NGAN-HUI (An-hwei or Gan-Hwuy), an eastern province ofChina, which, together with Kiang-su and Kiang-si, forms thevice-royalty of Kiang-nan. It is bounded N. by Ho-nan, Kiang-su and Cheh-kiang, S. by Kiang-si and W. by Hu-pehand Ho-nan. It covers an area of 48,461 sq. m., and contains apopulation of 23,600,000 Its principal city is Ngan-kʽing onthe Yangtsze Kiang, besides which it numbers seven prefecturalcities. One district city, Ho-fei, is noted as having been thebirthplace of Li Hungchang (1822–1901). The southern half ofthe province, that portion south of the Yangtsze Kiang, formspart of the Nan-shan, or hilly belt of the south-eastern provinces,and produces, besides cotton, coal and iron ore, large quantitiesof green tea. There are also considerable forest areas. Nganhuiis one of the most productive provinces of China. Over thewhole of its southern portion tea is largely grown, notably inthe districts of Hui-chow Fu, Tung-liu, Ta-tung and. Wu-hu.The Yangtsze Kiang is the principal river of the province, andis of great importance for foreign commerce, supplying directwater communication between some of the principal tea-growingdistricts and the neighbourhood of Hang-chow. The only otherriver of importance is the Hwai-ho (see China: The Country).Wu-hu on the Yangtsze Kiang is the only open port in thisprovince. From this port a railway runs S.E. to Wen-chow—anopen seaport in Cheh-kiang province.