এই মডিউলের জন্য মডিউল:Wikibase/নথি-এ নথিপত্র তৈরি করা হয়ে থাকতে পারে

-- Module:Wikibasefunction getId( id )    if not mw.wikibase then           return "wikibase মডিউল পাওয়া যায় নি"    end        if id then return id end        entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    if not entity then return nil end    return entity.idend-- Returns the link corresponding to the code provided.function sitelink(dbname)    if dbname==nil or dbname=='' then        return ''    end    local sl = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    if sl and sl.sitelinks[dbname] then        return sl.sitelinks[dbname].title    end    return ''end-- Returns the corresponding geographical coordinates of the itemfunction coords(typ,fallback)    if fallback~=nil and fallback~='' and string.match(fallback, '^<%!%-%-.*%-%->$')==nil then        return fallback    end    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    if item~=nil and item.claims~=nil then        local coords = item.claims.P625        if coords~=nil and coords[0]~=nil and coords[1]==nil then            return coords[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value[typ]        end    end    return ''end-- Returns the most updated info from a series of statementsfunction updated(item,prop,frame)    if item~=nil then        local claims = item.claims        if claims~=nil and claims[prop]~=nil then            for index,claim in pairs(claims[prop]) do                local qual = claim.qualifiers                if qual==nil or qual.P582==nil then                    -- p582 è la data di fine, significa che non è il valore attuale                    local val = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value                    if val['numeric-id']~=nil then                        local id = 'Q'..val['numeric-id']                        local sl = mw.wikibase.sitelink(id)                        local lb = mw.wikibase.label(id)                        if sl~=nil and sl~='' then                            return frame:preprocess('[['..sl..'|'..lb..']]')                        end                        return lb                    end                    return val                end            end        end    end    return ''endlocal p = {}-- Returns the ID number of the data item linked to the current page.function p.id(frame)    id = getId(frame.args[1])    if id == nil then           return "(কোন উপাদান পাওয়া যায় নি)"    end    return idend-- Returns the ID number of the data item linked to the current page in the form of a link to Wikidata.function p.idLink(frame)    id = getId(frame.args[1])    if id == nil then           return "(কোন উপাদান পাওয়া যায় নি)"    end    return "[[d:" .. id .. "|" .. string.upper(id) .. "]]"end-- Returns the label of the data item.function p.label(frame)    id = getId(frame.args[1])    if id == nil then           return "(কোন উপাদান পাওয়া যায় নি)"    end    return mw.wikibase.label( id )end -- Returns the local page of the data item provided.function p.page(frame)    id = getId(frame.args[1])    if id == nil then           return "(কোন উপাদান পাওয়া যায় নি)"    end    return mw.wikibase.sitelink( id )end-- Returns the link corresponding to the code provided.function p.sitelink(frame)    return sitelink(frame.args.dbname or frame.args[1])end-- Returns the corresponding link to Wikipedia in English.function p.bnwikilink(frame)    if frame.args[1]~=nil and frame.args[1]~='' then        return frame.args[1]    end    local sl = sitelink('bnwiki')    if sl~=nil and sl~='' then        return sl    end    local t = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text    if t~=nil and t~='' then        return t    end    return ''end-- Returns the Commons category of the data item.function p.commonslink(frame)    if frame.args[1]~=nil and frame.args[1]~='' then        return 'বিষয়শ্রেণী:'..frame.args[1]    end    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    if item~=nil and item.claims~=nil then        local cat = item.claims.P373        if cat~=nil and cat[0]~=nil and cat[1]==nil and cat[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value~=nil then            return 'বিষয়শ্রেণী:'..(cat[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value)        end    end    local t = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text    if t~=nil and t~='' then        return 'বিষয়শ্রেণী:'..t    end    return ''end-- Returns the name of the capital or main city.function p.capital(frame)    if frame.args[1]~=nil and frame.args[1]~='' then        return frame.args[1]    end    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    return updated(item,'P36',frame)endfunction p.capoluogo(frame)    return p.capital(frame)endfunction p.valuta(frame)    if frame.args[1]~=nil and frame.args[1]~='' then        return frame.args[1]    end    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    return updated(item,'P38',frame)end-- GET FLAG -- P41 thumb imagefunction p.flag(frame)--    if frame.args[1]~=nil and frame.args[1]~='' then--        return frame.args[1]--    end--local title="" - not using title local arg1 = frame.args[1]    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(arg1)    if item == nil then return end    local flag = updated(item,'P41',frame)--local title = mw.wikibase.sitelink(arg1)        if flag ~= nil and flag ~= '' thenreturn flag      --return "[[File:" .. flag .. "| thumb | 200px | " .. title .. "]]"endend-- Restituisce l'etichetta dell'elemento rappresentante la bandiera relativa all'elemento dell'articolofunction p.bandiera_titolo(frame)    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()    if item~=nil then        local claims = item.claims        if claims~=nil and claims.P163~=nil and claims.P163[0]~=nil and claims.P163[1]==nil then            return mw.wikibase.label('Q'..claims.P163[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'])        end    end    return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text..' - পতাকা'end-- Restituisce la latitudine corrispondente all'articolo.function p.latitude(frame)    return coords('latitude',frame.args[1])end-- Restituisce la longitudine corrispondente all'articolo.function p.longitude(frame)    return coords('longitude',frame.args[1])endfunction p.disambig(frame)local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()if item~=nil and item.descriptions~=nil thenlocal desc = item.descriptions.bnif desc~=nil and desc.value~=nil and desc.value:lower():find('দ্ব্যর্থতা নিরসন পাতা')~=nil thenreturn trueendendreturn falseendfunction p.instanceof(arg)arg = tonumber(arg.args[1] or arg)if item and item.claims and item.claims.P31 thenlocal claims = item.claims.P31for index, claim in pairs(claims) doif claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue thenlocal val = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.valueif val and val['numeric-id'] and arg == val['numeric-id'] thenreturn trueendendendendreturn falseendreturn p
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