
La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:Infobox/doc

-- -- This module implements {{Infobox}} --   local p = {} local wikiLang = 'qu'  local navbar = require('Module:Navbar')._navbar  local args = {} local origArgs local root  local item = nil -- l'élément Wikidata lié local localdata = {}-- données concernant les paramètres passés au modèle local page = { -- données concernant la page où est affichée l'infobox name = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText, namespace =  mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace } local maincolor, secondcolor, thirdcolor = '#E1E1E1', '#E1E1E1', '#000000' -- l'objet principal à retourner local infobox = mw.html.create('div')  -- objets secondaires à retourner local maintenance = '' -- chaîne retournée avec le module : cats de maintenance local externaltext = '' -- par exemple coordonnées en titre -- modules importés local linguistic = require "Módulo:Simi-yachay" local wd = require 'Módulo:Wikidata' local yesno = require 'Módulo:Yesno'  --->local valueexpl = wd.translate("activate-query") <--- local function union(t1, t2)     -- Returns the union of the values of two tables, as a sequence.     local vals = {}     for k, v in pairs(t1) do         vals[v] = true     end     for k, v in pairs(t2) do         vals[v] = true     end     local ret = {}     for k, v in pairs(vals) do         table.insert(ret, k)     end     return ret end  local function getArgNums(prefix)     -- Returns a table containing the numbers of the arguments that exist     -- for the specified prefix. For example, if the prefix was 'data', and     -- 'data1', 'data2', and 'data5' exist, it would return {1, 2, 5}.     local nums = {}     for k, v in pairs(args) do         local num = tostring(k):match('^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$')         if num then table.insert(nums, tonumber(num)) end     end     table.sort(nums)     return nums end  local function addRow(rowArgs)     -- Adds a row to the infobox, with either a header cell     -- or a label/data cell combination.     if rowArgs.header then         root             :tag('tr')                 :addClass(rowArgs.rowclass)                 :cssText(rowArgs.rowstyle)                 :attr('id', rowArgs.rowid)                 :tag('th')                     :attr('colspan', 2)                     :attr('id', rowArgs.headerid)                     :addClass(rowArgs.class)                     :addClass(args.headerclass)                     :css('text-align', 'center')                     :cssText(args.headerstyle)                     :wikitext(rowArgs.header)     elseif then         local row = root:tag('tr')         row:addClass(rowArgs.rowclass)         row:cssText(rowArgs.rowstyle)         row:attr('id', rowArgs.rowid)         if rowArgs.label then             row                 :tag('th')                     :attr('scope', 'row')                     :attr('id', rowArgs.labelid)                     :cssText(args.labelstyle)                     :wikitext(rowArgs.label)                     :done()         end                  local dataCell = row:tag('td')         if not rowArgs.label then              dataCell                 :attr('colspan', 2)                 :css('text-align', 'center')          end         dataCell             :attr('id', rowArgs.dataid)             :addClass(rowArgs.class)             :cssText(rowArgs.datastyle)             :newline()             :wikitext(     end end  local function renderTitle()     if not args.title then return end      root         :tag('caption')             :addClass(args.titleclass)             :cssText(args.titlestyle)             :wikitext(args.title) end  local function renderAboveRow()     if not args.above then return end          root         :tag('tr')             :tag('th')                 :attr('colspan', 2)                 :addClass(args.aboveclass)                 :css('text-align', 'center')                 :css('font-size', '125%')                 :css('font-weight', 'bold')                 :cssText(args.abovestyle)                 :wikitext(args.above) end  local function renderBelowRow()     if not args.below then return end          root         :tag('tr')             :tag('td')                 :attr('colspan', '2')                 :addClass(args.belowclass)                 :css('text-align', 'center')                 :cssText(args.belowstyle)                 :newline()                 :wikitext(args.below) end  local function renderSubheaders()     if args.subheader then         args.subheader1 = args.subheader     end     if args.subheaderrowclass then         args.subheaderrowclass1 = args.subheaderrowclass     end     local subheadernums = getArgNums('subheader')     for k, num in ipairs(subheadernums) do         addRow({             data = args['subheader' .. tostring(num)],             datastyle = args.subheaderstyle or args['subheaderstyle' .. tostring(num)],             class = args.subheaderclass,             rowclass = args['subheaderrowclass' .. tostring(num)]         })     end end  local function renderImages()     if args.image then         args.image1 = args.image     end     if args.caption then         args.caption1 = args.caption     end     local imagenums = getArgNums('image')     for k, num in ipairs(imagenums) do         local caption = args['caption' .. tostring(num)]         local data = mw.html.create():wikitext(args['image' .. tostring(num)])         if caption then             data                 :tag('div')                     :cssText(args.captionstyle)                     :wikitext(caption)         end         addRow({             data = tostring(data),             datastyle = args.imagestyle,             class = args.imageclass,             rowclass = args['imagerowclass' .. tostring(num)]         })     end end  local function renderRows()     -- Gets the union of the header and data argument numbers,     -- and renders them all in order using addRow.     local rownums = union(getArgNums('header'), getArgNums('data'))     table.sort(rownums)     for k, num in ipairs(rownums) do         addRow({             header = args['header' .. tostring(num)],             label = args['label' .. tostring(num)],             data = args['data' .. tostring(num)],             datastyle = args.datastyle,             class = args['class' .. tostring(num)],             rowclass = args['rowclass' .. tostring(num)],             rowstyle = args['rowstyle' .. tostring(num)],             dataid = args['dataid' .. tostring(num)],             labelid = args['labelid' .. tostring(num)],             headerid = args['headerid' .. tostring(num)],             rowid = args['rowid' .. tostring(num)]         })     end end  local function renderNavBar()     if not then return end          root         :tag('tr')             :tag('td')                 :attr('colspan', '2')                 :css('text-align', 'right')                 :wikitext(navbar{           ,                     mini = 1,                 }) end  local function renderItalicTitle()     local italicTitle = args['italic title'] and mw.ustring.lower(args['italic title'])     if italicTitle == '' or italicTitle == 'force' or italicTitle == 'yes' then         root:wikitext(mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'italic title'}))     end end  local function renderTrackingCategories()     if args.decat ~= 'yes' then         if #(getArgNums('data')) == 0 and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then             root:wikitext('[[Category:Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows]]')         end         if args.child == 'yes' and args.title then             root:wikitext('[[Category:Pages which use embedded infobox templates with the title parameter]]')         end     end end  local function _infobox()     -- Specify the overall layout of the infobox, with special settings     -- if the infobox is used as a 'child' inside another infobox.     if args.child ~= 'yes' then         root = mw.html.create('table')                  root             :addClass('infobox')             :addClass(args.bodyclass)                          if args.subbox == 'yes' then                 root                     :css('padding', '0')                     :css('border', 'none')                     :css('margin', '-3px')                     :css('width', 'auto')                     :css('min-width', '100%')                     :css('font-size', '100%')                     :css('clear', 'none')                     :css('float', 'none')                     :css('background-color', 'transparent')             else                 root                     :css('width', '22em')             end         root             :cssText(args.bodystyle)              renderTitle()         renderAboveRow()     else         root = mw.html.create()                  root             :wikitext(args.title)     end      renderSubheaders()     renderImages()      renderRows()      renderBelowRow()       renderNavBar()     renderItalicTitle()     renderTrackingCategories()          return tostring(root) end  local function preprocessSingleArg(argName)     -- If the argument exists and isn't blank, add it to the argument table.     -- Blank arguments are treated as nil to match the behaviour of ParserFunctions.     if origArgs[argName] and origArgs[argName] ~= '' then         args[argName] = origArgs[argName]     end end  local function preprocessArgs(prefixTable, step)     -- Assign the parameters with the given prefixes to the args table, in order, in batches     -- of the step size specified. This is to prevent references etc. from appearing in the     -- wrong order. The prefixTable should be an array containing tables, each of which has     -- two possible fields, a "prefix" string and a "depend" table. The function always parses     -- parameters containing the "prefix" string, but only parses parameters in the "depend"     -- table if the prefix parameter is present and non-blank.     if type(prefixTable) ~= 'table' then         error("Non-table value detected for the prefix table", 2)     end     if type(step) ~= 'number' then         error("Invalid step value detected", 2)     end          -- Get arguments without a number suffix, and check for bad input.     for i,v in ipairs(prefixTable) do         if type(v) ~= 'table' or type(v.prefix) ~= "string" or (v.depend and type(v.depend) ~= 'table') then             error('Invalid input detected to preprocessArgs prefix table', 2)         end         preprocessSingleArg(v.prefix)         -- Only parse the depend parameter if the prefix parameter is present and not blank.         if args[v.prefix] and v.depend then             for j, dependValue in ipairs(v.depend) do                 if type(dependValue) ~= 'string' then                     error('Invalid "depend" parameter value detected in preprocessArgs')                 end                 preprocessSingleArg(dependValue)             end         end     end      -- Get arguments with number suffixes.     local a = 1 -- Counter variable.     local moreArgumentsExist = true     while moreArgumentsExist == true do         moreArgumentsExist = false         for i = a, a + step - 1 do             for j,v in ipairs(prefixTable) do                 local prefixArgName = v.prefix .. tostring(i)                 if origArgs[prefixArgName] then                     moreArgumentsExist = true -- Do another loop if any arguments are found, even blank ones.                     preprocessSingleArg(prefixArgName)                 end                 -- Process the depend table if the prefix argument is present and not blank, or                 -- we are processing "prefix1" and "prefix" is present and not blank, and                 -- if the depend table is present.                 if v.depend and (args[prefixArgName] or (i == 1 and args[v.prefix])) then                     for j,dependValue in ipairs(v.depend) do                         local dependArgName = dependValue .. tostring(i)                         preprocessSingleArg(dependArgName)                     end                 end             end         end         a = a + step     end end   function p.infobox(frame)     -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template.     -- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in.     if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then         origArgs = frame:getParent().args     else         origArgs = frame     end          -- Parse the data parameters in the same order that the old {{infobox}} did, so that     -- references etc. will display in the expected places. Parameters that depend on     -- another parameter are only processed if that parameter is present, to avoid     -- phantom references appearing in article reference lists.     preprocessSingleArg('child')     preprocessSingleArg('bodyclass')     preprocessSingleArg('subbox')     preprocessSingleArg('bodystyle')     preprocessSingleArg('title')     preprocessSingleArg('titleclass')     preprocessSingleArg('titlestyle')     preprocessSingleArg('above')     preprocessSingleArg('aboveclass')     preprocessSingleArg('abovestyle')     preprocessArgs({         {prefix = 'subheader', depend = {'subheaderstyle', 'subheaderrowclass'}}     }, 10)     preprocessSingleArg('subheaderstyle')     preprocessSingleArg('subheaderclass')     preprocessArgs({         {prefix = 'image', depend = {'caption', 'imagerowclass'}}     }, 10)     preprocessSingleArg('captionstyle')     preprocessSingleArg('imagestyle')     preprocessSingleArg('imageclass')     preprocessArgs({         {prefix = 'header'},         {prefix = 'data', depend = {'label'}},         {prefix = 'rowclass'},         {prefix = 'rowstyle'},         {prefix = 'class'},         {prefix = 'dataid'},         {prefix = 'labelid'},         {prefix = 'headerid'},         {prefix = 'rowid'}     }, 50)     preprocessSingleArg('headerclass')     preprocessSingleArg('headerstyle')     preprocessSingleArg('labelstyle')     preprocessSingleArg('datastyle')     preprocessSingleArg('below')     preprocessSingleArg('belowclass')     preprocessSingleArg('belowstyle')     preprocessSingleArg('name')     args['italic title'] = origArgs['italic title'] -- different behaviour if blank or absent     preprocessSingleArg('decat')       return _infobox() end    local function addWikidataCat(prop) maintenance = maintenance .. wd.addTrackingCat(prop) end  local function expandQuery(query) local value, number -- valeur à retourner, nombre de valeurs pour accorder le libellé if not query.entity then query.entity = localdata.item end if not query.conjtype then query.conjtype = 'comma' end local claims = wd.getClaims(query) if (not claims) then return nil end return wd.formatAndCat(query), #claims -- pour l'accord au pluriel end  local function getWikidataValue(params, wikidataparam) -- Récupère la valeur Wikidata pour la valeur, soit dans le paramètre "wikidata" soit dans le paramètre "property" if not localdata.item then return nil end  if params.blockers then -- blockers are local parameters that disable the wikidata query local blockers = params.blockers if (type(blockers) == 'string') then blockers = {blockers} end for i, blocker in ipairs(blockers) do if localdata[blocker] then return nil end end end  local v, valnum -- la valeur à retourner, et le nombre de de valeurs (pour l'accord grammatical)  if not wikidataparam then -- par défaut la valeur wikidata est dans le paramètre "wikidata" mais dans les structures composées comme "title", il y a plusieurs paramètres wikidata wikidataparam = 'wikidata' end  if params[wikidataparam] then if type(params[wikidataparam]) == 'function' then v, valnum = params[wikidataparam](localdata.item) elseif type(params[wikidataparam]) == 'table' then v, valnum = expandQuery(params[wikidataparam]) else v, valnum = params[wikidataparam] end end if not v then return nil end v = linguistic.ucfirst(v) return v, valnum end  local function getValue(val, params) if type(val) == 'string' then return localdata[val] elseif type(val) == 'function' then return val(localdata, localdata.item, params) elseif type(val) == 'table' then for i, j in pairs(val) do -- si plusieurs paramètres possibles (legacy de vieux code), prendre le premier non vide if localdata[j] then return localdata[j] end end end end  local function addMaintenanceCat(cat, sortkey) if page.namespace ~= 0 then return '' end if cat then maintenance = maintenance .. '[[Category:' .. cat .. '|' .. (sortkey or .. ']]' end end  function p.separator(params) local style = params['separator style'] or {} style.height = style.height or '2px' style['background-color'] = style['background-color'] or maincolor  return mw.html.create('hr'):css( style ) end  --[=[ Construit le code du bloc de titre de l'infobox  Paramètres (liste partielle) : - value : Moyen d'obtenir le titre via getValue (nom de paramètre de modèle ou fonction). - textdefaultvalue : Valeur par défaut du titre. - icon : Pictogramme d'infobox (voir [[Projet:Infobox/Pictogramme]]). - italic : Indique si le titre doit être affiché en italique.   Si italic=true, le paramètre "titre en italique" de l'infobox peut forcer la désactivation. - setdisplaytitle : Indique si le titre de l'article doit être mis en forme comme celui de l'infobox.   Si setdisplaytitle=true, le paramètre "titre article en italique" de l'infobox peut forcer la désactivation. ]=] function p.buildtitle(params) local text = getValue(params.value, params) or params.textdefaultvalue or  getWikidataValue(params) or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text local lang = localdata['langue du titre'] or '' if lang ~= '' then local langueFunction = require( 'Módulo:Simi' ).langue text = langueFunction( { lang, text } ) end local subtext = getValue(params.subtitle) or  getWikidataValue(params, 'wikidatasubtitle') or params.subtitledefaultvalue if subtext and (subtext ~= text) then text = text .. '
.. subtext .. '' end local icon = params.icon or '' if icon ~= '' and icon ~= 'defaut' then text = text .. mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag('templatestyles', '', {src = 'Infobox/Pictogramme/' .. mw.text.trim(icon) .. '.css'}) if not params.large then icon = 'icon ' .. icon end end local class = 'entete ' .. icon local italic = params.italic and yesno(localdata['titre en italique'] or '', true, true) if italic then class = class .. ' italique' end if params.setdisplaytitle and yesno(localdata['titre article en italique'] or '', true, true) then local formatTitleModule = require( 'Módulo:Formatage du titre' ) text = text .. formatTitleModule.setDisplayTitle{ args = { lang = lang, italic = italic, options = 'noreplace', } } end -- overwrites with those provided in the module local style = {} style['background-color'] = maincolor style['color'] = thirdcolor if then for i, j in pairs( do style[i] = j end end local title = mw.html.create('div') :addClass(class) :css(style) :tag('div') :wikitext(text) :allDone() return title end p.buildTitle = p.buildtitle function p.buildnavbox(params) -- définition du style local class = "overflow nav " .. (params.class or '') local style = or {} if params.separated then -- options pour ajouter une ligne de séparation au dessus class = class .. ' bordered' style['border-top'] = '1px solid' .. maincolor end -- ajustement des paramètres de données params.previousval = params.previousval or params.previousparameter -- nom de paramètre obsolète params.nextval = params.nextval or params.nextparameter if params.previousproperty then params.previouswikidata = {property = params.previousproperty} end if params.nextproperty then params.nextwikidata = {property = params.nextproperty} end local previousval = getValue(params.previousval, params) or getWikidataValue(params, 'previouswikidata') local nextval = getValue(params.nextval, params) or getWikidataValue(params, 'nextwikidata') local navbox if params.inner then -- pour celles qui sont à l'intérieur d'une table navbox = mw.html.create('tr'):tag('th'):attr('colspan', 2) style['font-weight'] = style['font-weight'] or 'normal' else navbox = mw.html.create('div') end if previousval or nextval then navbox :addClass(class) :css(style) :tag('div') :addClass('prev_bloc') :wikitext(previousval) :done() :tag('div') :addClass('next_bloc') :wikitext(nextval) :done() :allDone() return navbox end return nil end p.buildNavbox = p.buildnavbox function p.buildimages(params) local images = {} local upright, link, caption, alt, size -- size is deprecated if type(params.imageparameters) == 'string' then params.imageparameters = {params.imageparameters} end if not params.imageparameters then -- s'il n'y a pas de paramètre image, continuer, peut-être y a-t-il une image par défaut définie dans le module d'infobox params.imageparameters = {} end for j, k in ipairs(params.imageparameters) do table.insert(images, localdata[k]) end -- Images de Wikidata if #images == 0 and localdata.item then if then params.wikidata = {entity = localdata.item, property =} end if params.wikidata then local wdq = params.wikidata wdq.excludespecial = true if type(wdq) == 'table' then wdq.entity = wdq.entity or localdata.item wdq.numval = wdq.numval or params.numval or 1 images = wd.getClaims(wdq) end if type(wdq) == 'function' then images = params.wikidata() if type(images) == 'string' then return images end --c'est probablement une erreur dans la requête => afficher le message end if (not images) then images = {} end if (#images > 0) and ( then addWikidataCat( end if type(images[1]) == 'table' then for i, image in pairs(images) do if image.mainsnak.snaktype ~= 'value' then return end if #images == 1 then -- si une seule image, on utilise la légende (si deux plusieurs images, comment mettre en forme ?) caption = wd.getFormattedQualifiers(images[i], {'P2096'}, {isinlang = wikiLang}) or wd.getFormattedQualifiers(images[i], {'P805'}) end images[i] = image.mainsnak.datavalue.value end end end end -- Images par défaut if #images == 0 then if params.maintenancecat then addMaintenanceCat(params.maintenancecat, params.sortkey) end if params.defaultimages then images = params.defaultimages if type(images) == 'string' then images = {images} end upright = params.defaultimageupright caption = params.defaultimagecaption link = params.defaultimagelink alt = params.defaultimagealt if not alt and ( images[1] == 'Defaut.svg' or images[1] == 'Defaut 2.svg' ) then alt = 'une illustration sous licence libre serait bienvenue' end end end if #images == 0 then return nil end upright = upright or getValue(params.uprightparameter) or params.defaultupright or "1.2" link = link or getValue(params.linkparameter) or params.defaultlink caption = caption or getValue(params.captionparameter) or params.defaultcaption alt = alt or getValue( params.altparameter) or params.defaultalt -- taille avec "size" (obsolète) size = size or getValue(params.sizeparameter) or params.defaultsize -- deprecated if size then local sizevalue = size:gsub('px$', '') local widthonly = mw.ustring.gsub(sizevalue, 'x.*', '') widthonly = tonumber(widthonly) if type(widthonly) ~= 'number' or widthonly > 280 then addMaintenanceCat("taille d'image invalide") end if tonumber(sizevalue) then size = tostring( tonumber(sizevalue) / #images ) .. 'px' end end if tonumber(upright) then upright = tostring( tonumber(upright) / #images ) end local style = or {padding ='2px 0',} -- Partie image local imagesString = '' for i,image in pairs(images) do if image == '-' then return end imagesString = imagesString .. '[[Fichier:' .. image .. '|frameless' if size then imagesString = imagesString .. '|' .. size -- not a mistake, parameter is unnamed end if alt then imagesString = imagesString .. '|alt=' .. alt end if link then imagesString = imagesString .. '|link=' .. link end if upright then imagesString = imagesString .. '|upright=' .. upright elseif #images > 1 and not size then imagesString = imagesString .. '|upright=' .. ( 1 / #images ) end if image:sub(-4):lower() == '.svg' then imagesString = imagesString .. '|lang=' .. wikiLang end imagesString = imagesString .. ']]' end local image = mw.html.create('div') :addClass("images") :css(style) :wikitext(imagesString) -- Partie légende local captionobj if caption then captionobj = mw.html.create('div') :wikitext(caption) :css(params.legendstyle or {}) :addClass("legend") :done() end -- séparateur local separator if params.separator then separator = separator(params) end return mw.html.create('div') :node(image) :node(captionobj) :node(separator) :done() end p.buildImages = p.buildimages function p.buildtext(params) local class = params.class or '' local style = { ['text-align'] = 'center', ['font-weight'] = 'bold' } if then for i, j in pairs( do style[i] = j end end local text = getValue(params.value, params) or getWikidataValue(params) or params.defaultvalue if text == '-' then return end if not text then addMaintenanceCat(params.maintenancecat, params.sortkey) return nil end local formattedtext = mw.html.create('p') :addClass(class) :css(style) :wikitext(text) :done() return formattedtext end p.buildText = p.buildtext function p.buildrow(params) local class = params.class or '' local style = or {} local valueClass = params.valueClass or '' local valueStyle = params.valueStyle or {} local value, number = getValue(params.value, params) if (value == valueexpl) then value = nil params.wikidata.expl = false end if (not value) then value, number = getWikidataValue(params, 'wikidata') end if (not value) and ( then value, number = expandQuery{ property =, ucfirst = params.ucfirst } end if not value then value = params.defaultvalue end if value == '-' then return nil end if not number then number = 0 -- == indéfini end if not value then if params.maintenancecat then local maintenancecat = getValue(params.maintenancecat, params) addMaintenanceCat(maintenancecat, params.sortkey) end return nil end local label = params.label if number > 1 and (params.plurallabel) then label = params.plurallabel elseif number == 1 and (params.singularlabel) then label = params.singularlabel end if type(label) == 'function' then label = label(localdata, localdata.item) end -- format local formattedvalue = mw.html.create('div') :wikitext('\n' .. value) -- Le '\n' est requis lorsque value est une liste commençant par '*' ou '#' if (params.hidden == true)then formattedvalue :attr({class="NavContent", style="display: none; text-align: left;"}) formattedvalue = mw.html.create('div') :attr({class="NavFrame", title="[Afficher]/[Masquer]", style="border: none; padding: 0;"}) :node(formattedvalue) end formattedvalue = mw.html.create('td') :node(formattedvalue) :addClass(valueClass) :css(valueStyle) :allDone() local formattedlabel if label then formattedlabel = mw.html.create('th') :attr('scope', 'row') :wikitext(label) :done() end local row = mw.html.create('tr') :addClass(class) :css(style) :node(formattedlabel) :node(formattedvalue) :done() return row end p.buildRow = p.buildrow function p.buildsuccession(params) if not params.value then return nil end --local style = or {} --style['text-align'] = style['text-align'] or 'center' --style['color'] = style['color'] or '#000000' --style['background-color'] = style['background-color'] or '#F9F9F9' local rowI = mw.html.create('tr') local styleI = {} local colspan = '2' styleI['padding'] = '1px' cellI = mw.html.create('td') :attr({colspan = colspan}) :attr({align = 'center'}) :css(styleI) local styleT = {} styleT['margin'] = '0px' styleT['background-color'] = 'transparent' styleT['width'] = '100%' tabC = mw.html.create('table') :attr({cellspacing = '0'}) :addClass('navigation-not-searchable') :css(styleT) local row = mw.html.create('tr') local color = params.color local style = {} local arrowLeft local arrowRight if color == 'default' then arrowLeft = '[[Fichier:Arrleft.svg|13px|alt=Précédent|link=]]' arrowRight = '[[Fichier:Arrright.svg|13px|alt=Précédent|link=]]' else arrowLeft = '[[Fichier:Arrleft.svg|13px|alt=Suivant|link=]]' arrowRight = '[[Fichier:Arrright.svg|13px|alt=Suivant|link=]]' style['background-color'] = color end local styleTrans = {} local values = params.value local before = values['before'] local center = values['center'] local after = values['after'] local widthCell = '44%' if center then widthCenter = '28%' widthCell = '29%' end local formattedbefore if before then formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({align = 'left'}) :attr({width = '5%'}) :css(style) :wikitext(arrowLeft) :done() row:node(formattedbefore) formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({width = '1%'}) :css(style) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedbefore) formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'left'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = widthCell}) :css(style) :wikitext(before) :done() row:node(formattedbefore) else formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({align = 'left'}) :attr({width = '5%'}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedbefore) formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({width = '1%'}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedbefore) formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'left'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = widthCell}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedbefore) end local formattedcenter formattedcenter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({width = '1%'}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedcenter) if center then formattedcenter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'center'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = widthCenter}) :css(style) :wikitext(center) :done() row:node(formattedcenter) formattedcenter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({width = '1%'}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedcenter) end local formattedafter if after then formattedafter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'right'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = widthCell}) :css(style) :wikitext(after) :done() row:node(formattedafter) formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({width = '1%'}) :css(style) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedbefore) formattedafter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'right'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = '5%'}) :css(style) :wikitext(arrowRight) :done() row:node(formattedafter) else formattedafter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'right'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = widthCell}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedafter) formattedbefore = mw.html.create('td') :attr({width = '1%'}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedbefore) formattedafter = mw.html.create('td') :attr({align = 'right'}) :attr({valign = 'middle'}) :attr({width = '5%'}) :css(styleTrans) :wikitext('') :done() row:node(formattedafter) end row:done() tabC:node(row) tabC:done() cellI:node(tabC) cellI:done() rowI:node(cellI) rowI:allDone() return rowI end p.buildSuccession = p.buildsuccession function p.buildrow1col(params) if not params.value then return nil end --local style = or {} --style['text-align'] = style['text-align'] or 'center' --style['color'] = style['color'] or '#000000' --style['background-color'] = style['background-color'] or '#F9F9F9' local class = params.class local rowcolor if params.color == 'secondcolor' then rowcolor = secondcolor else rowcolor = params.color end local style = {} style['padding'] = '4px' style['text-align'] = 'center' style['background-color'] = rowcolor or '#F9F9F9' style['color'] = '#000000' local text = params.value local colspan ='2' local formattedlabel formattedlabel = mw.html.create('th') :attr({colspan = colspan}) :css(style) :wikitext(text) :done() local row = mw.html.create('tr') :addClass(class) :css(style) :node(formattedlabel) :done() return row end p.buildRow1Col = p.buildrow1col function p.buildtable(params) local tab = mw.html.create('table'):css( or {}) local rows = params.rows -- expand parameters so that we have a list of tables local i = 1 while (i <= #rows) do local l = rows[i] if type(l) == 'function' then l = l(localdata, localdata.item) end if (type(l) == 'table') and (l.type == 'multi') then table.remove(rows, i) for j, row in ipairs(l.rows) do table.insert(rows, i + j - 1, row) end elseif type(l) == 'nil' then table.remove(rows, i) elseif type(l) ~= 'table' then return error('les lignes d\'infobox ("rows") doivent être des tables, est ' .. type(l)) else i = i + 1 end end -- CREATE ROW local expandedrows = {} for k, row in ipairs(rows) do local v = p.buildblock(row) if v then table.insert(expandedrows, v) end end if (#expandedrows == 0) then return nil end rows = expandedrows -- ADD TITLE local title if params.title or params.singulartitle or params.pluraltitle then local text if #rows > 1 and params.pluraltitle then text = params.pluraltitle elseif #rows == 1 and params.singulartitle then text = params.singulartitle else text = params.title end local style = params.titlestyle or {} style['text-align'] = style['text-align'] or 'center' style['color'] = style['color'] or thirdcolor style['background-color'] = style['background-color'] or maincolor local colspan ='2' title = mw.html.create('caption') :attr({colspan = colspan}) :css(style) :wikitext(text) :done() end if title then tab:node(title) end for i, j in pairs (rows) do tab:node(j) end if params.separator then local separator = p.separator(params) tab:node(separator) end tab:allDone() return tab end p.buildTable = p.buildtable function p.buildinvalidblock(args) addMaintenanceCat(defaultcat) local text = '' if type(args) ~= 'table' then text = "Les blocs d'infobox doivent être des tables" else text = i18n["invalid block type"] .. ' : ' .. (args.type or '??') end return text end p.buildInvalidBlock = p.buildinvalidblock function p.buildmap(params) -- paramètre d'affichage local maplist = getValue(params.maps) local pointtype = params.pointtype local maptype = params.maptype -- choisit le type de carte le plus approprié (relief, administratif, etc.) if type(maplist) == 'function' then maplist = maplist(localdata, localdata.item) end local width = tonumber(params.width) or 280 if width > 280 then addMaintenanceCat("Erreur d'Infobox/Image trop grande") return 'image trop grande, la largeur doit être inférieure ou égale à 280px' end -- récupération des données locales local pointtable = {} local globe = params.globe if params.latitude then local lat, long if type(params.latitude) == 'function' then lat, long = params.latitude(localdata, localdata.item), params.longitude(localdata, localdata.item) else lat, long = localdata[params.latitude], localdata[params.longitude] end if lat then table.insert(pointtable, {latitude = lat, longitude = long}) end end -- récupération des données wikidata local function processWDval(claim, displayformat) if not claim then return nil end local val = wd.formatSnak( claim.mainsnak ) return {latitude = val.latitude, longitude = val.longitude, globe = val.globe, marker = displayformat.marker} end local function getWDvals(query) query.excludespecial = true query.numval = query.numval or 1 query.entity = query.entity or localdata.item local claims = wd.getClaims(query) if (not claims) then return end for i, claim in ipairs(claims) do claim = processWDval(claim, query) table.insert(pointtable, claim) end end if (#pointtable == 0) and localdata.item and params.wikidata and (params.wikidata ~= '-') then for i, query in ipairs(params.wikidata) do if type(query) == 'function' then query = query() end if query then getWDvals(query) end end end if (not pointtable) or (#pointtable == 0) then return nil end local newparams = {maplist = maplist, pointtype = pointtype, maptype = maptype, width = width, item = localdata.item, pointtable = pointtable, globe = globe, marker=params.marker, default_zoom=params.default_zoom, ids = params.ids, markercolor = params.markercolor, shapecolor = params.shapecolor } if params.params and type(params.params) == 'table' then -- paramètres additionnels for i, j in pairs(params.params) do newparams[i] = j end end return require('Módulo:Saywitu').multimap(newparams) end p.buildMap = p.buildmap function p.buildexternaltext(params) local value = getValue(params.value) if value and (type(value) == 'string') then externaltext = externaltext .. value end end p.buildExternalText = p.buildexternaltext function p.buildfooter(params) if not params then params = {} end local class = 'navbar noprint bordered ' .. (params.class or '') local style = or {} style['border-top'] = style['border-top'] or '1px solid ' .. maincolor local backlinkstr = '[' .. tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl(, 'veaction=edit§ion=0' ) ) .. ' ' .. i18n['edit'] .. ']' .. ' - [' .. tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl(, 'action=edit§ion=0' ) ) .. ' ' .. i18n['edit code'] .. ']' local itemlinkstr if localdata.item then itemlinkstr = '[[d:' .. .. '|' .. i18n['edit item'] .. ']]' end local editstr = backlinkstr if itemlinkstr then editstr = editstr .. ' - ' .. itemlinkstr end local editlinkspan = mw.html.create('span') :css({['text-align'] = "left"}) :addClass('plainlinks') :wikitext(editstr) :done() local doclinkstr = '[[Fichier:Info Simple.svg|12px|link=' .. localdata.templatename .. '|' .. i18n['see doc'] .. ']]' -- si ce lien ne marche pas toujours, il faut ajouter un variable pour le nom de l'infobox récupéré par le frame local doclinkspan = mw.html.create('span') :css({['text-align'] = "right"}) :wikitext(doclinkstr) :done() local footer = mw.html.create('p') :addClass(class) :css(style) :node(editlinkspan) :node(doclinkspan) return footer end p.buildFooter = p.buildfooter function p.buildblock(block) if type(block) == 'function' then block = block( localdata ) end local blocktypes = { -- list of functions for block buildings ['invalid'] = p.buildinvalidblock, ['external text'] = p.buildexternaltext, ['footer'] = p.buildfooter, ['images'] = p.buildimages, ['map']= p.buildmap, ['mixed'] = p.buildrow, ['navbox'] = p.buildnavbox, ['table'] = p.buildtable, ['row'] = p.buildrow, ['row1col'] = p.buildrow1col, ['succession'] = p.buildsuccession, ['text'] = p.buildtext, ['title'] = p.buildtitle, } if type(block) ~= 'table' or (not block.type) or (not blocktypes[block.type]) then return blocktypes['invalid'](block) end return blocktypes[block.type](block) end p.buildBlock = p.buildblock function localdata = require( 'Módulo:Infobox / Localdata' ) item = localdata.item -- assign rank to the infobox, "secondary" means special formatting like no displaytitle for coordinates local infoboxrank = 'main' -- main infobox of the page, with coordinates displayed in title etc. if page.namespace ~= 0 then infoboxrank = 'secondary' end -- if infobox is linked to another item: rank = secondary if localdata.item then local itemlink = mw.wikibase.sitelink( local pagetitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text if (itemlink or '') ~= pagetitle then infoboxrank = 'secondary' end end localdata.infoboxrank = infoboxrank -- load infobox module page local moduledata = require('Módulo:Infobox/' .. localdata.modulename) = localdata.modulename -- defines main color maincolor = localdata['couleur infobox'] or localdata['couleur boîte'] or moduledata.maincolor or maincolor secondcolor = moduledata.secondcolor or secondcolor thirdcolor = localdata['texte noir'] or localdata['couleur texte'] or moduledata.thirdcolor or thirdcolor if maincolor:match( '^%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) or maincolor:match( '^%x%x%x$' ) then maincolor = '#' .. maincolor end if thirdcolor:match ('oui') or thirdcolor:match( 'true' ) then thirdcolor = '#000' end if thirdcolor:match ('non') or thirdcolor:match( 'false' ) then thirdcolor = '#fff' end -- class local class = 'infobox infobox v3 large' if moduledata.class then class = class .. ' ' .. moduledata.class end -- style local style = or {} -- build infobox infobox:addClass(class) :css(style) for i, j in pairs( ) do infobox:node( p.buildblock(j) ) end infobox:node(p.buildfooter(moduledata.footer)) :done() return tostring(infobox) .. externaltext, maintenance end return p


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