有教無類法案: 美国法案

有教无类法案(No Child Left Behind Act of 2001,Public Law 107-110),又譯為不讓任何孩子落後法案,简称为NCLB,是2002年1月8日由美國總統喬治·沃克·布希签署的一项美国联邦法律,该法案的措施的效力和愿望仍在引起热烈的辩论。

法律汇编30 Stat. 750, 42 Stat. 108, 48 Stat. 986, 52 Stat. 781, 73 Stat. 4, 88 Stat. 2213, 102 Stat. 130 and 357, 107 Stat. 1510, 108 Stat. 154 and 223, 112 Stat. 3076, 113 Stat. 1323, 115 Stat. 1425 to 2094
修订法令Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Act of 1994
Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Amendments of 1988
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Communications Act of 1934
Community Services Block Grant Act
Department of Education Organization Act
District of Columbia College Access Act of 1999
Education Amendments of 1972
Education Amendments of 1978
Education Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999
Education for Economic Security Act
Educational Research, Development, Dissemination, and Improvement Act of 1994
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
General Education Provisions Act
Goals 2000: Educate America Act
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1986
Higher Education Act of 1965
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Act
Internal Revenue Code of 1986
Johnson–O'Malley Act of 1934
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1997
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987
Museum and Library Services Act
National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977
National and Community Service Act of 1990
National Child Protection Act of 1993
National Education Statistics Act of 1994
National Environmental Education Act of 1990
Native American Languages Act
Public Law 88-210
Public Law 106-400
Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Safe Drinking Water Act
School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994
State Dependent Care Development Grants Act
Telecommunications Act of 1996
Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1987
Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
Workforce Investment Act of 1998
修订法编15 U.S.C.: Commerce and Trade
20 U.S.C.: Education
42 U.S.C.: Public Health and Social Welfare
47 U.S.C.: Telegraphy
修订章节美國法典第15编英语Title 15 of the United States Code第53之I章 §§ 2601–2629
美國法典第20编英语Title 20 of the United States Code第28章 § 1001 et seq.
美國法典第20编英语Title 20 of the United States Code第70章
美國法典第42编英语Title 42 of the United States Code第119章 § 11301 et seq.
美國法典第47编英语Title 47 of the United States Code第5之VI章 § 609
美國法典第47编英语Title 47 of the United States Code第5之II章 § 251 et seq.
美國法典第47编英语Title 47 of the United States Code第5之I章 § 151 et seq.
美國法典第47编英语Title 47 of the United States Code第5之II章 § 271 et seq.
  • 众议院提案:[1], John Boehner (R-OH), March 22, 2001
  • 委员会审核:Education and the Workforce and Judiciary
  • 众议院通过:May 23, 2001(384–45
  • 参议院通过:June 14, 2001(91–8
  • 協商委员会報告:December 13, 2001 众议院同意通过: December 13, 2001(381–41参议院同意通过:December 18, 2001(87–10
  • 总统签署生效:George W. Bush,January 8, 2002
Repealed on December 10, 2015



  • 至少拥有学士学位
  • 小学教师必须通过全州考试,证明其阅读/语言艺术、写作、数学等小学课程基础领域的学科知识和教学技能。
  • 中学教师必须通过全州任教学科考试





也称School of Choice,各学校必须在一学年内取得规定的进步,否则学生可以要求转学。国会后来,大幅度增长投资,为学区提供资金,以执行法律的父母择校需求。






NCLB在每年会对学校通过标准化测试的方法进行评估,这称为Adequately Yearly Progress(AYP),无法通过这项评估的学校会收到各种强制补救措施,比方增加财政投入、加强教师培训、学校托管甚至是关闭学校。


该法案名称的最可能的来源是the liberal advocacy group Children's Defense Fund英语Children's Defense Fund(CDF)的格言,“不让任何孩子落后。”("Leave No Child Behind.")这个CDF的座右铭本身最可能来源于美國陸軍遊騎兵的座右铭:“不让任何一个人被落下。”("Leave No Man Behind.")




有教無類法案 教师质量有教無類法案 学生考试有教無類法案 公立学校择校有教無類法案 联邦政府教育立法有教無類法案 标准测验的问题有教無類法案 资源分配不公有教無類法案 州教育预算有教無類法案 年度进步评估有教無類法案 名称由来有教無類法案 参考文献有教無類法案 外部链接有教無類法案喬治·沃克·布希美國總統

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