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Font Name Author Download License Size Comment
Vulcanius Artemio Keidan Yes Freeware (?) 6KB ย 
Code2001 James Kass Yes Freeware, personal use and commercial use, must not be altered 207KB
MPH 2B Damase Mark Williamson Alternate
Public Domain (?) 856KB Original site is down, download from alternate link
ALPHABETUM Juan Josรฉ Marcos Demo Commercial (Individual โ‚ฌ15, Multi-user โ‚ฌ60) 1,860KB Demo lacks around 600 characters, with user manual
Cardo David J. Perry Yes Free for personal non-profit use only (see licence terms) ย  With user manual (Gothic character set is still to come)
Andron Mega Andreas Stรถtzner Buy Commercial ย  An enormously extensive font
Pfeffer Mediรฆval (Site down, May 5th 2012) Robert Pfeffer Yes Free for non-commercial use ย  A Gothic font in the style (and as part) of a Carolingian minuscule. Suitable for both display and printing (half-serifed font) with also an excellent coverage of Latin and Runic, plus medieval ligatures (mapped as private use characters or enabled by OpenType features).
Ulfilas Robert Pfeffer Yes Free for non-commercial use ย  A Times-like Gothic serif font in four typefaces intended for quality printing (standard, bold, italic, bold-italic). (note: this font also remaps the Latin script, so it is probably not suitable as the default font for reading articles, but may have usage for small or fancy texts or in decorative titles, or when citing old Codex texts when you are sure that the text will not contain Latin).
Skeirs Robert Pfeffer Yes SIL (free for both non-commercial and commercial use, but it isn't permitted to change the font without permission) ย  An Arial-like Gothic sans-serif font intended for screen display (along with the Runic character set). There's no direct support for bold weight and italic style, that may be emulated by the browser (or that may select another font font these styles). It may have usage for small or fancy texts or in decorative titles, or when citing old Codex texts. This font is also supported as Wikifont.
Silubr Robert Pfeffer Yes Free for non-commercial use ย  A bold Gothic uncial script (note: this font also remaps the Latin script, so it is probably not suitable as the default font for reading articles, but may have usage for small or fancy texts or in decorative titles, or when citing old Codex texts when you are sure that the text will not contain Latin).
Midjungards Robert Pfeffer Yes Free for non-commercial use ย  A Gothic hand script in the style of J.R.R. Tolkien's Elvish script (note: this font also remaps the Latin script, so it is probably not suitable as the default font for reading articles, but may have usage for small or fancy texts or in decorative titles, or when citing Tolkien texts when you are sure that the text will not contain Latin).
Noto Sans Gothic Google Yes (Ctrl+F search needed) SIL Open Font License 8.75 KB As an ongoing developing font family project, some rarely used Gothic letters may still rendered as tofu or U+FFFD "๏ฟฝ" even installed this font, in this case please report bugs via Github (register a Github account and click "New issue", include problemic letters in the issue).


Microsoft Windows

If you are still seeing boxes instead of Gothic after installing a font and restarting your web browser, please visit:

But you can't see Gothic, if you already restarted your web browser, doubt whether you have turned on "ignore page's own font" if it is turned on, you can solve it making an easy css file and remove font's all glaphies without gothic.

and make a css file as:

* { font-family: YOUR GOTHIC FONT'S NAME(but this font must have gothic glaphies), serif;  

then you would check use user's style seat file, after browse this file, and add the css file you made.

For example, copy this line in your Special:Mypage/Vector.css and/or Special:Mypage/Monobook.css (depending on your preferred theme)

body.mediawiki { font-family: 'Pfeffer Mediรฆval', /*Skeirs, Ulfilas,*/ sans-serif; font-size:120%; } 

The "Pferrer Mediรฆval" font does NOT override the Latin script with Gothic letters, but displays the actual Latin letters (and it covers Runes and Cyrillic as well). So it is highly preferable to other fonts from the same author (listed in comments above).


Debian has MPH 2B Damase package, use the following command to install it:

apt-get install ttf-mph-2b-damase 

The package should also work under all other Debian derived distributions (e.g. Ubuntu, don't forget the sudo command).

For other distributions, extract the truetype font and place it under either /usr/share/fonts/ (with superuser right) or ~/.fonts/ (normal user right). Then run the following command to refresh font cache:

fc-cache -v 

Browsers need to be closed and restarted, but there is no need to reboot.

In distributions using GNOME, such as Ubuntu, you can use the filemanager to access fonts://, where you can deposit the font, then restart your web browser.


For OS 10.x and higher, simply drag the font files into the Fonts folder. The Fonts folder is located on your hard drive, in the Library folder.

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