Llista De Peixos De Wyoming

Aquesta llista de peixos de Wyoming inclou 38 espècies de peixos que es poden trobar actualment a Wyoming ordenades per l'ordre alfabètic de llurs noms científics.

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Llista De Peixos De Wyoming
Localització de Wyoming als Estats Units
Llista De Peixos De Wyoming
Notemigonus crysoleucas
Llista De Peixos De Wyoming
Semotilus atromaculatus
Llista De Peixos De Wyoming
Truita de rierol (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Llista De Peixos De Wyoming
Clinostomus funduloides













Galeria d'imatges



  • Barrineau, C., B. Bear i L. Tooker, 2007. Status of habitat and native species in northeast Wyoming prairie streams. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Administrative Report. Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  • Baxter, G. T. i J. R. Simon, 1970. Wyoming Fishes. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Bulletin, núm 4. Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  • Baxter, G. T. i M. D. Stone, 1995. Fishes of Wyoming. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. 1-290.
  • Bear, B. i C. Barrineau, 2007. Status of habitat and native species in southeast Wyoming prairie streams. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Administrative Report. Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  • Cope, E. D., 1871. Exhibition of Green river fishes of Wyoming names Lithichthys pusillus and Cyprinodon levatus. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 11: 316. [3]
  • Cope, E. D., 1871. Recent reptiles and fishes. Report on the reptiles and fishes obtained by the naturalists of the expedition. U.S. Geological Survey of Wyoming & Contiguous Territories. Part 4 (art. 8): 432-442.
  • Evermann, B. W., 1892. A reconnaissance of the streams and lakes of western Montana and northwestern Wyoming. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, vol. 11 (art. 1) (for 1891): 3-60, Pls. 1-27.
  • Hoagstrom, A. C. DeWitte, N. J. C. Gosch i C. R. Berry Jr., 2006. Perennial-warmwater fish communities of the Cheyenne River drainage: a seasonal assessment. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 85:213–245.
  • Hoagstrom, C. W., C. Hayer i C. R. Berry Jr., 2009. Criteria for determining native distributions of biota: the case of the northern plains killifish in the Cheyenne River drainage, North America. Aquatic conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19:88–95.
  • Hubbs, C. L. i E. R. Kühne, 1937. A new fish of the genus Apocope from a Wyoming warm spring. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan, núm. 343: 1-21. [4]
  • Jordan, D. S., 1890. A reconnaissance of the streams and lakes of the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, in the interest of the United States Fish Commission. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, vol. 9 (1889): 41-63, Pls. 6-22.
  • Kruse, T. E., 1959. Grayling of Grebe Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Fish. Bull. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 59(149):307-351.
  • Patton, T. M., 1997. Distribution and status of fishes in the Missouri River drainage in Wyoming: implications for identifying conservation areas. Dissertation. University of Wyoming, Laramie.
  • Patton, T. M., F. J. Rahel i W.A. Hubert, 1998. Using historical data to assess changes in Wyoming's fish fauna. Conservation Biology 12:1120-1128.
  • Patton, T. M., W. A. Hubert, F. J. Rahel i K. G. Gerow, 2000. Effort needed to estimate species richness in small streams on the Great Plains in Wyoming. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:394–398.
  • Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert i F. J. Rahel, 2003. Exotic piscivorous fishes and reduced intermittence affect suckermouth minnows in a southeastern Wyoming stream. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 9:62–65.
  • Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert i F. J. Rahel, 2004. Relations among habitat characteristics, exotic species, and turbid-river cyprinids in the Missouri River drainage of Wyoming. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:727-742.
  • Quist, M. C., Hubert, W. A. i Rahel, F. J., 2006. Concurrent assessment of fish and habitat in warmwater streams in Wyoming. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 13: 9–20. [5]
  • Simon, J. R., 1946. Wyoming Fishes. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Bulletin Number 4. Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  • Snigg, M., 1999. A fisheries inventory of the South Platte River drainage located within Laramie and Albany Counties, Wyoming. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Administrative Report. Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Enllaços externs


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