
이 모듈의 자세한 설명은 en:Module:String2/doc 항목을 참고하십시오.

local p = {}   p.upper = function(frame) local s = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") return string.upper(s) end  p.lower = function(frame) local s = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") return string.lower(s) end   p.sentence = function (frame ) frame.args[1] = string.lower(frame.args[1]) return p.ucfirst(frame) end   p.ucfirst = function (frame ) local s =  mw.text.trim( frame.args[1] or "" ) local s1 = "" -- if it's a list chop off and (store as s1) everything up to the first 
  • local lipos = string.find(s, "
  • " ) if lipos then s1 = string.sub(s, 1, lipos + 3) s = string.sub(s, lipos + 4) end -- 한글/한자 등을 포함한 긴 바이트가 포함되어 있으면 무시 처리함 if string.find(s, "[^\128-\191][\128-\191]") then return s1 .. s end -- s1 is either "" or the first part of the list markup, so we can continue -- and prepend s1 to the returned string if string.find(s, "^%[%[[^|]+|[^%]]+%]%]") then -- this is a piped wikilink, so we capitalise the text, not the pipe local b, c = string.find(s, "|%A*%a") -- find the first letter after the pipe return s1 .. string.sub(s, 1, c-1) .. string.upper(string.sub(s, c, c)) .. string.sub(s, c+1) end local letterpos = string.find(s, '%a') if letterpos then local first = string.sub(s, 1, letterpos - 1) local letter = string.sub(s, letterpos, letterpos) local rest = string.sub(s, letterpos + 1) return s1 .. first .. string.upper(letter) .. rest else return s1 .. s end end p.title = function (frame ) -- -- recommended by The U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual: -- "Capitalize all words in titles of publications and documents, -- except a, an, the, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or, and nor." local alwayslower = {['a'] = 1, ['an'] = 1, ['the'] = 1, ['and'] = 1, ['but'] = 1, ['or'] = 1, ['for'] = 1, ['nor'] = 1, ['on'] = 1, ['in'] = 1, ['at'] = 1, ['to'] = 1, ['from'] = 1, ['by'] = 1, ['of'] = 1, ['up'] = 1 } local res = '' local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[1] or "" ) local words = mw.text.split( s, " ") for i, s in ipairs(words) do s = string.lower( s ) if( i > 1 and alwayslower[s] == 1) then -- leave in lowercase else s = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(s) end words[i] = s end return table.concat(words, " ") end -- stripZeros finds the first number and strips leading zeros (apart from units) -- e.g "0940" -> "940"; "Year: 0023" -> "Year: 23"; "00.12" -> "0.12" p.stripZeros = function(frame) local s = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") n = tonumber( string.match( s, "%d+" ) ) or "" s = string.gsub( s, "%d+", n, 1 ) return s end -- nowiki ensures that a string of text is treated by the MediaWiki software as just a string -- it takes an unnamed parameter and trims whitespace, then removes any wikicode p.nowiki = function(frame) local str = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") return mw.text.nowiki(str) end -- posnq (position, no quotes) returns the numerical start position of the first occurrence -- of one piece of text ("match") inside another ("str"). -- It returns nil if no match is found, or if either parameter is blank. -- It takes the text to be searched in as the first unnamed parameter, which is trimmed. -- It takes the text to match as the second unnamed parameter, which is trimmed and -- any double quotes " are stripped out. p.posnq = function(frame) local str = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local match = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or ""):gsub('"', '') if str == "" or match == "" then return nil end -- just take the start position local pos = str:find(match, 1, true) return pos end -- split splits text at boundaries specified by separator -- and returns the chunk for the index idx (starting at 1) -- #invoke:String2 |split |text |separator |index |true/false -- #invoke:String2 |split |txt=text |sep=separator |idx=index |plain=true/false -- if plain is false/no/0 then separator is treated as a Lua pattern - defaults to plain=true p.split = function(frame) local args = frame.args if not(args[1] or args.txt) then args = frame:getParent().args end local txt = args[1] or args.txt or "" if txt == "" then return nil end local sep = (args[2] or args.sep or ""):gsub('"', '') local idx = tonumber(args[3] or args.idx) or 1 local plain = (args[4] or args.plain or "true"):sub(1,1) plain = (plain ~= "f" and plain ~= "n" and plain ~= "0") return mw.text.split( txt, sep, plain )[idx] end return p
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