Monotone Convergence Theorem

In the mathematical field of real analysis, the monotone convergence theorem is any of a number of related theorems proving the convergence of monotonic sequences (sequences that are decreasing or increasing) that are also bounded.

Informally, the theorems state that if a sequence is increasing and bounded above by a supremum, then the sequence will converge to the supremum; in the same way, if a sequence is decreasing and is bounded below by an infimum, it will converge to the infimum.

Convergence of a monotone sequence of real numbers

Lemma 1

If a sequence of real numbers is increasing and bounded above, then its supremum is the limit.


Let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be such a sequence, and let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be the set of terms of Monotone Convergence Theorem . By assumption, Monotone Convergence Theorem  is non-empty and bounded above. By the least-upper-bound property of real numbers, Monotone Convergence Theorem  exists and is finite. Now, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem , there exists Monotone Convergence Theorem  such that Monotone Convergence Theorem , since otherwise Monotone Convergence Theorem  is an upper bound of Monotone Convergence Theorem , which contradicts the definition of Monotone Convergence Theorem . Then since Monotone Convergence Theorem  is increasing, and Monotone Convergence Theorem  is its upper bound, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem , we have Monotone Convergence Theorem . Hence, by definition, the limit of Monotone Convergence Theorem  is Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Lemma 2

If a sequence of real numbers is decreasing and bounded below, then its infimum is the limit.


The proof is similar to the proof for the case when the sequence is increasing and bounded above.


If Monotone Convergence Theorem  is a monotone sequence of real numbers (i.e., if an ≤ an+1 for every n ≥ 1 or an ≥ an+1 for every n ≥ 1), then this sequence has a finite limit if and only if the sequence is bounded.


  • "If"-direction: The proof follows directly from the lemmas.
  • "Only If"-direction: By (ε, δ)-definition of limit, every sequence Monotone Convergence Theorem  with a finite limit Monotone Convergence Theorem  is necessarily bounded.

Convergence of a monotone series


If for all natural numbers j and k, aj,k is a non-negative real number and aj,k ≤ aj+1,k, then: 168 

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

The theorem states that if you have an infinite matrix of non-negative real numbers such that

  1. the columns are weakly increasing and bounded, and
  2. for each row, the series whose terms are given by this row has a convergent sum,

then the limit of the sums of the rows is equal to the sum of the series whose term k is given by the limit of column k (which is also its supremum). The series has a convergent sum if and only if the (weakly increasing) sequence of row sums is bounded and therefore convergent.

As an example, consider the infinite series of rows

      Monotone Convergence Theorem 

where n approaches infinity (the limit of this series is e). Here the matrix entry in row n and column k is

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

the columns (fixed k) are indeed weakly increasing with n and bounded (by 1/k!), while the rows only have finitely many nonzero terms, so condition 2 is satisfied; the theorem now says that you can compute the limit of the row sums Monotone Convergence Theorem  by taking the sum of the column limits, namely Monotone Convergence Theorem .

Beppo Levi's lemma

The following result is due to Beppo Levi, who proved a slight generalization in 1906 of an earlier result by Henri Lebesgue. In what follows, Monotone Convergence Theorem  denotes the Monotone Convergence Theorem -algebra of Borel sets on Monotone Convergence Theorem . By definition, Monotone Convergence Theorem  contains the set Monotone Convergence Theorem  and all Borel subsets of Monotone Convergence Theorem 


Let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be a measure space, and Monotone Convergence Theorem . Consider a pointwise non-decreasing sequence Monotone Convergence Theorem  of Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable non-negative functions Monotone Convergence Theorem , i.e., for every Monotone Convergence Theorem  and every Monotone Convergence Theorem ,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Set the pointwise limit of the sequence Monotone Convergence Theorem  to be Monotone Convergence Theorem . That is, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem ,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Then Monotone Convergence Theorem  is Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable and

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Remark 1. The integrals may be finite or infinite.

Remark 2. The theorem remains true if its assumptions hold Monotone Convergence Theorem -almost everywhere. In other words, it is enough that there is a null set Monotone Convergence Theorem  such that the sequence Monotone Convergence Theorem  non-decreases for every Monotone Convergence Theorem  To see why this is true, we start with an observation that allowing the sequence Monotone Convergence Theorem  to pointwise non-decrease almost everywhere causes its pointwise limit Monotone Convergence Theorem  to be undefined on some null set Monotone Convergence Theorem . On that null set, Monotone Convergence Theorem  may then be defined arbitrarily, e.g. as zero, or in any other way that preserves measurability. To see why this will not affect the outcome of the theorem, note that since Monotone Convergence Theorem  we have, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem 

    Monotone Convergence Theorem  and Monotone Convergence Theorem 

provided that Monotone Convergence Theorem  is Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable.: section 21.38  (These equalities follow directly from the definition of the Lebesgue integral for a non-negative function).

Remark 3. Under the assumptions of the theorem,

  1. Monotone Convergence Theorem 
  2. Monotone Convergence Theorem 

(Note that the second chain of equalities follows from Remark 5).

Remark 4. The proof below does not use any properties of the Lebesgue integral except those established here. The theorem, thus, can be used to prove other basic properties, such as linearity, pertaining to Lebesgue integration.

Remark 5 (monotonicity of the Lebesgue integral). In the proof below, we apply the monotonic property of the Lebesgue integral to non-negative functions only. Specifically (see Remark 4), let the functions Monotone Convergence Theorem  be Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable.

  • If Monotone Convergence Theorem  everywhere on Monotone Convergence Theorem  then
    Monotone Convergence Theorem 
  • If Monotone Convergence Theorem  and Monotone Convergence Theorem  then
    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Proof. Denote by Monotone Convergence Theorem  the set of simple Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable functions Monotone Convergence Theorem  such that Monotone Convergence Theorem  everywhere on Monotone Convergence Theorem 

1. Since Monotone Convergence Theorem  we have

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

By definition of the Lebesgue integral and the properties of supremum,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

2. Let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be the indicator function of the set Monotone Convergence Theorem  It can be deduced from the definition of the Lebesgue integral that

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

if we notice that, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem  Monotone Convergence Theorem  outside of Monotone Convergence Theorem  Combined with the previous property, the inequality Monotone Convergence Theorem  implies

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 


This proof does not rely on Fatou's lemma; however, we do explain how that lemma might be used. Those not interested in this independency of the proof may skip the intermediate results below.

Intermediate results

Lebesgue integral as measure

Lemma 1. Let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be a measurable space. Consider a simple Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable non-negative function Monotone Convergence Theorem . For a subset Monotone Convergence Theorem , define

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Then Monotone Convergence Theorem  is a measure on Monotone Convergence Theorem .


Monotonicity follows from Remark 5. Here, we will only prove countable additivity, leaving the rest up to the reader. Let Monotone Convergence Theorem , where all the sets Monotone Convergence Theorem  are pairwise disjoint. Due to simplicity,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

for some finite non-negative constants Monotone Convergence Theorem  and pairwise disjoint sets Monotone Convergence Theorem  such that Monotone Convergence Theorem . By definition of the Lebesgue integral,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Since all the sets Monotone Convergence Theorem  are pairwise disjoint, the countable additivity of Monotone Convergence Theorem  gives us

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Since all the summands are non-negative, the sum of the series, whether this sum is finite or infinite, cannot change if summation order does. For that reason,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

as required.

"Continuity from below"

The following property is a direct consequence of the definition of measure.

Lemma 2. Let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be a measure, and Monotone Convergence Theorem , where

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

is a non-decreasing chain with all its sets Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable. Then

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Proof of theorem

Step 1. We begin by showing that Monotone Convergence Theorem  is Monotone Convergence Theorem –measurable.: section 21.3 

Note. If we were using Fatou's lemma, the measurability would follow easily from Remark 3(a).

To do this without using Fatou's lemma, it is sufficient to show that the inverse image of an interval Monotone Convergence Theorem  under Monotone Convergence Theorem  is an element of the sigma-algebra Monotone Convergence Theorem  on Monotone Convergence Theorem , because (closed) intervals generate the Borel sigma algebra on the reals. Since Monotone Convergence Theorem  is a closed interval, and, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem , Monotone Convergence Theorem ,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 


    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Being the inverse image of a Borel set under a Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable function Monotone Convergence Theorem , each set in the countable intersection is an element of Monotone Convergence Theorem . Since Monotone Convergence Theorem -algebras are, by definition, closed under countable intersections, this shows that Monotone Convergence Theorem  is Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable, and the integral Monotone Convergence Theorem  is well-defined (and possibly infinite).

Step 2. We will first show that Monotone Convergence Theorem 

The definition of Monotone Convergence Theorem  and monotonicity of Monotone Convergence Theorem  imply that Monotone Convergence Theorem , for every Monotone Convergence Theorem  and every Monotone Convergence Theorem . By monotonicity (or, more precisely, its narrower version established in Remark 5; see also Remark 4) of the Lebesgue integral,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 


    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Note that the limit on the right exists (finite or infinite) because, due to monotonicity (see Remark 5 and Remark 4), the sequence is non-decreasing.

End of Step 2.

We now prove the reverse inequality. We seek to show that

    Monotone Convergence Theorem .

Proof using Fatou's lemma. Per Remark 3, the inequality we want to prove is equivalent to

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

But the latter follows immediately from Fatou's lemma, and the proof is complete.

Independent proof. To prove the inequality without using Fatou's lemma, we need some extra machinery. Denote by Monotone Convergence Theorem  the set of simple Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable functions Monotone Convergence Theorem  such that Monotone Convergence Theorem  on Monotone Convergence Theorem .

Step 3. Given a simple function Monotone Convergence Theorem  and a real number Monotone Convergence Theorem , define

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Then Monotone Convergence Theorem , Monotone Convergence Theorem , and Monotone Convergence Theorem .

Step 3a. To prove the first claim, let Monotone Convergence Theorem , for some finite collection of pairwise disjoint measurable sets Monotone Convergence Theorem  such that Monotone Convergence Theorem , some (finite) non-negative constants Monotone Convergence Theorem , and Monotone Convergence Theorem  denoting the indicator function of the set Monotone Convergence Theorem .

For every Monotone Convergence Theorem  Monotone Convergence Theorem  holds if and only if Monotone Convergence Theorem  Given that the sets Monotone Convergence Theorem  are pairwise disjoint,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Since the pre-image Monotone Convergence Theorem  of the Borel set Monotone Convergence Theorem  under the measurable function Monotone Convergence Theorem  is measurable, and Monotone Convergence Theorem -algebras, by definition, are closed under finite intersection and unions, the first claim follows.

Step 3b. To prove the second claim, note that, for each Monotone Convergence Theorem  and every Monotone Convergence Theorem , Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Step 3c. To prove the third claim, we show that Monotone Convergence Theorem .

Indeed, if, to the contrary, Monotone Convergence Theorem , then an element

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

exists such that Monotone Convergence Theorem , for every Monotone Convergence Theorem . Taking the limit as Monotone Convergence Theorem , we get

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

But by initial assumption, Monotone Convergence Theorem . This is a contradiction.

Step 4. For every simple Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable non-negative function Monotone Convergence Theorem ,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

To prove this, define Monotone Convergence Theorem . By Lemma 1, Monotone Convergence Theorem  is a measure on Monotone Convergence Theorem . By "continuity from below" (Lemma 2),

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

as required.

Step 5. We now prove that, for every Monotone Convergence Theorem ,

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Indeed, using the definition of Monotone Convergence Theorem , the non-negativity of Monotone Convergence Theorem , and the monotonicity of the Lebesgue integral (see Remark 5 and Remark 4), we have

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

for every Monotone Convergence Theorem . In accordance with Step 4, as Monotone Convergence Theorem , the inequality becomes

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Taking the limit as Monotone Convergence Theorem  yields

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

as required.

Step 6. We are now able to prove the reverse inequality, i.e.

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

Indeed, by non-negativity, Monotone Convergence Theorem  and Monotone Convergence Theorem  For the calculation below, the non-negativity of Monotone Convergence Theorem  is essential. Applying the definition of the Lebesgue integral and the inequality established in Step 5, we have

    Monotone Convergence Theorem 

The proof is complete.

Relaxing the monotonicity assumption

Under similar hypotheses to Beppo Levi's theorem, it is possible to relax the hypothesis of monotonicity. As before, let Monotone Convergence Theorem  be a measure space and Monotone Convergence Theorem . Again, Monotone Convergence Theorem  will be a sequence of Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable non-negative functions Monotone Convergence Theorem . However, we do not assume they are pointwise non-decreasing. Instead, we assume that Monotone Convergence Theorem  converges for almost every Monotone Convergence Theorem , we define Monotone Convergence Theorem  to be the pointwise limit of Monotone Convergence Theorem , and we assume additionally that Monotone Convergence Theorem  pointwise almost everywhere for all Monotone Convergence Theorem . Then Monotone Convergence Theorem  is Monotone Convergence Theorem -measurable, and Monotone Convergence Theorem  exists, and

Monotone Convergence Theorem 

As before, measurability follows from the fact that Monotone Convergence Theorem  almost everywhere. The interchange of limits and integrals is then an easy consequence of Fatou's lemma. One has

Monotone Convergence Theorem 
by Fatou's lemma, and then, by standard properties of limits and monotonicity,
Monotone Convergence Theorem 
Therefore Monotone Convergence Theorem , and both are equal to Monotone Convergence Theorem . It follows that Monotone Convergence Theorem  exists and equals Monotone Convergence Theorem .

See also



Monotone Convergence Theorem Convergence of a monotone sequence of real numbersMonotone Convergence Theorem Convergence of a monotone seriesMonotone Convergence Theorem Beppo Levis lemmaMonotone Convergence TheoremBounded functionConvergence (mathematics)DecreasingIncreasingInfimumMonotonic sequenceReal analysisSupremum

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