
搵【Template:Asbox】得出來嘅版 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書


  • 模解[睇] [改] [史] [清] Asbox ⸺ 楔信模(article stub templates)嘅母模 參數全部唔係必填: subject:寫喺 「文章」 呢兩個字之前,寫明文章主題係乜,唔可以淨係寫(例如)「書」,要寫明 「關於書嘅」 qualifier:寫喺 「楔位文」 呢三個字之前,寫明文章主題嘅領域係乜...
  • 模解 Stub hierarchy Asbox/templatepage Stub This template is used to identify a stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process...
  • 模解[睇] [改] [史] [清] Asbox ⸺ 楔信模(article stub templates)嘅母模 參數全部唔係必填: subject:寫喺 「文章」 呢兩個字之前,寫明文章主題係乜,唔可以淨係寫(例如)「書」,要寫明 「關於書嘅」 qualifier:寫喺 「楔位文」 呢三個字之前,寫明文章主題嘅領域係乜...
  • Asbox ⸺ 楔信模(article stub templates)嘅母模 參數全部唔係必填: subject:寫喺 「文章」 呢兩個字之前,寫明文章主題係乜,唔可以淨係寫(例如)「書」,要寫明 「關於書嘅」 qualifier:寫喺 「楔位文」 呢三個字之前,寫明文章主題嘅領域係乜 image:圖名(淨寫檔案名,唔寫...
  • Stub hierarchy Asbox/stubtree Stub 模解 Template:NODOC...
  • hierarchy 日本人楔 Stub This template is used to identify a 同日本人相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • hierarchy 足球員楔 Stub This template is used to identify a stub 足球員. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • France-stub Stub This template is used to identify a stub 法國. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • hierarchy 人物楔 Stub This template is used to identify a 同人物傳記相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Actor-stub Stub This template is used to identify a stub 日本演員. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • hierarchy 楔 Stub This template is used to identify a stub 仲未搞掂嘅. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • hierarchy 政治人楔 Stub This template is used to identify a stub 政治人. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • 香港藝人楔 Stub This template is used to identify a 同香港藝人相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Bio-stub Stub This template is used to identify a 同大韓民族相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Bio-stub Stub This template is used to identify a 同美國人相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Bio-stub Stub This template is used to identify a 同中國人相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Doubs-geo-stub Geo-stub Stub This template is used to identify a 杜地理 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Geo-stub Stub This template is used to identify a 埃納地理 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • Asteroid-stub Stub This template is used to identify a 小行星 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...
  • 香港政治人楔 Stub This template is used to identify a 同香港政治人相關 stub. It uses {{asbox}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and...

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