Documentation Subpage

This template displays a message that the current page is a documentation subpage.

Documentation Subpage دستاویز سانچہ


    سانچہ:Template link expanded
    سانچہ:Template link expanded

سانچہ:Example needed

Userbox documentation

To set this template to use "userbox" and "userbox page" rather than "سانچہ" and "سانچہ page" or "ورتݨ آلا template" and "ورتݨ آلا template page", use:

    سانچہ:Template link expanded
    سانچہ:Template link expanded

Text customization

The parameters |text1= and/or |text2= can be used to set the text of, respectively, the template's first and second lines. If text1 is set but not text2, both lines' text will derive from text1: سانچہ:Hidden begin {{Documentation subpage |text1='''''text1 appears here''''' |text2='''''text2 appears here'''''}}

سانچہ:Hidden end سانچہ:Hidden begin {{Documentation subpage |text2='''''text2 appears here'''''}}

سانچہ:Hidden end سانچہ:Hidden begin {{Documentation subpage |text1='''''text1 appears here'''''}}

سانچہ:Hidden end

Other parameters

|inhibit=yes will prevent this template from generating any categories. (By default, "Namespace documentation pages" (usually Category:Template documentation pages) is added, or Category:Documentation subpages without corresponding pages if the main page doesn't exist.)


This template should normally be placed at the top of /doc pages. It changes output depending on where it is viewed:

  • On a /doc page, it displays a box explaining template documentation and links to the template page.
  • On other pages – i.e. pages transcluding the /doc page – the template will not show. The template page itself (which contains سانچہ:Template link) will automatically note that the documentation is transcluded from a subpage.


In addition to its message, the template adds pages to Category:Template documentation pages, Category:User documentation pages, or similar (named after the subject space), but only for documentation pages in namespaces with the subpage feature. It defaults the sort key to the page name without namespace: Template:Foo, for example, would be sorted as "Foo", i.e. under "F".

See also

  • سانچہ:Template link
  • سانچہ:Template link
  • سانچہ:Template link
  • سانچہ:Template link
  • سانچہ:Template link


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