List Of Loanwords In Tagalog

The Tagalog language has developed a unique vocabulary since its inception from its direct Austronesian roots, incorporating words from Malay, Hokkien, Spanish, Nahuatl, English, Sanskrit, Tamil, Japanese, Arabic, Persian, and Quechua.


The Filipino language incorporated Spanish loanwords as a result of 333 years of contact with the Spanish language. In their analysis of José Villa Panganiban's Talahuluganang Pilipino-Ingles (Pilipino-English dictionary), Llamzon and Thorpe (1972) pointed out that 33% of word root entries are of Spanish origin. As the aforementioned analysis didn't reveal the frequency of the usage of these words by native speakers, a study was conducted by Antonio Quilis in order to understand the percentage of Spanish-derived words used by Filipinos in their daily conversations. Through his studies, the results of which were published in 1973 in the case of Tagalog and in 1976 in the case of Cebuano, it was found out that 20.4% of the lexicon used by Tagalog speakers were of Spanish origin, while it was 20.5% in the case of Cebuano.: 391–393  According to Patrick O. Steinkrüger, depending on the text type, around 20% of the vocabulary in a Tagalog text are of Spanish origin.: 213  In an analysis of a Tagalog-language corpus consisting of random news, fiction and non-fiction articles published between 2005 and 2015, Ekaterina Baklanova found out that Spanish-derived words constitute 20% of the lexicon used. An example is the sentence below in which Spanish–derived words are in italics (original in parentheses):

    Tagalog: "Puwede (Puede) ba akóng umupô sa silya (silla) sa tabí ng bintanà (ventana) hábang nása biyahe (viaje) táyo sa eroplano (aeroplano)?"
    Translation in English: ("May I sit on the chair near the window during our voyage in the aeroplane?")

The adoption of the Abakada alphabet in 1940 changed the spelling of the Spanish loanwords present in the Filipino language. The spellings of Spanish loanwords were reformed according to the new orthographic rules. Examples include:

    agila (from Sp. águila), alkalde (from Sp. alcalde), bakuna (from Sp. vacuna), banyo (from Sp. baño), baso (from Sp. vaso), biktima (from Sp. víctima), bintanà (from Sp. ventana), bisita (from Sp. visita), biyahe (from Sp. viaje), braso (from Sp. brazo), demokrasya (from Sp. democracia), diyaryo (from Sp. diario), estudyante (from Sp. estudiante), henerál (from Sp. general), hustisya (from Sp. justicia), kama (from Sp. cama), kambiyo (from Sp. cambio de marcha), keso (from Sp. queso), kutsara (from Sp. cuchara), kuwarto (from Sp. cuarto), kuwento (from Sp. cuento), lababo (from Sp. lavabo), mensahe (from Sp. mensaje), meryenda (from Sp. merienda), mikrobyo (from Sp. microbio), niyebe (from Sp. nieve), panyô (from Sp. paño), pila (from Sp. fila), plema (from Sp. flema), presyo (from Sp. precio), prinsesa (from Sp. princesa), reseta (from Sp. receta médica), reyna (from Sp. reina), serbisyo (from Sp. servicio), sinturón (from Sp. cinturón), teklado (from Sp. teclado), telebisyón (from Sp. televisión), tinidór (from Sp. tenedor), trabaho (from Sp. trabajo), tuwalya (from Sp. toalla) and yelo (from Sp. hielo).

Other loanwords underwent phonological changes. Vowel changes can be observed to some of the Spanish words upon adoption into the Filipino language, such as an /i/ to /a/ vowel shift observed in the Filipino word pamintá, which came from the Spanish word pimienta, and a pre-nasal /e/ to /u/ vowel shift observed in several words such as unanò (from Sp. enano) and umpisá (from Sp. empezar). Prothetic /a/ is added in the loanwords alisto (from Sp. listo) and aplaya (from Sp. playa). Other words underwent vowel deletion, e.g., pustá (from Sp. apostar), tarantado (from Sp. atarantado), kursonada (from Sp. corazonada), Paskó (from Sp. Pascua) and labì (from Sp. labio).

Consonant shifts can also be observed to some of the Spanish words upon their adoption into the Filipino language. The [r] to [l] consonant shift can be observed in the following words:

    albularyo (folk healer, from Sp. herbolario), alma (from Sp. armar), almusál (from Sp. almorzar), asukal (from Sp. azúcar), balbás (from Sp. barba), bandilà (from. Sp. bandera), dasál (from Sp. rezar), hiblá (thread or strand, from Sp. hebra), hilo (dizzy, from Sp. giro), hulmá (to mould, from Sp. ahormar), kasál (from Sp. casar), kumpisál (from Sp. confesar), lagadera (from Sp. regadera), litratista (photographer, from Sp. retratista), litrato (photograph, portrait or picture; from Sp. retrato), multo (from Sp. muerto), nunál (from Sp. lunar), pastól (from Sp. pastor) and pasyál (from Sp. pasear).

The loss of the /l/ phoneme can be observed in the Filipino word kutsón derived from the Spanish colchón. The loss of the /t/ phoneme can be observed in the Filipino words talino (intelligence or wisdom, from Sp. talento) and tina (dye, from Sp. tinta). Some Spanish-derived words have also undergone consonant or syllable deletion upon introduction to Tagalog like in the case of limós (from Sp. limosna), masyado (from Sp. demasiado), posas (from Sp. esposas), restawran (from Sp. restaurante), riles (rail, railway or railroad; from Sp. carriles), sigurado (from asegurado), sindí (from Sp. encender) and sintunado (from Sp. desentonado).

The Spanish digraph [ll] is pronounced by the Spaniards as /j/ during the Renaissance era and this reflected on the pronunciation and the spelling of Spanish-derived loanwords in Tagalog introduced before the 19th century, where the digraph [ll] becomes [y] in Tagalog. Such is the case of the words baryá (from Sp. barrilla), kabayò (from Sp. caballo), kutamaya (from. Sp. cota de malla), lauya (a stew of meat and vegetables, from Sp. la olla), sibuyas (from Sp. cebollas) and tabliya or tablea (from Sp. tablilla de chocolate). Spanish loanwords in which the digraph [ll] is pronounced as /lj/ in Tagalog might have been introduced (or reintroduced) during the 19th century.: 308  Examples include apelyido (from Sp. apellido), balyena (from Sp. ballena), kalye (from Sp. calle), kutsilyo (from Sp. cuchillo), makinilya (from Sp. maquinilla de escribir), sepilyo (from Sp. cepillo de dientes), silya (from Sp. silla) and sigarilyo (from Sp. cigarrillo). There are also rare cases of Tagalog doublets coming from the same Spanish etymological root which exhibit both the influences of the Renaissance /j/ and the latter /λ/ sounds, like in the case of the Tagalog word pair laryo and ladrilyo, both from Sp. ladrillo. There are also instances of the Spanish digraph [ll] being transformed into [l] upon adoption by Tagalog. Such is the case in kulani (lymph node, from Sp. collarín: 318–319 ).: 86 

Vestigial influences of Middle Spanish voiceless palato-alveolar fricative /ʃ/ are evident in some of the Spanish-derived loanwords in Tagalog, where the /ʃ/ sound is transformed into the Tagalog /s/. Examples include relos (clock or wristwatch, from Sp. reloj, pronounced as /reˈloʃ/ in Middle Spanish), sabón (soap, from Sp. jabón, pronounced as /ʃaˈbon/ in Middle Spanish), saro (pitcher or jug, from Sp. jarro, pronounced as /ˈʃaro/ in Middle Spanish), sugál (to gamble, from Sp. jugar, pronounced as /ʃuˈgar/ in Middle Spanish) and tasá (to sharpen, from Sp. tajar, pronounced as /taˈʃar/ in Middle Spanish).: 307  Loanwords which have the pronunciation that reflects the transition from Middle Spanish /ʃ/ to Modern Spanish /x/ are also present in Tagalog. The Modern Spanish /x/ sound is rendered in Tagalog as [h], which is the standard pronunciation in other Spanish dialects. Example cases include ahedres (from Sp. ajedrez), anghél (from Sp. ángel), halayá (from Sp. jalea), hardín (from Sp. jardín), hepe (police chief, from Sp. jefe), kahera and kahero (cashier, from Sp. cajera and cajero respectively) and kahón (from Sp. cajón). There are also rare cases of doublets that exhibit influences of both the Middle Spanish /ʃ/ and Modern Spanish /x/ like for example in the cases of Tagalog muson and mohon (both from Sp. mojón) and relos and relo (both from Sp. reloj).

The compound word batya't palo–palo, a phrase in the laundry business where many Spanish words proliferate. The words were taken from the Spanish batea for "washing tub" and palo for "stick", something a typical Filipino might think had no Spanish provenance at all because of the Tagalog verb palò which means "strike".

Some loanwords have been associated to new meanings, such as kursonada (corazonada, originally meaning '"hunch"), which means "object of desire"; sospetsoso (sospechoso) is the "suspicious person" and not the "suspect" as in the original; insekto ("insecto"), which still means "insect" but also refers to a "pesty clownish person"; or even sige (sigue), a Spanish word for "continue" or "follow", which is popularly understood to mean "all right" or "go ahead".

Some Spanish affixes are combined with Tagalog words to make new words. For example, pakialamero (from Tag. pakialam, "to meddle" and the Sp. suffix –ero, masculine subject); majongero ("mahjong", ultimately from Chinese, and the Sp. suffix –ero); basketbolista, boksingero. Daisysiete is a word play and portmanteau of the English "daisy" and the Spanish diecisiete ("seventeen"), now meaning a sweet and sexually desirable underaged (17 year-old) female. Bastusing katawán (Sp.: basto -> bastós & Tag.: katawán) is an example of a two-word term for a bombshell body.

Tagalog still uses Spanish language influence in coining new words, e.g., alaskadór ("Alaska" + Sp. suffix '–ador'); bérde ("verde"="green", nuanced to "toilet humour" or "blue joke", a literal Tagalog translation of Philippine English term "green(-minded)".); which are not readily understood in Spain or any Latin American country.

Spanish influences on Tagalog morphosyntax

Although the overall influence of Spanish on the morphosyntax of the Tagalog language was minimal,: 211  there are fully functional Spanish-derived words that have produced syntactic innovations on Tagalog. Clear influences of Spanish can be seen in the morphosyntax of comparison and the existence of Spanish-derived modals and conjunctions,: 211  as will be discussed in more detail below.

Kumustá as an interrogative word in Tagalog

All of the interrogative words used in Tagalog are not related to Spanish, with the exception of kumustá. The word kumustá is derived from the Spanish ¿cómo está? and it functions as a Tagalog interrogative word used as a substitute for an adjective of quality or condition equivalent to the English how. Kumustá can also be used as a greeting (similar to English "Hello!") or as a verb with the meaning of "to greet" or "to say hello". The native term can be used as Ohoy and Taupo, however these were lost in translations.

Spanish-derived comparative markers

Tagalog has several comparative markers that are etymologically derived from Spanish. The particle mas (meaning "more", from Sp. más), in conjunction with the various Tagalog counterparts of the English "than" (kaysa + sa-marker, sa, kay), is used as a comparative marker of non-equality. Another comparative marker of non-equality is kumpará (from Sp. comparado), usually followed with the appropriate sa-marker and used as the Tagalog equivalent of the English "compared to". Lastly, the word pareho (from Sp. parejo), commonly employed with the Tagalog linker -ng, is used as a comparative marker of equality.

Spanish-derived Tagalog modals

There are several Spanish-derived words that have acquired function as modals upon adoption in Tagalog. Tagalog modals, including those that are etymologically derived from Spanish, can be classified into two main groups: words realizing deontic modality (i.e. modals concerned with expressing inclination, obligation and ability) and words realizing epistemic modality (i.e. modals concerned with degrees of reality).

Deontic modality in Tagalog is realized through words which are grammaticized by Paul Schachter and Fe T. Otanes as "pseudo-verbs". An example of a Spanish-derived Tagalog deontic modal is gusto (from Sp. gusto), which is used to denote preference or desire. Gusto is considered to be more commonly used than its other counterparts newly adapted to this usage such as nais or ibig, since these two words are usually perceived as more formal than gustó and are more commonly used in literature than in colloquial speech; in native Tagalog synonyms, nais is more commonly used in colloquial speech than ibig as an alternate of gustó and also commonly used as a noun for "desire", "want", or "wish". Another example is puwede (from Sp. puede), which can be translated in English as "can" and is thus used to express permission or ability. The word puwede co-exists with its equivalent maaárì and the two pseudo-verbs are deemed to have little semantic difference, with puwede only being considered usually as more colloquial and less formal than maaarì.

Epistemic modality in Tagalog is realized through words functioning as adverbials. These words, when used as modals, are typically linked to the clause that they modalize through the Tagalog linker -ng or na. An example of a Spanish-derived epistemic modal used for expressing high degree of probability is sigurado + -ng (from Sp. seguro + -ado), with the meaning of "surely" or "certainly", and is considered as a synonym of Tagalog tiyak, sigurado is derived from "asegurado", "assured". The word siguro (from Sp. seguro) is an epistemic modal marking moderate degree of probability, with the meaning of "maybe", "probably" or "perhaps". The word siguro is also identified by the linguist Ekaterina Baklanova as a Spanish-derived discourse marker in Tagalog, thus contrasting the claims of other scholars such as Patrick Steinkrüger that none of the numerous discourse markers in Tagalog are of Spanish origin. Similarly to Tagalog, the word siguro is also considered as an adverbial clitic in Cebuano and in Masbateño. Posible + -ng (from Sp. posible), which can be translated to English as "possibly", is a Tagalog epistemic modal marking low degree of probability. Examples of Spanish-derived Tagalog epistemic modals marking excessive degree of intensity include masyado + -ng (from Sp. demasiado) and sobra + -ng (from Sp. sobra) while medyo (from Sp. medio) marks moderate degree of intensity.

Spanish-derived Tagalog conjunctions

Several conjunctions in Tagalog have Spanish-derived etymological roots. The Tagalog disjunctive conjunction o (from Sp. o, meaning "or") has completely substituted the old Tagalog equivalent "kun", rendering the latter obsolete. Two Spanish-derived counter-expectational adversative conjunctions used in Tagalog are pero (from Sp. pero) and kaso (from Sp. caso), both of which are considered as synonyms of the Tagalog counterparts ngunit, subalit, etc. The Tagalog ni (from Sp. ni) can be used as a negative repetitive conjunction, similar to the English "neither...nor" construction. When not repeated, ni assumes a scalar focus value stripped of all its conjunction function, translatable to English as "not even". Basta (from Sp. basta), when used as a conditional conjunction, assumes a meaning similar to English "as long as" or "provided that". Maski (from Sp. mas que) is a synonym of Tagalog kahit and both are used as Tagalog concessive conjunctions. Porke (from Sp. porque) assumes the function of causal conjunction in Tagalog and it is used to express an ironic or critical attitude, translatable to English as "just because" or "only because"; porke is a synonym of Tagalog dahil (exact translation of "because") and dahil lang (lámang) (exact translation of "just because" and "only because"), and all are used as Tagalog causal conjunctions. The Tagalog puwera (kung) (from Sp. fuera) is used as a negative exceptive conditional conjunction, translatable in English as "unless" or "except if", used alongside "maliban sa" or "liban sa". The Tagalog oras na (from Sp. hora) is a temporal conjunction which can be translated in English as "the moment that". The Tagalog imbés na (from Sp. en vez) is used as an implicit adversative conjunction and it can be translated in English as "instead of". The Tagalog para (from Sp. para), when used to introduce verb-less or basic-form predicates, assumes the role of a purposive conjunction. However, if followed by the appropriate dative sa-marker, para assumes the role of a benefactive marker in Tagalog.

Loanwords that underwent semantic shift

Upon adoption into Tagalog, a number of Spanish-derived terms underwent a process of semantic shift or change in meaning. A loanword is said to have undergone a semantic shift if its meaning in Tagalog deviates from the original meaning of the word in the source language (in this case, Spanish). A type of semantic shift is the so-called semantic narrowing, which is a linguistic phenomenon in which the meaning of a Spanish-derived word acquires a less general or inclusive meaning upon adoption into Tagalog. Semantic narrowing occurs when a word undergoes specialization of usage. For example, the word kuryente (meaning "electricity" or "electric current") comes from the Spanish word corriente, which is a general term to refer to any current, whether electric or not. Upon adoption of the word corriente into Tagalog as kuryente, it underwent a semantic narrowing and its usage became restricted to refer only to an electric current, unlike its Spanish counterpart. Another example of a semantic narrowing is the Tagalog word ruweda (meaning "Ferris wheel"), a term derived from the Spanish word rueda which refers to any kind of wheel. Upon adoption into Tagalog, ruweda underwent usage specialization and its meaning became restricted to the Ferris wheel.

Semantic shift may also occur through semantic interference by another language, usually the English language. This phenomenon can result into reinterpretation of a Spanish-derived term by attributing to it an English meaning upon assimilation into Tagalog. An example is the Tagalog word libre, which is derived from the Spanish translation of the English word free, although used in Tagalog with the meaning of "without cost or payment" or "free of charge", a usage which would be deemed incorrect in Spanish as the term gratis would be more fitting; Tagalog word libre can also mean free in aspect of time, like "Libre ang oras" ("The time/hour is free", in the sense that the time is available). Another example is the Tagalog word iskiyerda, derived from the Spanish term izquierda meaning "left" as opposed to "right", although used in Tagalog with the meaning of "to leave".

Here is the list of Spanish-derived words which underwent semantic shift upon assimilation into Tagalog:

Tagalog Spanish-derived word Meaning in Tagalog Spanish equivalent
alahero alhajero (“jewel case”) jeweller; jewel-maker joyero
algodón algodón (“cotton”) false trevally (Lactarius lactarius) pagapa; pez blanco
alpahór alfajor (Spanish traditional confection) bilo-bilo (sticky rice balls in coconut milk) gacha dulce de arroz con leche de coco
almohadilya almohadilla (“cushion” or “small pillow”) mousepad alfombrilla para el ratón o mouse
almusál: 26  almorzar (“to have lunch”) breakfast desayuno
asár asar (“to roast”) to annoy molestar
bahura bajura (“coastal; shallow-water”) coral reef arrecife coralina
barako: 14  verraco (“male boar”) manly; fearless; strong and bitter (as coffee) varonil
barkada: 15  barcada (“boatload; boat trip”) group of friends; clique pandilla de amigos o camaradas
bastá basta (“enough”) just so that; as long as siempre y cuando; siempre que
bida: 18  vida (“life”) protagonist protagonista
biskotso bizcocho (“sponge cake”) toast bread pan tostado
boso: 23  buzo (“diver”) voyeurism voyerismo
bulsá bolsa (“bag”) pocket in garments bolsillo
dehado dejado (“left behind; careless”) underdog; at a disadvantage desfavorecido; desaventajado
delikado : 38  delicado (“delicate”) dangerous peligroso
desgrasya: 39  desgracia (“misfortune”) accident accidente
desgrasyada: 39  desgraciada (“unfortunate; miserable”) unwed mother madre soltera
deskarte: 39  descarte (“discard”) resourcefulness ingeniosidad; capacidad de improvisación
dilihénsiyá: 39  diligencia (“diligence; errand”) act of asking for a loan or debt; act of borrowing money pedir un préstamo
engkanto encanto (“spell; enchantment”) fairy, elf, or spirit hada; duende
gisado guisado (“stew”) sauteéed salteado
harana jarana (“commotion; partying; revelry”) serenade serenata
hepe jefe (“chief; boss”) police chief (also used as translation of "chief" in general) comisario; jefe de policía
impakto impacto (“impact; shock”) evil spirit espíritu maligno
inutil inútil (“useless”) impotent sexualmente impotente
iskiyerda: 62  izquierda (“left”) to leave irse de; abandonar
kabayo caballo (“horse”) ironing board tabla de planchar
kabesera cabecera (“head; heading; headboard”) capital city or town capital; ciudad cabecera
kakawate cacahuate (“peanut”) Gliricidia sepium madre de cacao
kasi casi (“much”) because porque
kasilyas casillas (“cubicles”) toilet; restroom baño
kasta: 73  casta (“caste; lineage”) breeding; mating; sex act or making love crianza; apareamiento; acto sexual
kódigó: 76  código (“code”) cheat sheet apunte escondido; acordeón; chuleta
konyo coño (“vagina”) socialite; belonging to the upper-class de clase alta
koryente corriente (“current”) electricity; electric current electricidad; corriente eléctrica
kubeta: 174  cubeta (“bucket”) toilet; restroom baño
kulebra culebra (“snake”) shingles culebrilla; herpes zóster
kursunada corazonada (“hunch”) object of interest or desire deseo del corazón
labakara lavacara (“washbasin”) face towel toalla de tocador
lakwatsa: 81  la cuacha (“the excrement”) truancy; act of loafing around or roaming vaguear; holgazanear; hacer novillos
lamyerda: 81  la mierda (“the excrement”) truancy; out loafing; out roaming vaguear; holgazanear; hacer novillos
libre libre (“free”) free of charge gratis
liyamado llamado (“called'; named, destined”) favorite (as in betting, races, etc.); at an advantage favorecido
mantikà manteca (“lard; butter”) cooking oil aceite
palengke palenque (“stockade; palisade”) market mercado
paletada paletada (“shovelful; trowelful”) plaster yeso
papagayo papagayo (“parrot”) kite cometa
parol farol (“lantern; lamp; streetlight”) Christmas lantern estrella navideña
parolero farolero (“lamplighter”) Christmas lantern maker artesano de estrellas navideñas
pasamano pasamano (“handrail”) window sill alféizar, repisa de la ventana
pitso pecho (“chest; bosom”) chicken breast pechuga de pollo
poso negro pozo negro (“cesspit; cesspool; soak pit”) septic tank; holding tank fosa séptica
putahe: 470  potaje (“vegetable stew or soup”) dish; course plato
rebentadór reventador (“agitator”) firecracker petardo
rekado recado (“message; errand”) spices; condiments especia; condimiento
ruweda rueda (“wheel”) Ferris wheel noria; rueda de la fortuna
semilya semilla (“seed”) semen semen
sentido sentido (“sense; meaning”) temple (anatomy) templo; sien
siguro seguro (“surely”) maybe; perhaps; probably quizás; probablemente
silindro: 132  cilindro (“cylinder”) harmonica armónica
sintás: 133  cinta (“ribbon; tape; belt”) shoelace cordón de zapato; cintas para zapatos
siyempre siempre (“always”) of course por supuesto
sosyál: 132  social (“social; societal”) high society; belonging to the upper class, fancy de clase (social) alta
suplado soplado (“blown; inflated”) snobbish; haughty presuntuoso, arrogante
suporta: 166  soportar (“to withstand; to bear”) support apoyo
sustánsiyá sustancia (“substance”) nutrient sustancia nutritiva; nutriente
todas: 143  toda (“all”) completely killed or exterminated matar
todo todo (“all; entire; each; every; etc.”) all-out; entire; fully; maximum al máximo
tosino tocino (“bacon”) sweet cured meat carne curada endulzada
tsampurado champurrado (“chocolate-based atole”) sweet chocolate rice porridge arroz al chocolate
tsika: 147  chica (“girl”) gossip chisme
turon turrón (“nougat”) fried banana roll rollo de platano frito
tuwalya toalla (“towel”) tripe mondongo; tripa; callos

Tagalog words derived from pluralized Spanish nouns

Some of the Spanish loanwords in Tagalog appear in their pluralized form, marked with -s or -es. However, in Tagalog, such words are not considered as plural and when they are pluralized in Tagalog, they need to be pluralized in the way that Tagalog pluralizes native words, i.e., by placing the pluralization marker mga before the word. For example, the word butones (meaning button used in clothing, from Sp. botones) is considered singular in Tagalog and its plural form is mga butones.

Tagalog Spanish Meaning in Spanish Meaning in Tagalog
alahas alhaja (plural: alhajas) jewel; jewelry jewel; jewelry
alkatsopas alcachofa (plural: alcachofas) artichoke artichoke
arátiles dátil (plural: dátiles) date (Phoenix dactilyfera) calabur or Panama cherry (Muntingia calabura)
armás arma (plural: armas) weapon; arm weapon; arm
balbás barba (plural: barbas) beard (facial hair) beard (facial hair)
banyos baño (plural: baños) bath; bathroom sponge bath
bayabas guayaba (plural: guayabas) guava guava
beses vez (plural: veces) time (repetition) time (repetition)
boses voz (plural: voces) voice voice
butones (var. bitones) botón (plural: botones) button (clothing) button (clothing)
datos dato (plural: datos) fact; detail; piece of Information; data data
garbansos garbanzo (plural: garbanzos) chickpea chickpea
gastos gasto (plural: gastos) cost; expense; spending cost; expense; spending
gisantes guisante (plural: guisantes) pea pea
guwantes guante (plural: guantes) glove glove
kalatás carta (plural: cartas) letter; chart; charter paper; white paper; letter; written message
kamatis tomate (plural: tomates) tomato tomato
kasilyas casilla (plural: casillas) cubicle; booth toilet
kastanyas castaña (plural: castañas) chestnut chestnut
kostilyas costilla (plural: costillas) rib rib
kubyertos cubierto (plural: cubiertos) cutlery; silverware cutlery; silverware
kuwerdas cuerda (plural: cuerdas) rope; string; chord string (of a musical instrument)
kuwitis cohete (plural: cohetes) rocket skyrocket (firework)
labanós rabano (plural: rabanos) radish radish
lansones lanzón (plural: lanzones) langsat (Lansium domesticum) langsat (Lansium domesticum)
letsugas lechuga (plural: lechugas) lettuce lettuce
manggás manga (plural: mangas) sleeve sleeve
mansanas manzana (plural: manzanas) apple apple
materyales material (plural: materiales) material material
medyas media (plural: medias) sock sock
notisyas noticia (plural: noticias) message, news notice
opisyales oficial (plural: oficiales) officer Officer
oras hora (plural: horas) hour (unit) hour (unit of time); time
panderetas pandereta (plural: panderetas) tambourine tambourine
palanas plana (plural: planas) plain flat area along a river
papeles papel (plural: papeles) paper document
patatas patata (plural: patatas) potato potato
pares par (plural: pares) pair (noun) pair; (adjective) similar
pasas pasa (plural: pasas) raisin raisin
pastilyas pastilla (plural: pastillas) pill; tablet; candy Sweet milk candy
peras pera (plural: peras) pear pear
perlas perla (plural: perlas) pearl pearl
pilduras pildora (plural: pildoras) pill; tablet medicinal pill
pohas foja (plural: fojas) sheet sheet
posas esposa (plural: esposas) handcuffs handcuffs
presas presa (plural: presas) strawberry strawberry
prutas fruta (plural: frutas) fruit fruit
pulbós polvo (plural: polvos) dust; powder powder
pulseras pulsera (plural: pulseras) bracelet bracelet
puntos punto (plural: puntos) dot; period; point (sports) score; points
rehas reja (plural: rejas) bar; railing bar; railing
riles carril (plural: carriles) lane; track rail; railroad; railway
rosas rosa (plural: rosas) rose rose
salas sala (plural: salas) hall; living room living room
sapatos zapato (plural: zapatos) shoe shoe
sardinas sardina (plural: sardinas) sardine sardine
senyales señal (plural: señales) sign; signal sign
senyas seña (plural: señas) sign; signal sign; signal
sibuyas cebolla (plural: cebollas) onion onion
sigarilyas seguidilla (plural: seguidillas) (Philippine Spanish) winged bean winged bean
silahis celaje (plural: celajes) cloudscape; skylight sunray; bisexual (slang)
singkamas jícama (plural: jícamas) Mexican turnip (Pachyrhizus erosus) Mexican turnip (Pachyrhizus erosus)
sintas cinta (plural: cintas) ribbon; tape; lace shoelace
sintomas síntoma (plural: síntomas) symptom symptom
sopas sopa (plural: sopas) soup soup dish
sorbetes sorbete (plural: sorbetes) sorbet ice cream
tsinelas chinela (plural: chinelas) slippers; flip-flops slippers; flip-flops
tsismis chisme (plural: chismes) gossip gossip
ubas uva (plural: uvas) grape grape
uhales ojal (plural: ojales) buttonhole buttonhole
uhas hoja (plural: hojas) leaf sheet metal

Tagalog words derived from Spanish verbs

Several Spanish verbs are also adopted into Tagalog. Most of them are in their infinitive form characterized by the deletion of their final /r/, like for example in the case of the Tagalog intindi (to understand) derived from the Spanish verb entender. This feature is also found in Chavacano verbs which have a Spanish origin and it can be argued that an already restructured form of Spanish (Chavacano or a pidgin) was the origin of these Tagalog words.: 209  A list of these loanwords can be viewed below.

Alternatively, upon adoption into Tagalog, the final /r/ of the Spanish verbs in their infinitive form becomes /l/. Such is the case of the following loanwords: almusal (to have breakfast, from Sp. almorzar), dasal (from Sp. rezar), dupikal (from Sp. repicar), kasál (from Sp. casar), kumpisál (from Sp. confesar), minindál (from Sp. merendar), pasyál (from Sp. pasear) and sugál (from Sp. jugar). In some cases, the final /r/ remains unaltered in the Tagalog form like in the case of andár (to set in action or motion; from Sp. andar), asár (to annoy or to verbally irritate; from Sp. asar) and pundár (to establish or to save money for something; from Sp. fundar).

Conjugated Spanish verbs are also adopted into Tagalog. Examples include: pára (from Sp. parar), pása (from Sp. pasar), puwede (from Sp. poder), tíra (from Sp. tirar) and sige (from Sp. seguir). Imbiyerna (meaning to annoy or to irritate someone) is derived from the Spanish verb infernar (meaning to irritate or to provoke) and was allegedly coined by Ricardo "Rikki" Dalu, originally to describe the hellish feeling and the frustration he experienced when attending Spanish classes. In some cases, the conjugated verbs are combined with another word to form Tagalog morphemes like in the case of the following words: asikaso (from the combination of Sp. hacer and Sp. caso), balewala or baliwala (from the combination of Sp. valer and Tag. wala), etsapwera (from the combination of Sp. echar and Sp. fuera) and kumusta (from the combination of Sp. cómo and Sp. estar).

Tagalog Spanish Meaning in Spanish Meaning in Tagalog
akusá acusar to accuse to accuse
alsá alzar to lift; to raise; to erect to rise in rebellion
analisá analizar to analyze to analyze
apelá apelar to appeal to appeal
aprobá aprobar to approve to approve
apurá apurar to finish; to rush (Lat. Am.) to hurry
arkilá (var. alkilá) alquilar to rent; to rent out to rent; to rent out
asintá asentar to set up; to secure; to lay down to aim at
aturgá otorgar to grant; to bestow; to confer to take on responsibility
awtorisá autorizar to authorize to authorize
bará barrar to cover in mud to block; to clog
batí batir to beat; to whisk; to whip to beat; to whisk; to whip; to masturbate (vulgar)
beripiká verificar to verify to verify
bulkanisá vulcanizar to vulcanize to vulcanize
burá borrar to erase to erase
burdá bordar to embroider to embroider
deklará declarar to declare to declare
des-aprobá desaprobar to disapprove to disapprove
des-armá desarmar to disarm to disarm
des-impektá desinfectar to disinfect to disinfect
deskargá descargar to unload; to discharge; to download to unload
deskubrí descubrir to discover to discover
desmayá desmayar to become disheartened; to become demoralized to become disheartened; to become demoralized
destrungká destroncar to hack away to forcefully open a door, a lock, etc.
determiná determinar to determine to determine
diktá dictar to dictate to dictate
dimití dimitir to resign to resign
dirihí dirigir to manage; to be in charge of to manage; to be in charge of
disimulá disimular to conceal; to cover up to conceal; to cover up
diskitá desquitar to make up for to take it out on
galbanisá galvanizar to galvanize to galvanize
gisá guisar to stew to saute, to stir fry in oil (usually with garlic and onions)
hulmá ahormar to shape; to mould to shape; to mould
husgá juzgar to judge to judge
imbestigá investigar to investigate to investigate
imbitá invitar to invite to invite
intindí entender to understand to understand
itsá echar to throw to throw
kalkulá calcular to calculate to calculate
kanselá cancelar to cancel to cancel
kantá cantar to sing to sing
kargá cargar to load; to charge; to fill to load; to charge; to fill
kobrá cobrar to demand or to receive payment to demand or to receive payment
kodipiká codificar to codify; to encode to codify; to encode
kompará comparar to compare to compare
komponé (var. kumpuní) componer to make up; to compose; to repair to repair
kondená condenar to condemn to condemn
konserbá conservar to conserve to conserve
konsiderá considerar to consider to consider
kublí cubrir to cover; to cover up to hide from sight
kulá colar to strain; to bleach to bleach
kultí curtir to tan to treat leather or other materials with tanning agents (e.g. tannin)
kumbidá convidar to invite to invite
kumbinsí convencir to convince to convince
kumpirmá confirmar to confirm to confirm
kumpiská confiscar to confiscate; to seize to confiscate; to seize
kusí cocer to cook to cook
labá lavar to wash to wash
legalisá legalizar to legalize to legalize
liberalisá liberalizar to liberalize to liberalize
manipulá manipular to manipulate to manipulate
marká marcar to mark to mark
nominá nominar to nominate to nominate
obligá obligar to force; to oblige to force; to oblige
obserbá observar to observe to observe
operá operar to operate to surgically operate
palsipiká falsificar to falsify to falsify
palyá fallar to fail; to break down and stop working to fail; to break down and stop working
paralisá paralizar to paralyze to paralyze
pasá pasar to pass; to happen; to go through to pass an academic course, an examination, an interview, etc.
pasmá pasmar to amaze; to astonish; to chill to the bone pasma (folk illness) and, by extension, to have pasma
pintá pintar to paint to paint
pirmá firmar to sign to sign
pormalisá formalizar to formalize to formalize
prepará preparar to prepare to prepare
preserbá preservar to preserve to preserve
proklamá proclamar to proclaim to proclaim
pundí fundir to melt; to merge to burn out
puntá apuntar to aim; to point out; to write down to go to
purgá purgar to purge to cleanse; to take a purgative or laxative
pursigí perseguir to pursue; to follow; to chase; to persecute to persevere
pustá apostar to bet; to wager to bet; to wager
ratipiká ratificar to ratify to ratify
reboká revocar to revoke to revoke
rekomendá recomendar to recommend to recommend
repiná refinar to refine to refine
reporma reformar to reform to reform
sangkutsá sancochar or salcochar to boil with water and salt to pre-cook food with spices and aromatics
salbá salvar to save to save
sará cerrar to close to close
silbí servir to serve to serve
sindí encender to ignite; to turn on; to switch on to ignite; to turn on; to switch on
suldá soldar to solder; to weld to solder; to weld
sulsí zurcir to sew; to mend to sew; to mend
sumité someter to subdue; to subjugate; to submit to submit; to put forward
suspendé suspendir to suspend to suspend
tantiyá tantear to feel; to weigh up; to estimate to estimate
tarantá atarantar to stun; to daze; to stupify to confuse; to baffle; to bewilder
tasá tajar to chop; to cut; to slice to sharpen
timplá templar to cool down; to moderate to blend; to mix; to prepare drinks, medicine, chemical solutions, etc.
tostá tostar to toast to toast
tumbá tumbar to knock down to knock down
umpisá empezar to begin; to start to begin; to start

Spanish-Tagalog hybrid compound terms

Some Tagalog compound terms are actually formed through a combination of a native Tagalog term and an etymologically Spanish term, like in the case of the idiomatic expression balát-sibuyas (a term referring to a person's easiness to be offended), which is a combination of the Tagalog balát and Spanish cebolla. The linguist Ekaterina Baklanova distinguishes at least two types of Spanish-Tagalog compound terms: hybrid loanwords or mixed-borrowings are partially translated Spanish terms which are adopted into Tagalog, e.g. karnerong-dagat (derived from the Spanish term carnero marino, meaning "seal") and anemonang-dagat (derived from the Spanish term anémona de mar, meaning "sea anemone"), while hybrid neologisms are new terms invented by Filipinos with use of some native and already assimilated Spanish-derived material, e.g. pader-ilog, meaning "embankment", derived from the combination of the Tagalog word ilog (meaning "river") and Spanish word pared (meaning "wall" and adopted in Tagalog as the word pader).

Below is the list of some Spanish-Tagalog hybrid compound terms. Because of the lack of standardization, some of the compound terms listed below are written differently (i.e. without the hyphen) in other Tagalog-based literature. For example, while the term sirang-plaka is usually encountered in many Tagalog-based works without the hyphen, there are also some instances of the term being written with the hyphen like in the case of one of the books written by the Chairman of the Commission on the Filipino Language Virgilio Almario, entitled Filipino ng mga Filipino: mga problema sa ispeling, retorika, at pagpapayaman ng wikang pambansa. Another example is the term takdang-oras, which can also be encountered in the literature without the hyphen. As a rule, a hybrid compound term below will be hyphenated if it has at least one instance of it being written with the hyphen in Tagalog-based literary works.

Compound term Root words Meaning
agaw-eksena agaw (“to snatch”, from Tagalog) + eksena (from Sp. escena) scene-stealer
alsá-balutan alsa (from Sp. alzar) + balutan (“package”, from Tagalog) to pack up; to change residence
amóy-tsiko amoy (“smell”, from Tagalog) + tsiko (from Sp. chicozapote) drunk; intoxicated
anémonáng-dagat anemona (from Sp. anémona) + dagat (“sea”, from Tagalog) sea anemone
bagong-saltá bago (“new”, from Tagalog) + salta (from Sp. saltar) newcomer
balát-sibuyas balat (“skin”, from Tagalog) + sibuyas (from Sp. cebollas) a person who is easily offended
balík-eskuwela balik (“return”, from Tagalog) + eskuwela (from Sp. escuela) back-to-school
bantáy-sarado bantay (“to guard”, from Tagalog) + sarado (from Sp. cerrado) well-guarded; closely guarded
batàng-kálye bata ("child", from Tagalog) + kalye (from Sp. calle) street child
batás-trápikó batas ("law", from Tagalog) + trapiko (from Sp. tráfico) traffic law
bawas-presyo bawas ("decrease", from Tagalog) + presyo (from Sp. precio) price decrease
bigáy-todo bigay (“to give”, from Tagalog) + todo (from Sp. todo) giving one's all
boses-ipis boses (from Sp. voces) + ipis (“cockroach”, from Tagalog) inaudible voice
boses-palakâ boses (from Sp. voces) + palaka (“frog”, from Tagalog) croaky voice
bugbóg-sarado bugbog (“beat up”, from Tagalog) + sarado (from Sp. cerrado) heavily beaten
bulak-niyebe bulak (“cotton”, from Tagalog) + niyebe (from Sp. nieve) snowflake
dilang-anghél dila (“tongue”, from Tagalog) + anghel (from Sp. angel) having the gift of prophecy
dilang-baka dila (“tongue”, from Tagalog) + baka (from Sp. vaca) Opuntia cochenillifera
doble-ingat doble (from Sp. doble) + ingat (“to be cautious”, from Tagalog) to take extra precautions
doble-talim doble (from Sp. doble) + talim (“sharpness”, from Tagalog) double-edged
épikóng-bayan epiko (from Sp. poema épico) + bayan (“country”, from Tagalog) folk epic
esponghang-dagat espongha (from. Sp. esponja) + dagat (“sea”, from Tagalog) sea sponge
giyera-patanì giyera (from Sp. guerra) + patani (from Tagalog term for Phaseolus lunatus) heated verbal exchange
hating-globo hati (“half”, from Tagalog) + globo (from Sp. globo) hemisphere
hirám-kantores hiram (“to borrow”, from Tagalog) + kantores (from Sp. cantores) non-returnable
kabayong-dagat kabayo (from Sp. cavallo) + dagat (“sea”, from Tagalog) seahorse (Hippocampus spp.)
karnerong-dagat karnero (from Sp. carnero) + dagat (“sea”, from Tagalog) seal
kayod-marino kayod (“to grate; grind”, from Tagalog) + marino (from Sp. marino) hard worker
kilos-protesta kilos (“movement”, from Tagalog) + protesta (from Sp. protesta) demonstration; street protest
kuwentong-bayan kuwento (from Sp. cuento) + bayan (“folk; people; country”, from Tagalog) folk stories
lakad-pato lakad (“walk”, from Tagalog) + pato (from Sp. pato) waddle
leóng-dagat leon (from Sp. león) + dagat (“sea”, from Tagalog) sea lion
mukháng-pera mukhâ (“face”, from Tagalog) + pera (from Sp. perra gorda or perra chica) profit-oriented; easily corruptible through bribes
padér-ilog pader (from Sp. pared) + ilog (“river”, from Tagalog) embankment
pampalipas-oras lipas (“to pass”, from Tagalog) + oras (from Sp. horas) pastime; hobby
pandáy-yero panday (“smith”, from Tagalog) + yero (from Sp. hierro) ironsmith
patáy-malisya patay (“dead”, from Tagalog) + malisya (from Sp. malicia) feigning innocence; pretending not to know that something is amiss
pusong-mamón pusò (“heart”, from Tagalog) + mamón (from Sp. mamón) soft-hearted; kind and compassionate
sanib-puwersa sanib (“to join together”, from Tagalog) + puwersa (from Sp. fuerza) to join forces
siling-habâ sili (from Sp. chile) + haba (“lengthened”, from Tagalong) Capsicum annuum var. longum
siling-labuyò sili (from Sp. chile) + labuyo (“wild chicken”, from Tagalog) Capsicum frutescens
singsíng-pari singsing (“ring”, from Tagalog) + pari (“priest”, from Sp. padre) millipede
siráng-plaka sira (“broken”, from Tagalog) + plaka (from Sp. placa) broken record
sulat-makinilya sulat (“script; writing”, from Tagalog) + makinilya (from Sp. maquinilla) typewritten
taás-presyo taas (“high”, from Tagalog) + presyo (from Sp. precio) price increase
tabíng-kalsada tabi (“side”, from Tagalog) + kalsada (from Sp. calzada) roadside
tabíng-kalye tabi (“side”, from Tagalog) + kalye (from Sp. calle) roadside
takaw-aksidente takaw (“greed”, from Tagalog) + aksidente (from Sp. accidente) accident-prone
takaw-desgrasya takaw (“greed”, from Tagalog) + desgrasya (from Sp. desgracia) accident-prone
takdáng-oras takda (“to set; to assign”, from Tagalog) + oras (from Sp. horas) fixed or appointed time
takdáng-petsa takda (“to set; to assign”, from Tagalog) + petsa (from Sp. fecha) due date; deadline
taním-bala tanim (“to plant”, from Tagalog) + bala (from Sp. bala) planting evidence of illegal bullet possession
taním-droga tanim (“to plant”, from Tagalog) + droga (from Sp. droga) planting evidence of illegal drug possession
taong-grasa tao (“person”, from Tagalog) + grasa (from Sp. grasa) homeless man or woman
tubig-gripo tubig (“water”, from Tagalog) + gripo (from Sp. grifo) tap water
tulak-droga tulak (“to push”, from Tagalog) + droga (from Sp. droga) drug pusher
tulog-mantikà tulog (“sleep”, from Tagalog) + mantikà (from Sp. manteca) someone or something that doesn't wake up easily
tunóg-lata tunog (“sound; tune”, from Tagalog) + lata (from Sp. lata) tinny; sounding like tin


English has been used in everyday Tagalog conversation. Code-switching between Tagalog and English is called Taglish. English words borrowed by Tagalog are mostly modern and technical terms, but some English words are also used for short usage (many Tagalog words translated from English are very long) or to avoid literal translation and repetition of the same particular Tagalog word. English makes the second largest foreign vocabulary of Tagalog after Spanish. In written language, English words in a Tagalog sentence are usually written as they are, but they are sometimes written in Tagalog phonetic spelling. Here are some examples:

Tagalog English Traditional word(s)
ábakús abacus ábakó (Sp. ábaco)
abnormál abnormal di-karaniwan, di-normál (normal = Sp.)
abórsiyón abortion pagpapalaglág, aborto (Sp.)
absent absent liban, awsente (Sp. ausente)
aders (from "others") not belonging

to a group

ibá, hindî kabílang, hindî kasáma
adik addict sugapâ, adikto (Sp. adicto)
ádmirál admiral laksamana, almirante (Sp.)
adres address (computing) direksiyón (Sp. dirección)
adyenda agenda palatuntunan, ahenda (Sp. agenda)
akáwnt account (computing) kuwénta (Sp. cuenta)
akawntant accountant tagatuos, tagapagtuos, kontador (Sp. contador)
ákroním acronym akrónimó (Sp. acrónimo)
akrostik acrostic akróstikó (Sp. acróstico)
akses access kakayaháng makuha, kakayaháng maabót, kakayaháng makapasok, akseso (Sp. acceso)
aksis axis painugan, gargaran, ehe (Sp. eje)
aktres actress artista (Sp.)
akwaryum aquarium pabiyáy, akwaryo (Sp. acuario)
álibáy alibi dahilán, reklamo (Sp. reclamo)
alumnay alumni alumno (m) & alumna (f) (Sp.)
ambus ambush tambangan
amonya ammonia amonyako (Sp. amoníaco)
ampibyan amphibian, amphibious ampibyo (Sp. anfibio)
anawnser announcer tagapagpahayág, tagapagbalità (radio announcer), anunsiyadór (Sp. anunciador), lokutór (Sp. locutor)
apír (from “up here”) high five
apláy apply maglagáy (the act of putting to use or putting one thing to another), isabuhay (to put into practice), gumawa ng aplikasyón (to make an application for) (aplikasyon = Sp. aplicación)
áplikánt applicant aplikante (Sp. aplicante)
áprikót apricot albarikoke (Sp. albaricoque)
arkipélagó archipelago kapuluán
ármaláyt (from “Armalite”) assault rifle ripleng pansalakay (riple = Sp. rifle)
armi army hukbô, militar (Sp.)
asaynment assignment takdáng-aralín
atak attack salakay, pagsalakay, atake(Sp. ataque)
atorni attorney abogado (Sp.)
aysing icing/frosting glaseado (Sp.)
ayskrim ice cream sorbetes (Sp. sorbete)
babay bye-bye paalam
bádigárd bodyguard bantáy, tagabantay, tagapagbantay
bádmintón badminton
badtrip (from “bad trip”) annoyed inís, buwisit, asár (Sp.)
badyet budget gastos (Sp. gasto), gugulín, laáng-gugulin, presupuwesto (Sp. presupuesto)
bag bag bayóng, supot (paper or plastic bag)
baks-opis box office takilya (Sp. taquilla)
bakwít evacuee (mga) lumikas
baléy ballet balé (Sp. balé)
báliból/bóliból volleyball boleybol (Sp. voleibol), balonbolea (Sp. balonvolea)
ban ban bawal, hindi puwede (puwede = Sp. puede), pagbabawal, prohibisyón (Sp. prohibicion)
ban/van van purgoneta (Sp. furgoneta)
bandyo banjo banyo (Sp.)
bar bar (business selling alcoholic drinks) bahay-inuman, taberna (Sp.)
baráyti variety pagkakaiba-iba
barbekyú/barbikyú barbecue ihaw (literally “grilling”)
barbel barbell/dumbbell pesas (Sp. pesa)
barker barker tagatawag ng pasahero (pasahero = Sp. pasajero)
barók Baroque baroko (Sp. barroco)
bártendér bartender tagapaglingkod (ng alak), kamarero (Sp. camarero)
báryabol variable baryable (Sp. variable)
báryant variant kaanyo, baryánte (Sp. variante)
basket basket sisidlán, sesta (Sp. cesta)
básketból basketball balonsesto (Sp. baloncesto)
basted busted (turned down in a

romantic relationship)

wasák ang pusò, tinanggihan
basuka bazooka
batón baton (staff or truncheon) batutà (Sp.), bótong
bekon bacon tosino (Sp. tocino)
bertdey birthday kaarawán, kapanganakan
bes/beshie/bespren best friend kaibigan
besbol/beysbol baseball
bétsin (from "Tien Chun Ve-Tsin") monosodium glutamate glutamato monosodiko (Sp. glutamato monosódico)
beybi baby (affectionate term for a loved one) mahál (Sans. महार्घ mahārgha), írog, íbig, sintá (Sans. चिन्ता cintā)
bidyo video panoorin, bideo (Sp. vídeo)
bidyoke (from "videoke")


bikini bikini; swimsuit
bílbord billboard karteléra (Sp. cartelera)
bílding building gusalì, estruktura (Sp. estructura)
bilíb believe (impressed) hangà, tiwalà
bilyard billiard bilyár (Sp. billar)
bisi busy abala, may ginagawa
biskuwít biscuit galyetas (Sp. galleta)
bip-stik beef steak bisték (Sp. bistec)
blakbord blackboard, chalkboard pisara (Sp. pizarra)
bláter police blotter pagpaparehistro ng sumbong sa pulisya (rehistro = Sp. registro, pulisya = Sp. policía)
bodabíl vaudeville
bodka vodka
boksing boxing bokseo (Sp. boxeo)
bold (from "bold") naked hubad, tiwangwang
boling bowling bolos (Sp.)
bolpen ballpoint pen panulat (any writing instrument that uses ink), pluma (Sp.)
boo boo; to dislike
bos boss punò, pinuno, hepe (Sp. jefe)
boykot boycott boykoteo (Sp. boicoteo)
brandi brandy
bra/brasiyér brassiere tapapetso (Sp. tapa pecho)
brawnawt from ("brownout") power outage pagkawala ng koryente (koryente = Sp. corriente)
brip briefs panloob na panlalaki, panloob ng lalaki, kalsonsilyo (Sp. calzoncillo)
brodkast broadcast pagsasahimpapawid
brodkaster broadcaster tagapagbalita, tagapagsahimpapawid
brokoli broccoli brekol (Sp. brécol)
buldoser bulldozer pamungkal-sudsod
bumerang boomerang bumeran (Sp. bumerán)
bus bus awtobús (Sp. autobús)
daspan dustpan pandakot
daster duster (loose dress)
dayagram diagram balangkas, banghay, danháy, diyagráma (Sp. diagrama)
dáyapér diaper lampín
daynosor dinosaur bawayak-kilabot
dedbol (from "dead ball") dead nasawi, patáy, pumanaw, sumalangit, yumao
detéktib detective tiktík, sekréta (Sp. policía secreta)
dígri degree (temperature) grádo (Sp. grado)
dísko discotheque sayáwan, diskoteka (Sp. discoteca)
dispátser dispatcher despatsadór (Sp. despachador)
dóbol-ded double-dead meat botsà
donat doughnut bitso-bitsong bilog, roskilya (Sp. rosquilla)
dram drum (a large cylindrical container) bariles (Sp. barril)
drayber driver tsupér (Sp. chofer)
dribol dribble (basketball) pagpapatalbog, patalbugin
drowing drawing guhit
dyaket jacket tsaketa (Sp. chaqueta)
dyakpat jackpot pinakamalaking premyo (premyo = Sp. premio)
dyambol jump ball (basketball) pagsimula ng laro
dyanitor janitor tagalinis, tagapaglinis
dyas jazz
dyéneréytor generator heneradór (Sp. generador)
dyinggel (from “jingle”) peeing ihi, pag-iihi
dyip/dyipni jeep/jeepney
dyudo judo hudo (Sp. judo)
eksit exit labas, labasan
elebeytor elevator; lift asensor (Sp. ascensor)
ensayklopidya encyclopedia talaalaman, ensiklopédya (Sp. enciclopédia)
entri entry (record listed in a log, diary, website, etc) lahók
epek effect bisà, bunga, epékto (Sp. efecto)
erkon/erkondisyoner air conditioner ayre akondisyonado (Sp. aire acondicionado), klimatisador (Sp. climatizador)
ertkweyk earthquake lindol, paggalaw ng lupa, pagyayanig
eskaleytor escalator eskalera (Sp. escalera mecánica)
five-six/payb-siks (from "five-six") (moneylending scheme commonly associated to Indians) pagpapautang ng pera
gadyet gadget kagamitán, aparato (Sp.)
gang criminal gang barkadahang kriminal (barkada = Sp. barcada & kriminal = Sp. criminal)
gambol gamble pagsusugal (sugal = Sp. jugar)
geym (from "game") ready handâ
gimik gimmick pakulô, pakanâ, pakuwela (kuwela = Sp. chulear)
golp golf
gradweyt graduate tapós (sa pag-aaral), nagtapós (ng pag-aaral), gradwado (Sp. graduado)
grawnded grounded (confined to one's room for misbehaving) báwal, pinagbáwalan
groser grocer abasero (Sp. abacero)
gróserí grocery abaseríya (Sp. abasería)
hani honey pulót
haló hello kumustá (Sp, cómo está)
hamster hamster
hanger hanger pansampay
hap islip half slip; underskirt nagwas (Sp. enagua)
hardel hurdle luksuhang-hadlang, hadlang, harang
hasel hassle; bothersome nakaiinis
hatdog hot dog longganisa (Sp. longaniza), salsitsas (Sp. salchicha)
hay high (drugged) sabog, basag, bogsa
hayblad (from "high blood") hypertension altapresyon (Sp. alta presión)
háy-iskúl high school paaraláng sekundarya (sekundarya = Sp. secundaria); mataás na paaralán
haywey highway kalsada (Sp. calzada), pangunahing lansangan
helikopter/helikapter helicopter elikópteró (Sp. helicóptero)
hóldap/holdáper (from "hold-up" or "hold-upper) kidnapper, mugger, robber maglilíngo, mágnanákaw, mandurukot
holen (from "hole in") marble marmol (Sp.)
holwey hallway; corridor pasilyo (Sp. pasillo)
ínterbiyú interview panayám, entrebista (Sp. entrevista)
iskedyul schedule talaorasán (oras = Sp. horas), talatakdaan, oraryo (Sp. horario)
iskert skirt palda (Sp. falda)
iskolar scholar eskolár (Sp. escolar)
iskór score marka (Sp. marca), puntos (Sp. punto)
iskúl school paaralán, eskuwela (Sp. escuela)
iskríp script sulat (handwritten texts or characters), manuskrito (Sp. manuscrito, text of a stage play, movie, etc.)
iskrín screen tabing
iskuter scooter motoneta (Sp.)
iskuwater squatter (mga) taong naninirahan sa lupà ng iba, (mga) taong nagtitira sa lupa ng iba, (mga) taong naninirahan sa lupang hindi sila may-ari, (mga) taong nagtitira sa lupang hindi sila may-ari,
iskrambol ice scramble
iskuwirel squirrel ardilya (Sp. ardilla), buot
islogan slogan bansag
isnáb snob
isnak snack meryenda (Sp. merienda)
ispayral spiral anyong-suso, ikid, likaw, pilipit, paikid
ispeling spelling pagkabaybay
ispiker speaker (person) tagapagsalitâ, tagatalumpatì, mananalita, mananalumpatì, oradór (m) & oradora (f) (Sp.)
isponsor sponsor tagatangkilik
ispórt sport palarô, palakasan, paligsahan (also translates as “contest” or “tournament”), deporte (Sp.)
ispréy spray wisik
istak stock (supply) panustos
istandard standard pamantayan, panukatan, norma (Sp.)
istroberi strawberry presas (Sp. fresa)
isyu issue (controversial topic) kontrobérsiyá (Sp. controversia), probléma (Sp. problema, problems or concerns), súliránin
kabinet cabinet aparadór (Sp.)
kambas canvass pagbibiláng ng boto (boto = Sp. voto)
kantin canteen kainan, kantina (Sp. cantina)
kápiráyt copyright karapatáng-sipì, karapatang may-ari, karapatang-akda
karat carat kilates (Sp. quilate)
karot carrot asanorya (Sp. zanahoria)
karpet carpet alpombra (Sp. alfombra)
kas cash pera, salapi, suki
kaswalti casualty (person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence) biktima (Sp. victima)
kendi candy minatamís
ketsap ketchup katsup (Sp. cátsup)
keyk cake pastél (Sp.)
kibord keyboard tipaan, teklado (Sp. teclado)
klip clip ipit, pang-ipit
koboy cowboy bakero (Sp. vaquero)
kodak Kodak
kolektor collector maniningíl, kobradór (Sp. cobrador)
komonwelt commonwealth malasariling pamahalaan, sampamahalaan
kompiyuter computer ordenadór (Sp.)
kondom condom
kolek collect pag-iipon, pagtitipon, pagkokolekta (kolekta = Sp. colectar)
korék correct ayos, tamà (Sans. उत्तम, uttama), tumpák, wasto
kras crash bumagsák, banggaan, lagpakan
kudeta coup d'état pagtatalsik sa pamahalaan, golpe de estado (Sp. golfe de estado)
kukis cookies
kyut cute guwápo (m) & guwápa (f) (Sp. guapo & guapa), lindo (m) & linda (f) (Sp.)
lawd-ispiker loud speaker palakas-tinig, daktinig, altabos (Sp. altavoz)
lebel level antás, nibel (Sp. nivel)
leybel label pangalan
leysi lazy tamad
lobat low battery mababang bateryá (baterya = Sp. batería)
madyik magic salamangka (Sp. salamanca), mahíya (Sp. mágia)
mágasín magazine diyaryo (Sp. diario)
manikin mannequin tau-tauhan, maoy
maws computer mouse ratón (Sp.)
miskol missed call hindî nasagutáng tawag
miting meeting pulong, pagpupulong
mol/mall shopping mall pámilíhan
nars nurse empermero (m) (Sp. enfermero), empermera (f) (Sp. enfermera)
notbuk note book kuwaderno (Sp. cuaderno)
okey OK, okay sige (Sp. sigue)
opis office opisina (Sp. oficina), tanggapan
pakshet/paksyet fuckshit (obnoxious person) gago (Sp.), loko (Sp. loco)
pakyu fuck you putang iná mo (puta = Sp.)
panti panties panloob na pambabae, panloob ng babae, kalsonsilyo (Sp. calzoncillo)
pasword password senyas (Sp. señas), kontrasenyas ( Sp. contraseñas)
peke fake huwad, hindi totoo, palsó (Sp. falso)
perstaym first time unang beses (una = Sp. & beses = Sp. vez)
pesbuk/peysbuk Facebook
piktsur picture larawan, imahen (Sp. imagen), retrato (Sp.)
plais pliers bokay-pato, sagam, alikate (Sp. alicate)
plaslayt flashlight lente (Sp.)
plastik plastic plástikó (Sp. plástico)
playwud plywood tablasusón (tabla = Sp.)
pontempen fountain pen pluma-de-biyahe (Sp. pluma-de-viaje)
potobam photobomb pagsingit sa mga larawan
pulís police pulisya (Sp. policía), magbantáy, bantayán, tagabantay, tagapagbantay
putbol football
rali rally martsa (Sp. marcha), pagtulungán, demostrasyon (Sp. demostración)
repridyeretor/ref refrigerator palamigan, repriheradór (Sp. refrigerador)
rebyu/ribyu review balik-aral, pagbabalik-aral
reispeling respelling pagkabaybay ulit
rises recess (education) duyo
robot robot
salayba saliva laway
sámpol sample halimbawà, muwestra (Sp. muestra)
sandwits sandwich pinalamanáng tinapay, bokadilyo (Sp. bocadillo), emparedado (Sp.)
sarbey survey pagsusuri
selpon cellphone teléponó (Sp. teléfono)
sori sorry patáwad, paumanhín, pasénsiyá na (pasénsiyá = Sp. paciencia)
supermarket supermarket palengke, (Sp. palenque), supermerkado (Sp. supermercado)
suplay supply panustos
suplayer supplier tagapagtustos, abastesedor (Sp. abastecedor)
syota/shota short time/shawty kasintahan, nobyo (m) (Sp. novio) & nobya (f) (Sp. novia)
tambay stand by pag-aansikot, paglalakwatsa (lakwatsa = Sp. la cuacha)
trapik traffic trápikó (Sp. tráfico)
teksbuk textbook aklat pampaaralan, aralang aklat, aklat-aralin
tenis tennis
tin-edyer teenager lalabintaunin, lalabinggulang, adolesente (Sp. adolescente)
titser teacher tagapagturo, gurò (Sans. via Malay guru), maestro (m) and maestra (f) (Sp.)
tisyert T-shirt damit, kamiseta (Sp. camiseta)
tisyu tissue lamuymoy, himaymay, tehido (Sp. tejido)
tráysikél tricycle trisiklo (Sp. triciclo)
trak truck kamyón (Sp. camión)
trey tray bandeha (Sp. bandeja)
tsek check, checkmark, tick (symbol) gurlit, pampigil
tsekmeyt checkmate (chess) pagkatalo sa ahedres (ahedres = Sp. ajedrez), mate (Sp. mate)
tses chess ahedres (Sp. ajedrez)
wais wise mautak, tuso
websayt website pook-sapot, pahinarya (Sp. paginaria)
weder weather panahon
yunit unit batayang sukat, pangkat, sambilang


Many Malay loanwords entered the Tagalog vocabulary during pre-colonial times as Old Malay became the lingua franca of trade, commerce and diplomatic relations during the pre-colonial era of Philippine history as evidenced by the Laguna Copperplate Inscription of 900 AD and accounts of Antonio Pigafetta at the time of the Spanish arrival in the country five centuries later. Some Malay loanwords, such as bansa and guro (which in turn came from Sanskrit; see below), were later additions to the Tagalog language during the first half of the 20th century. Said words were proposals by the late linguist Eusebio T. Daluz to be adopted for further development of the Tagalog language and eventually found widespread usage among the lettered segment of the Tagalog-speaking population.

Tagalog Etymology Meaning in Tagalog
balaklaot barat laut (Malay, “northwest”) northwestern winds
balisâ belisah (Malay, meaning “restless; fidgety”) restless; fidgety
batubalanì batu (Malay and Tagalog, “stone”) + berani (Malay, “brave”) magnetite; magnet stone
bibingka kuih bingka (Malay, “tapioca or cassava cake”) rice cake with coconut milk
binibini bini-bini (Brunei Malay, “woman) young lady; miss
bunsô bongsu (Malay, “youngest-born”) youngest child
dalamhatì dalam (Malay, “within”) + hati (Malay, “liver; heart”) grief
dalubhasà juru (Malay, “expert”) + bahasa (Malay, “language”) expert (in general)
hatol hatur (Malay, “order; arrangement”) sentence pronounced by a judge in court
kanan kanan (Malay, “right”) right-hand side
kawal kawal (Malay, “watchman; patrol; guard”) soldier; warrior
kulambô kelambu (Malay, “mosquito net”) mosquito net
lagarì gergaji (Malay, “carpenter's saw”) carpenter's saw
lunggatî lung (Tagalog root word meaning “grief”: 88 ) + hati (Malay, “liver; heart”) eagerness; ambition
luwalhatì luar (Malay, “outside”) + hati (Malay, “liver; heart”) inner peace; glory (as in the Glory Be)
pighatî pedih (Malay, “pain”) + hati (Malay, “liver; heart”) affliction; anguish; woe
pilak perak (Malay ultimately of Khmer origin, “silver”) silver (Ag)
piralî pijar (Malay, “borax”) calcium carbonate
salaghatì salag or salak (Tagalog, “full and levelled”) + hati (Malay, “liver; heart”) displeasure; resentment
Singapura Singapura (Malay, "Singapore") Singapore
takal takar (Malay, “measure of capacity for oil, etc.”) measurement by volume of liquids and of grains
tanghalì tengah (Malay, “half”) + hari (Malay, “day”) noon; midday
tiyanak puntianak (Malay, referring to a vampire, ghost or reanimated body supposed to suck blood) vampiric creature that imitates the form of a child
uluhatì ulo (Tagalog, “head”) + hati (Malay, “liver”) remembrance; reminiscence
usap ucap (Malay, “utterance”) conversation


Jean Paul-Potet estimates that there are around 280 words in Tagalog that originated from Sanskrit.: 269  As in most Austronesian languages, the Sanskrit vocabulary incorporated into Tagalog were mostly borrowed indirectly via Malay or Javanese. While it was generally believed that Malay played a key role in the dissemination of the Indian lexical influences in Southeast Asia, there are also cases of words that are not attested in Old Malay but are present in Old Javanese, thus highlighting the possibility that the latter played a more important role in the dissemination of these words in Maritime Southeast Asia than was previously given credit for. Examples of such words that also reached the Philippines include anluwagi ("carpenter"; from Javanese uṇḍahagi meaning "woodworker" or "carpenter") and gusali ("building"; from Javanese gusali meaning "blacksmith"). As these words are more closely related to their Middle Indo-Aryan counterparts, they are not listed below.

Tagalog Sanskrit Meaning in Tagalog
aghám आगम (āgama, “acquisition of knowledge, science”) science (modern coinage)
antalà अन्तर (āntara, “duration, gap”) delay
asal आचार (ācāra, “manner of action, conduct, behavior”) behaviour; character
bahalà भार (bhāra, “burden, load, weight, heavy work”) to manage; to take care of; to take charge
balità वार्त्ता (vārttā, “account, report”) news
bansâ वंश (vaṃśá, “bamboo cane, genealogy, dynasty, race”) country (modern coinage)
banyagà वाणिज्यक (vāṇijyaka, “merchant, trader”) foreigner (modern meaning)
basa वाचा (vācā, “voice, speech”) to read
bathalà भट्टार (bhaṭṭāra, “noble lord, venerable”) Supreme Being; God
bihasa अभ्यास (abhyāsa, “habit”) expert; accustomed
budhî बुद्धि (buddhi, “understanding”) conscience
dawà: 73, 191  यव (yava, “Hordeum vulgare”) Panicum miliaceum
dayà द्वय (dvaya, “twofold nature, falsehood”) cheating; deception
diwà जीव (jīva, “the principle of life, vital breath”) spirit; soul
diwatà देवता (devatā, “divinity”) fairy, goddess, nymph
dukhâ दुःख (duḥkha, “sorrow, misery, hardship”) poverty
dusa दोष (doṣa, “harm, damage, bad consequence”) suffering
dustá दूषित (dūṣita, “defiled, violated, injured”) ignominiously insulted
gadyâ गज (gaja, “elephant”) elephant
gandá गन्ध (gandha, “aroma, fragrance”) beauty; beautiful
gurò गुरु (guru, “master, teacher”) mentor; teacher
halagá अर्घ (argha, “value”) price; value; worth
halatâ अर्थय (arthaya, “perceive”) noticeable; perceptible; obvious
harayà हृदय (hṛdaya, “heart”) imagination
hinà हीन (hīna, “weaker/lower than, abandoned, deficient”) weakness; fragility
hiwagà विहग (vihaga, “bird”) mystery; miracle
kasubhâ कुसुम्भ (kusumbha, “Carthamus tinctorius”) Carthamus tinctorius
kastulì कस्तूरी (kastūrī, “Abelmoschus moschatus”) Abelmoschus moschatus
kathâ कथा (kathā, “a feigned story, fable”) literary composition; fiction; invention
katâ-katâ Reduplication of कथा (kathā, “story, fable”) legend; fable; folk tale
kalapati; palapati पारापत (pārāpata, “pigeon”) pigeon
kubà कुब्ज (kubja, “hunchback”) hunchback
kutà कोट (koṭa, “fort, stronghold”) fort
ladyâ राज (rāja, “king, chief, sovereign”) Raja
lagundî निर्गुण्डी (nirguṇḍī, “Vitex negundo”) Vitex negundo
lahò राहु (rāhu, “Rāhu”) eclipse; to vanish
lasa रस (rasa, “taste, savour”) taste
likhâ लेखा (lekhā, “drawing, figure”) to create
madlâ मण्डल (maṇḍala, “circle, multitude”) the general public
maharlikâ महर्द्धिक (maharddhika, “prosperous”) nobility; prehispanic Tagalog social class composed of freedmen
makatà Tagalog prefix ma- + Sanskrit कथा (kathā, “story, fable”) poet
mukhâ मुख (mukha, “face”) face
mulâ मूल (mūla, “basis, foundation, origin, beginning”) from; since; origin
mutyâ मुत्य (mutya, “pearl”) amulet; charm; jewel; pearl
naga नाग (nāga, “serpent”) dragon
paksâ पक्ष (pakṣa, “a point or matter under discussion”) theme; topic; subject
palibhasà परिभाषा (paribhāṣā, “speech, censure, reproof”) irony; sarcasm; criticism
parusa Tagalog prefix pa- + dusa, from Sanskrit दोष (doṣa) punishment
patola पटोल (paṭola, “Trichosanthes dioica”) Luffa acutangula
raha राज (rāja, “king or royal”, via Spanish) king / royal (historical)
saksí साक्षी (sākṣī, “eye-witness”) witness
sakunâ शकुन (śakuna, “a bird of omen”) disaster
salamuhà समूह (samūha, “gathering, crowd”) to mingle with people
salantâ श्रान्त (śrānta, “maimed, crippled”) infirm
salitâ चरित (carita, “behaviour, acts, deeds, adventures”) to speak; to talk; word
samantalà समान्तर (samāntara, “parallel”) meanwhile
sampalataya सम्प्रत्यय (sampratyaya, “trust, confidence”) to have faith, to believe in God
sandata संयत्त (saṃyatta, “prepared, being on one's guard”) weapon
siglá शीघ्र (śīghra, “swift, quick, speedy”) enthusiasm; vitality
sintá चिन्ता (cintā, “thought”) love
sukà चुक्र (cukra, “vinegar”) vinegar
sutlâ सूत्र (sūtra, “thread, string, wire”) silk
talà तारा (tārā, “star”) star, Tala (goddess)
tanikalâ शृङ्खल (śṛṅkhala, “chain”) chain
tinggâ तीव्र (tīvra, “tin, iron, steel”) tin
tsampaka चम्पक (campaka, “Magnolia champaca”) Magnolia champaca
upang उप (upa, “towards, near to”) so as to, in order to


Close contact through commercial networks between India and Maritime Southeast Asia for more than two millennia, bolstered by the establishment of Tamil as a literary language in India starting from the 9th century, allowed the spread of Dravidian loanwords in several local languages of Southeast Asia, including Old Malay and Tagalog. A list of Tagalog words with Tamil origins are shown below.

Tagalog Tamil Meaning in Tamil Meaning in Tagalog
bagay வகை (vakai) kind, class, sort; goods; property; means of livelihood thing; object; article
baríl வெடில் (veṭil) explosion gun; to shoot (with a gun)
bilanggô விலங்கு (vilaṅku) fetters; shackles; manacles captive; prisoner
gulay குழை (kuḻai) to become soft, pulpy, as well-cooked vegetable
kalikam: 302  காரிக்கம் (kārikkam) unbleached plain cotton cloth embroidered breeches from Brunei
kawal காவல் (kāval) watchman; guard soldier; warrior
kawalì குவளை (kuvaḷai) wide-mouthed vessel; cup frying pan, skillet
kiyapò கயப்பூ (kayappū) aquatic flower Pistia stratiotes
manggá மாங்காய் (māṅkāy) unripe mango fruit mango (in general)
malunggáy முருங்கை (muruṅkai) Moringa oleifera Moringa oleifera
misáy மீசை (mīcai) moustache moustache
palisay பரிசை (paricai) shield; buckler shield used in warrior dances
puto புட்டு (puṭṭu) a kind of confectionery rice cake
tupa: 303  ஆட்டுப்பட்டி (āṭṭuppaṭṭi) a flock of sheep sheep

Arabic and Persian

There are very few words in Tagalog that are identified as Arabic or Persian in origin, but some of them are very frequently use terms such as “salamat,” meaning “thank you.” According to Jean-Paul Potet, there are 60 Tagalog words that are identified with reasonable confidence as derived from Arabic or Persian, half of which are probably (roughly 23%) or unquestionably (roughly 26%) borrowed indirectly through Malay. The other half of the identified loanwords are directly derived from Arabic or Persian. The table below shows different Arabic loanwords, including archaic and poetic ones, incorporated into the Tagalog lexicon. If an Arabic loanword is considered to be borrowed through the mediation of Malay, the intermediate Malay term is also specified.

Several Spanish loanwords incorporated into Tagalog have origins in the Arabic language. Examples include alahas (meaning jewel, from Sp. alhaja and ultimately from Arabic الْحَاجَة, al-ḥāja, “the necessary or valuable thing”), albayalde (meaning white lead, from Sp. albayalde and ultimately from Arabic الْبَيَاض, al-bayāḍ, meaning "white" or "whiteness"), alkansiya (meaning piggy bank, from Sp. alcancía and ultimately from Arabic كَنْز, kanz, meaning "treasure"), alkatsopas (meaning artichoke, from Sp. alcachofa and ultimately from Arabic الخُرْشُوف‎, al-ḵuršūf), almires (meaning small mortar, from Sp. almirez and ultimately from Arabic المِهْرَاس, al-mihrās), asapran (meaning saffron, from Sp. azafrán from Arabic اَلزَّعْفَرَان‎, az-zaʽfarān), baryo (meaning village, from Sp. barrio and ultimately from Arabic بَرِّيّ‎ , barriyy), kapre (a Filipino mythological creature, from Sp. cafre and ultimately from Arabic كَافِر‎, kāfir), kisame (meaning ceiling, from Sp. zaquizamí and ultimately from Arabic سَقْف فِي اَلْسَمَاء, saqf fī l-samāʼ, meaning "ceiling in the sky"), etc. The table below does not include these numerous Hispano-Arabic terms as it will only focus on those loanwords which are directly borrowed from Arabic or Persian, or indirectly borrowed through Malay.

Tagalog Arabic/Persian Malay intermediate Meaning in Tagalog
agimat: 331  Arabic عَزِيمَة (ʽazīma, “amulet, talisman, magic spell”) azimat (“talisman”) amulet; talisman
alak: 331  Arabic عَرَق (ʽaraq, “liquor”) arak (“liquor”) liquor
anakura Persian ناخدا (nāxuḏā, “ship's captain”) nakhoda (“ship's captain”) ship's captain
daulat: 331  Arabic دَوْلَة‎ (dawla, “rotation, turn of fortune”) daulat (“prosperity, happiness”) good fortune
hukóm: 331  Arabic حُكْم‎ (ḥukm, “judgment”) hukum (“judgment, law”) judge
katan: 331  Arabic خَتْن (ḵatn, “circumcision”) khatan (“circumcision”) circumcised
kupyâ: 332  Arabic كُوفِيَّة (kūfiyya, “headgear, keffiyeh”) kopiah (“cap”) iron helmet or similar headgear
malim: 332  Arabic مُعَلِّم (muʽallim, “teacher; navigator”) malim (“maritime pilot; expert”) maritime pilot
mansigit: 332  Arabic مَسْجِد (masjid, “mosque”) temple, worship place
paham: 332  Arabic فَهْم (fahm, “understanding”) faham (“science, understanding”) a learned person; scholar
pangadyî Tag. pang- + Arabic حَجِّي (ḥajjī, “pilgrim to Mecca”) pengajian (“recitation, reading”) Muslim prayer; prayer to a Tagalog deity
pinggán Persian پنگان (pingān, “cup, bowl”) pinggan (“dish, plate, saucer”) dish plate
salabát: 332  Arabic شَرْبَة (šarba, “any non-alcoholic drink”) ginger tea
salamat Persian سَلَامَت (salāmat, “good health”), from Arabic سَلَامَة, (salāma, “peace; blessings”, greeting or thanking word) thank you
salapî: 333  Arabic صَرْف (ṣarf, “to pay, to earn”) coin; money
salawál Persian شلوار (šalvār, “bloomers, pantaloons, trousers”) seluar (“breeches, trousers”) underpants, pre-colonial dhoti-like men's garment
siyák: 333  Arabic شَيْخ‎ (šayḵ, “elder, master, teacher, sheik”) syeikh (“a mosque caretaker”) Muslim cleric
sultán Arabic سُلْطَان‎ (sulṭān, “strength sorveignty or authority”) sultan (“king or royal”) king or royal (historical)
sumbali: 333  Arabic بِاسْمِ اللّٰه‎ (bismi llāh, “in the name of God”) sembelih (“butcher an animal”) cutting the throat of an animal
sunát: 333  Arabic سُنَّة (sunna, “tradition, specifically Islamic traditions”) sunat (“circumcision”) excision of the clitoris


Most Chinese loanwords in Tagalog were derived from Hokkien, the Southern Chinese language most widely spoken in the Philippines. Most of the 163 Hokkien-derived terms collected and analyzed by Gloria Chan-Yap are fairly recent and do not appear in the earliest Spanish dictionaries of Tagalog.: 334  Many loanwords such as pancit entered the Tagalog vocabulary during the Spanish colonial era when the Philippines experienced an increased influx of Chinese immigrants (mostly from the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong in Southern China) as Manila became an international entrepôt with the flourishing of the Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade. Attractive economic opportunities boosted Chinese immigration to Spanish Manila and the new Chinese settlers brought with them their skills, culinary traditions and language, with the latter then influencing the native languages of the Philippines in the form of loanwords, most of which are related to cookery.: 5 

Tagalog Hokkien Meaning in Hokkien Meaning in Tagalog
angkák: 137  紅麴 (âng-khak) red yeast rice red yeast rice
apyán: 131  鴉片 (a-phiàn) opium opium
ate: 141  阿姊 (á-ché) appellation for elder sister appellation for elder sister
baktáw: 143  墨斗 (ba̍k-táu) carpenter's ink marker carpenter's ink marker
bakyâ: 130  木屐 (ba̍k-kiah) wooden clogs wooden clogs
bataw: 135  肉豆 (bah-tāu) hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
batsoy: 137  肉碎 (bah-chhùi) dish with loin of pork as main ingredient batchoy
bihon: 137  米粉 (bí-hún) rice vermicelli rice vermicelli
biko: 137  米糕 (bí-ko) sweetened rice cake sweetened rice cake
bilawo: 140  米漏 (bí-lāu) rice winnower flat round-shaped rice winnower and food container
bimpo: 130  面布 (bīn-pò͘ ) face towel face towel
bithay: 338 : 140  米篩 (bí-thai) rice sifter sieve (for sifting grain and sand)
bitso: 137  米棗 (bí chó) fried cake made of rice flour youtiao
betsin 味精 (bī-cheng) Monosodium glutamate Monosodium glutamate
buwisit 無衣食 (bô-ui-si̍t) out of luck, unlucky nuisance
diko: 141  二哥 (jī-ko) appellation for second eldest brother appellation for second eldest brother
disó 二嫂 (jī-só) second eldest brother's wife sister-in-law
ditsé: 141  二姊 (jī-ché) appellation for second eldest sister appellation for second eldest sister
gintô 金條 (kim-tiâu) gold bar gold (Au)
goto: 135  牛肚 (gû-tǒ͘) ox tripe goto – rice porridge with ox/beef tripe
gunggóng: 132  戇戇 (gōng-gōng) stupid stupid
hikaw: 130  耳鉤 (hǐ-kau) earrings earrings
hopya: 137  好餅 (hó piáⁿ) sweet mung bean cake sweet mung bean cake
hukbô: 142  服務 (ho̍k-bū) service army
husi: 130  富紗 (hù se) rich yarn cloth made from pineapple fibre
huwepe: 131  火把 (hóe-pé) torch torch
huweteng: 145  花當 (hoe-tǹg) Jueteng Jueteng
impó 姆婆 (ḿ-pô) or

引婆 (ín-pô)

grandmother grandmother
ingkóng: 142  引公 (ín-kong) grandfather grandfather
insó: 142  引嫂 (ín-só) sister-in-law wife of an elder brother or male cousin
Intsík 引叔 (ín-chek) uncle (informal) Chinese people, language, or culture
katay: 145  共伊刣 (kā i thâi) have it slaughtered to slaughter
kikyam 雞繭 (ke-kián) sausage-like roll seasoned with five-spice powder sausage-like roll seasoned with five-spice powder
kintsáy: 136  芹菜 (khîn-chhài) celery (Apium graveolens) celery (Apium graveolens)
kitî: 134  雞稚 (ke-tī) young chick young chick
kutsáy: 136  韭菜 (kú-chhài) Chinese chives (Allium ramosum) Chinese chives (Allium ramosum)
kusot: 143  鋸屑 (kù-sut) sawdust sawdust
kuya: 141  哥仔 (ko-iá) appellation for elder brother appellation for elder brother
lawin: 134  老鷹 (lāu-eng) any bird belonging to Accipitridae or Falconidae any bird belonging to Accipitridae or Falconidae
lawláw: 109  落落 (làu-làu) loose dangling; sagging; hanging loose
litháw: 142  犁頭 (lê-thâu) plough ploughshare
lomi: 138  滷麵 (ló͘-mī) lor mee – Chinese noodle dish lomi (a Filipino-Chinese noodle dish)
lumpiyâ: 138  潤餅 (lūn-piáⁿ) fried or fresh spring rolls fried or fresh spring rolls
mami: 138  肉麵 (mah-mī) meat and noodles in soup meat and noodles in soup
maselan: 132  Tagalog ma- +

西人 (se-lâng)

Westerner; Of the Western world delicate; sensitive; hard to please
miswa: 138  麵線 (mī-soàⁿ) misua – Chinese salted noodles very thin variety of salted noodle Misua soup
pansít: 139  扁食 (pán-si̍t) kneaded food pancit – any noodle dish
pakyáw: 145  縛繳 (pa̍k-kiáu) to submit by bundles wholesale buying
pasláng: 133  拍死人 (phah-sí lāng) to beat people to death to kill
petsay: 136  白菜 (pe̍h-chhài) Napa cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) Napa cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis)
pesà: 139  白煠魚 (pe̍h-sa̍h hî) plain boiled fish plain boiled fish
pinsé: 131  硼砂 (phêng-se) borax borax
puntáw: 131  糞斗 (pùn-táu) dustpan dustpan
putháw 斧頭 (pú-thâu) axe hatchet; small axe
sampán 舢板 (sam-pán) Chinese boat; Chinese junk Chinese boat; Chinese junk
samyô: 135  散藥 (sám io̍h) to sprinkle medicinal powder aroma; fragrance; sweet odor
sangko: 142  三哥 (saⁿ-ko) appellation for third eldest brother appellation for third eldest brother
sangkî: 139  三紀 (saⁿ-kì) Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) Chinese star anise (Illicium verum)
sansé: 142  三姊 (saⁿ-ché) appellation for third eldest sister appellation for third eldest sister
singkî: 133  新客 (sin-kheh) new guest or customer newcomer; beginner
sitaw: 136  青豆 (chhiⁿ-tāu) Chinese long bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis) Chinese long bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
siyaho 姐夫 (chiá-hu) brother-in-law (elder sister's husband) husband of an elder sister or female cousin
siyakoy 油炸粿 (iû-cha̍h-kóe) youtiao shakoy
siyansí: 141  煎匙 (chian-sî) kitchen turner kitchen turner
sotanghon: 139  山東粉 (soaⁿ-tang-hún) cellophane noodles cellophane noodles
sukì 主客 (chú-kheh) special guest regular customer; patron
sungkî: 130  伸齒 (chhun-khí) protruding tooth buck tooth
susì: 131  鎖匙 (só-sî) key key
suwahe: 134  沙蝦 (soa-hê) greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis)
suyà: 133  衰啊 (soe-a) expression for "How unlucky!" disgust
siyokoy: 146  水鬼 (chúi-kúi) water spirit; water devil merman
siyomay: 139  燒賣 (sio-mai) steamed dumpling shumai / siomai – steamed dumpling
siyopaw: 139  燒包 (sio-pau) meat-filled steamed bun siopao – meat-filled steamed bun
tahô: 139  豆腐 (tāu-hū) tofu taho
táhuré (var. táhurí): 139  豆乳 (tāu-jí) soy milk; fermended bean curd fermented tofu in soy sauce
tanga: 134  蟲仔 (thâng-á) little insect/bug/worm clothes moth
tangláw: 132  燈樓 (teng-lâu) lamp; lantern; lit. 'light tower' light
tansô: 144  銅索 (tâng-soh) copper wire copper (Cu), bronze
tawsî: 140  豆豉 (tāu-sīⁿ) beans preserved in soy sauce beans preserved in soy sauce
timsím (var. tingsím): 132  燈芯 (teng-sim) lampwick lampwick
tinghóy: 132  燈火 (teng-hóe) wick lamp wick lamp in glass filled with oil
tikoy: 140  甜粿 (tiⁿ-kóe) nian gao sweetened rice cake Sweetened rice cake
titò: 136  豬肚 (ti-tǒ͘) pig tripe pork tito – pig tripe
tiyák: 134  的 (tiak) true; real sure; certain
toge: 136  豆芽 (tāu-gê) bean sprout bean sprout
tokwa: 140  豆乾 (tāu-koaⁿ) tofu tofu
totso: 140  豆油醋魚 (tāu-iû- chhò͘-hî) fish cooked in soy sauce and vinegar sautéed fish with tahure
toyò: 140  豆油 (tāu-iû) soy sauce soy sauce
tutsang: 131  頭鬃 (thâu-chang) hair short hair on a woman's head
upo: 136  葫匏 (ô͘-pû) bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)
utaw: 136  烏豆 (o͘-tāu) black soybean (Glycine max) soybean (Glycine max)
wansóy (var. unsóy, yansóy): 137  芫荽 (oân-sui) coriander/cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) coriander/cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)


There are very few Tagalog words that are derived from Japanese.: 343  Many of them were introduced as recently as the twentieth century like tansan (bottle cap, from the Japanese 炭酸 which originally means refers to soda and carbonated drinks) and karaoke (from the Japanese カラオケ, literally means "empty orchestra") although there are very few Japanese words that appear in the earliest Spanish dictionaries of Tagalog such as katana (Japanese sword, from the Japanese かたな with the same meaning).

Some Filipino jokes are based on comical reinterpretation of Japanese terms as Tagalog words like for example in the case of otousan (from the Japanese お父さん meaning "father") which is reinterpreted as utusan (meaning "servant" or "maid") in Tagalog.: 346  As for the Tagalog word Japayuki, it refers to the Filipino migrants who flocked to Japan starting in the 1980s to work as entertainers and it is a portmanteau of the English word Japan and the Japanese word yuki (or 行き, meaning "going" or "bound to").

Tagalog Japanese Meaning in Japanese Meaning in Tagalog
bonsay: 22  盆栽 (bonsai) bonsai; miniature potted plant bonsai; miniature potted plant; (slang) Short in height;
dorobo: 41  泥棒 (dorobō) thief; burglar; robber thief; burglar; robber
dyak en poy or jak en poy じゃん拳ぽん (jankenpon) rock–paper–scissors game rock–paper–scissors game
karaoke カラオケ (karaoke) karaoke (singing to taped accompaniment) karaoke (singing to taped accompaniment)
karate 空手 (karate) karate karate
katanà: 343  刀 (katana) katana; a Japanese sword katana; a Japanese sword
katól: 344  蚊取り線香 (katorisenkō) mosquito coil; anti-mosquito incense mosquito coil; anti-mosquito incense
kimono: 344  着物 (kimono) kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing) traditional Philippine blouse made of piña or jusi
kiréy: 344  奇麗 (kirei) pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair (slang) pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair
kokang: 344  交換 (kōkan) exchange; interchange (slang) exchange; interchange
pampam: 344  ぱんぱん (panpan) (slang) prostitute (esp. just after WWII) (slang) prostitute
shabú シャブ (shabu) (slang) methamphetamine hydrochloride methamphetamine hydrochloride
taksan-taksan: 344  沢山 (takusan) much; many (slang) much; many
tansan 炭酸 (tansan) carbonated water bottle cap
tsunami 津波 (tsunami) tsunami; tidal wave tsunami; tidal wave
toto おとうと (otōto) younger brother or child young boy


Tagalog gained Nahuatl words via Spanish from the Galleon trade with the Viceroyalty of New Spain during the Hispanic era.

Here are some examples:

Tagalog Word Nahuatl Root Word Spanish Word Meaning and Further Comments
Abokado Ahuacatl Aguacate Avocado
Akapulko (var. kapurko) Acapolco Acapulco Senna alata; tropical American medicinal plant
Alpasotis (var. pasotis) Epazotl Epazote Dysphania ambrosioides; South American plant used in herbal tea
Atole Atolli Atole Paste made from flour
Atsuwete Achiotl Achiote Achiote
Guwatsinanggo Cuauchilnacatl Guachinango Shrewd; cunning; astute
Kakaw Cacáhuatl Cacao Cacao
Kakawati (var. kakawate) Cacáhuatl Cacahuate Gliricidia sepium; a tropical legume plant
Kalatsutsi (var. kalanotse) Cacaloxochitl Cacalosúchil Plumeria rubra; a tropical dedicious tree
Kamatis Xitomatl Jitomates Tomato
Kamatsile Cuamóchitl Guamúchil Pithecellobium dulce; a Central American tree in the pea family
Kamote Camotli Camote Sweet potato
Koyote (var. kayote) Coyotl Coyote Coyote
Kulitis Quilitl Quelite Amaranth
Mekate Mecatl Mecate Rope or cord made out of abaca
Mehiko Mēxihco Mexico Mexico
Nanay Nantli Nana Mother
Paruparo(var. paparo) Papalotl Papalote Butterfly
Petate Petlatl Petate Woven palm-matting
Peyote Peyotl Peyote Peyote
Pitaka Petlacalli Petaca Coin purse
Sakate Zacatl Zacate Hay or grass for fodder
Sangkaka Chiancaca Chancaca Cakes of hardened molasses
Sapote Tzapotl Zapote Pouteria sapota; a Latin American fruit tree
Sayote Chayotli Chayote Chayote; a type of Central American gourd
Sili Chīlli Chile Chili pepper
Singkamas Xicamatl Jícama Mexican turnip
Sisiwa Chichiua Chichigua Wet nurse
Tamalis (var. tamales) Tamalli Tamal Rice-based tamales wrapped in banana leaves or corn husks
Tapangko Tlapanco Tapanco Awning
Tatay Tahtli Tata Father
Tisa Tizatl Tiza Chalk
Tiyangge (var. tsangge) Tianquiztli Tianguis Open-air market
Tokayo (var. tukayo, katukayo) Tocayotia Tocayo Namesake
Tsiklet (var. tsikle) Chictli Chicle Chewing gum
Tsiko Tzicozapotl Chicozapote Manilkara zapota; a tropical American evergreen fruit tree
Tsokolate Xocolatl Chocolate Chocolate


Tagalog also absorbed Quechua vocabulary, from South America at the Viceroyalty of Peru, especially after Don Sebastián Hurtado de Corcuera former Governor of Panama, imported Peruvian soldiers and settlers to serve in the Philippines.

Tagalog Word Quechua Root Word Spanish Word Meaning and Further Comments
Alpaka Alpaca Alpaca Alpaca, a certain kind of ruminant and its wool
Koka Coca Coca certain bush
Kondor Condor Condor Vultur gryphus
Gautso Gaucho Gaucho "Gaucho, cowboy, herder"
Guwano Guano Guano excrement of sea birds used as manure
Hipihapa Jipijapa Jipijapa Fibre extracted from the leaves of the palm tree to make

hats; the hat made of this material.

Pampa Pampa Pampa Prairie
Papas Papa Papa Potato
Kinina Quinina Quinina Quinine, febrifugal substance extracted from the bark of certain trees


Tagalog has loanwords from Cebuano, mostly due to Cebuano and Bisayan migration to Tagalog-speaking regions. Some of these terms refer to concepts that did not previously exist in Tagalog or relate to Cebuano or Bisaya culture; some others have pre-existing equivalents and are introduced to Tagalog by native Cebuano speakers. Some Tagalog slang are of Cebuano provenance (e.g. Tagalog jombag, from Cebuano sumbag).

Tagalog Cebuano Meaning in Tagalog Meaning in Cebuano
bayot bayot gay; homosexual man gay; homosexual man; non-binary; trans woman; coward
buang, buwang buang crazy; insane; mad crazy; fool; idiot; hippie
daks dakô (slang) having a large penis; well-endowed big
dugong dugong dugong; sea cow dugong; sea cow
habal-habal habal-habal motorcycle taxi motorcycle taxi (from habal "to copulate")
indáy indáy a term of address for a female housemaid a young girl
juts diyotay (slang) not hung; having a small penis; not well-endowed small; minute
katarungan katarongan justice (coined in the early 20th century by Eusebio T. Daluz) reason, justification (from tarong "straight; right; proper; sane")
kawatán kawatán robber; burglar; thief; criminal robber; burglar; thief (from kawat "to steal; to rob")
kawáy gawáy waving of hands; calling someone by waving tentacles
kuskos-balungos kuskos balungos fuss; excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something to scratch, scrape, or rub one's pubic hair
Lumad lumád any of the indigenous non-Muslim peoples of Mindanao native
lungsód lúngsod city (introduced during the early 20th century by Eusebio T. Daluz) town/municipality
tulisán tulisán highway robber; brigand; bandit; outlaw bandit; mugger
ukay-ukay ukay-ukay thrift store selling second-hand clothings, shoes and apparels thrift store selling second-hand clothings, shoes and apparels (from ukáy; "to dig")

Central Bicol

Tagalog Bicol Meaning in Tagalog Meaning in Bicol (Central)
kataga kataga word word (ka + root word "taga")

See also



List Of Loanwords In Tagalog SpanishList Of Loanwords In Tagalog EnglishList Of Loanwords In Tagalog MalayList Of Loanwords In Tagalog SanskritList Of Loanwords In Tagalog TamilList Of Loanwords In Tagalog Arabic and PersianList Of Loanwords In Tagalog HokkienList Of Loanwords In Tagalog JapaneseList Of Loanwords In Tagalog NahuatlList Of Loanwords In Tagalog QuechuaList Of Loanwords In Tagalog CebuanoList Of Loanwords In Tagalog Central BicolList Of Loanwords In Tagalog

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