Executive orders
Signature of Andrew Johnson
Administration of Andrew Johnson (April 15, 1865 – March 4, 1869)
  • 69 Officially Numbered Executive Orders Issued Total.
  • Range: Executive Order Nos. 3 thru 7


     3Apr 29Restrictions on Commercial Intercourse in Parts of South Within Military Occupation Discontinued, Except Those Imposed by Congress and Trade in Contraband
     4May 09Voiding Acts of the Confederacy and Ordering Reestablishment of United States Laws in Virginia


     5Apr 13Ordering Closure of Public Offices on First Anniversary of Assassination of Abraham Lincoln


     6Jul 20Ratification of 14th Amendment Certified as Valid, Provided Consent of Ohio and New Jersey be Deemed as Remaining in Force
     7Jul 28Ratification of 14th Amendment Certified as Valid