halmos – Lester R. Ford Award -- Pauli group -- Pauli–Lubanski pseudovector -- Pauli matrices -- Paulisa Siddhanta -- Paving matroid -- PCF theory -- PCLake -- PCO2 -- PCP theorem -- PDE-constrained optimization -- PDE surface -- PDIFF -- Peak algebra -- Peakon -- Peano axioms -- Peano curve -- Peano existence theorem -- Peano kernel theorem -- Peano–Russell notation -- Peano surface -- Pear-shaped -- Pearcey integral -- Pearls in Graph Theory -- Pearson correlation coefficient -- Pearson distribution -- Pearson's chi-squared test -- Peaucellier–Lipkin linkage --


Pebble game -- Pebble motion problems -- Peccot Lectures -- PECE -- Peck poset -- Pedal curve -- Pedal equation -- Pedal triangle -- Pedoe's inequality -- Peeling theorem -- Peetre theorem -- Peetre's inequality -- Peg + Cat -- Peirce decomposition -- Peirce quincuncial projection -- Peirce's criterion -- Peirce's law -- Peixoto's theorem -- Pell number -- Pell's equation -- Pen's parade -- Penalty method -- Penannular -- Pencil (geometry) -- Pendent -- Pendulum (mechanics) -- Penney's game -- Penny graph -- Penrose diagram -- Penrose graphical notation -- Penrose–Lucas argument -- Penrose stairs -- Penrose tiling -- Penrose transform -- Penrose triangle -- Pentacontagon -- Pentadecagon -- Pentadecahedron -- Pentadiagonal matrix -- Pentadic numerals -- Pentagon -- Pentagon tiling -- Pentagonal antiprism -- Pentagonal bifrustum -- Pentagonal bipyramid -- Pentagonal cupola -- Pentagonal gyrobicupola -- Pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda -- Pentagonal hexecontahedron -- Pentagonal icositetrahedron -- Pentagonal number -- Pentagonal number theorem -- Pentagonal orthobicupola -- Pentagonal orthobirotunda -- Pentagonal orthocupolarotunda -- Pentagonal polytope -- Pentagonal prism -- Pentagonal pyramid -- Pentagonal rotunda -- Pentagonal trapezohedron -- Pentagram -- Pentagram map -- Pentagramma mirificum -- Pentagrammic antiprism -- Pentagrammic crossed-antiprism -- Pentagrammic cuploid -- Pentagrammic-order 600-cell honeycomb -- Pentagrammic prism -- Pentahedron -- Pentahexagonal pyritoheptacontatetrahedron -- Pentakis dodecahedron -- Pentakis icosidodecahedron -- Pentakis snub dodecahedron -- Pentaprism -- Pentation -- Pentatope number -- Pentellated 6-cubes -- Pentellated 6-orthoplexes -- Pentellated 6-simplexes -- Pentellated 7-cubes -- Pentellated 7-orthoplexes -- Pentellated 7-simplexes -- Pentellated 8-simplexes -- Pentic 6-cubes -- Pentic 7-cubes -- Pentomino --


PEPA -- Pépin's test -- Per-comparison error rate -- Per mil -- Percent sign -- Percentage -- Percentage point -- Percentile -- Percentile rank -- Percept (information technology) -- Perception -- Perceptrons (book) -- Percolation -- Percolation critical exponents -- Percolation theory -- Percolation threshold -- Peregrine soliton -- Peres metric -- Perfect complex -- Perfect core -- Perfect digit-to-digit invariant -- Perfect digital invariant -- Perfect field -- Perfect graph -- Perfect graph theorem -- Perfect group -- Perfect hash function -- Perfect lattice -- Perfect magic cube -- Perfect map -- Perfect matching in high-degree hypergraphs -- Perfect matrix -- Perfect measure -- Perfect number -- Perfect obstruction theory -- Perfect power -- Perfect ring -- Perfect ruler -- Perfect set -- Perfect set property -- Perfect spline -- Perfect square (disambiguation) -- Perfect thermal contact -- Perfect totient number -- Perfectly matched layer -- Perfectly orderable graph -- Perfectoid space -- Perifocal coordinate system -- Perimeter -- Period (algebraic geometry) -- Period domain -- Period-doubling bifurcation -- Period mapping -- Periodic boundary conditions -- Periodic continued fraction -- Periodic function -- Periodic graph (geometry) -- Periodic graph (graph theory) -- Periodic point -- Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings -- Periodic sequence -- Periodic summation -- Periodic table of shapes -- Periodic table of topological invariants -- Periodic variation -- Periodogram -- Peripheral cycle -- Peripheral subgroup -- Perkel graph -- Perko pair -- Perles configuration -- Perlin noise -- Permanent -- Permanent (mathematics) -- Permutable prime -- Permutable subgroup -- Permutation -- Permutation (music) -- Permutation automaton -- Permutation box -- Permutation category -- Permutation graph -- Permutation group -- Permutation matrix -- Permutation model -- Permutation pattern -- Permutation polynomial -- Permutation representation -- Permutation test -- Permutational analysis of variance -- Permute instruction -- Permuted congruential generator -- Permutoassociahedron -- Permutohedron -- Pernicious number -- Perpendicular -- Perpendicular axis theorem -- Perpendicular bisector construction -- Perpendicular bisector construction of a quadrilateral -- Perpendicular distance -- Perpetuant -- Perplexity -- Perrin number -- Perron–Frobenius theorem -- Perron method -- Perron number -- Perron's formula -- Perron's irreducibility criterion -- Persistence of a number -- Persistent homology -- Perspectiva corporum regularium -- Perspective (geometry) -- Perspective (graphical) -- Perspective geological correlation -- Perspectivity -- Persymmetric matrix -- PERT distribution -- Perturbation (astronomy) -- Perturbation function -- Perturbation problem beyond all orders -- Perturbation theory -- Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics) -- Perverse sheaf --


Pestov–Ionin theorem -- Petal projection -- Peter Simons (academic) -- Peter–Weyl theorem -- Peters polynomials -- Petersen family -- Petersen graph -- Petersen–Morley theorem -- Petersen's theorem -- Peterson–Stein formula -- Petersson inner product -- Petersson trace formula -- Petherick code -- Petkovšek's algorithm -- Petr–Douglas–Neumann theorem -- Petrick's method -- Petrie dual -- Petrie polygon -- Petrov classification -- Petrov–Galerkin method -- Petrovsky lacuna -- Pettis integral -- Pettis' theorem -- Pfaffian -- Pfaffian function -- Pfaffian orientation -- Pfafstetter Coding System -- Pfeffer integral -- Pfister form -- Pfister's sixteen-square identity --


PG(3,2) -- PH (complexity) -- Phantom map -- Pharmaceutical Statistics -- Phase (waves) -- Phase boundary -- Phase diagram -- Phase-field model -- Phase-field models on graphs -- Phase line (mathematics) -- Phase plane -- Phase plane method -- Phase portrait -- Phase problem -- Phase reduction -- Phase response -- Phase retrieval -- Phase space -- Phase space crystals -- Phase-space formulation -- Phase space method -- Phase-type distribution -- Phase velocity -- Phason -- Phasor -- Phasor (physics) -- Phelim Boyle -- Phenotypic response surfaces -- Phi coefficient -- Phi-hiding assumption -- Philip J. Hanlon -- Phillips–Perron test -- Philo line -- Philosophia Mathematica -- Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica -- Philosophical analysis -- Philosophical interpretation of classical physics -- Philosophical logic -- Philosophy of Arithmetic -- Philosophy of computer science -- Philosophy of logic -- Philosophy of mathematics -- Philosophy of mathematics education -- Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal -- Philosophy of statistics --


Photomath -- Photometria -- Photon Doppler velocimetry -- Photon noise -- Phragmen–Brouwer theorem -- Phragmén–Lindelöf principle -- Phutball -- Physica A -- Physical constant -- Physical geodesy -- Physical knot theory -- Physical mathematics -- Physical symbol system -- Physics (Aristotle) -- Physics-informed neural networks -- Physics of computation -- Pi -- Pi (art project) -- Pi (film) -- Pi (letter) -- Pi-calculus -- Pi Day -- Pi in the Sky -- Pi Mu Epsilon -- Pi-system -- Picard–Fuchs equation -- Picard group -- Picard horn -- Picard–Lefschetz theory -- Picard–Lindelöf theorem -- Picard modular group -- Picard modular surface -- Picard theorem -- Picard–Vessiot theory -- Pick's theorem -- Pickands–Balkema–De Haan theorem -- Pickover stalk -- Picone identity -- Picture (mathematics) -- Picture function --


Pidduck polynomials -- Pidgin code -- Pie chart -- Piecewise -- Piecewise-deterministic Markov process -- Piecewise linear -- Piecewise linear (disambiguation) -- Piecewise linear continuation -- Piecewise linear function -- Piecewise linear manifold -- Piecewise syndetic set -- Pierce–Birkhoff conjecture -- Pieri's formula -- Pierpont prime -- Pigeonhole principle -- Pignistic probability -- PiHex -- Piling-up lemma -- Pilish -- Pill puzzle -- Pillai prime -- Pillai sequence -- Pillai's arithmetical function -- Pillai's conjecture -- Pin group -- Pinch point (mathematics) -- Pinched torus -- Pincherle derivative -- Pincherle polynomials -- Ping-pong lemma -- Pink triangle -- Pinsker's inequality -- Pinsky phenomenon -- Pinwheel tiling --


Pioneering Women in American Mathematics -- Pip (counting) -- Pipe network analysis -- Pipelined CORDIC -- Piphilology -- Pirate game -- Pisano period -- Pisier–Ringrose inequality -- Pisot–Vijayaraghavan number -- Pitchfork bifurcation -- Pitman closeness criterion -- Pitman–Yor process -- Pitot theorem -- Pitteway triangulation -- Pivot element -- Pivotal quantity -- Pixel connectivity -- Pixlet -- Pizza theorem -- PL (complexity) -- Place-permutation action -- Plactic monoid -- PlaidML -- Plain hunt -- Planar (computer graphics) -- Planar algebra -- Planar cover -- Planar Fourier capture array -- Planar graph -- Planar lamina -- Planar projection -- Planar Riemann surface -- Planar SAT -- Planar separator theorem -- Planar straight-line graph -- Planar ternary ring -- Planarity -- Planarity testing -- Plancherel measure -- Plancherel theorem -- Plancherel theorem for spherical functions -- Plane (geometry) -- Plane at infinity -- Plane curve -- Plane geometry (disambiguation) -- Plane of incidence -- Plane of rotation -- Plane partition -- Plane symmetry -- Plane wave -- Plane-wave expansion -- Planetary coordinate system -- Planetary surface -- PlanetMath -- Planigon -- Planimeter -- Planimetrics -- Planisphaerium -- Plant arithmetic -- Planted clique -- Plasma stability -- Plastic ratio -- Plate notation -- Plate trick -- Plateau (mathematics) -- Plateau's laws -- Plateau's problem -- Plato -- Plato's number -- Platonic graph -- Platonic hydrocarbon -- Platonic realism -- Platonic solid -- Plausible reasoning -- Playfair cipher -- Playfair's axiom -- Playing with Infinity --


Pleated surface -- Plebanski tensor -- Plesiohedron -- Plethysm -- Plethystic exponential -- Plethystic substitution -- Plimpton 322 -- Plot sampling -- Plotinus -- Plotkin bound -- Plotting algorithms for the Mandelbrot set -- PLS (complexity) -- Plücker coordinates -- Plücker embedding -- Plücker formula -- Plücker matrix -- Plücker surface -- Plücker's conoid -- Plug-in principle -- Plumbing (mathematics) -- Plural quantification -- Pluriharmonic function -- Pluripolar set -- Plurisubharmonic function -- Plus and minus signs -- Plus construction -- Plus Magazine -- Plus–minus sign -- Pochhammer contour -- Pochhammer k-symbol -- Pocket Cube -- Pocket set theory -- Pocklington primality test -- Pocklington's algorithm -- Pocock boundary --


Pohlig–Hellman algorithm -- Pohlke's theorem -- Poincaré–Bendixson theorem -- Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem -- Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem -- Poincaré complex -- Poincaré conjecture -- Poincaré disk model -- Poincaré duality -- Poincaré group -- Poincaré half-plane model -- Poincaré–Hopf theorem -- Poincaré inequality -- Poincaré–Lelong equation -- Poincaré–Lindstedt method -- Poincaré map -- Poincaré Medal -- Poincaré metric -- Poincaré–Miranda theorem -- Poincaré model -- Poincaré model (disambiguation) -- Poincaré plot -- Poincaré recurrence theorem -- Poincaré residue -- Poincaré Seminars -- Poincaré separation theorem -- Poincaré series -- Poincaré series (disambiguation) -- Poincaré series (modular form) -- Poincaré space -- Poincaré–Steklov operator -- Poincaré transformation -- Poinsot's spirals -- Point (geometry) -- Point accepted mutation -- Point at infinity -- Point-biserial correlation coefficient -- Point estimation -- Point-finite collection -- Point-free -- Point-free (disambiguation) -- Point group -- Point groups in four dimensions -- Point groups in three dimensions -- Point groups in two dimensions -- Point in polygon -- Point–line–plane postulate -- Point location -- Point mass -- Point-normal triangle -- Point of view (philosophy) -- Point-pair separation -- Point plotting -- Point process -- Point process notation -- Point process operation -- Point Processes -- Point reflection -- Point set triangulation -- Point source -- Pointclass -- Pointed set -- Pointed space -- Pointless topology -- Points of the compass -- Pointwise -- Pointwise convergence -- Pointwise mutual information -- Pointwise order -- Pointwise product -- Poisson algebra -- Poisson binomial distribution -- Poisson boundary -- Poisson bracket -- Poisson clumping -- Poisson distribution -- Poisson formula -- Poisson kernel -- Poisson–Lie group -- Poisson limit theorem -- Poisson manifold -- Poisson point process -- Poisson random measure -- Poisson random numbers -- Poisson regression -- Poisson ring -- Poisson sampling -- Poisson scatter theorem -- Poisson summation formula -- Poisson superalgebra -- Poisson supermanifold -- Poisson wavelet -- Poisson's equation --


Poker Effective Hand Strength (EHS) algorithm -- Poker probability -- Pokhozhaev's identity -- Polar action -- Polar circle (geometry) -- Polar code (coding theory) -- Polar coordinate system -- Polar curve -- Polar decomposition -- Polar factorization theorem -- Polar graph -- Polar homology -- Polar hypersurface -- Polar plotter -- Polar point group -- Polar representation -- Polar set -- Polar set (potential theory) -- Polar sine -- Polar space -- Polar topology -- Polarization (Lie algebra) -- Polarization constants -- Polarization identity -- Polarization of an algebraic form -- Pole (complex analysis) -- Pole and polar -- Policy capturing -- Polignac's conjecture -- Polish group -- Polish Logic -- Polish Mathematical Society -- Polish notation -- Polish School of Mathematics -- Polish space -- Polite number -- Political forecasting -- Pollard's kangaroo algorithm -- Pollard's p − 1 algorithm -- Pollard's rho algorithm -- Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms -- Pollination network -- Pollock's conjectures -- Pollyanna Creep -- Poloidal–toroidal decomposition -- Poly-Bernoulli number -- Poly-Weibull distribution -- Pólya conjecture -- Pólya enumeration theorem -- Pólya Prize -- Pólya Prize (disambiguation) -- Pólya Prize (LMS) -- Pólya–Szegő inequality -- Pólya urn model -- Pólya-Vinogradov inequality -- Polyabolo -- Polyad -- Polyadic algebra -- Polyadic space -- Polyakov formula -- Polychoric correlation -- Polycon -- Polyconvex function -- Polycube -- Polycule -- Polycyclic group -- Polydisc -- Polydivisible number -- Polydrafter -- Polyform -- Polygamma function -- Polygenic score -- Polygon -- Polygon-circle graph -- Polygon covering -- Polygon density -- Polygon partition -- Polygon soup -- Polygon triangulation -- Polygon with holes -- Polygonal chain -- Polygonal number -- Polygonal turning -- Polygonalization -- Polygonizer -- Polygram (geometry) -- Polygraph (mathematics) -- Polyharmonic spline -- Polyhedra (book) -- Polyhedral -- Polyhedral combinatorics -- Polyhedral complex -- Polyhedral graph -- Polyhedral group -- Polyhedral space -- Polyhedral terrain -- Polyhedron -- Polyhedron model -- Polyhex (mathematics) -- Polyiamond -- Polykay -- Polyknight -- PolyL -- Polylogarithm -- Polylogarithmic function -- Polymake -- Polymath Project -- Polymatroid -- Polynomial -- Polynomial and rational function modeling -- Polynomial chaos -- Polynomial code -- Polynomial creativity -- Polynomial decomposition -- Polynomial differential form -- Polynomial Diophantine equation -- Polynomial evaluation -- Polynomial expansion -- Polynomial function theorems for zeros -- Polynomial functor -- Polynomial greatest common divisor -- Polynomial hierarchy -- Polynomial identity ring -- Polynomial identity testing -- Polynomial interpolation -- Polynomial lemniscate -- Polynomial long division -- Polynomial mapping -- Polynomial matrix -- Polynomial matrix spectral factorization -- Polynomial method in combinatorics -- Polynomial reduction -- Polynomial regression -- Polynomial remainder theorem -- Polynomial ring -- Polynomial sequence -- Polynomial solutions of P-recursive equations -- Polynomial SOS -- Polynomial-time approximation scheme -- Polynomial-time reduction -- Polynomial transformation -- Polynomial Wigner–Ville distribution -- Polynomially reflexive space -- Polynomials calculating sums of powers of arithmetic progressions -- Polynormal subgroup -- Polyomino -- Polyominoid -- Polyphase matrix -- Polyphase sequence -- Polystick -- Polysyllogism -- Polytetrahedron -- Polytomous Rasch model -- Polytope -- Polytope compound -- Polytope families -- Polytope graph -- Polytopological space -- Polytree -- Polytrope -- Polyvector field --


Pomeau–Manneville scenario -- Pompeiu derivative -- Pompeiu problem -- Pompeiu's theorem -- Poncelet point -- Poncelet Prize -- Poncelet–Steiner theorem -- Poncelet's closure theorem -- Pons asinorum -- Ponte del Diavolo -- Pontifex (project) -- Pontryagin class -- Pontryagin cohomology operation -- Pontryagin duality -- Pontryagin product -- Pontryagin's maximum principle -- Pooled standard deviation -- Pooled variance -- Pop music automation -- Popov criterion -- Popoviciu's inequality -- Popoviciu's inequality on variances -- Poppy-seed bagel theorem -- Popular mathematics -- Population balance equation -- Population-based incremental learning -- Population modeling -- Population process -- Population variance -- Population viability analysis --


Porcelain tile -- Poretsky's law of forms -- Porism -- Porous set -- Port-Royal Logic -- Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation -- Portal Mathematics [[Talk:Portal:Mathematics| ]] -- Porteous formula -- Porter's constant -- Portmanteau test -- Portmanteau theorem -- Portugaliae Mathematica -- Portuguese Mathematical Society -- Pósa's theorem -- Pöschl–Teller potential -- Poset game -- Poset topology -- Posetal category -- Position (vector) -- Position circle -- Position line -- Position resection and intersection -- Positional game -- Positional notation -- Positive and negative parts -- Positive and negative predictive values -- Positive and negative sets -- Positive current -- Positive-definite function -- Positive-definite function on a group -- Positive-definite kernel -- Positive definiteness -- Positive definiteness (disambiguation) -- Positive feedback -- Positive form -- Positive harmonic function -- Positive linear functional -- Positive linear operator -- Positive map -- Positive operator (Hilbert space) -- Positive polynomial -- Positive-real function -- Positive real numbers -- Positive semidefinite -- Positive semidefinite (disambiguation) -- Positive set theory -- Positively invariant set -- Positively separated sets -- Posner's theorem -- Possibility theory -- Possible Worlds (play) -- Post correspondence problem -- Post hoc analysis -- Post hoc ergo propter hoc -- Post-Newtonian expansion -- Post–Turing machine -- Post's inversion formula -- Post's lattice -- Post's theorem -- Postage stamp problem -- PostBQP -- PostBQP = PP -- Postcondition -- Posterior predictive distribution -- Posterior probability -- Postnikov square -- Postnikov system -- Postselection -- Posynomial --


Potato paradox -- Potato peeling -- Potential -- Potential energy surface -- Potential flow -- Potential function -- Potential function (disambiguation) -- Potential good reduction -- Potential gradient -- Potential isomorphism -- Potential theory -- Potentiality and actuality -- Potsdam Miracle -- PottersWheel -- Potts model -- Pourbaix diagram -- Poussin graph -- Poussin proof -- Powell's method -- Power associativity -- Power automorphism -- Power center (geometry) -- Power closed -- Power diagram -- Power graph analysis -- Power iteration -- Power law -- Power law of cache misses -- Power mean -- Power of 10 -- Power of a point -- Power of three -- Power of two -- Power residue symbol -- Power rule -- Power series -- Power series solution of differential equations -- Power set -- Power sum symmetric polynomial -- Power transform -- Power, root-power, and field quantities -- Powerful number -- Powerful p-group --


Poynting vector -- PP (complexity) -- PPA (complexity) -- PPAD (complexity) -- PPP (complexity) -- PR (complexity) -- PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Programme -- Practical number -- Practical reason -- Prahalad Chunnilal Vaidya -- Pramana -- Pramāṇa-samuccaya -- Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis -- Pratibandhaka -- Pre-abelian category -- Pre-algebra -- Pre-intuitionism -- Pre-Lie algebra -- Pre-math skills -- Pre-measure -- Pre-topological order -- Preadditive category -- Precalculus -- Precession -- Precision (computer science) -- Precision (statistics) -- Preclosure operator -- Precoloring extension -- Preconditioned Crank–Nicolson algorithm -- Preconditioner -- Predicate (mathematical logic) -- Predicate calculus -- Predicate functor logic -- Predicate variable -- Predicative programming -- Predictable σ-algebra -- Predictable process -- Predictable stopping time -- Prediction interval -- Predictive analytics -- Predictive inference -- Predictive informatics -- Predictive intake modelling -- Predictive modelling -- Predictive state representation -- Predictive validity -- Predictor–corrector method -- Predual -- Preference regression -- Preferential attachment -- Preferential entailment -- Preferred number -- Prefix code -- Prefix grammar -- Prefix order -- Pregaussian class -- Pregeometry -- Pregeometry (disambiguation) -- Pregeometry (model theory) -- Pregeometry (physics) -- Pregroup -- Prehistoric counting -- Prehomogeneous vector space -- Preimage theorem -- Preissman's theorem -- Prékopa–Leindler inequality -- Premature convergence -- Prenex normal form -- Preorder -- Preordered class -- Preparata code -- Preparation theorem -- Preparation theorem (disambiguation) -- Preradical -- Presburger arithmetic -- Prescribed Ricci curvature problem -- Prescribed scalar curvature problem -- Presentation complex -- Presentation of a group -- Presentation of a monoid -- Presheaf (category theory) -- Presheaf with transfers -- President of the American Statistical Association -- President of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics -- President of the Royal Statistical Society -- President of the Statistical Society of Canada -- Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching -- Press–Schechter formalism -- PRESS statistic -- Pressure-correction method -- Prestack -- Presymplectic form -- Pretopological space -- Pretzel link -- Prevalent and shy sets -- Prewellordering -- Prezi --


Price of stability -- Price optimization -- Price's model -- Pricing kernel -- Priestley space -- Prim's algorithm -- Primal constraint graph -- Primal graph (disambiguation) -- Primal ideal -- Primality certificate -- Primality test -- Primality Testing for Beginners -- Primary cyclic group -- Primary decomposition -- Primary extension -- Primary ideal -- Primary Mathematics World Contest -- Primary pseudoperfect number -- Prime (order theory) -- Prime (symbol) -- Prime avoidance lemma -- Prime constant -- Prime-counting function -- Prime decomposition of 3-manifolds -- Prime element -- Prime end -- Prime factor exponent notation -- Prime-factor FFT algorithm -- Prime form -- Prime gap -- Prime geodesic -- Prime graph -- Prime ideal -- Prime ideal theorem -- Prime ideal theorem (disambiguation) -- Prime k-tuple -- Prime knot -- Prime manifold -- Prime model -- Prime number -- Prime number theorem -- Prime Obsession -- Prime omega function -- Prime power -- Prime quadruplet -- Prime reciprocal magic square -- Prime ring -- Prime signature -- Prime triplet -- Prime zeta function -- Prime95 -- Primecoin -- Primefree sequence -- PrimeGrid -- PrimePages -- Primes in arithmetic progression -- Primeval number -- Primitive abundant number -- Primitive element -- Primitive element (co-algebra) -- Primitive element (finite field) -- Primitive element theorem -- Primitive equations -- Primitive ideal -- Primitive notion -- Primitive part and content -- Primitive permutation group -- Primitive polynomial -- Primitive polynomial (field theory) -- Primitive recursive arithmetic -- Primitive recursive function -- Primitive recursive functional -- Primitive recursive set function -- Primitive ring -- Primitive root -- Primitive root (disambiguation) -- Primitive root modulo n -- Primitive semiperfect number -- Primon gas -- Primordial element (algebra) -- Primorial -- Primorial prime -- PRIMUS (journal) -- Prince Rupert's cube -- Princess and monster game -- Princeton Lectures in Analysis -- Princeton University Department of Mathematics -- Principal axis theorem -- Principal branch -- Principal bundle -- Principal component analysis -- Principal component regression -- Principal curvature -- Principal factor -- Principal geodesic analysis -- Principal homogeneous space -- Principal ideal -- Principal ideal domain -- Principal ideal ring -- Principal ideal theorem -- Principal indecomposable module -- Principal orbit type theorem -- Principal part -- Principal response curve -- Principal root of unity -- Principal series representation -- Principal stratification -- Principal subalgebra -- Principal value -- Principalization (algebra) -- Principia Mathematica -- Principle -- Principle of bivalence -- Principle of compositionality -- Principle of distributivity -- Principle of explosion -- Principle of indifference -- Principle of least action -- Principle of marginality -- Principle of maximum caliber -- Principle of maximum entropy -- Principle of permanence -- Principle of sufficient reason -- Principles and Standards for School Mathematics -- Principles of grid generation -- Principles of Hindu Reckoning -- Principles of Mathematical Analysis -- Principles of Mathematical Logic -- Principles of the Theory of Probability -- Prior Analytics -- Prior-independent mechanism -- Prior probability -- Priority heuristic -- Prism (geometry) -- PRISM (website) -- Prism correction -- Prism dioptre -- Prism graph -- Prismatic compound of antiprisms -- Prismatic compound of antiprisms with rotational freedom -- Prismatic compound of prisms -- Prismatic compound of prisms with rotational freedom -- Prismatic surface -- Prismatic uniform polyhedron -- Prismatoid -- Privacy-preserving computational geometry -- Prix Francoeur -- Prix Jaffé -- Prix Paul Doistau–Émile Blutet -- Prize of the Austrian Mathematical Society --


Pro-p group -- Pro-simplicial set -- Probabilistic analysis of algorithms -- Probabilistic argumentation -- Probabilistic automaton -- Probabilistic design -- Probabilistic encryption -- Probabilistic forecasting -- Probabilistic latent semantic analysis -- Probabilistic logic -- Probabilistic logic network -- Probabilistic method -- Probabilistic metric space -- Probabilistic number theory -- Probabilistic numerics -- Probabilistic proofs of non-probabilistic theorems -- Probabilistic proposition -- Probabilistic relational model -- Probabilistic risk assessment -- Probabilistic soft logic -- Probabilistic Turing machine -- Probabilistic voting theory -- Probabilistically checkable proof -- Probability -- Probability amplitude -- Probability and Mathematical Statistics -- Probability axioms -- Probability bounds analysis -- Probability box -- Probability density function -- Probability distribution -- Probability distribution function -- Probability distribution of extreme points of a Wiener stochastic process -- Probability-generating function -- Probability integral transform -- Probability interpretations -- Probability management -- Probability mass function -- Probability matching -- Probability measure -- Probability of direction -- Probability of error -- Probability of kill -- Probability-proportional-to-size sampling -- Probability space -- Probability Surveys -- Probability theory -- Probability Theory and Related Fields -- Probability vector -- Probable error -- Probable prime -- Probit -- Probit model -- Problem book -- Problem of Apollonius -- Problem of multiple generality -- Problem of points -- Problem solving -- Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics -- Problems in Latin squares -- Problems involving arithmetic progressions -- Problems, Problems, Problems -- ProbLog -- ProbOnto -- Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences -- Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute -- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society -- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society -- Procept -- Process capability -- Process control -- Process graph -- Process optimization -- Process performance qualification protocol -- Process Window Index -- Procrustes analysis -- Procrustes transformation -- Product (category theory) -- Product (mathematics) -- Product category -- Product-form solution -- Product integral -- Product measure -- Product metric -- Product numerical range -- Product of group subsets -- Product of groups -- Product of groups (disambiguation) -- Product of rings -- Product order -- Product rule -- Product term -- Product topology -- Productive matrix -- Products in algebraic topology -- Proebsting's paradox -- Professor Moriarty -- Professor of Mathematics, Glasgow -- Professor's Cube -- Professorship of Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge -- Professorship of Statistical Science, University of Cambridge -- Profinite group -- Profinite integer -- Profinite word -- Profit model -- Profunctor -- Prognostic equation -- Prognostics -- Program dependence graph -- Progressive function -- Progressive Graphics File -- Progressively measurable process -- Proizvolov's identity -- Proj construction -- Project Euler -- Project Mathematics! -- Project NExT -- Project SEED -- Projected dynamical system -- Projection (linear algebra) -- Projection (mathematics) -- Projection (measure theory) -- Projection (order theory) -- Projection (set theory) -- Projection body -- Projection formula -- Projection matrix -- Projection method (fluid dynamics) -- Projection plane -- Projection pursuit -- Projection pursuit regression -- Projection-slice theorem -- Projection-valued measure -- Projectionless C*-algebra -- Projections onto convex sets -- Projective bundle -- Projective cone -- Projective connection -- Projective cover -- Projective differential geometry -- Projective frame -- Projective geometry -- Projective group (disambiguation) -- Projective harmonic conjugate -- Projective hierarchy -- Projective Hilbert space -- Projective line -- Projective line over a ring -- Projective linear group -- Projective module -- Projective object -- Projective orthogonal group -- Projective plane -- Projective polyhedron -- Projective range -- Projective representation -- Projective semilinear group -- Projective Set (game) -- Projective space -- Projective tensor product -- Projective transformation -- Projective unitary group -- Projective variety -- Projective vector field -- Projectively extended real line -- Projectivization -- Prokhorov's theorem -- Prolate spheroidal coordinates -- Prolate spheroidal wave function -- Promoting adversaries -- Promptuary -- Pronic number -- Pronormal subgroup -- Prony equation -- Proof (2005 film) -- Proof (play) -- Proof (truth) -- Proof assistant -- Proof by contradiction -- Proof by contrapositive -- Proof by exhaustion -- Proof by infinite descent -- Proof by intimidation -- Proof calculus -- Proof-carrying code -- Proof complexity -- Proof compression -- Proof mining -- Proof net -- Proof-number search -- Proof of Bertrand's postulate -- Proof of concept -- Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem -- Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem for specific exponents -- Proof of impossibility -- Proof of knowledge -- Proof of O(log*n) time complexity of Union Find -- Proof of Stein's example -- Proof of the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function -- Proof procedure -- Proof School -- Proof sketch for Gödel's first incompleteness theorem -- Proof that π is irrational -- Proof that 22/7 exceeds π -- Proof that e is irrational -- Proof-theoretic semantics -- Proof theory -- Proof without words -- Proofs and Refutations -- Proofs from THE BOOK -- Proofs involving ordinary least squares -- Proofs involving the addition of natural numbers -- Proofs of convergence of random variables -- Proofs of elementary ring properties -- Proofs of Fermat's little theorem -- Proofs of quadratic reciprocity -- Proofs of trigonometric identities -- Proofs That Really Count -- PROP (category theory) -- Propagation graph -- Propagation of uncertainty -- Propagator -- Propensity probability -- Propensity score -- Propensity score matching -- Proper base change theorem -- Proper complexity function -- Proper convex function -- Proper forcing axiom -- Proper generalized decomposition -- Proper integral -- Proper linear model -- Proper map -- Proper morphism -- Proper orthogonal decomposition -- Proper score function -- Proper transfer function -- Property -- Property (mathematics) -- Property (philosophy) -- Property B -- Property of Baire -- Property P conjecture -- Proportion (architecture) -- Proportional control -- Proportional-fair rule -- Proportional hazards model -- Proportional reduction in loss -- Proportional reporting ratio -- Proportionality (mathematics) -- Proportionate reduction of error -- Proposition -- Propositional calculus -- Propositional directed acyclic graph -- Propositional formula -- Propositional function -- Propositional proof system -- Propositional variable -- Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes -- Proprism -- Prosecutor's fallacy -- Prosolvable group -- Prosthaphaeresis -- Protagoras -- Proth prime -- Proth's theorem -- Proto-cuneiform -- Proto-Indo-European numerals -- Proto-value function -- Protocol (science) -- Protorus -- Prototile -- Protractor -- Prouhet–Tarry–Escott problem -- Prouhet–Thue–Morse constant -- Provability logic -- Provable prime -- Proximal gradient methods for learning -- Proximal operator -- Proximity problems -- Proximity space -- Proxy (statistics) --


Prudnikov, Brychkov and Marichev -- Prüfer domain -- Prüfer group -- Prüfer manifold -- Prüfer rank -- Prüfer sequence -- Prüfer theorems -- Prune and search -- Prym differential -- Prym variety -- Pseudo-abelian category -- Pseudo algebraically closed field -- Pseudo-Anosov map -- Pseudo-arc -- Pseudo-Boolean function -- Pseudo-canonical variety -- Pseudo-deltoidal icositetrahedron -- Pseudo-determinant -- Pseudo-differential operator -- Pseudo-Euclidean space -- Pseudo-finite field -- Pseudo-functor -- Pseudo-Hadamard transform -- Pseudo-intersection -- Pseudo Jacobi polynomials -- Pseudo-marginal Metropolis–Hastings algorithm -- Pseudo-monotone operator -- Pseudo-multiplication -- Pseudo-order -- Pseudo-polynomial time -- Pseudo-polynomial transformation -- Pseudo-polyomino -- Pseudo-reductive group -- Pseudo-Riemannian manifold -- Pseudo-ring -- Pseudo-spectral method -- Pseudo-uniform polyhedron -- Pseudo-Zernike polynomials -- Pseudo-zero set -- Pseudoalgebra -- Pseudoanalytic function -- Pseudocircle -- Pseudocompact space -- Pseudocomplement -- Pseudocomplemented lattice -- Pseudoconvex function -- Pseudoconvexity -- Pseudoelementary class -- Pseudoforest -- Pseudogroup -- Pseudoholomorphic curve -- Pseudoideal -- Pseudoisotopy theorem -- Pseudolikelihood -- Pseudomanifold -- Pseudomathematics -- Pseudomedian -- Pseudometric -- Pseudometric (disambiguation) -- Pseudometric space -- Pseudonormal space -- Pseudoprime -- Pseudorandom ensemble -- Pseudorandom generator -- Pseudorandom generator theorem -- Pseudorandom graph -- Pseudorandom noise -- Pseudorandom number generator -- Pseudorandom permutation -- Pseudorandomness -- Pseudorealism -- Pseudoreflection -- Pseudoreplication -- Pseudoscalar -- Pseudospectral knotting method -- Pseudospectrum -- Pseudosphere -- Pseudotensor -- Pseudotriangle -- Pseudovector --


Psi function -- Psi function (disambiguation) -- PSL(2,7) -- PSPACE -- PSPACE-complete -- PSPACE-hard -- Psychological statistics -- Psychologism -- Psychology of reasoning -- PT-group -- Ptak space -- PTAS reduction -- Ptolemaic graph -- Ptolemy's table of chords -- Ptolemy's theorem -- Pu's inequality -- Public-key cryptography -- Public Opinion Quarterly -- Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen -- Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS -- Pugh's closing lemma -- Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition -- Puig subgroup -- Puiseux series -- Pulation square -- Pullback -- Pullback (category theory) -- Pullback (cohomology) -- Pullback (differential geometry) -- Pullback attractor -- Pullback bundle --


Pumping lemma -- Pumping lemma for context-free languages -- Pumping lemma for regular languages -- Puncture (topology) -- Punctured code -- Puppe sequence -- Purchasing power parity -- Pure function -- Pure inductive logic -- Pure mathematics -- Pure subgroup -- Pure submodule -- Pure type system -- Purely inseparable extension -- Purification theorem -- Purity (algebraic geometry) -- Purnell Model for Cultural Competence -- Purple triangle -- Pursuing Stacks -- Pursuit curve -- Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm -- Pushforward -- Pushforward (differential) -- Pushforward (disambiguation) -- Pushforward (homology) -- Pushforward measure -- Pushout (category theory) -- PyMC -- Pyragas method -- Pyramid -- Pyramid (geometry) -- Pyramidal number -- Pyritohedron -- Pyrrho's lemma --


Pythagoras number -- Pythagoras tree -- Pythagoras tree (fractal) -- Pythagorean addition -- Pythagorean comma -- Pythagorean expectation -- Pythagorean field -- Pythagorean means -- Pythagorean prime -- Pythagorean quadruple -- Pythagorean theorem -- Pythagorean tiling -- Pythagorean Triangles -- Pythagorean trigonometric identity -- Pythagorean triple -- Pythagorean tuning -- Pytkeev space --


P (complexity)P versus NP problemP-FEMP-LaplacianP-adic Hodge theoryP-adic L-functionP-adic Teichmüller theoryP-adic analysisP-adic cohomologyP-adic distributionP-adic exponential functionP-adic gamma functionP-adic modular formP-adic numberP-adic valuationP-adically closed fieldP-basisP-compact groupP-constrained groupP-coreP-curvatureP-derivationP-groupP-group generation algorithmP-matrixP-recursive equationP-repP-residual subgroupP-soluble groupP-spaceP-stable groupP-valueP-variationP-y methodTalk:P (complexity)Talk:P versus NP problemTalk:P-FEMTalk:P-LaplacianTalk:P-adic Hodge theoryTalk:P-adic L-functionTalk:P-adic Teichmüller theoryTalk:P-adic analysisTalk:P-adic cohomologyTalk:P-adic distributionTalk:P-adic exponential functionTalk:P-adic gamma functionTalk:P-adic modular formTalk:P-adic numberTalk:P-adic valuationTalk:P-adically closed fieldTalk:P-basisTalk:P-compact groupTalk:P-constrained groupTalk:P-curvatureTalk:P-derivationTalk:P-groupTalk:P-group generation algorithmTalk:P-matrixTalk:P-recursive equationTalk:P-repTalk:P-spaceTalk:P-stable groupTalk:P-valueTalk:P-variationTalk:P-y methodTalk:♯PTalk:♯P-completeTalk:♯P-completeness of 01-permanent♯P♯P-complete♯P-completeness of 01-permanent

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