What can I upload to Wikimedia Commons?

What can I upload to Wikimedia Commons? (2010)
the Wikimedia Foundation
1636066What can I upload to Wikimedia Commons?2010the Wikimedia Foundation
You may upload works that you created entirely yourself

This includes photos and videos of:

  • natural landscapes, animals, plants.
  • public figures and people photographed in public places
  • useful or non-artistic objects
  • original graphs, maps, diagrams and audio.


By sharing your work on Wikimedia Commons, you grant anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and sell it without notifying you.

We can’t accept works created or inspired by others

By default, you can't upload someone else's work.

This includes material such as

  • logos
  • CD / DVD covers
  • promotional photos
  • screenshots of TV shows, movies, DVDs, and software
  • drawings of characters from TV, comics, or movies — even if you drew them
  • most pictures published on the Internet

...with two main exceptions

You can upload someone else's work if the author granted permission for anyone to use, copy, modify, and sell it.

You can upload your photographs of old art, statues, and buildings (usually over 150 years old).

In conclusion...

You can upload your original works.

We can't accept works from others without their explicit permission.

Thank you for your help; this is important.

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