
耶書 (希伯来語ישו ,Yeshu) 指代 托塞夫塔, 巴比倫的塔木德和Toledot Yeshu記述的一個或者多個人。托塞夫塔 (c 200) 和巴比倫的塔木德 (c 500) rarelyAdin Steinsaltz認為耶書可能指生活在公元1或者2世紀的1個人。還有一些学者認為他就是指耶穌。



The Greek transliteration Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous) *jesu-os → [jeˈsus] can stand for both Classical Biblical Hebrew Yehoshua [jəhoˈʃuaʕ] (top two) and Late Biblical Hebrew Yeshua [jeˈʃuaʕ] (bottom). This later form developed within Hebrew (not Aramaic). All three spelling variants occur in the Hebrew Bible, including when referring to the same person. During the Second Temple Period, Jews of Galilee tended to preserve the traditional spelling, keeping the <ו> letter for the [o] in the first syllable, even adding an additional letter for the [u] in the second syllable. However, Jews of Jerusalem tended to spell the name as they pronounced it, [jeˈʃuaʕ], contracting the spelling to ישוע without the [o] letter. Later, Aramaic references to the Hebrew Bible adopted the contracted phonetic form of this Hebrew name as an Aramaic name.



已知最早的巴比伦塔木德中出现的耶書被认为指的就是基督教中的耶穌,该说法源自中世纪,现代学者对此有各种不同观点。部分当代学者认为这些段落指向基督教和基督徒描述的耶稣,另外一部分学者认为这些段落是后世拉比添加的内容,塔木德学者Johann Maier英语Johann Maier (talmudic scholar)认为米書拿和两个塔木德版本均没有记录耶稣塔木德中关于耶稣的生活时间的描述是矛盾的,Sotah 47aSanhedrin 107中表示耶稣生活在Alexander Jannaeus的统治时期 (公元前103~ 前76年),但是Sanhedrin 43a中提到耶稣于公元200~500年之间被处死。




  • Steven Bayme, Understanding Jewish History (KTAV), 1997
  • Daniel Boyarin, Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999
  • Robert Goldenberg, The Nations Know Ye Not: Ancient Jewish Attitudes towards Other Religions New York: New York University Press 1998
  • Mark Hirshman, A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity trans. Baya Stein. Albany: SUNY PRess 1996
  • Joseph Klausner, Jesus of Nazareth (Beacon Books), 1964
  • Jacob Neusner, Judaism in the Matrix of Christianity Philadelphia: Fortress Press 1986
  • Jeffrey Rubenstein Rabbinic Stories (The Classics of Western Spirituality) New York: The Paulist Press, 2002
  • R. Travers Herford, Christianity in Talmud and Midrash (KTAV), 1975



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