
This module allows templates and modules to be easily translated as part of the multilingual templates and modules project.

Tnt توضیحات پودمان

Instead of storing English text in a module or a template, TNT module allows modules to be designed language-neutral, and store multilingual text in the tabular data pages on Commons. This way your module or template will use those translated strings (messages), or if the message has not yet been translated, will fallback to English. When someone updates the translation table, your page will automatically update (might take some time, or you can purge it), but no change in the template or module is needed on any of the wikis. This process is very similar to MediaWiki's localisation, and supports all standard localization conventions such as {{PLURAL|...}} and other parameters.

This module can be used from templates using #invoke, and from other modules. For a simple example, see Data:I18n/ - a table with two messages, each message having a single parameter. By convention, all translation tables should have '''Data:I18n/...''' prefix to separate them from other types of data.

Using from Templates

Description Wiki Markup
In a template, this command translates source_table message using Commons' Data:I18n/ translation table.
{{#invoke:TNT | msg | I18n/ | source_table }} 
If your message contains parameters, you can specify them after the message ID.
{{#invoke:TNT | msg | I18n/Template:My | message-with-two-params | param1 | param2 }} 

Translating Template Parameters

Template parameters are usually stored as a JSON templatedata block inside the template's /doc subpage. This makes it convenient to translate, but when a new parameter is added to a global template, all /doc pages need to be updated in every language. TNT helps with this by automatically generating the templatedata block from a table stored on Commons. Placing this line into every /doc sub-page will use Data:Templatedata/ table to generate all the needed templatedata information in every language. Even if the local community has not translated the full template documentation, they will be able to see all template parameters, centrally updated.
{{#invoke:TNT | doc | Graph:Lines }} 

Using from Modules

Just like templates, modules should also use this module for localization:

local TNT = require('Module:TNT')  -- format  string with two parameters using a translation table. local text = TNT.format('I18n/My_module_messages', 'messageId', 'param1', 'param2', ...)  -- Same, but translate to a specific language. local text = TNT.formatInLanguage('fr', 'I18n/My_module_messages', 'messageId', 'param1', 'param2', ...) 

Using TNTTools

Module:TNTTools has:

  • Question functions: with boolean or numerical indexed return. To be called from other modules or from templates. With:
    • Case sensitive option.
    • Possibility of more than one translated text value (where each value is separated by "|").
  • To put aside write, adding "I18n/" as a prefix and ".tab" extension as a suffix for the table names.
  • Several examples.

See also

  • JSON, a language-independent data format.
-- -- INTRO:   (!!! DO NOT RENAME THIS PAGE !!!) --    This module allows any template or module to be copy/pasted between --    wikis without any translation changes. All translation text is stored --    in the global  Data:*.tab  pages on Commons, and used everywhere. -- -- SEE: -- -- ATTENTION: --    Please do NOT rename this module - it has to be identical on all wikis. --    This code is maintained at --    Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes. --    Suggestions can be made at -- -- DESCRIPTION: --    The "msg" function uses a Commons dataset to translate a message --    with a given key (e.g. source-table), plus optional arguments --    to the wiki markup in the current content language. --    Use lang=xx to set language.  Example: -- --    {{#invoke:TNT | msg --     | I18n/   --     | source-table               --     | param1 }}                  -- -- --    The "doc" function will generate the  parameter documentation for templates. --    This way all template parameters can be stored and localized in a single Commons dataset. --    NOTE: "doc" assumes that all documentation is located in Data:Templatedata/* on Commons. -- --    {{#invoke:TNT | doc | Graph:Lines }} --        uses --        if the current page is Template:Graph:Lines/doc --  local p = {} local i18nDataset = 'I18n/'  -- Forward declaration of the local functions local sanitizeDataset, loadData, link, formatMessage  function p.msg(frame) local dataset, id local params = {} local lang = nil for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do if k == 1 then dataset = mw.text.trim(v) elseif k == 2 then id = mw.text.trim(v) elseif type(k) == 'number' then table.insert(params, mw.text.trim(v)) elseif k == 'lang' and v ~= '_' then lang = mw.text.trim(v) end end return formatMessage(dataset, id, params, lang) end  -- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules -- Parameters:  name of dataset, message key, optional arguments -- Example with 2 params:  format('I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset') function p.format(dataset, key, ...) local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType checkType('format', 1, dataset, 'string') checkType('format', 2, key, 'string') return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}) end   -- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules with the language param -- Parameters:  language code, name of dataset, message key, optional arguments -- Example with 2 params:  formatInLanguage('es', I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset') function p.formatInLanguage(lang, dataset, key, ...) local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType checkType('formatInLanguage', 1, lang, 'string') checkType('formatInLanguage', 2, dataset, 'string') checkType('formatInLanguage', 3, key, 'string') return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}, lang) end  -- Obsolete function that adds a 'c:' prefix to the first param. -- "Sandbox/" -> 'c:Data:Sandbox/' function return link(frame.args[1]) end  function p.doc(frame) local dataset = 'Templatedata/' .. sanitizeDataset(frame.args[1]) return frame:extensionTag('templatedata', p.getTemplateData(dataset)) ..    formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'edit_doc', {link(dataset)}) end  function p.getTemplateData(dataset) -- TODO: add '_' parameter once lua starts reindexing properly for "all" languages local data = loadData(dataset) local names = {} for _, field in pairs(data.schema.fields) do table.insert(names, end  local params = {} local paramOrder = {} for _, row in pairs( do local newVal = {} local name = nil for pos, val in pairs(row) do local columnName = names[pos] if columnName == 'name' then name = val else newVal[columnName] = val end end if name then params[name] = newVal table.insert(paramOrder, name) end end  -- Work around json encoding treating {"1":{...}} as an [{...}] params['zzz123']=''  local json = mw.text.jsonEncode({ params=params, paramOrder=paramOrder, description=data.description })  json = string.gsub(json,'"zzz123":"",?', "")  return json end  -- Local functions  sanitizeDataset = function(dataset) if not dataset then return nil end dataset = mw.text.trim(dataset) if dataset == '' then return nil elseif string.sub(dataset,-4) ~= '.tab' then return dataset .. '.tab' else return dataset end end  loadData = function(dataset, lang) dataset = sanitizeDataset(dataset) if not dataset then error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_no_dataset', {})) end  -- Give helpful error to thirdparties who try and copy this module. if not mw.ext or not or not then error('افزونهٔ JsonConfig ناموجود است؛ ناتوان در بارگیری' .. dataset) end  local data =, lang)  if data == false then if dataset == i18nDataset then -- Prevent cyclical calls error('مجموعه دادهٔ ' .. i18nDataset .. ' در ویکی‌انبار موجود نیست') else error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_bad_dataset', {link(dataset)})) end end return data end  -- Given a dataset name, convert it to a title with the 'commons:data:' prefix link = function(dataset) return 'c:Data:' .. mw.text.trim(dataset or '') end  formatMessage = function(dataset, key, params, lang) for _, row in pairs(loadData(dataset, lang).data) do local id, msg = unpack(row) if id == key then local result = mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, unpack(params or {})) return result:plain() end end if dataset == i18nDataset then -- Prevent cyclical calls error('کلید پیام «' .. key .. '» نامعتبر است') else error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_bad_msgkey', {key, link(dataset)})) end end  return p 


mw:Help:Tabular Datamw:Localisationmw:Multilingual Templates and Modulesmw:localisation

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