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This module provides functions to link to phone numbers. Fax numbers are shown, but not linked. Comments must be added in brackets after the phone number.

Maintenance categories


+49 123 2 567.890 App. 5{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49 123 2 567.890 App. 5}}+49 123 2 567.890 App. 5
+49 123 2 567.890 App. 5{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49 123 2 567.890 App. 5|isFax=true}}+49 123 2 567.890 App. 5
+49 123 / 2 567.890{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49 123 / 2 567.890}}+49 123 / 2 567.890 Category:Contacto: El teléfono contiene una barra (/) El teléfono contiene una barra (/)
++49 (123) 2 56 78 90 ext. 34 (Bar){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|++49 (123) 2 56 78 90 ext. 34 (Bar)}}+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 ext. 34 (Bar)
++49 0123 2 56 78 90 ext. 34 (Bar){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|++49 0123 2 56 78 90 ext. 34 (Bar)|cc=+49}}+49 (0)123 2 56 78 90 ext. 34 (Bar)
+49 (0)123 2 56 78 90;ext=34{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|1=+49 (0)123 2 56 78 90;ext=34}}+49 (0)123 2 56 78 90 ext 34
+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 Bar{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 Bar}}+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 Bar Category:Contacto: Formato de teléfono inválido Formato de teléfono inválido
+49 (0)123 VOYAGE{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+''49'' (0)123 VOYAGE}}+49 (0)123 VOYAGE
(0)123 256 78 90{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|(0)123 256 78 90}}(0)123 256 78 90 Category:Contacto: Teléfono sin código númerico del país Teléfono sin código númerico del país
(0)123 256 78 90{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|(0)123 256 78 90|cc=+49}}(0)123 256 78 90
123 256 78 90 (Bar){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|123 256 78 90 (Bar)|cc=+49}}123 256 78 90 (Bar) Category:Contacto: Formato de teléfono inválido Formato de teléfono inválido
+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 (Lobby Bar), 0049 (123) 2 56 78 90 (Oasis Restaurant){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 (Vestíbulo y bar), 0049 (123) 2 56 78 91 (Restaurante)}}+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 (Vestíbulo y bar), +49 (123) 2 56 78 91 (Restaurante)
+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 oder +49 (123) 2 56 78 91{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49 (123) 2 56 78 90 y +49 (123) 2 56 78 91}}+49 (123) 2 56 78 90, +49 (123) 2 56 78 91
(212) 307 4100 (USA){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|(212) 307 4100 (USA)|cc=+1}}(212) 307 4100 (USA)
+49-345-1234567{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+49-345-1234567|format=true}}+49 (0)345 123 45 67
+20-92-1234567{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|+20-92-1234567|format=true|size=4}}+20 (0)92 123 4567
0800 12 34 56 (gebührenfrei){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|0800 12 34 56 (gratis)|isTollfree=true}}0800 12 34 56 (gratis )
112{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone| 112 }}112 Category:Contacto: Teléfono sin código númerico del país Teléfono sin código númerico del país
112{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone| 112 | cc=+49}}112
112{{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone| 112 (Emergencia) }}112 (Emergencia) Category:Contacto: Teléfono sin código númerico del país Teléfono sin código númerico del país
0900 12 34 56 (teure Servicenummer){{#invoke:Phone|linkPhone|0900 12 34 56 (Número de servicio caro)}}0900 12 34 56 (Número de servicio caro) Category:Contacto: Teléfono sin código númerico del país Teléfono sin código númerico del país
Esta documentación está transcluida desde Módulo:LinkPhone/doc.
Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas (crear) y en los casos de prueba (crear) del módulo.
Por favor, añade las categorías en la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de este módulo.

-- module variable and administrationlocal lp = {moduleInterface = {suite  = 'LinkPhone',serial = '2024-01-07',item   = 16354802}}-- module import-- require( 'strict' )local li = require( 'Module:Link utilities/i18n' )local ln = require( 'Module:Link utilities/Phone numbers' )local lu = require( 'Module:Link utilities' )local function formatNumber( number, size )if not li.options.formattingWikidata thenreturn numberendlocal pos, first, last, newLast, country, localCode, inumber = number:gsub( '-', ' ' )i, pos = number:find( '.* ' ) -- find last spaceif size > 0 and pos thenfirst = number:sub( 1, pos )last = number:sub( pos + 1, #number )newLast = ''if tonumber( last ) then -- inserting additional spaceswhile ( #last > size + 1 ) doif newLast == '' thennewLast = last:sub( -size )elsenewLast = last:sub( -size ) .. ' ' .. newLastendlast = last:sub( 1, #last - size )endif newLast ~= '' thenlast = last .. ' ' .. newLastendendpos, i = first:find( ' ' )if li.options.addZeros and pos and ( pos ~= #first ) thencountry = first:sub( 1, pos - 1 )localCode = first:sub( pos + 1, #first )if not ln.noZero[ country ] thenlocalCode = localCode:gsub( '[%(%)]', '' )if localCode:sub( 1, 1 ) == '0' thenlocalCode = '(0)' .. localCode:sub( 2, #localCode ) elselocalCode = '(0)' .. localCodeendfirst = country .. ' ' .. localCodeendendnumber = first .. lastendreturn numberend-- look for phone-number patterns which are valid local numberslocal function checkNumberMatch( key, number )local ar = ln.exceptions[ key ]if not ar thenreturn falseendfor i = 1, #ar, 1 doif number:find( ar[ i ] ) thenreturn trueendendreturn falseendlocal function extractExtension( number )local ext = ''local tfor i, extension in ipairs( li.extensions ) dot = mw.ustring.gsub( number, '^.*(' .. extension .. ')$', '%1' )if t ~= number thenext = t:gsub( '%s*=', ' ' ) -- RFC 3966number = mw.ustring.gsub( number, '[%s%c]*(' .. extension .. ')$', '' )breakendendreturn number, extend-- handle a single phone number sfunction lp.linkPhoneNumber( s, args, isDemo )local number = mw.text.trim( s )if number == '' thenreturn ''endlocal catPrefix = isDemo and ' [[:Category:' or '[[Category:'local ext = ''local extraCats = ''local comment, targs.cc = args.cc:gsub( '%-', '' )number, comment = lu.extractComment( number )number, ext = extractExtension( number )-- normalize country calling codenumber = number:gsub( '^00+', '+' ):gsub( '^%+%++', '+' )-- add country calling code, remove lead zeroif args.cc ~= '' thenif li.options.withCountryCode and number:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= '+' thennumber = args.cc .. ' ' .. numberendif li.options.preventLeadZero and not ln.noZero[ args.cc ] thennumber = number:gsub( '^(%' .. args.cc .. '%s+)%(+0%)+', '%1' ):gsub( '%(+', '' ):gsub( '%)+', '' )endend-- formatting phone numbers retrieved from Wikidataif args.format thennumber = formatNumber( number, args.size )endif li.options.addZeros and not ln.zeroExceptions[ args.cc ] and not number:find( '^00' ) thennumber = number:gsub( '^0', '(0)' )endif li.options.addZeros and args.cc ~= '' and not ln.zeroExceptions[ args.cc ] thennumber = number:gsub( '^(%' .. args.cc .. ')( *)0', '%1%2(0)' )end-- plain is number for linklocal plain = number-- check if slashes are usedif plain:find( '/', 1, true ) thenextraCats = catPrefix .. li.categories.withSlashend-- remove delimiters -.()/' and spaces-- including thin spaceplain = mw.ustring.gsub( plain, "[  '/%.%-%)]", '' )local exception = false-- handling country code including ++49, 0049 etc.if plain:sub( 1, 1 ) == '+' thenplain = plain:gsub( '%(0', '' ) -- zero in parenthesis:gsub( '%(', '' )elseplain = plain:gsub( '%(0', '0' )if comment ~= '' and checkNumberMatch( 'service', comment ) thenexception = truenumber = number:gsub( '[%(%)]', '' )elseif args.isTollfree and checkNumberMatch( 'tollfree', plain ) thenexception = truenumber = number:gsub( '[%(%)]', '' )elseif checkNumberMatch( args.cc, plain ) thenexception = trueelseif args.cc ~= '' thenif ln.noZero[ args.cc ] thenplain = args.cc .. plain:gsub( '^%(', '' )elseif plain:sub( 1, 1 ) == '0' thenplain = args.cc .. plain:gsub( '^0', '' )elsereturn s .. catPrefix .. li.categories.invalidendelsereturn s .. catPrefix .. li.categories.noCCendend-- minimum 5 characters including country codeif not exception and #plain < 5 thenreturn s .. catPrefix .. li.categories.invalidend-- lower case letters for numbers are not allowedif plain:find( '%l' ) thenreturn s .. catPrefix .. li.categories.invalidelseif plain:find( '%u' ) then-- substitude letterslocal letters = { '', '[A-C]', '[D-F]', '[G-I]', '[J-L]', '[M-O]','[P-S]', '[T-V]', '[W-Z]' }for i = 2, 9 doplain = plain:gsub( letters[ i ], '' .. i )endend-- remove zero from local area codeif args.cc ~= '' and not ln.zeroExceptions[ args.cc ] thenplain = plain:gsub( args.cc .. '0', args.cc )end-- final testif not exception and not plain:match( '^%+%d+$' ) thenreturn s .. catPrefix .. li.categories.invalidend-- assemble number, link, ext, comment, and categoriest = '<span data-phone="' .. plain .. '" class="listing-phone-number'if not args.isFax thent = t .. ' plainlinks nourlexpansion'number = ( '[tel:%s %s]' ):format( plain, number )endif exception thent = t .. ' listing-phone-exception" title="' .. li.categories.onlyDomesticendt = t .. '">' .. number .. '</span>'return t .. ( ext ~= '' and ( ' ' .. ext ) or '' ) ..( comment ~= '' and ( ' ' .. comment ) or '' ) .. extraCatsendfunction lp.linkPhoneNumbers( args )local addNum = li.addNumif args.isFax thenaddNum = li.addNumFaxendargs.cc = args.cc:gsub( '^00', '+' ):gsub( '^%+%++', '+' )local ns     = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespacelocal isDemo = ns == 10 or ns == 828-- split separate numberslocal items = lu.splitItems( args.phone, li.delimiters )-- analyse phone numberslocal result = ''local i = 0local sfor j, item in ipairs( items ) dos = lp.linkPhoneNumber( item, args, isDemo )if s ~= '' thenif result == '' thenresult = selseif i == addNum thenresult = result .. '<span class="listing-add-contact">'endresult = result .. li.texts.comma .. sendi = i + 1endendif i > addNum thenresult = result .. '</span>'endreturn result;endfunction lp.getTrunkPrefix( cc )return ln.noZero[ cc ] and '' or '0'endreturn lp