Dogri–Kangri languages

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検索結果 Dogri–Kangri languages

  • and the Dravidian languages spoken by 19.64% of Indians; both families together are sometimes known as Indic languages. Languages spoken by the remaining…
  • Zone Indo-Aryan languages, and sometimes treated as a group of its own. Romani shares a number of features with the Central Zone languages. The most significant…
  • continuum) Western Pahari (Dogri-Kangri) (Himachali) Dogri-Kangri Dogri (डोगरी – ڈوگرى – ḍogrī) (spoken in Jammu) Kangri (कांगड़ी – Kangri) Mandeali / Chambeali…
  • developed proximity to a number of Indo-Aryan languages, most significantly to other Pahari languages. Nepali was originally spoken by the Khas people…
  • an Indo-European language and belongs to the Eastern Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-Aryan languages. The Magahi and Maithili languages of Eastern Indo-Aryan…
  • language Kalasha-mun (Kalasha) and the Nuristani language Kalasha-ala (Waigali), which descend from different branches of the Indo-Iranian languages.…
  • Simons, Gary F.; Fennig, Charles D., eds. (2019). "Jakati". Ethnologue: Languages of the World (22nd ed.). SIL International. Hanifi, M. Jamil (2012). "Jāt"…
  • November 2017. Retrieved 23 February 2019. Singh, Jogindar (1975). "Saser Kangri". The American Alpine Journal: 67. Archived from the original on 14 February…
  • Sylheti is tonal. This is rare among the Indo-Aryan languages, but not unheard of, e.g. in Punjabi, Dogri, Chittagonian, Gawri (Kalam Kohistani), Torwali…
  • closely related to the Chittagonian language spoken in neighbouring Bangladesh. The Rohingya and Chittagonian languages have a high degree of mutual intelligibility…
  • Torwali is an endangered language: it is characterised as "definitely endangered" by UNESCO's Atlas of Endangered Languages, and as "vulnerable" by the…
  • Giusfredi, Federico; Pisaniello, Valerio; Matessi, Alvise (eds.). Contacts of Languages and Peoples in the Hittite and Post-Hittite World. Leiden, The Netherlands:…
  • Bara-khel. Tirahi is an Indo-Aryan language. Further, Tirahi is part of the sub-group of Kohistani languages along with languages such as Bateri, Chilisso, Gowro…
  • (11)   Vacant (2) Charar-i-Sharief is the most famous for a its variety of kangri known as "charar kanger". Writing in 1895, Sir Walter Lawrence, in his passage…
  • Dogra rulers. These policies led the Kashmiri Muslim population to emirgate en masse to more lenient neighboring countries, particularly Ladakh. As a symbolic…

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