

文档图示 模块文档


  • 对参数的简易修整,移除空白参数。
  • 参数可以在当前框架或父框架中同时传递。(具体见下)
  • 参数可以直接通过其他Lua模块或调试控制台传递。
  • 可自定义更多特性。



local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs 


local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {}  function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) -- 主要的模块放此处。 end  return p 



local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {}  function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) -- 从#invoke中获得的参数 return p._main(args) end  function p._main(args) -- 主要模块放此处。 end  return p 


如果你需要多个函数使用这些参数,而且你希望这些函数可用于#invoke,你可以使用包装函数(wrapper function)。

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs  local p = {}  local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName) return function (frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p[funcName](args) end end  p.func1 = makeInvokeFunc('_func1')  function p._func1(args) -- 第一个函数的代码。 end  p.func2 = makeInvokeFunc('_func2')  function p._func2(args) -- 第二个函数的代码。 end  return p 



local args = getArgs(frame, { trim = false, removeBlanks = false, valueFunc = function (key, value) -- 用于处理一个参数的函数的代码。 end, frameOnly = true, parentOnly = true, parentFirst = true, wrappers = { 'Template:一个包装模板', 'Template:另一个模板' }, readOnly = true, noOverwrite = true }) 



类似地,空白字符在处理位置参数(positional arguments)时会发生问题。虽然来自#invoke的具名参数(named arguments)中的多余空白字符会被修整(trim),但是对一些位置参数仍然保留。大多数时候,多余的空白字符是不需要的,所以这个模块默认剔除这些空白字符。


local args = getArgs(frame, { trim = false, removeBlanks = false }) 




local args = getArgs(frame, { valueFunc = function (key, value) if key == 1 then return value elseif value then value = mw.text.trim(value) if value ~= '' then return value end end return nil end }) 


local args = getArgs(frame, { valueFunc = function (key, value) if not value then return nil end value = mw.ustring.lower(value) if mw.ustring.find(value, '%S') then return value end return nil end }) 




local args = getArgs(frame, { valueFunc = function (key, value) if key == 1 then return value elseif type(value) == 'string' then value = mw.text.trim(value) if value ~= '' then return value else return nil end else return value end end }) 


local args = getArgs(frame, { valueFunc = function (key, value) if type(value) == 'string' then value = mw.ustring.lower(value) if mw.ustring.find(value, '%S') then return value else return nil end else return value end end }) 




local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {}  function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._main(args) end  function p._main(args) local first = args[1] or '' local second = args[2] or '' return first .. ' ' .. second end  return p 



代码 结果
{{ExampleArgs}} firstInvokeArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg}} firstInvokeArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg|secondTemplateArg}} firstInvokeArg secondTemplateArg

有三个选项可以用来改变行为:frameOnlyparentOnlyparentFirst。如果设置frameOnly,那么只有从当前框架传入的参数可以被接受;如果设置 parentOnly,那么只有从父框架传入的参数会被接受;如果你设置parentFirst,那么当前框架和父框架的参数都会接受,但是父框架优先于当前框架。以下是对于模板:ExampleArgs的结果:

代码 结果
{{ExampleArgs}} firstInvokeArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg}} firstInvokeArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg|secondTemplateArg}} firstInvokeArg
代码 结果
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg}} firstTemplateArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg|secondTemplateArg}} firstTemplateArg secondTemplateArg
代码 结果
{{ExampleArgs}} firstInvokeArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg}} firstTemplateArg
{{ExampleArgs|firstTemplateArg|secondTemplateArg}} firstTemplateArg secondTemplateArg


  1. 如果你同时设置了frameOnlyparentOnly两个选项,模块将不会从#invoke获取任何参数。这显然不是你需要的。
  2. 有时,父框架可能无效,比如getArgs是从父框架传入的,而不是当前框架。这种情况下,只有框架参数会被使用(除非设置了parentOnly,那种情况下不会使用任何参数),而且parentFirstframeOnly选项都会没有效果。


包装(wrapper)选项用于指定一部分模板作为包装模板(wrapper templates),也就是说,要调用模块的模板。如果模块检测到是被包装模板调用的,则只会检查父框架中的参数;否则,只检查传递到getArgs的框架的参数。这允许模块要么被#invoke调用,要么通过包装模板调用,而不会由于为每次参数寻找(argument lookup)同时检查框架和父框架而损失性能。

比如,Template:Side box的内容(除了...标签内的)为{{#invoke:Side box|main}}。检查直接传递到模板的#invoke语句的参数是没有道理的,因为这里没有指定参数。我们可以通过parentOnly选项避免检查传递到#invoke的参数,但如果这样做,#invoke也不会从其他页面起作用。如果是这样,代码{{#invoke:Side box|main|text=Some text}}中的|text=Some text会直接忽略,无论是从哪个页面使用的。使用wrappers选项以指定“Template:Side box”为包装,我们可以使得{{#invoke:Side box|main|text=一些文本}}能够从大多数页面使用,而不需要检查Template:Side box页面自身的参数。


local args = getArgs(frame, { wrappers = 'Template:Wrapper template' }) 

local args = getArgs(frame, { wrappers = { 'Template:Wrapper 1', 'Template:Wrapper 2', -- 可以在此处添加多个包装模板。 } }) 


  1. 模块会自动检测是否是从包装模板的/sandbox子页面调用的,所以不需要清楚地指定沙盒页面。
  2. wrappers选项有效改变frameOnlyparentOnly的默认的选项。如果,比如,设置了wrappers时清楚地将parentOnly设为false,通过包装模板调用会导致同时加载框架和父框架的参数,尽管非经由包装模板的调用会导致只加载框架参数。
  3. 如果设置了wrappers但是没有可用的父框架,模块总是会从传递给getArgs的框架中得到参数。


有时给参数表写入新值会很有用。这可以通过此模块的默认设置实现。(然而,记住最好的代码风格是,将需要的参数表中的参数复制到一个新的表中。) = '一些值' 




...标签是从Lua中获取的,因此会被MediaWiki软件处理,引用会在文章底部的参考文献列表中显示。如果模块继续从输出中省略索引标签,则会产生一个假引用 —— 在参考文献列表中显示,但是没有与之链接的数字。模块如果使用pairs()来检测是否从框架或父框架中使用参数,就会出现此问题,因为这些模块会自动处理每一个可用变量。



元表(metatable)的使用也有其缺点。大多数正常Lua表工具都不会对args表正常工作,包括#操作符号、next()函数和表库(table library)中的函数。如果这对你的模块重要,你需要使用你自己的用来处理参数的函数,而不是这个模块。

-- This module provides easy processing of arguments passed to Scribunto from -- #invoke. It is intended for use by other Lua modules, and should not be -- called from #invoke directly.  local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType  local arguments = {}  -- Generate four different tidyVal functions, so that we don't have to check the -- options every time we call it.  local function tidyValDefault(key, val) if type(val) == 'string' then val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if val == '' then return nil else return val end else return val end end  local function tidyValTrimOnly(key, val) if type(val) == 'string' then return val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') else return val end end  local function tidyValRemoveBlanksOnly(key, val) if type(val) == 'string' then if val:find('%S') then return val else return nil end else return val end end  local function tidyValNoChange(key, val) return val end  local function matchesTitle(given, title) local tp = type( given ) return (tp == 'string' or tp == 'number') and given ).prefixedText == title end  local translate_mt = { __index = function(t, k) return k end }  function arguments.getArgs(frame, options) checkType('getArgs', 1, frame, 'table', true) checkType('getArgs', 2, options, 'table', true) frame = frame or {} options = options or {}  --[[ -- Set up argument translation. --]] options.translate = options.translate or {} if getmetatable(options.translate) == nil then setmetatable(options.translate, translate_mt) end if options.backtranslate == nil then options.backtranslate = {} for k,v in pairs(options.translate) do options.backtranslate[v] = k end end if options.backtranslate and getmetatable(options.backtranslate) == nil then setmetatable(options.backtranslate, { __index = function(t, k) if options.translate[k] ~= k then return nil else return k end end }) end  --[[ -- Get the argument tables. If we were passed a valid frame object, get the -- frame arguments (fargs) and the parent frame arguments (pargs), depending -- on the options set and on the parent frame's availability. If we weren't -- passed a valid frame object, we are being called from another Lua module -- or from the debug console, so assume that we were passed a table of args -- directly, and assign it to a new variable (luaArgs). --]] local fargs, pargs, luaArgs if type(frame.args) == 'table' and type(frame.getParent) == 'function' then if options.wrappers then --[[ -- The wrappers option makes Module:Arguments look up arguments in -- either the frame argument table or the parent argument table, but -- not both. This means that users can use either the #invoke syntax -- or a wrapper template without the loss of performance associated -- with looking arguments up in both the frame and the parent frame. -- Module:Arguments will look up arguments in the parent frame -- if it finds the parent frame's title in options.wrapper; -- otherwise it will look up arguments in the frame object passed -- to getArgs. --]] local parent = frame:getParent() if not parent then fargs = frame.args else local title = parent:getTitle():gsub('/sandbox$', '') local found = false if matchesTitle(options.wrappers, title) then found = true elseif type(options.wrappers) == 'table' then for _,v in pairs(options.wrappers) do if matchesTitle(v, title) then found = true break end end end  -- We test for false specifically here so that nil (the default) acts like true. if found or options.frameOnly == false then pargs = parent.args end if not found or options.parentOnly == false then fargs = frame.args end end else -- options.wrapper isn't set, so check the other options. if not options.parentOnly then fargs = frame.args end if not options.frameOnly then local parent = frame:getParent() pargs = parent and parent.args or nil end end if options.parentFirst then fargs, pargs = pargs, fargs end else luaArgs = frame end  -- Set the order of precedence of the argument tables. If the variables are -- nil, nothing will be added to the table, which is how we avoid clashes -- between the frame/parent args and the Lua args. local argTables = {fargs} argTables[#argTables + 1] = pargs argTables[#argTables + 1] = luaArgs  --[[ -- Generate the tidyVal function. If it has been specified by the user, we -- use that; if not, we choose one of four functions depending on the -- options chosen. This is so that we don't have to call the options table -- every time the function is called. --]] local tidyVal = options.valueFunc if tidyVal then if type(tidyVal) ~= 'function' then error( "bad value assigned to option 'valueFunc'" .. '(function expected, got ' .. type(tidyVal) .. ')', 2 ) end elseif options.trim ~= false then if options.removeBlanks ~= false then tidyVal = tidyValDefault else tidyVal = tidyValTrimOnly end else if options.removeBlanks ~= false then tidyVal = tidyValRemoveBlanksOnly else tidyVal = tidyValNoChange end end  --[[ -- Set up the args, metaArgs and nilArgs tables. args will be the one -- accessed from functions, and metaArgs will hold the actual arguments. Nil -- arguments are memoized in nilArgs, and the metatable connects all of them -- together. --]] local args, metaArgs, nilArgs, metatable = {}, {}, {}, {} setmetatable(args, metatable)  local function mergeArgs(tables) --[[ -- Accepts multiple tables as input and merges their keys and values -- into one table. If a value is already present it is not overwritten; -- tables listed earlier have precedence. We are also memoizing nil -- values, which can be overwritten if they are 's' (soft). --]] for _, t in ipairs(tables) do for key, val in pairs(t) do if metaArgs[key] == nil and nilArgs[key] ~= 'h' then local tidiedVal = tidyVal(key, val) if tidiedVal == nil then nilArgs[key] = 's' else metaArgs[key] = tidiedVal end end end end end  --[[ -- Define metatable behaviour. Arguments are memoized in the metaArgs table, -- and are only fetched from the argument tables once. Fetching arguments -- from the argument tables is the most resource-intensive step in this -- module, so we try and avoid it where possible. For this reason, nil -- arguments are also memoized, in the nilArgs table. Also, we keep a record -- in the metatable of when pairs and ipairs have been called, so we do not -- run pairs and ipairs on the argument tables more than once. We also do -- not run ipairs on fargs and pargs if pairs has already been run, as all -- the arguments will already have been copied over. --]]  metatable.__index = function (t, key) --[[ -- Fetches an argument when the args table is indexed. First we check -- to see if the value is memoized, and if not we try and fetch it from -- the argument tables. When we check memoization, we need to check -- metaArgs before nilArgs, as both can be non-nil at the same time. -- If the argument is not present in metaArgs, we also check whether -- pairs has been run yet. If pairs has already been run, we return nil. -- This is because all the arguments will have already been copied into -- metaArgs by the mergeArgs function, meaning that any other arguments -- must be nil. --]] if type(key) == 'string' then key = options.translate[key] end local val = metaArgs[key] if val ~= nil then return val elseif metatable.donePairs or nilArgs[key] then return nil end for _, argTable in ipairs(argTables) do local argTableVal = tidyVal(key, argTable[key]) if argTableVal ~= nil then metaArgs[key] = argTableVal return argTableVal end end nilArgs[key] = 'h' return nil end  metatable.__newindex = function (t, key, val) -- This function is called when a module tries to add a new value to the -- args table, or tries to change an existing value. if type(key) == 'string' then key = options.translate[key] end if options.readOnly then error( 'could not write to argument table key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"; the table is read-only', 2 ) elseif options.noOverwrite and args[key] ~= nil then error( 'could not write to argument table key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"; overwriting existing arguments is not permitted', 2 ) elseif val == nil then --[[ -- If the argument is to be overwritten with nil, we need to erase -- the value in metaArgs, so that __index, __pairs and __ipairs do -- not use a previous existing value, if present; and we also need -- to memoize the nil in nilArgs, so that the value isn't looked -- up in the argument tables if it is accessed again. --]] metaArgs[key] = nil nilArgs[key] = 'h' else metaArgs[key] = val end end  local function translatenext(invariant) local k, v = next(invariant.t, invariant.k) invariant.k = k if k == nil then return nil elseif type(k) ~= 'string' or not options.backtranslate then return k, v else local backtranslate = options.backtranslate[k] if backtranslate == nil then -- Skip this one. This is a tail call, so this won't cause stack overflow return translatenext(invariant) else return backtranslate, v end end end  metatable.__pairs = function () -- Called when pairs is run on the args table. if not metatable.donePairs then mergeArgs(argTables) metatable.donePairs = true end return translatenext, { t = metaArgs } end  local function inext(t, i) -- This uses our __index metamethod local v = t[i + 1] if v ~= nil then return i + 1, v end end  metatable.__ipairs = function (t) -- Called when ipairs is run on the args table. return inext, t, 0 end  return args end  return arguments 


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