Html Element

An HTML element is a type of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document component, one of several types of HTML nodes (there are also text nodes, comment nodes and others).

(February 2019)">vague] The first used version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993 and there have since been many versions of HTML. The current de facto standard is governed by the industry group WHATWG and is known as the HTML Living Standard.

An HTML document is composed of a tree of simple HTML nodes, such as text nodes, and HTML elements, which add semantics and formatting to parts of document (e.g., make text bold, organize it into paragraphs, lists and tables, or embed hyperlinks and images). Each element can have HTML attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text.


Html Element 
HTML element content categories

Elements vs. tags

As is generally understood, the position of an element is indicated as spanning from a start tag and is terminated by an end tag. This is the case for many, but not all, elements within an HTML document. The distinction is explicitly emphasised in HTML 4.01 Specification:

Elements are not tags. Some people refer to elements as tags (e.g., "the P tag"). Remember that the element is one thing, and the tag (be it start or end tag) is another. For instance, the HEAD element is always present, even though both start and end HEAD tags may be missing in the markup.

Similarly the W3C Recommendation HTML 5.1 2nd Edition explicitly says:

Tags are used to delimit the start and end of elements in the markup. (...) The start and end tags of certain normal elements can be omitted, (...)
The contents of the element must be placed between just after the start tag (which might be implied, in certain cases) and just before the end tag (which again, might be implied, in certain cases).


Certain tags can be omitted.
Omitting an element's start tag (...) does not mean the element is not present; it is implied, but it is still there. For example, an HTML document always has a root element, even if the string doesn't appear anywhere in the markup.

As HTML (before HTML5) is based on SGML, its parsing also depends on the Document Type Definition (DTD), specifically an HTML DTD (e.g. HTML 4.01). The DTD specifies which element types are possible (i.e. it defines the set of element types) and also the valid combinations in which they may appear in a document. It is part of general SGML behavior that, where only one valid structure is possible (per the DTD), its explicit statement in any given document is not generally required. As a simple example, the <p> tag indicating the start of a paragraph element should be complemented by a p> tag indicating its end. But since the DTD states that paragraph elements cannot be nested, an HTML document fragment <p>Para 1 <p>Para 2 <p>Para 3 is thus inferred to be equivalent to <p>Para 1 p><p>Para 2 p><p>Para 3. (If one paragraph element cannot contain another, any currently open paragraph must be closed before starting another.) Because this implication is based on the combination of the DTD and the individual document, it is not usually possible to infer elements from document tags alone but only by using an SGML—or HTML—aware parser with knowledge of the DTD. HTML5 creates a similar result by defining what tags can be omitted.


SGML is complex, which has limited its widespread understanding and adoption. XML was developed as a simpler alternative. Although both can use the DTD to specify the supported elements and their permitted combinations as document structure, XML parsing is simpler. The relation from tags to elements is always that of parsing the actual tags included in the document, without the implied closures that are part of SGML.

HTML as used on the current web is likely to be either treated as XML, by being XHTML, or as HTML5; in either case the parsing of document tags into Document Object Model (DOM) elements is simplified compared to legacy HTML systems. Once the DOM of elements is obtained, behavior at higher levels of interface (example: screen rendering) is identical or nearly so.

%block; vs. box

Part of this CSS presentation behavior is the notion of the "box model". This is applied to those elements that CSS considers to be "block" elements, set through the CSS display: block; declaration.

HTML also has a similar concept, although different, and the two are very frequently confused. %block; and %inline; are groups within the HTML DTD that group elements as being either "block-level" or "inline". This is used to define their nesting behavior: block-level elements cannot be placed into an inline context. This behavior cannot be changed; it is fixed in the DTD. Block and inline elements have the appropriate and different CSS behaviors attached to them by default, including the relevance of the box model for particular element types.

Note though that this CSS behavior can, and frequently is, changed from the default. Lists with <ul><li> ... are %block; elements and are presented as block elements by default. However, it is quite common to set these with CSS to display as an inline list.



Html Element 
Parts of an HTML container element

In the HTML syntax, most elements are written with a start tag and an end tag, with the content in between. An HTML tag is composed of the name of the element, surrounded by angle brackets. An end tag also has a slash after the opening angle bracket, to distinguish it from the start tag. For example, a paragraph, which is represented by the

element, would be written as:

<p>In the HTML syntax, most elements are written ...p> 

However, not all of these elements require the end tag, or even the start tag, to be present. Some elements, the so-called void elements, do not have an end tag. A typical example is the
(hard line-break) element. A void element's behavior is predefined, and it cannot contain any content or other elements. For example, an address would be written as:

<p>P. Sherman<br>42 Wallaby Way<br>Sydneyp> 

When using XHTML, it is required to open and close all elements, including void elements. This can be done by placing an end tag immediately after the start tag, but this is not legal in HTML 5 and will lead to two elements being created. An alternative way to specify that it is a void element, which is compatible with both XHTML and HTML 5, is to put a / at the end of the tag (not to be confused with the / at the beginning of a closing tag).

<p>P. Sherman<br />42 Wallaby Way<br />Sydneyp> 

HTML attributes are specified inside the start tag. For example, the element, which represents an abbreviation, expects a title attribute within its opening tag. This would be written as:

<abbr title="abbreviation">abbr.abbr> 

Informally, HTML elements are sometimes referred to as "tags" (an example of synecdoche), though many prefer the term tag strictly in reference to the markup delimiting the start and end of an element.

Element (and attribute) names may be written in any combination of upper or lower case in HTML, but must be in lower case in XHTML. The canonical form was upper-case until HTML 4, and was used in HTML specifications, but in recent years, lower-case has become more common.

Types of element

There are three kinds of HTML elements: normal elements, raw text elements, and void elements.

Normal elements usually have both a start tag and an end tag, although for some elements the end tag, or both tags, can be omitted. It is constructed in a similar way:

  • a start tag (<tag>) marking the beginning of an element, which may incorporate any number of HTML attributes;
  • some amount of content, including text and other elements;
  • an end tag, in which the element name is prefixed with a slash: tag>.

Raw text elements (also known as text or text-only elements) are constructed with:

  • a start tag (in the form <tag>) marking the beginning of an element, which may incorporate any number of HTML attributes;
  • some amount of text content, but no elements (all tags, apart from the applicable end tag, will be interpreted as content);
  • an end tag, in which the element name is prefixed with a slash: tag>. In some versions of HTML, the end tag is optional for some elements. The end tag is required in XHTML.

An example is the Html Element: Concepts, Overview, Document structure elements - Wiki English

This tag defines a document title. Required in every HTML and XHTML document. User agents may use the title in different ways. For example:
  • Web browsers usually display it in a window's title bar when the window is open, and (where applicable) in the task bar when the window is minimized.
  • It may become the default file-name when saving the page.
  • We can use element only one time in a web page, and when we make another page then we will use again another <title> element with new title (do not take same name for all title tag in website, It can be problem for search engines).</li> <li><a href="/wiki/en/Web_search_engine" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Web search engine">Web search engines</a>' <a href="/wiki/en/Web_crawler" title="Web crawler">web crawlers</a> may pay particular attention to the words used in the title.</li></ul> The <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><title></code> element must not contain other elements, only text. Only one <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><title></code> element is permitted in a document.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> </ul> </section><h2 class="duhoc-en section-heading" id="Document_body_elements">Document body elements</h2><div id="ads_inline_5" style=""> <ins class="duhoc-en adsbygoogle" style="float:left;margin:20px 20px 0px 0;display:inline-block;width:300px;height:250px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4219964418995947" data-ad-slot="4818333633"></ins> <script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script> </div><section class="duhoc-en mf-section-5 collapsible-block" id="mf-section-5"> <p>In visual browsers, displayable elements can be rendered as either <i>block</i> or <i>inline</i>. While all elements are part of the document sequence, block elements appear within their parent elements: </p> <ul><li>as rectangular objects which do not break across lines;</li> <li>with block margins, width, and height properties which can be set independently of the surrounding elements.</li></ul> <p>Conversely, inline elements are treated as part of the flow of document text; they cannot have margins, width, or height set, and do break across lines. </p> <h3 id="Block_elements">Block elements</span> </h3> <p>Block elements, or block-level elements, have a rectangular structure. By default, these elements will span the entire width of its parent element, and will thus not allow any other element to occupy the same horizontal space as it is placed on. </p><p>The rectangular structure of a block element is often referred to as the <a href="/wiki/en/File:W3C_and_Internet_Explorer_box_models.svg" title="File:W3C and Internet Explorer box models.svg">box model</a>, and is made up of several parts. Each element contains the following: </p> <ul><li>The <b>content</b> of an element is the actual text (or other media) placed between the opening and closing tags of an element.</li> <li>The <b>padding</b> of an element is the space around the content but which still forms part of the element. Padding should not be used to create white space between two elements. Any background style assigned to the element, such as a background image or color, will be visible within the padding. Increasing the size of an element's padding increases the amount of space this element will take up.</li> <li>The <b> border</b> of an element is the absolute end of an element and spans the perimeter of that element. The thickness of a border increases the size of an element.</li> <li>The <b>margin</b> of an element is the white space that surrounds an element. The content, padding, and border of any other element will not be allowed to enter this area unless forced to do so by some advanced <a href="/wiki/en/CSS" title="CSS">CSS</a> placement. Using most standard <a href="/wiki/en/Document_Type_Definition" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Document Type Definition">DTDs</a>, margins on the left and right of different elements will push each other away. Margins on the top or bottom of an element, on the other hand, will not stack or will intermingle. This means that the white space between these elements will be as big as the larger margin between them.</li></ul> <p>The above section refers only to the detailed implementation of CSS rendering and has no relevance to HTML elements themselves. </p> <h4 id="Basic_text">Basic text</span> </h4> <dl class="duhoc-en glossary"> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="p" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Paragraph" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><p</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></p></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Creates a paragraph, perhaps the most common block level element.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>P</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="h1" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Level 1 heading" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><h1 id="firstHeading">Html Element</h1><p class="duhoc-en short-content tagline">An HTML element is a type of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document component, one of several types of HTML nodes (there are also text nodes, comment nodes and others).</p></b> </code> </dfn></dt> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="h2" style="margin-top: -0.2em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Level 2 heading" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><h2</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></h2></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="h3" style="margin-top: -0.2em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Level 3 heading" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><h3</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></h3></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="h4" style="margin-top: -0.2em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Level 4 heading" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><h4</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></h4></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="h5" style="margin-top: -0.2em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Level 5 heading" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><h5</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></h5></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="h6" style="margin-top: -0.2em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Level 6 heading" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><h6</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></h6></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Section headings at different levels. <code>h1</code> delimits the highest-level heading, <code>h2</code> the next level down (sub-section), <code>h3</code> for a level below that, and so on to <code>h6</code>. They are sometimes referred to collectively as <code>h<i>n</i></code> tags, <i>n</i> meaning any of the available heading levels. Most visual browsers show headings as large bold text by default, though this can be overridden with <a href="/wiki/en/Cascading_Style_Sheets" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</a>. Heading elements are not intended merely for creating large or bold text – in fact, they should <em>not</em> be used for explicitly styling text. Rather, they describe the document's structure and organization. Some programs use them to generate outlines and tables of contents.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Headings existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and were <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> </ul> <h4 id="Lists">Lists</span> </h4> <dl class="duhoc-en glossary"> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="dl" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Definition List" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><dl</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></ul></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1033289096"> A description list (a.k.a. <a href="/wiki/en/Association_list" title="Association list">association list</a> or definition list) consists of name–value groups, and was known as a definition list prior to HTML5. Description lists are intended for groups of "terms and definitions, metadata topics and values, questions and answers, or any other groups of name–value data".</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>DL</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="dt" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Definition Term" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><dt</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></dt></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">A name in a description list (previously definition term in a definition list).</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>DT</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="dd" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Definition" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><dd</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></dd></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">A value in a description list (previously definition data in a definition list).</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>DD</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="ol" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Ordered List" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><ol</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></ol></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">An ordered (enumerated) list. The <code>type</code> attribute can be used to specify the kind of marker to use in the list, but style sheets give more control. The default is Arabic numbering. In an HTML attribute: <span class="duhoc-en nowrap"><code class="duhoc-en mw-highlight mw-highlight-lang-html mw-content-ltr" id="" style="" dir="ltr"><span class="duhoc-en p"><</span><span class="duhoc-en nt">ol</span> <span class="duhoc-en na">type</span><span class="duhoc-en o">=</span><span class="duhoc-en s">"foo"</span><span class="duhoc-en p">></span></code></span>; or in a CSS declaration: <span class="duhoc-en nowrap"><code class="duhoc-en mw-highlight mw-highlight-lang-css mw-content-ltr" id="" style="" dir="ltr"><span class="duhoc-en nt">ol</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en p">{</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en k">list-style-type</span><span class="duhoc-en p">:</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en n">foo</span><span class="duhoc-en p">;</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en p">}</span></code></span> – replacing <code><var>foo</var></code> with one of the following: <ul><li>A, B, C ... – HTML value: <code>A</code>; CSS value: <code>upper-alpha</code></li> <li>a, b, c ... – HTML value: <code>a</code>; CSS value: <code>lower-alpha</code></li> <li>I, II, III ... – HTML value: <code>I</code>; CSS value: <code>upper-roman</code></li> <li>i, ii, iii ... – HTML value: <code>i</code>; CSS value: <code>lower-roman</code></li> <li>1, 2, 3 ... – HTML value: <code>1</code>; <code>decimal</code></li></ul> CSS provides several other options not available as pure-HTML markup, including <code>none</code>, and options for <a href="/wiki/en/CJK" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="CJK">CJK</a>, Hebrew, Georgian, and Armenian script. The attribute is deprecated in HTML 3.2 and 4.01, but not in HTML 5.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>OL</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLDRAFT12">HTML Internet Draft 1.2</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="ul" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Unordered List" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><ul</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></ul></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">An unordered (bulleted) list. The type of list item marker can be specified in an HTML attribute: <span class="duhoc-en nowrap"><code class="duhoc-en mw-highlight mw-highlight-lang-html mw-content-ltr" id="" style="" dir="ltr"><span class="duhoc-en p"><</span><span class="duhoc-en nt">ul</span> <span class="duhoc-en na">type</span><span class="duhoc-en o">=</span><span class="duhoc-en s">"foo"</span><span class="duhoc-en p">></span></code></span>; or in a CSS declaration: <span class="duhoc-en nowrap"><code class="duhoc-en mw-highlight mw-highlight-lang-css mw-content-ltr" id="" style="" dir="ltr"><span class="duhoc-en nt">ul</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en p">{</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en k">list-style-type</span><span class="duhoc-en p">:</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en n">foo</span><span class="duhoc-en p">;</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en p">}</span></code></span> – replacing <code><var>foo</var></code> with one of the following (the same values are used in HTML and CSS): <code>disc</code> (the default), <code>square</code>, or <code>circle</code>. <b>Only</b> the CSS method is supported in HTML5; the attribute is deprecated in HTML 3.2 and 4.01. CSS also provides <code>none</code>, and the ability to replace these bullets with custom images.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>UL</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="li" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="List Item" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><li</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></li></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">A list item in ordered (<code>ol</code>) or unordered (<code>ul</code>) lists.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>LI</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="dir" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Directory List" style="font-size:116%;"><del style="color:grey;"><b style="color:#006633"><dir</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></dir></b></del> <b>(deprecated)</b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">A directory listing. The original purpose of this element was never widely supported; deprecated in favor of <code class="duhoc-en mw-highlight mw-highlight-lang-html mw-content-ltr" id="" style="" dir="ltr"><span class="duhoc-en p"><</span><span class="duhoc-en nt">ul</span><span class="duhoc-en p">></span></code>.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>DIR</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; <b>deprecated</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0 Transitional</a>; <b>invalid</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0 Strict</a>.</dd> </ul> <h4 id="Other_block_elements">Other block elements</span> </h4> <dl class="duhoc-en glossary"> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="address" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Address" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><address</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></address></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Contact information for the document author.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>ADDRESS</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="article" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Article" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><article</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></article></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1033289096"> Used for articles and other similar content.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="aside" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Aside" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><aside</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></aside></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Used for content in a document which is separate from the main page content, for example, sidebars or advertising.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="blockquote" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="BlockQuotation" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><blockquote</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></blockquote></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1033289096"> <p>A <a href="/wiki/en/Blockquote" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Blockquote">block level quotation</a>, for when the quotation includes block level elements, e.g. paragraphs. The <code>cite</code> attribute (not to be confused with the <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#cite"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><cite></code></a> element) may give the source, and must be a fully qualified <a href="/wiki/en/Uniform_Resource_Identifier" title="Uniform Resource Identifier">Uniform Resource Identifier</a>. </p> The default presentation of block quotations in visual browsers is usually to indent them from both margins. This has led to the element being unnecessarily used just to indent paragraphs, regardless of semantics. For quotations not containing block level elements see the quote (<a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#q"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><q></code></a>) element.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>BLOCKQUOTE</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLDRAFT12">HTML Internet Draft 1.2</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current. See <a href="/wiki/en/Blockquote_element" title="Blockquote element">blockquote element</a> for more information.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="center" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Centered Text" style="font-size:116%;"><del style="color:grey;"><b style="color:#006633"><center</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></center></b></del> <b>(deprecated)</b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Creates a block-level center-aligned division. Deprecated in favor of <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#div"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><div></code></a> or another element with centering defined using style sheets.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML32">HTML 3.2</a>; <b>deprecated</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0</a>; <b>not supported</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="del" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Deleted Section" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><del</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></del></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Marks a deleted section of content. This element can also be used as <i>inline</i>.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="div" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Logical division" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><div</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></div></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1033289096"> A block-level logical division. A generic element with no semantic meaning used to distinguish a document section, usually for purposes such as presentation or behavior controlled by <a href="/wiki/en/Cascading_Style_Sheets" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Cascading Style Sheets">style sheets</a> or <a href="/wiki/en/Document_Object_Model" title="Document Object Model">DOM</a> calls.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Proposed in the <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML30">HTML 3.0 Drafts</a>; <b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML32">HTML 3.2</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="figure" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Figure" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><figure</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></figure></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Used to group images and captions, along with <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><figcaption></code>.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="figcaption" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Figure Caption" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><figcaption</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></figcaption></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">A caption for an image. Always placed inside the <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><figure></code> element.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="footer" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Footer" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><footer</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></footer></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Used for document footers. These might contain author or copyright information, or links to other pages.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="header" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Header" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><header</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></header></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Used for document headers. These typically contain content introducing the page.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="hr" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Thematic break" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><hr</b><b style="color:#006633"> /></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">A <a href="/wiki/en/Thematic_break_(formatting)" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Thematic break (formatting)">thematic break</a> (originally: horizontal rule). Presentational rules can be drawn with style sheets.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="ins" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Inserted Section" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><ins</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></ins></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Marks a section of inserted content. This element can also be used as <i>inline</i>.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="main" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Main Content" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><main</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"><div class="duhoc-en content toptrend" style=""><div class="duhoc-en clearfix spacer" style="height:20px;"></div><h3>Tags:</h3><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Concepts.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Concepts">Html Element Concepts</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Overview.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Overview">Html Element Overview</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Document_structure_elements.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Document structure elements">Html Element Document structure elements</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Document_head_elements.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Document head elements">Html Element Document head elements</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Document_body_elements.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Document body elements">Html Element Document body elements</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Frames.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Frames">Html Element Frames</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Historic_elements.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Historic elements">Html Element Historic elements</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Non-standard_elements.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Non-standard elements">Html Element Non-standard elements</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Comments.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Comments">Html Element Comments</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element_Bibliography.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element Bibliography">Html Element Bibliography</a><a href="/wiki/tags_en/Html_Element.html" class="duhoc-en related_tag" title="Html Element">Html Element</a></div><div class="duhoc-en clearfix spacer" style="height:20px;"></div><div class="duhoc-en post-content footer-content"><div class="duhoc-en read-more-container"><aside class="duhoc-en ra-read-more noprint"><h2>Related topics</h2><ul class="duhoc-en ext-related-articles-card-list"><li title="Blink Element" class="duhoc-en ext-related-articles-card"><div class="duhoc-en ext-related-articles-card-thumb ext-related-articles-card-thumb-placeholder lazyload" style="background-image: url(; 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height: 100%; width: 80px;"></div><div class="duhoc-en ext-related-articles-card-detail"><h3><a href="/wiki/en/Microdata_(HTML)" title="Html Microdata Wiki English">Html Microdata</a></h3><p class="duhoc-en ext-related-articles-card-extract" title="Specification for metadata in web pages">Specification for metadata in web pages</p></div></li></ul></aside></div></div><div id="bodyContent" class="duhoc-en content toptrend" style=""><div class="duhoc-en clearfix spacer" style="height:20px;"></div><h3 style="display: inline;">🔥 Trending searches on Wiki English:</h3><a href="/wiki/en/Jimmy_Carter" title="Jimmy Carter Wiki">Jimmy Carter</a><a href="/wiki/en/Arsenal_F.C." title="Arsenal F.C. 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target="_blank" title="Top trends keywords Wiki English">🡆 More</a></div></main></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Contains the main content of a document.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML 5.1</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="menu" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Menu" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><menu</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></menu></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">HTML 2.0: A menu listing. Should be more compact than a <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><ul></code> list.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>MENU</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLTAGS">HTML Tags</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; <b>deprecated</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0 Transitional</a>; <b>invalid</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0 Strict</a>; then redefined in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>, removed in HTML 5.2, but is included in the HTML Living Standard in 2019. </dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="nav" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Navigation" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><nav</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></nav></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Used in navigational sections of articles (areas of webpages which contain links to other webpages).</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="noscript" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="JavaScript Fallback" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><noscript</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></noscript></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Replacement content for scripts. Unlike <b>script</b> this can only be used as a block-level element.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML401">HTML 4.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="pre" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="PreFormatted Text" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><pre</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></pre></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><i>Pre-formatted</i> text. Text within this element is typically displayed in a <a href="/wiki/en/Non-proportional_font" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Non-proportional font">non-proportional font</a> exactly as it is laid out in the file (see <a href="/wiki/en/ASCII_art" title="ASCII art">ASCII art</a>). Whereas browsers ignore <a href="/wiki/en/Whitespace_(computer_science)" class="duhoc-en mw-redirect" title="Whitespace (computer science)">white-space</a> for other HTML elements, in <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><pre>...</pre></code>, white-space should be rendered as authored. (With the CSS properties: <code class="duhoc-en mw-highlight mw-highlight-lang-css mw-content-ltr" id="" style="" dir="ltr"><span class="duhoc-en p">{</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en k">white-space</span><span class="duhoc-en p">:</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en kc">pre</span><span class="duhoc-en p">;</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en k">font-family</span><span class="duhoc-en p">:</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en kc">monospace</span><span class="duhoc-en p">;</span><span class="duhoc-en w"> </span><span class="duhoc-en p">}</span></code>, other elements can be presented in the same way.) This element can contain any inline element except: <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#image"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><image></code></a>, <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#object"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><object></code></a>, <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#big"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><big></code></a>, <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#small"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><small></code></a>, <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#sup"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><sup></code></a>, and <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#sub"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><sub>...</sub></code></a>.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><code>PRE</code> existed in <i><a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTMLDRAFT12">HTML Internet Draft 1.2</a></i>, and was <b>standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML20">HTML 2.0</a>; still current.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="section" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Section" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><section</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></section></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Used for generic sections of a document. This is different from <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#div"><code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><div></code></a> in that it is only used to contain sections of a page, which the W3C defines as a group of content with a similar theme.</dd> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary"><b>Standardized</b> in <a href="/wiki/en/HTML_element#HTML5">HTML5</a>.</dd> <dt class="duhoc-en glossary" id="script" style="margin-top: 0.4em;"><dfn class="duhoc-en glossary"><code class="duhoc-en html" title="Script" style="font-size:116%;"><b style="color:#006633"><script</b><b style="color:#006633">></b>...<b style="color:#006633"></script></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Places a script in the document. Also usable in the head and in inline contexts. It may be used as <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""><script /></code> with a <code>src</code> attribute to supply a URL from which to load the script, or used as <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""></code> around embedded script content. <strong>Note:</strong> <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""></b> </code></dfn></dt> <dd class="duhoc-en glossary">Places a <a href="/wiki/en/Scripting_language" title="Scripting language">script</a> in the document. Also usable in the head and in block contexts. <em>Note:</em> <code class="duhoc-en nowrap" style=""> <link rel="preload" href="" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'"><noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href=""></noscript><script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){$(document).ready(function(){ $("img").addClass("duhoc_responsive lazyload"); $("table").addClass("table-responsive");$(".toctogglespan, #mw-mf-main-menu-button").click(function(){$(".toclist_viewer").toggle(200);/*$("header").removeClass("header-fixed").hide(); */ });$(".toctext").click(function(){/*$("header").removeClass("header-fixed"); */ });$("a.external,, a.image, a.extiw, a.text,, a.internal, a.last-modified-bar,").click(function(){;return false;}); $(".back-to-top").click(function(){ $("html, body").animate({scrollTop : 0},"slow"); return false; });$(".back-to-top").hide();/**$(".reflist").hide(); function sticky_relocate() { var window_top = $(window).scrollTop(); var footer_top = $("#footer-info").offset().top; var div_top = $("#Other_languages").offset().top; var div_height = $(".top_lang").height(); var padding = 200; console.log(window_top + " "+ div_height + " " +padding + " --> " + footer_top); if(window_top + div_height +padding> footer_top){ $(".article_footer_sticky").hide(); }else{ $(".article_footer_sticky").show(); } } $(function () { $(window).scroll(sticky_relocate); sticky_relocate(); });**/});$(window).scroll(function(){ var showAfter = 200; if ($(this).scrollTop() > showAfter) { $(".back-to-top").fadeIn(); } else { $(".back-to-top").fadeOut(); }});new ShowMore(".minerva-languages", {config: { type: "list", limit: 23, number: true, more: "→ All languages", less: "← Less"} });});</script><script>function mfTempOpenSection(getID) {var x = document.getElementById("mf-section-"+getID); if ( === "none") { = ""; } else { = "none"; }}</script><!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) async - Google Analytics --><script async src=""></script><script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-GTLLE2Y4Q3');</script></body> </html><script>(function(){if (!document.body) return;var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'87b66a695af09123',t:'MTcxNDMwMDYzMy4zOTgwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();</script>