Zeeman Effect

The Zeeman effect (/ˈzeɪmən/; Dutch pronunciation: ) is the effect of splitting of a spectral line into several components in the presence of a static magnetic field.

It is named after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman, who discovered it in 1896 and received a Nobel prize for this discovery. It is analogous to the Stark effect, the splitting of a spectral line into several components in the presence of an electric field. Also similar to the Stark effect, transitions between different components have, in general, different intensities, with some being entirely forbidden (in the dipole approximation), as governed by the selection rules.

Zeeman Effect
The spectral lines of mercury vapor lamp at wavelength 546.1 nm, showing anomalous Zeeman effect. (A) Without magnetic field. (B) With magnetic field, spectral lines split as transverse Zeeman effect. (C) With magnetic field, split as longitudinal Zeeman effect. The spectral lines were obtained using a Fabry–Pérot interferometer.
Zeeman Effect
Zeeman splitting of the 5s level of 87Rb, including fine structure and hyperfine structure splitting. Here F = J + I, where I is the nuclear spin (for 87Rb, I = 32).
This animation shows what happens as a sunspot (or starspot) forms and the magnetic field increases in strength. The light emerging from the spot starts to demonstrate the Zeeman effect. The dark spectra lines in the spectrum of the emitted light split into three components and the strength of the circular polarisation in parts of the spectrum increases significantly. This polarisation effect is a powerful tool for astronomers to detect and measure stellar magnetic fields.

Since the distance between the Zeeman sub-levels is a function of magnetic field strength, this effect can be used to measure magnetic field strength, e.g. that of the Sun and other stars or in laboratory plasmas.


In 1896 Zeeman learned that his laboratory had one of Henry Augustus Rowland's highest resolving Rowland grating, an imaging spectrographic mirror. Zeeman had read James Clerk Maxwell's article in Encyclopædia Britannica describing Michael Faraday's failed attempts to influence light with magnetism. Zeeman wondered if the new spectrographic techniques could succeed where early efforts had not.: 75 

When illuminated by a slit shaped source, the grating produces a long array of slit images corresponding to different wavelengths. Zeeman placed a piece of asbestos soaked in salt water into a Bunsen burner flame at the source of the grating: he could easily see two lines for sodium light emission. Energizing a 10 kilogauss magnet around the flame he observed a slight broadening of the sodium images.: 76 

When Zeeman switched to cadmium at the source he observed the images split when the magnet was energized. These splitting could be analyzed with Hendrik Lorentz's then new electron theory. In retrospect we now know that the magnetic effects on sodium require quantum mechanical treatment.: 77  Zeeman and Lorentz were awarded the 1902 Nobel prize; in his acceptance speech Zeeman explained his apparatus and showed slides of the spectrographic images.


Historically, one distinguishes between the normal and an anomalous Zeeman effect (discovered by Thomas Preston in Dublin, Ireland). The anomalous effect appears on transitions where the net spin of the electrons is non-zero. It was called "anomalous" because the electron spin had not yet been discovered, and so there was no good explanation for it at the time that Zeeman observed the effect. Wolfgang Pauli recalled that when asked by a colleague as to why he looked unhappy, he replied, "How can one look happy when he is thinking about the anomalous Zeeman effect?"

At higher magnetic field strength the effect ceases to be linear. At even higher field strengths, comparable to the strength of the atom's internal field, the electron coupling is disturbed and the spectral lines rearrange. This is called the Paschen–Back effect.

In the modern scientific literature, these terms are rarely used, with a tendency to use just the "Zeeman effect". Another rarely used obscure term is inverse Zeeman effect, referring to the Zeeman effect in an absorption spectral line.

A similar effect, splitting of the nuclear energy levels in the presence of a magnetic field, is referred to as the nuclear Zeeman effect.

Theoretical presentation

The total Hamiltonian of an atom in a magnetic field is

    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  is the unperturbed Hamiltonian of the atom, and Zeeman Effect  is the perturbation due to the magnetic field:

    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  is the magnetic moment of the atom. The magnetic moment consists of the electronic and nuclear parts; however, the latter is many orders of magnitude smaller and will be neglected here. Therefore,

    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  is the Bohr magneton, Zeeman Effect  is the total electronic angular momentum, and Zeeman Effect  is the Landé g-factor. A more accurate approach is to take into account that the operator of the magnetic moment of an electron is a sum of the contributions of the orbital angular momentum Zeeman Effect  and the spin angular momentum Zeeman Effect , with each multiplied by the appropriate gyromagnetic ratio:

    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  (the latter is called the anomalous gyromagnetic ratio; the deviation of the value from 2 is due to the effects of quantum electrodynamics). In the case of the LS coupling, one can sum over all electrons in the atom:

    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  are the total spin momentum and spin of the atom, and averaging is done over a state with a given value of the total angular momentum.

If the interaction term Zeeman Effect  is small (less than the fine structure), it can be treated as a perturbation; this is the Zeeman effect proper. In the Paschen–Back effect, described below, Zeeman Effect  exceeds the LS coupling significantly (but is still small compared to Zeeman Effect ). In ultra-strong magnetic fields, the magnetic-field interaction may exceed Zeeman Effect , in which case the atom can no longer exist in its normal meaning, and one talks about Landau levels instead. There are intermediate cases which are more complex than these limit cases.

Weak field (Zeeman effect)

If the spin–orbit interaction dominates over the effect of the external magnetic field, Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  are not separately conserved, only the total angular momentum Zeeman Effect  is. The spin and orbital angular momentum vectors can be thought of as precessing about the (fixed) total angular momentum vector Zeeman Effect . The (time-)"averaged" spin vector is then the projection of the spin onto the direction of Zeeman Effect :

    Zeeman Effect 

and for the (time-)"averaged" orbital vector:

    Zeeman Effect 


    Zeeman Effect 

Using Zeeman Effect  and squaring both sides, we get

    Zeeman Effect 

and: using Zeeman Effect  and squaring both sides, we get

    Zeeman Effect 

Combining everything and taking Zeeman Effect , we obtain the magnetic potential energy of the atom in the applied external magnetic field,

    Zeeman Effect 

where the quantity in square brackets is the Landé g-factor gJ of the atom (Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect ) and Zeeman Effect  is the z-component of the total angular momentum. For a single electron above filled shells Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect , the Landé g-factor can be simplified into:

    Zeeman Effect 

Taking Zeeman Effect  to be the perturbation, the Zeeman correction to the energy is

    Zeeman Effect 

Example: Lyman-alpha transition in hydrogen

The Lyman-alpha transition in hydrogen in the presence of the spin–orbit interaction involves the transitions

    Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect 

In the presence of an external magnetic field, the weak-field Zeeman effect splits the 1S1/2 and 2P1/2 levels into 2 states each (Zeeman Effect ) and the 2P3/2 level into 4 states (Zeeman Effect ). The Landé g-factors for the three levels are:

    Zeeman Effect  for Zeeman Effect  (j=1/2, l=0)
    Zeeman Effect  for Zeeman Effect  (j=1/2, l=1)
    Zeeman Effect  for Zeeman Effect  (j=3/2, l=1).

Note in particular that the size of the energy splitting is different for the different orbitals, because the gJ values are different. On the left, fine structure splitting is depicted. This splitting occurs even in the absence of a magnetic field, as it is due to spin–orbit coupling. Depicted on the right is the additional Zeeman splitting, which occurs in the presence of magnetic fields.

Zeeman Effect 

Dipole-allowed Lyman-alpha transitions in the weak-field regime
Initial state

(Zeeman Effect )

Zeeman Effect 

Final state

(Zeeman Effect )

Zeeman Effect 

Energy perturbation
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 

Strong field (Paschen–Back effect)

The Paschen–Back effect is the splitting of atomic energy levels in the presence of a strong magnetic field. This occurs when an external magnetic field is sufficiently strong to disrupt the coupling between orbital (Zeeman Effect ) and spin (Zeeman Effect ) angular momenta. This effect is the strong-field limit of the Zeeman effect. When Zeeman Effect , the two effects are equivalent. The effect was named after the German physicists Friedrich Paschen and Ernst E. A. Back.

When the magnetic-field perturbation significantly exceeds the spin–orbit interaction, one can safely assume Zeeman Effect . This allows the expectation values of Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  to be easily evaluated for a state Zeeman Effect . The energies are simply

    Zeeman Effect 

The above may be read as implying that the LS-coupling is completely broken by the external field. However Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  are still "good" quantum numbers. Together with the selection rules for an electric dipole transition, i.e., Zeeman Effect  this allows to ignore the spin degree of freedom altogether. As a result, only three spectral lines will be visible, corresponding to the Zeeman Effect  selection rule. The splitting Zeeman Effect  is independent of the unperturbed energies and electronic configurations of the levels being considered.

More precisely, if Zeeman Effect , each of these three components is actually a group of several transitions due to the residual spin–orbit coupling and relativistic corrections (which are of the same order, known as 'fine structure'). The first-order perturbation theory with these corrections yields the following formula for the hydrogen atom in the Paschen–Back limit:

    Zeeman Effect 

Example: Lyman-alpha transition in hydrogen

In this example, the fine-structure corrections are ignored.

Dipole-allowed Lyman-alpha transitions in the strong-field regime
Initial state

(Zeeman Effect )

Zeeman Effect 

Initial energy perturbation Final state

(Zeeman Effect )

Zeeman Effect 

Final energy perturbation
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect  Zeeman Effect 

Intermediate field for j = 1/2

In the magnetic dipole approximation, the Hamiltonian which includes both the hyperfine and Zeeman interactions is

    Zeeman Effect 
    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  is the hyperfine splitting (in Hz) at zero applied magnetic field, Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  are the Bohr magneton and nuclear magneton respectively, Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  are the electron and nuclear angular momentum operators and Zeeman Effect  is the Landé g-factor:

Zeeman Effect 

In the case of weak magnetic fields, the Zeeman interaction can be treated as a perturbation to the Zeeman Effect  basis. In the high field regime, the magnetic field becomes so strong that the Zeeman effect will dominate, and one must use a more complete basis of Zeeman Effect  or just Zeeman Effect  since Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  will be constant within a given level.

To get the complete picture, including intermediate field strengths, we must consider eigenstates which are superpositions of the Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  basis states. For Zeeman Effect , the Hamiltonian can be solved analytically, resulting in the Breit–Rabi formula. Notably, the electric quadrupole interaction is zero for Zeeman Effect  (Zeeman Effect ), so this formula is fairly accurate.

We now utilize quantum mechanical ladder operators, which are defined for a general angular momentum operator Zeeman Effect  as

    Zeeman Effect 

These ladder operators have the property

    Zeeman Effect 

as long as Zeeman Effect  lies in the range Zeeman Effect  (otherwise, they return zero). Using ladder operators Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  We can rewrite the Hamiltonian as

    Zeeman Effect 

We can now see that at all times, the total angular momentum projection Zeeman Effect  will be conserved. This is because both Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  leave states with definite Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  unchanged, while Zeeman Effect  and Zeeman Effect  either increase Zeeman Effect  and decrease Zeeman Effect  or vice versa, so the sum is always unaffected. Furthermore, since Zeeman Effect  there are only two possible values of Zeeman Effect  which are Zeeman Effect . Therefore, for every value of Zeeman Effect  there are only two possible states, and we can define them as the basis:

    Zeeman Effect 

This pair of states is a two-level quantum mechanical system. Now we can determine the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian:

    Zeeman Effect 
    Zeeman Effect 

Solving for the eigenvalues of this matrix – as can be done by hand (see two-level quantum mechanical system), or more easily, with a computer algebra system – we arrive at the energy shifts:

    Zeeman Effect 
    Zeeman Effect 

where Zeeman Effect  is the splitting (in units of Hz) between two hyperfine sublevels in the absence of magnetic field Zeeman Effect , Zeeman Effect  is referred to as the 'field strength parameter' (Note: for Zeeman Effect  the expression under the square root is an exact square, and so the last term should be replaced by Zeeman Effect ). This equation is known as the Breit–Rabi formula and is useful for systems with one valence electron in an Zeeman Effect  (Zeeman Effect ) level.

Note that index Zeeman Effect  in Zeeman Effect  should be considered not as total angular momentum of the atom but as asymptotic total angular momentum. It is equal to total angular momentum only if Zeeman Effect  otherwise eigenvectors corresponding different eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are the superpositions of states with different Zeeman Effect  but equal Zeeman Effect  (the only exceptions are Zeeman Effect ).



Zeeman Effect 
Zeeman effect on a sunspot spectral line

George Ellery Hale was the first to notice the Zeeman effect in the solar spectra, indicating the existence of strong magnetic fields in sunspots. Such fields can be quite high, on the order of 0.1 tesla or higher. Today, the Zeeman effect is used to produce magnetograms showing the variation of magnetic field on the Sun.[citation needed]

Laser cooling

The Zeeman effect is utilized in many laser cooling applications such as a magneto-optical trap and the Zeeman slower.[citation needed]


Zeeman-energy mediated coupling of spin and orbital motions is used in spintronics for controlling electron spins in quantum dots through electric dipole spin resonance.


Old high-precision frequency standards, i.e. hyperfine structure transition-based atomic clocks, may require periodic fine-tuning due to exposure to magnetic fields. This is carried out by measuring the Zeeman effect on specific hyperfine structure transition levels of the source element (cesium) and applying a uniformly precise, low-strength magnetic field to said source, in a process known as degaussing.

The Zeeman effect may also be utilized to improve accuracy in atomic absorption spectroscopy.[citation needed]


A theory about the magnetic sense of birds assumes that a protein in the retina is changed due to the Zeeman effect.

Nuclear spectroscopy

The nuclear Zeeman effect is important in such applications as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and Mössbauer spectroscopy.[citation needed]


The electron spin resonance spectroscopy is based on the Zeeman effect.[citation needed]


Zeeman Effect 
Diagram of a Zeeman effect demonstration

The Zeeman effect can be demonstrated by placing a sodium vapor source in a powerful electromagnet and viewing a sodium vapor lamp through the magnet opening (see diagram). With magnet off, the sodium vapor source will block the lamp light; when the magnet is turned on the lamp light will be visible through the vapor.

The sodium vapor can be created by sealing sodium metal in an evacuated glass tube and heating it while the tube is in the magnet.

Alternatively, salt (sodium chloride) on a ceramic stick can be placed in the flame of Bunsen burner as the sodium vapor source. When the magnetic field is energized, the lamp image will be brighter. However, the magnetic field also affects the flame, making the observation depend upon more than just the Zeeman effect. These issues also plagued Zeeman's original work; he devoted considerable effort to ensure his observations were truly an effect of magnetism on light emission.

When salt is added to the Bunsen burner, it dissociates to give sodium and chloride. The sodium atoms get excited due to photons from the sodium vapour lamp, with electrons excited from 3s to 3p states, absorbing light in the process. The sodium vapour lamp emits light at 589nm, which has precisely the energy to excite an electron of a sodium atom. If it was an atom of another element, like chlorine, shadow will not be formed.[failed verification] When a magnetic field is applied, due to the Zeeman effect the spectral line of sodium gets split into several components. This means the energy difference between the 3s and 3p atomic orbitals will change. As the sodium vapour lamp don't precisely deliver the right frequency any more, light doesn't get absorbed and passes through, resulting in the shadow dimming. As the magnetic field strength is increased, the shift in the spectral lines increases and lamp light is transmitted.[citation needed]

See also



Zeeman Effect DiscoveryZeeman Effect NomenclatureZeeman Effect Theoretical presentationZeeman Effect Weak field (Zeeman effect)Zeeman Effect Strong field (Paschen–Back effect)Zeeman Effect Intermediate field for j = 12Zeeman Effect ApplicationsZeeman Effect DemonstrationsZeeman Effect

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