

加入於 二〇一六年八月二〇日 (週六)
由夕殿在話題燕語閣上作出的最新留言:二 年前




損齋 (對話) 二〇一六年九月二六日 (一) 〇一時一一分 (UTC)


多謝足下助力編纂「真三國無雙」。吾有一問,敬請賜教:吾人纂文所用間隔號,乃萬國字碼之U+2027中式符號,,今日試將此條目加入維基數據,驚現足下之易,間隔號改為U+FF65,日式半角間隔符號。無奈吾人只得渡頁,然徒增絮煩耳。如之奈何? 太上王(議論|微力) 二〇一六年一〇月四日 (二) 〇一時三六分 (UTC)


我不太明白您的意思。請更清楚的說明您想要我做什麼。謝謝。----損齋 (對話) 二〇一六年一〇月一六日 (日) 二〇時〇八分 (UTC)




Could you create the article en:Azerbaijan in Classical Chinese, just like you created the article Armenia?

Thank you.

    Thank you very much for your contribution!



Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey


您好。我明白我寫的並不是文言文,因此遭刪除,是合理。 但希望您明白,我即使不會文言文,還是改了它的原因。 原住民朋友對「土人」或「番」之類的詞彙,真的非常非常反感! 台灣條目頗短,只是記個大概,應該不是非提原住民不可。 如果您沒空改條目,我誠心建議直接刪掉有關原住民部分。 新春愉快。 期許我們都不要傷害彼此。

----YiJie Wu (對話) 二〇一七年一月二七日 (五) 四時三四分 (UTC) 

補充:感謝您的理解。 ----YiJie Wu (對話) 二〇一七年一月二七日 (五) 四時四二分 (UTC)

條目連結:https://www.duhoctrungquoc.vn/wiki/index.php?lang=zh-classical&q=%E8%87%BA%E7%81%A3&stable=1 目前倒數第二段顯示的版本: 「臺灣土人,鑿齒文身,近於東洋諸洲。三國時,吳人衛溫嘗一至,擄土著數千人而去。元明以降,閩中漢人始東渡臺灣,以土人為「番」,居平埔者稱「熟番」,處高山者稱「生番」。其後西半可耕之地,幾為漢人所據,熟番與漢人雜居,幾盡。」 即使不論「土人」或「番」等字眼。我覺得在這麼短的描述中,強調「擄土著數千人而去」,本身心態就很不友善。 初看到時,蠻傻眼的,所以就改了 (> <) ----YiJie Wu (對話) 二〇一七年一月二七日 (五) 四時五一分 (UTC)


君編纂不輟,力襄群務。大典之行也,洵頼君功。特此拜德,順祝雞年大吉! —关彳山 (修書) 二〇一七年一月二七日 (五) 一六時〇二分 (UTC)


使用者重新命名是全域進行的,命名者和被命名者很可能根本看不懂方塊字。--逆襲的天邪鬼 (對話) 二〇一七年二月一日 (三) 〇四時三二分 (UTC)


我想過這個問題,因為現在的刪除都是由管理員決定,一旦管理員無法判斷就會積壓,所以可以考慮在會館提議和討論提刪討論的問題。然而文言維基人少,所以要避免討論分散的情況。順便在這裡記錄一下,我想給會館做個歸檔bot,而且要考慮到「議題尚未解決不能歸檔」的情況。不過我在維基內外積壓的事情有點多,會館積壓事情也不少,所以我想等事情清理得差不多之後再開新坑。--逆襲的天邪鬼 (對話) 二〇一七年四月一七日 (一) 〇五時三三分 (UTC)


等文章寫好而且沒有明顯內容錯誤與格式錯誤之後再Tag,這樣比較好。--逆襲的天邪鬼 (對話) 二〇一七年四月一九日 (三) 一三時〇四分 (UTC)


私に古代中国語が分かり難いことをご存知かと思うけど、ご案内有り難うございました。この言語を分かりにくくて、喋れなくて、編集ができなくて済みませんでした!🙇🙇🙇 Bluedeck (對話) 二〇一七年四月二八日 (五) 一六時五一分 (UTC)


我不喜歡只有一兩句話的小條目,不喜歡忽略隨手就能改正的錯誤而純粹掛模板,也不喜歡內文還不夠多就列個大列表,不希望自己寫完讓別人收拾問題。如今在文言維基這些事情我都做了🌚🌚🌚。--逆襲的天邪鬼 (對話) 二〇一七年五月六日 (六) 〇五時二〇分 (UTC)

我受不了自己只会给条目挂维护模板——那一点用都没有。要是我能做的事情别人也会做,其他管理员不会做的事情我也做不了,我这管理员一点意义都没有。如果你不介意的话,你先干一阵子吧,毕竟总得有人防止破坏什么的。如果我以后有时间,而且熟悉文言文,我可能还会回来。--逆襲的天邪鬼 (對話) 二〇一七年五月一九日 (五) 一二時二九分 (UTC)


因为打算引入Twinkle(不是现在,得过一段时间再说),所以需要做一些模板。能否帮忙看一下維基大典:沙盒和翻译?当然,事情不急,慢慢来就行。--逆襲的天邪鬼 (對話) 二〇一七年五月二〇日 (六) 二〇時一九分 (UTC)


寶星予君 —WAN233 (留言) 二〇一七年五月二一日 (日) 〇七時〇三分 (UTC)


竊謂正典、卓著可合一頁。君謂若何?—关山 (修書) 二〇一七年八月三一日 (四) 二二時一一分 (UTC)

殊愛維基大典:博古櫃/二〇一九年第十五週。—关山 (修書) 二〇一九年四月九日 (二) 一五時三四分 (UTC)


請原諒敝人使用現代白話文留言。請問條目中華民國的兩次修訂什麼時候才能審查完畢?A-Chinese-Wikipedian (對話) 二〇一八年一月二七日 (六) 〇七時三四分 (UTC)

Thanks for participation as an organizer in Wikipedia Asian Month 2017

Dear WAM organizer,

Thanks for your hard work to bring the event globally, especially in your community. As an reward of your effort, we will send you a postcard. Please fill out this form (this is the same as other participants filled, you can ignore irrelevant questions if any). --Fantasticfears (talk) 二〇一八年二月二一日 (三) 一〇時五九分 (UTC)


您好,可否添加转换标点「」至“”的小工具?仅在词条阅览页生效即可,万分感谢!戊戌中華復興 (對話) 二〇一八年一〇月四日 (四) 一三時〇六分 (UTC)


刚刚给几个马克思主义的条目添加了边侧模板,希望能审核一下,谢谢。 社會主義 共產主義 中國特色社會主義 自然辯證法

扎姆【甚年輕甚簡單,更甚幼稚也】(修書) 二〇一九年二月一九日 (二) 一五時一〇分 (UTC)

答扎姆:我會關注的。另外,注意到您的一些新條目沒有藍色連結,希望您能儘量避免這一情況。感謝。--丁子君 (對話) 二〇一九年二月一九日 (二) 一五時一一分 (UTC)




--- 扎姆【甚年輕甚簡單,更甚幼稚也】(修書) 二〇一九年二月一九日 (二) 一五時一三分 (UTC)

答扎姆:我這就去處理。--丁子君 (對話) 二〇一九年二月一九日 (二) 一五時一四分 (UTC)





段瑾才 (對話) 二〇一九年三月五日 (二) 一四時五六分 (UTC)


我經常感覺文言文是會讀不會寫的語文,我寫文言文的時候,只能勉強寫出來。 此外,有很多古代沒有的事情或者概念,怎樣用文言文表達呢?如果要表達,會不會夾雜白話字詞呢? Chan Yuk To (對話) 二〇一九年三月一三日 (三) 一〇時五六分 (UTC)


你應該知道我這幾天在文言維基大典寫了很多文章。但我很好奇想知道你覺得我寫得怎麼樣,我的文言文算不算差?再加上,由於我在學校讀化學物理,科學的東西我比較熟悉,因此我寫的文章都是關於科學的。但你熟不熟悉科學的東西呢?你會糾正我在科學知識方面的錯誤嗎? Chan Yuk To (對話) 二〇一九年三月二五日 (一) 一三時一六分 (UTC)


他常來這惡搞,如孝明天皇就是他亂寫的[一]。—Outlookxp (對話) 二〇一九年五月二日 (四) 〇七時二〇分 (UTC)


該文之前曾收入模板:週一絕妙好文,見維基大典:卓著/卷首,真的要重複嗎?另外,幫忙修了模板:週日絕妙好文裡面,您沒給條目加內鏈。--薄荷糖批判 二〇一九年六月九日 (日) 一一時〇二分 (UTC)

答Rowingbohe:如此,我會換成其他條目的;另外感謝您對模板:週日絕妙好文的修正。--丁子君 (對話) 二〇一九年六月九日 (日) 一三時〇二分 (UTC)

答Rowingbohe:等等,我發現由於目前卓著數量之少,一定會發生重複,所以改不改意義不大了⋯⋯--丁子君 (對話) 二〇一九年六月九日 (日) 一三時〇四分 (UTC)

那算了……--薄荷糖批判 二〇一九年六月九日 (日) 一三時〇九分 (UTC)


[二],User:Allthingsgo[三].--MCC214 (對話) 二〇一九年七月二日 (二) 一一時四八分 (UTC)

答User:MCC214:我這就處理。--丁子君 (對話) 二〇一九年七月三日 (三) 〇〇時三五分 (UTC)


酌稿:維基大典:會文,丁公可有建議?選題宜如何?—关山 (修書) 二〇一九年七月四日 (四) 〇二時三二分 (UTC)

維基大典討論:會文/己亥,複製史書一事,君意見如何?—关山 (修書) 二〇一九年七月六日 (六) 一三時一六分 (UTC)


已文之。—关山 (修書) 二〇一九年七月一〇日 (三) 一六時二五分 (UTC)


希臘語一文,乃大典當有之文、從語言文學之屬,何解回退基礎之文之類?(白話大典重導向希臘文為希臘語)--Mr.Yim (對話) 二〇一九年七月一一日 (四) 一三時四八分 (UTC)


維基大典:有秩選舉#User:丁子君--—启明(留言) 二〇一九年七月一六日 (二) 〇八時一四分 (UTC)

另外,根据元维基对界面管理员的要求,请到参数设置中启用双重认证。--—启明(留言) 二〇一九年七月一六日 (二) 一四時五二分 (UTC)


模板:UTC+9,已遂行。—关山 (修書) 二〇一九年七月一八日 (四) 一三時一八分 (UTC)


您好,丁子君。你有一封新的電子郵件!--MCC214 (討論) 二〇一九年八月一九日 (一) 一〇時〇二分 (UTC)


由於參與許多反破壞,時常遭到騷擾,感謝!--Xiplus (討論) 二〇一九年九月一三日 (五) 二三時五八分 (UTC)

答Xiplus:已保護。--丁子君 (討論) 二〇一九年九月一四日 (六) 〇〇時〇一分 (UTC)


你好!請問閣下,中華民國地方之目為何不能正典?Ketsu1213 (討論) 二〇一九年一〇月一三日 (日) 〇三時一一分 (UTC)Ketsu1213


您好,您可以一直停留在檢索頁面上,直到經過專家的語言檢查為止嗎? 謝謝啦 --Sarah.rammost (討論) 二〇一九年一〇月一七日 (四) 一三時二一分 (UTC)


可助吾察香港民主派一文乎?若文白交雜已正,可刪「文白交雜」模板;未可者,請君查吾文,示吾有誤之處也。吾乃學生,不工文言,請師助吾。(吾已詢关山君,其弗視吾,久而不回,故吾問君。) 數神 (討論) 二〇一九年一〇月三〇日 (三) 〇〇時五五分 (UTC)

Wiki Asian Month 2019




Thank you for organizing Wiki Asian Month 2019 for your local Wikipedia language. For rules and guidelines, refer to this page on Meta. To reach out for support for the contest or ask any query, reach out to us on our Contact Us page. Our International Team will be assisting you through out the contest duration. Thank you for your efforts in making this project successful.

Best wishes,

WAM 2019 International Team

          Stay Updated 丁子君   丁子君 

--MediaWiki message delivery (討論) 二〇一九年一一月二日 (六) 一一時四六分 (UTC)


伏惟博古櫃乃通語大典之“特色圖片”。吾欲加至於維基數據,可否?敬候佳音。--超級王 (討論) 二〇一九年一一月三日 (日) 〇三時〇八分 (UTC)

Extension of Wikipedia Asian Month contest

In consideration of a week-long internet block in Iran, Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 contest has been extended for a week past November. The articles submitted till 7th December 2019, 23:59 UTC will be accepted by the fountain tools of the participating wikis.

Please help us translate and spread this message in your local language.

Wiki Asian Month international team.

--MediaWiki message delivery (討論) 二〇一九年一一月二七日 (三) 一四時一二分 (UTC)

What's Next (WAM)!

Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month has ended successfully and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

  • We have a total of 10,186 articles made during this edition and it's the highest of all time.
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 20th, Once you finish the judging, please update this page.
  • There will be two round of address collection scheduled: December 22th and December 27th 2019.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loy for more information.

Best wishes,

Wiki Asian Month International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery(討論) 二〇一九年一二月一四日 (六) 一七時三〇分 (UTC)

WAM 2019 Postcard

Dear Participants and Organizers,


It's WAM's honor to have you all participated in Wikipedia Asian Month 2019, the fifth edition of WAM. Your achievements were fabulous, and all the articles you created make the world can know more about Asia in different languages! Here we, the WAM International team, would like to say thank you for your contribution also cheer for you that you are eligible for the postcard of Wikipedia Asian Month 2019. Please kindly fill the form, let the postcard can send to you asap!


Thank you and best regards,

Wiki Asian Month International Team --MediaWiki message delivery(討論) 二〇二〇年一月三日 (五) 〇八時一六分 (UTC)

WAM 2019 Postcard

Wiki Asian Month 2019

Dear Participants and Organizers,

Kindly remind you that we only collect the information for WAM postcard 31/01/2019 UTC 23:59. If you haven't filled the google form, please fill it asap. If you already completed the form, please stay tun, wait for the postcard and tracking emails.


Thank you and best regards,

Wiki Asian Month International Team 2020.01

MediaWiki message delivery(討論) 二〇二〇年一月二〇日 (一) 二〇時五八分 (UTC)


你好 最近,发表了一篇有关历史上最好的说唱歌手和音乐家之一-埃米纳姆(Eminem)的文章。 但是由于语言错误,她很快被撤职。 请写一篇关于他的文章! 无论您如何看待他(他很有挑衅性),他都被认为是嘻哈之王,值得一去。 拜托 二〇二〇年三月八日 (日) 〇七時五一分 (UTC)

WAM 2019 Postcard: All postcards are postponed due to the postal system shut down

Wiki Asian Month 2019

Dear all participants and organizers,

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, all the postcards are postponed due to the shut down of the postal system all over the world. Hope all the postcards can arrive as soon as the postal system return and please take good care.

Best regards,

Wiki Asian Month International Team 2020.03


1. 英格蘭古稱英吉利 2. 英格蘭古代豈有玫瑰,只有薔薇,玫瑰乃近稱,古中國也只有月季、薔薇,沒有玫瑰 3. 以文言文語法那個英吉利後應加上者 Bensam(討論) 二〇二〇年三月二六日 (四) 一八時四五分 (UTC)

古之玫瑰乃單指製油、食用之薔薇科植物,如保加利亞玫瑰,並非指現今玫瑰與月季混種之切花玫瑰,一個古代沒有玫瑰的國家,又怎會以玫瑰作國花—以上未簽名留言由Bensam(對話|貢獻)於二〇二〇年三月二六日 (四) 一九時〇四分 (UTC)加入。


予为之電子天使歌词削矣,何其天下我有之词尚存乎?人工知能(討論) 二〇二〇年四月一四日 (二) 〇三時四九分 (UTC)

Digital Postcards and Certifications

Wiki Asian Month 2019

Dear Participants and Organizers,

Because of the COVID19 pandemic, there are a lot of countries’ international postal systems not reopened yet. We would like to send all the participants digital postcards and digital certifications for organizers to your email account in the upcoming weeks. For the paper ones, we will track the latest status of the international postal systems of all the countries and hope the postcards and certifications can be delivered to your mailboxes as soon as possible.

Take good care and wish you all the best.

This message was sent by Wikipedia Asian Month International Team via MediaWiki message delivery(討論) 二〇二〇年六月二〇日 (六) 一八時五八分 (UTC)


https://www.duhoctrungquoc.vn/wiki/zh-classical/%E5%82%B3%E8%AA%AA%E4%B9%8B%E4%B8%8B 东甫 姜(討論) 二〇二〇年六月二一日 (日) 一一時一一分 (UTC)



您好!我已經看到了您對於我在傳說之下一文中大規模編輯的問題。我已經修改了有關簡體中文的問題。還請您從繁忙之餘抽空看一眼,並提出寶貴建議。 东甫 姜(討論) 二〇二〇年六月二一日 (日) 一四時二四分 (UTC)

一個問題 既然如此,鄙人想問您一問題:此待定稿能否通過?

%E5%82%B3%E8%AA%AA%E4%B9%8B%E4%B8%8B 东甫 姜(討論) 二〇二〇年六月二二日 (一) 一二時一五分 (UTC)

削頁 Rap Koktebel Party

吾已查178.34.158.52,烏克蘭人也,居克里米亞半島(現俄領地)一市。疑其駭客。請封。 二〇二〇年八月二八日 (五) 〇三時四四分 (UTC)


尊敬的丁子君:请查看你的邮箱!主题: "The Community Insights survey is coming!" 如有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至[email protected]

(Please check your email! Subject: "The Community Insights survey is coming!" If you have questions, email [email protected].)

Samuel (WMF)(討論) 二〇二〇年九月二四日 (四) 〇五時五五分 (UTC)

Wiki Asian Month 2020

Wiki Asian Month 2020

Hi WAM organizers and participants!

Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2020, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Fountain tool (you can find the usage guidance easily on meta page), or else you and your participants’ will not be able to receive the prize from WAM team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page before October 29th, 2020.
  3. Inform your community members WAM 2020 is coming soon!!!
  4. If you want WAM team to share your event information on Facebook / twitter, or you want to share your WAM experience/ achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to [email protected] or PM us via facebook.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to WAM, a.k.a. WAM sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let’s edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from WAM team:

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we hope all the Edit-a-thons are online not physical ones.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable enough at the moment, WAM team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers extra digital postcards/ certifications. (You will still get the paper ones!)
  3. Our team has created a meta page so that everyone tracking the progress and the delivery status.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the WAM team via emailing [email protected] or discuss on the meta talk page. If it’s urgent, please contact the leader directly ([email protected]).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

Sincerely yours,

Wiki Asian Month International Team 2020.10


鄙人正于PROJECT:RFR自薦為分校官,勞煩閣下過目。--阿爾克雷米Alcremie君(留言) 二〇二〇年一一月三〇日 (一) 〇七時四七分 (UTC)


鄙人有一條“朝陽”近見閣下所删去,請問何故?--BureibuNeko(討論) 二〇二一年二月一〇日 (三) 一三時一〇分 (UTC)


承蒙校文。見君為大典有秩特來一問。如模板討論:Documentation/start_box之述,是頁於Timeless面板顯示混亂見此,此面板於mw-editsection plainlinks前加入一鉛筆形圖標,鄙人對比英語、通語之碼稍作修正,然頁"迭緘",未能纂。望君助纂。此為事一。


新年祝順安。--LaMagiaaa(討論) 二〇二一年二月一五日 (一) 〇八時二一分 (UTC)


谢君之助,感激不盡!--Man Ngai(討論) 二〇二一年二月二五日 (四) 〇六時〇三分 (UTC)


又同名者,宜校之。--2405:3800:814:1E8A:5CBA:8F8E:6F28:DD92(討論) 二〇二一年五月二十三日 (日) 十三時五十七分 (UTC)

Invitation for Functionary consultation 2021

Greetings, Admins of the emerging community,

I'm letting you know in advance about a meeting I'd like to invite you to regarding the Universal Code of Conduct and the community's ownership of its future enforcement. I'm still in the process of putting together the details, but I wanted to share the date with you: 10/11 July, 2021. I do not have a time on this date yet, but I will let you soon. We have created a meta page with basic information. Please take a look at the meta page and sign up your name under the appropriate section.

Thank you for your time.--BAnand (WMF) 15:14, 10 June 2021 (UTC)

Translation request


Can you translate and upload the articles zh:阿塞拜疆苏维埃社会主义共和国国旗, zh:阿塞拜疆蘇維埃社會主義共和國國徽 and zh:阿塞拜疆苏维埃社会主义共和国国歌 in Classical Chinese Wikipedia?

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata(討論) 二〇二一年七月一九日 (一) 一八時〇六分 (UTC)


國立嘉義大學圖書館之目業已修畢,邀汝審之。Ketsu1213(建言) 二〇二一年七月二四日 (六) 一二時〇〇分 (UTC)

答丁子君:國立嘉義大學圖書館之目業已四易,邀汝審之。Ketsu1213(建言) 二〇二一年七月二六日 (一) 一五時〇六分 (UTC)


如何翻譯?人力返還? EdwardAlexanderCrowley(討論) 二〇二一年七月二六日 (一) 一一時五四分 (UTC)


有‎者,嘗修龍陽、第二次世界大戰、男子色情戲三文,有意壞置東西,刪原典籍,幸業為逸無忌君、EdwardAlexanderCrowley君救正。大典之制,以是而禁之者有乎?望丁公察之。僕涕零矣。夕殿(討論) 二〇二一年七月二七日 (二) 〇一時一二分 (UTC)


燕語閣業不如既往,入簿不得,不知何咎?有勞公究之。夕殿(討論) 二〇二一年七月二八日 (三) 〇四時三一分 (UTC)

答夕殿:僕無能於計算機之術,亦未嘗入燕語閣,愛莫能助。慚愧萬分。--丁子君(討論) 二〇二一年七月二九日 (四) 一二時五九分 (UTC)

Wiki Asian Month 2021

Hi Wikipedia Asian Month organizers and participants! Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Fountain tool (you can find the usage guidance easily on meta page), or else you and your participants' will not be able to receive the prize from Wikipedia Asian Month team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page before October 29th, 2021.
  3. Inform your community members Wikipedia Asian Month 2021 is coming soon!!!
  4. If you want Wikipedia Asian Month team to share your event information on Facebook / Twitter, or you want to share your Wikipedia Asian Month experience / achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to [email protected] or PM us via Facebook.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to Wikipedia Asian Month, a.k.a. Wikipedia Asian Month sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let's edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from Wikipedia Asian Month team:

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we hope all the Edit-a-thons are online not physical ones.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable enough at the moment, Wikipedia Asian Month team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers extra digital postcards/ certifications. (You will still get the paper ones!)
  3. Our team has created a meta page so that everyone tracking the progress and the delivery status.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the Wikipedia Asian Month team via emailing [email protected] or discuss on the meta talk page. If it's urgent, please contact the leader directly ([email protected]).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2021

Sincerely yours,

Wiki Asian Month International Team, 2021.10

How we will see unregistered users


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wiki wiki.

When someone edits a Wiki wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wiki Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wiki wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

二〇二二年一月四日 (二) 一八時二〇分 (UTC)

You are invited to join/orginize Wikipedia Asain Month 2022 !

Wiki Asian Month 2022

Hi WAM organizers and participants!

Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2022, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Wiki Asian Month 2022 Programs & Events Dashboard. , or else you and your participants’ will not be able to receive the prize from WAM team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page 1 week before your campaign start date.
  3. Inform your community members WAM 2022 is coming!!!
  4. If you want WAM team to share your event information on Facebook / twitter, or you want to share your WAM experience/ achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to WAM, a.k.a. WAM sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let’s edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from WAM team:

  1. Based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in different region, this year we still suggest all the Edit-a-thons are online, but you are more then welcome to organize local offline events.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable, WAM team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers a digital Barnstars.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the WAM team via emailing [email protected] or discuss on the meta talk page. If it’s urgent, please contact the leader directly ([email protected]).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2022

Sincerely yours,

Wiki Asian Month International Team 2022.10


丁子君 間隔號丁子君 回復丁子君 加拿大地方丁子君 Request丁子君 幫助丁子君 Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey丁子君 關於台灣條目原住民部分丁子君 拜德丁子君 不要見人就歡迎丁子君 議刪丁子君 審核丁子君 感慨丁子君 警告模板丁子君 寶星丁子君 感甚草稿丁子君 為什麼審覈這麽慢啊?丁子君 Thanks for participation as an organizer in Wikipedia Asian Month 2017丁子君 关于标点丁子君 关于条目审核丁子君 回復丁子君 寫文言的困難丁子君 你好嗎?丁子君 そうですな是Jessechi丁子君 關於段祺瑞丁子君 User:Badvogato丁子君 會文丁子君 整頓哈利波特一文丁子君 希臘語丁子君 司空举荐丁子君 日時模板丁子君 您有新郵件!丁子君 求保護我的用戶頁及討論頁丁子君 正典丁子君 阿拉·薩貝特丁子君 修香港民主派一文丁子君 Wikipedia Asian Month 2019丁子君 博古櫃丁子君 Extension of Wikipedia Asian Month contest丁子君 Whats Next (WAM)!丁子君 WAM 2019 Postcard丁子君 WAM 2019 Postcard丁子君 索取丁子君 WAM 2019 Postcard: All postcards are postponed due to the postal system shut down丁子君 關於英格蘭丁子君 歌詞版權之問題丁子君 Digital Postcards and Certifications丁子君 我在维基大典的Undertale条目进行了重置,可以看一下吗?丁子君 有關在傳說之下一文中簡體中文的問題丁子君 一個問題 既然如此,鄙人想問您一問題:此待定稿能否通過?丁子君 削頁 Rap Koktebel Party丁子君 请查看你的邮箱丁子君 Wikipedia Asian Month 2020丁子君 選舉丁子君 何以删?丁子君 尋模板修正之事丁子君 寶星丁子君 尹禮丁子君 Invitation for Functionary consultation 2021丁子君 Translation request丁子君 邀汝審國立嘉義大學圖書館之目丁子君 “手動回退”丁子君 隳突大典者,何以正之?丁子君 燕語閣丁子君 Wikipedia Asian Month 2021丁子君 How we will see unregistered users丁子君 You are invited to joinorginize Wikipedia Asain Month 2022 !丁子君

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