
文档图示 模块文档[创建]
local function renderRow(heading, value)return '|-\n| class="info" | \'\'\'' .. heading .. '\'\'\'\n| style="padding-right:5px;" | ' .. value .. '\n'endlocal function renderLinkedClaim(id)local linkTarget = mw.wikibase.sitelink(id)local linkName = mw.wikibase.label(id)if linkTarget == nil thenreturn linkNameelsereturn '[[' .. linkTarget .. '|' .. linkName .. ']]'endendlocal function rSimple(item, property)return item:formatPropertyValues( property ).valueendlocal function rPopulation(item, property, frame)local s = item:getBestStatements( property )[1]local result = mw.wikibase.renderSnak( s.mainsnak )-- Brainstorming a bit on significant digits:-- local result = '' -- local num, sigfig = require('Module:Convert').make_sigfig(frame, s.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount, 3)-- result = result .. num .. ' * 10^'..sigfigif s.qualifiers ~= nil and s.qualifiers['P585'] ~= nil and #s.qualifiers['P585'] > 0 thenresult = result .. '(' ..  string.match(s.qualifiers['P585'][1].datavalue.value.time, '0*([1-9][0-9]+)\-', 1) .. ')'endreturn resultendlocal function rElectricity(item, property)local claims = item:getBestStatements( property )local voltage = {}for _,s in pairs(claims) do local v = mw.wikibase.renderSnak( s.mainsnak )if s.qualifiers ~= nil and s.qualifiers['P2144'] ~= nil and #s.qualifiers['P2144'] > 0 thenv = v .. ' / ' .. mw.wikibase.renderSnak(s.qualifiers['P2144'][1])endtable.insert(voltage, v)endlocal result = table.concat(voltage, '、')if #item:getBestStatements('P2853') > 0 thenresult = result .. '(' .. item:formatPropertyValues( 'P2853' ).value .. ')'endreturn resultendlocal function claimOrLabel(id, property) local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity( id )if #item:getBestStatements( property ) > 0 and item:getBestStatements( property )[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil thenreturn mw.wikibase.renderSnak( item:getBestStatements( property )[1].mainsnak )endreturn item:getLabel()endlocal function rCurrency(item, property)local claims = item:getBestStatements(property)local result = {}for _, claim in pairs(claims) dolocal id = 'Q' .. claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']local currency = mw.wikibase.getEntity( id )local subresult = currency:getLabel()local symbol = claimOrLabel( id, 'P498' )if symbol ~= currency:getLabel() thensubresult = subresult .. '(' .. symbol .. ')'endif #currency:getBestStatements('P2284') > 0 thenfor _, price in pairs(currency:getBestStatements('P2284')) dosubresult = subresult .. '<br/>1 '..symbol..' = '..  string.format('%.4f', price.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount ) .. ' ' .. claimOrLabel(string.match(price.mainsnak.datavalue.value.unit , 'Q%d+$'), 'P498')endendtable.insert(result, subresult)endreturn table.concat(result, '<br/>')endlocal function rEmergency(item, property)local claims = item:getBestStatements( property )local result = {}for _, claim in pairs(claims) dolocal id = 'Q' .. claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']local res = claimOrLabel(id, 'P1329')if claim.qualifiers ~= nil and claim.qualifiers['P366'] ~= nil and #claim.qualifiers['P366'] > 0 thenlocal usage = {}for _, qual in pairs(claim.qualifiers['P366']) dotable.insert( usage, mw.wikibase.renderSnak(qual) )endres = res .. '(' .. table.concat(usage, '、') .. ')'endtable.insert(result, res)endreturn table.concat(result, '、')endlocal function rTimezones(item, property)local claims = item:getBestStatements( property )if #claims > 3 thenlocal minEntity = nillocal maxEntity = nillocal minOffset = 20local maxOffset = -20local unknownTZs = {}for _, claim in pairs(claims) dolocal e = mw.wikibase.getEntity('Q' .. claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] )if #e:getBestStatements( 'P2907' ) == 1 thenlocal val = tonumber( e:getBestStatements( 'P2907' )[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount )if val < minOffset thenminOffset = valminEntity = eendif val > maxOffset thenmaxOffset = valmaxEntity = eendelsetable.insert(unknownTZs, e:getLabel())endendif minEntity ~= nil and maxEntity ~= nil and minOffset ~= maxOffset thenlocal r = minEntity:getLabel() .. '至' .. maxEntity:getLabel()if #unknownTZs > 0 thenr = r .. ' and ' .. table.concat(unknownTZs, ', ')endreturn rendendreturn rSimple(item, property)endlocal function rSingleLinked(item, property) if item:getBestStatements( property )[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil thenreturn renderLinkedClaim('Q'..item:getBestStatements( property )[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'])elsereturn nilendendlocal function rLinked(item, property)local claims =[property]local result = {}for _, claim in pairs(claims) doif claim.mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil thenlocal id = 'Q' .. claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']table.insert(result, renderLinkedClaim(id))endendreturn table.concat(result, ', ')endlocal conf = {{{'capital','首都'}, '首都', 36, rSingleLinked},{{'currency','货币'}, '货币', 38, rCurrency},{{'population','人口'}, '人口', 1082, rPopulation},{{'electricity','电力','輸電'}, '[[电力系统|-{zh-hans:电力系统; zh-hant:輸電網路;}-]]', 2884, rElectricity},{{'callingcode','区号','區號'}, '[[国际电话区号列表|国家区号]]', 474, rSimple},{{'timezone','时区','時區'}, '[[时区]]', 421, rTimezones},{{'language','語言','语言'}, '语言', 37, rLinked},{{'emergencies','紧急','緊急'}, '紧急电话', 2852, rEmergency},{{'driving side'}, '驾驶方向', 1622, rSimple}}local p = {}function p.quickbar( frame )local parentArgs = frame:getParent().argslocal elements =  {}local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(  )local useWikidata = (item ~= nil and ~= nil)local missingInfo = falseif parentArgs['首府'] == 'yes' thenconf[1][2]='首府'endlocal locationMap = parentArgs['location'] or parentArgs['位置']if (locationMap ~= nil and locationMap ~= '') or (useWikidata and['P242'] ~= nil and['P242'][1] ~= nil) thenif useWikidata and (locationMap == nil or locationMap == '') thenlocationMap = mw.wikibase.renderSnak( item:getBestStatements('P242')[1].mainsnak )endtable.insert(elements, '| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:0" | [[File:' .. locationMap  .. '|250px]]\n' )elsemissingInfo = trueend    for _, params in pairs( conf ) do        if params[3] ~= 0 then        local val = nil        for __, paramname in pairs(params[1]) do        val = val or parentArgs[paramname]            end            if val == '' or val == nil then            if useWikidata and #item:getBestStatements('P' .. params[3]) > 0 then            val = params[4]( item, 'P' .. params[3], frame)            if val ~= nil then                table.insert( elements, renderRow(params[2], val) )                else                missingInfo = true                end            else            missingInfo = true            end        else            table.insert(elements, renderRow(params[2], val) )            end        end    endlocal editRow = ''if item ~= nil theneditRow = '|-\n| colspan="2" class="info footer" |[[:d:'.. .. '|在维基数据编辑]]\n'endif #elements > 0 thenif missingInfo == true and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 thentable.insert(elements, '[[Category:Quickbar信息不完整的条目]]')endif mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 thentable.insert(elements, '[[Category:使用了Quickbar的條目]]\n')endreturn frame:extensionTag {name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'Quickbar/styles.css'}} .. '<div id="quickbar" class="wv-quickbar floatright">\n{| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"\n|-\n' ..table.concat(elements)..'\n'.. editRow.. '|}</div>'elseif mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 thenreturn '[[Category:Quickbar信息不完整的条目]][[Category:使用了Quickbar的條目]]\n'endreturn ''endendreturn p